I worked in the mines in Central QLD in the early 80ts and the mining company used to put on the the biggest and best Xmas party for the mining family's ,no expense was spared . Then our mining union would have one the next weekend mainly for the kids and each child would receive gifts up to a certain $ value and each family would receive a leg of ham , was worth waiting a year for .
Mine is from about 15 years ago when my oldest granddaughter was still in nappies. We were having Christmas lunch with all the trimmings and it was HOT! A typical Aussie Christmas Day. The baby was trotting about in just her nappy and my son put some music on the stereo while we sat about chatting. Black velvet by Alannah Myles came on and this tiny tot went nuts. She twerked before twerking had been a thing,leaving all of us in stitches. She sang,she rocked,the hips were going…her parents were astounded…she was a joy to watch. And so happy. We tease her to this day. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard. We still put black velvet on each year as our Christmas music!
I cried when the big doll disappeared from the shelf in Woolworths (UK), I had stood and gazed in wonder at her every week for weeks. Imagine the joy when I saw her by the Christmas tree on Christmas morning in her pretty lacy pink dress. Thank you to my long gone much loved Mum & Dad ❤️
Christmas as a Telegram boy was a busy, but a very happy time. I recall the alarm going of at 4am, to start work at 5am. To help the postie's sort mail, unload trucks and even going to the train station to collect mail and parcels off the train. The days would be over 12 hours, stretching for 3 weeks before Christmas. The temperature was often above 38c in Western Sydney's heat bowl. Though the joy of delivering Christmas cards and parcels (gifts) to multiple families, whom were expecting them, from distant relatives and friends. It always amused and delighted me to see where these parcels and cards travelled from. It was a geography lesson in itself. Though the days were hot and long, the friendliness and Christmas spirit was never far away. Many a smile made my efforts worthwhile. These days, the tussle bussel, lack of smiles and friendliness, I feel maybe stifling "the joy of Christmas "
I never spent Christmas with my grandparents because they had either passed before I was born or shortly thereafter. However, my mother made Christmas such special time for me and my two sibling. We lived on a farm so was was fairly isolated which meant that the shopping trip for the Christmas food and presents for each other was an adventure and something we looked forward to all year. The next thing we loved was help mum make the old fashion Christmas puddings in cloths that had sixpences hidden through them, which to us kids was a lot of money. There are so many wonderful Christmas memories on that farm, but the most memorable and funny was one year, my younger brother decided, for reasons only known to him, he bought a packet of plastic snakes and gave us one each for our present. Nothing has changed 54 years later as he still has no idea on buying presents that are anyway remotely usable or practical and we still rib him about his present choices. Merry Christmas.
I think by far the best Christmas was a few years ago, we hadn’t seen our kids or grandchildren for quite a few years, living in France only FaceTime was our connection. So yes we went to France for Christmas. It was amazing how different countries celebrate. Christmas Eve is for the parents, that’s when everyone gets sloshed and filled with amazing French delicacy’s and the wines oolala. And that goes into the wee small hours of the morning, Then early rising omg. Kids day,
Santa, presents and yep huge amounts of more wine and food, this goes on for a few days. Absolutely amazing, beautiful, snow, happy and a warm open fire.🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
I attended my first Midnight Mass when I was about 7 years old.
As well as the excitement of going out so late there was also the amazing energy of the others attending, so different from the usual Sunday morning service.
As we came out the church the first snowflakes started to fall and as I was looking up one landed on my nose.
I cant describe the feeling that came over me.
It was truly magical and never forgotten
My favourite Christmas memory is one of when we were children and as usual were having Christmas at Nannas house. I’m the eldest of five, and I think I was about 11. My Little brother was about six or seven was entered into a competition to win a Christmas stocking and won. We all had tickets, but he was the lucky one. I wish I still had the photo to show you because the stocking was about 8 foot tall and full of all sorts of goodies. He was so proud. It was the best Christmas as we grew up poor. We’ve never had so many goodies at one time. It was a beautiful day.
I was 16 years old with my very first job which meant that, for the first time I could buy my own Christmas presents for my family. My beloved grandmother was well into her 90s with 12 children and 27 grandchildren so buying her something special that she hadn't already received over the years was not going to be easy.
She had taught us that buying gifts for loved ones needed time to really think deeply about that person and not to just grab something because it is easy. We always start Christmas shopping in January so we have plenty of time to look for that special gift for that special person. It was getting very close to Christmas and I was yet to find the right gift for my grandmother when the stores began filling their shelves with Christmas goodies, I was still one present down and it had to be just right. Then I found something that was just her, it was a tin of biscuits which is something she never buys as she was always made her own. But it wasn't the biscuits that made it right for her, it was the picture of a cute little puppy playing in a pile of tinsel and baubles that made it right. She loved baby animals of all kinds but especially puppies.

