Australians Targeted by myGov Scam Text Exploiting Rising Cost of Living Woes

With the cost of living in Australia continuing to rise, many Australians are struggling to make ends meet as it becomes increasingly difficult to cover essential expenses such as housing, energy, and food.

As a result, more and more people are turning to social services to help them cope with the financial strain.

Unfortunately, some cruel scammers are taking advantage of people’s vulnerability.

A Reddit user recently shared a screenshot of a scam text message sent to them with a promise of a one-off myGov payment of $800 to 'help you cope with the cost of living crisis’.

The message included a faulty URL posing as a government website and is an attempt to get people to share their personal information.


Australians are being warned about scammers targeting vulnerable people amid the rising cost of living. Credit: Reddit.

'Lucky their spoofed website doesn’t even work,' the Reddit user said.

'I’m sure lots of people will fall for this.'

The scam is especially concerning as calls are growing louder for the federal government to raise the rate of welfare payments, which currently sit at $49.50 per day for singles on JobSeeker and $40.20 per day for Youth Allowance.

If someone in need of financial assistance took up this scam, it could have devastating consequences.

MyGov has issued recent alerts warning about different scams spoofing the organisation. Their advice for suspicious messages is to never reply, open any links or download any attachments.

The agency said: ‘myGov will never send you an email, SMS message, or direct message or private chat on social media, asking you to click on a link to sign in to myGov, enter your bank details, tell us your personal details, including your Customer Reference Number (CRN) or Tax File Number (TFN).’

In case you receive a doubtful text message, it's recommended that you report it to myGov.
If you have already disclosed your information to scammers, please reach out to the Services Australia Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk.

myGov tips on how to avoid and report scams. Credit: Seniors Discount Club.

Key Takeaways
  • Australians are being warned about scammers posing as government agencies, promising financial assistance amid rising living costs.
  • A Reddit user shared a screenshot of a scam text message, which promised an $800 payment from a fake government website.
  • MyGov has issued alerts about scams impersonating their organisation and advises against sharing personal information.
  • If you receive a suspicious message, report it to MyGov, and if you have already disclosed personal information, contact the Services Australia Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk.

When dealing with anyone who claims to be from a government agency, it is best to be extra vigilant.

It is also worth noting that this is not the first time that myGov users have been targeted by scammers. You can read more about it here.

Members, be sure to double-check any third-party texts and emails before clicking links.

Don’t ever give away your confidential information unless you are absolutely sure the message is genuine.

Are there any other tips you have for avoiding scams like this? Don’t forget to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
Go to your MY GOV WEBSITE sign in with code sent to your phone ,
then read any correspondence on that site only.
Anything else sent to you not from the above site IGNORE IT.
AS PROMPTED BY "ENTER CODE" = 2 tier conformation.
It's not that difficult really.
Surely people won’t be silly enough to fall for this. $800 AUD dead giveaway, myGov only deal in Australian dollars. Then I’m sure they will ask for your bank details, WHY? MyGov already has them. But there will be people who only see the $800 and all common sense will fly out the window so they will get get caught out and scammed.
Watch out for this one too.
I received an email from MyGov indicating that I had a new message. I didn't click the link in the message, but logged into MyGov instead, and guess what. "NO MESSAGE"
I haven't heard of any one else receiving this, but nonetheless, I feel I need to alert everyone not to click links in emails as scammers are becoming a lot cleverer at cloning official Government messages and websites. I am computer savvy enough to know to check senders email address to determine whether or not its a legit email, but I still won't click links in that email. Instead I will log into the senders website and check directly from there.
Surely people won’t be silly enough to fall for this. $800 AUD dead giveaway, myGov only deal in Australian dollars. Then I’m sure they will ask for your bank details, WHY? MyGov already has them. But there will be people who only see the $800 and all common sense will fly out the window so they will get get caught out and scammed.
I guess its not whether or not you are silly enough, more, its anxiety levels caused by stress of how inflation is affecting some peoples ability to cope.
With the cost of living in Australia continuing to rise, many Australians are struggling to make ends meet as it becomes increasingly difficult to cover essential expenses such as housing, energy, and food.

As a result, more and more people are turning to social services to help them cope with the financial strain.

Unfortunately, some cruel scammers are taking advantage of people’s vulnerability.

A Reddit user recently shared a screenshot of a scam text message sent to them with a promise of a one-off myGov payment of $800 to 'help you cope with the cost of living crisis’.

The message included a faulty URL posing as a government website and is an attempt to get people to share their personal information.


Australians are being warned about scammers targeting vulnerable people amid the rising cost of living. Credit: Reddit.

'Lucky their spoofed website doesn’t even work,' the Reddit user said.

'I’m sure lots of people will fall for this.'

The scam is especially concerning as calls are growing louder for the federal government to raise the rate of welfare payments, which currently sit at $49.50 per day for singles on JobSeeker and $40.20 per day for Youth Allowance.

If someone in need of financial assistance took up this scam, it could have devastating consequences.

MyGov has issued recent alerts warning about different scams spoofing the organisation. Their advice for suspicious messages is to never reply, open any links or download any attachments.

The agency said: ‘myGov will never send you an email, SMS message, or direct message or private chat on social media, asking you to click on a link to sign in to myGov, enter your bank details, tell us your personal details, including your Customer Reference Number (CRN) or Tax File Number (TFN).’

In case you receive a doubtful text message, it's recommended that you report it to myGov.
If you have already disclosed your information to scammers, please reach out to the Services Australia Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk.

View attachment 18444
myGov tips on how to avoid and report scams. Credit: Seniors Discount Club.

Key Takeaways

  • Australians are being warned about scammers posing as government agencies, promising financial assistance amid rising living costs.
  • A Reddit user shared a screenshot of a scam text message, which promised an $800 payment from a fake government website.
  • MyGov has issued alerts about scams impersonating their organisation and advises against sharing personal information.
  • If you receive a suspicious message, report it to MyGov, and if you have already disclosed personal information, contact the Services Australia Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk.

When dealing with anyone who claims to be from a government agency, it is best to be extra vigilant.

It is also worth noting that this is not the first time that myGov users have been targeted by scammers. You can read more about it here.

Members, be sure to double-check any third-party texts and emails before clicking links.

Don’t ever give away your confidential information unless you are absolutely sure the message is genuine.

Are there any other tips you have for avoiding scams like this? Don’t forget to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
I have had my MyGov hacked twice this year. They went into my centrelink account, changed the bank