When it came time for her to open my gift she had already received hankies (her drawers were full of them), perfume (that she never wore), plants (she was no longer able ti garden) and an assorted variety of equally unsuitable items. I had my camera in hand and waited patiently as she carefully unwrapped my gift, ensuring she wouldn't tear the paper so she could use it again next year. Then the magic happened, she saw the puppy and a radiant smile lit up the room, small happy tears ran down her aged cheeks, she made everyone stop and look at her beautiful gift as she giggled like a little girl at being given something so delightful. I managed to take a photo that to this day is my favourite picture of her and is always front and centre of any Christmas display in my home.
That Christmas I learned the most important lesson about buying gifts for anyone at any time. It is not about the amount of money you spend, or the easiest thing to buy, it is about taking the time to buy just the right present after really thinking about that them and choosing carefully to make them light up the room with pure happiness.
My favourite memory of Christmas is the silver Christmas tree. I loved that tree. And I loved hanging the little decorations on it and watching it sparkle. That must be where my love for all things sparkly began. 😁
Every year we would all take a turn in having Christmas at our house, everyone contributed with food for the Christmas Lunch, and the day was fantastic, everyone sat around and soon it was dinner time, where we still had stacks of food, then one by one they all went home.
Families got larger, some moved away, so they branched off and had their own family Christmas. It has never felt the same since.
My favourite memory was when I was 8. I woke up to find 4 pillow cases full of presents on the bottom of my bed. I looked on the floor & there was a giant doll sitting in a pusher which you could put a child in. I was in bliss. I finally opened my present then went down stairs. I opened the back door & saw snow everywhere I looked it was white. The trees where white it was magical. I had gone to bed with no snow wishing it would snow & it did. To me that Christmas was the most magical & happiest I ever had.
Xmas Eve remains etched in my mind forever - I am now 85 but the Nativity scene organised by our church was a disaster.
My daughter who was 8 at the time was selected as a shepherd. A friend kindly loaned us a lamb to add authenticity. Unfortunately the lamb had an explosive attack of diarrhoea .which made my daughter vomit and chaos reigned. The congregation was in hysterics and I am sure no one present would have forgotten that Xmas Eve.
when i was a little girl my brothers and sisters had the best christmas ever we always had it at grandma and grandpas house a big beautiful real christmas tree and the feast was always to much with plun pudding with 6 pence inside and one of my uncles was father christmas and the presents we got we always appreciated them no matter what it was we still loved what was given to us the best christmas ever margie
My best Christmas Memory
It was way back when I was very young - my Nan used to host Christmas day, being part of a very large family it was amazing how she managed as she was on her own. Being in London, she would have the biggest Christmas tree which I used to help decorate, unfortunately, one Christmas I dropped a bauble and it smashed I felt so bad as these baubles were very old and lovely, still remember this day her face, but she never said a thing. On Christmas Evening all of us Grandkids used to sit around and wait for Santa to arrive, we would hear Santa ringing his bell as he was coming towards the front door and then knock to come in. Nan would let him in and then the festivities used to begin.
Such a memorable time.
Christmas Competition!

We are so excited to launch our final competition of 2022! This one is extra special because it’s Christmas themed for the holidays AND we are drawing it in the first week of December, so the winner can use their $100 voucher to either Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA to help with the Christmas shopping!

Entering the competition is simple! All we want is to hear about your favourite Christmas memories. It can be any Christmas you remember. Maybe it was your childhood Christmas. Or maybe, it was last year’s Christmas. Whatever it was, we want to hear about it! The person with our favourite Christmas memory will win a $100 voucher to the supermarket of their choice (Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA!)

So get storytelling members; it’s time to get into the Christmas Spirit!

My favourite memories of Christmas take me back to Holland where I was born. We celebrated differently altogether
We had St Nicholas &Black Peter before Christmas. Mostly it would be snowing and St Nicholas ( for good children) and Black Peter ( for the not so good children ) would come down the snowy street in a real sleigh and toss it lollies to all the children and parents lining the streets.
Us children were always on our best behaviour so St Nic could see we were deserving of presents the next morning. BUT if we had been really naughty throughout the year we would not get what we wished for rather something out parents thought we needed like some clothing.
The week before 25/12 we would go out with my Dad and find a Christmas tree. He would cut it down and bring it home. While we were out Mum would be home getting out the decorations and preparing drinks for us ready to heat up when we came home. ( My it was.cold. brrr )
So we'd get home to a warm home, have our drinks that were always heated just right Dad put up the tree and is 3 kids would decorate the tree.
At night we would sing Carols.
That's my happiest childhood memory.
My happiest Australian memory ? The wonderful hot weather and the food. I love Australia .
With both of my kids being in the Navy getting either of them home for a visit was almost impossible but one year after they had both been in for about 2 or 3 years we were astounded to hear that they would both be home for a Christmas break.
We decided we would make it extra special and take them away to where we had spent many a happy holiday when they were little, in Busselton WA. It was partly selfishness on our part as we wanted them all to ourselves and knew if we remained in Perth they would feel duty bound to visit this one or that one to catch up and we'd hardly see them.
We were having a lovely time, sand, sea and sunshine, what could go wrong. Mobile phones were just beginning to get popular and both kids were receiving a number of messages and calls for Christmas wishes. Suddenly a car pulled up outside our shack filled with a bunch of their Navy mates, then another car and then a third. There must have been 12 or 14 young people complete with booze and food! We had a fantastic time, these youngsters had been unable to return to their own families for Christmas so came to join ours! They stayed for 2 or 3 days, we only had a small holiday shack so they were draped over every possible surface but none of that mattered. They were a lovely bunch, most appreciative of having some kind of Christmas rather than being stuck either on ship or a base where they had no Christmas vibe. There was a lot of laughter during those days, also a lot of eating and for them, drinking. We couldn't stay mad with our two for ruining our plans as they actually didn't, had we realised that so many of their mates couldn't get home we would probably have told them to bring them anyway.
For a number of years after many of those youngsters would come and visit us if their ship happened to be in Perth and it was great having that connection.:LOL:
My favourite memory of Christmas starts on Christmas Eve when mum took my two sisters and I to Midnight Mass. My younger sister, who was about five at the time, went missing and we were all looking for her in an overpacked church when Mum saw her down the front - lined up for Communion. My mother took her by the arm and tried to quietly take her back to where we’d been sitting and the whole time my sister was yelling at the top of her voice ‘Not fair! Everybody else is eating and drinking and I want some too!’ She had the congregation trying not to laugh and poor mum was so embarrassed. When the service was over we went home and mum appeased her somewhat by letting us all open one present before we went to bed to sleep so Santa could come.
Christmas Competition!

We are so excited to launch our final competition of 2022! This one is extra special because it’s Christmas themed for the holidays AND we are drawing it in the first week of December, so the winner can use their $100 voucher to either Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA to help with the Christmas shopping!

Entering the competition is simple! All we want is to hear about your favourite Christmas memories. It can be any Christmas you remember. Maybe it was your childhood Christmas. Or maybe, it was last year’s Christmas. Whatever it was, we want to hear about it! The person with our favourite Christmas memory will win a $100 voucher to the supermarket of their choice (Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA!)

So get storytelling members; it’s time to get into the Christmas Spirit!

Christmas Competition!

We are so excited to launch our final competition of 2022! This one is extra special because it’s Christmas themed for the holidays AND we are drawing it in the first week of December, so the winner can use their $100 voucher to either Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA to help with the Christmas shopping!

Entering the competition is simple! All we want is to hear about your favourite Christmas memories. It can be any Christmas you remember. Maybe it was your childhood Christmas. Or maybe, it was last year’s Christmas. Whatever it was, we want to hear about it! The person with our favourite Christmas memory will win a $100 voucher to the supermarket of their choice (Coles, Woolies, ALDI or IGA!)

So get storytelling members; it’s time to get into the Christmas Spirit!



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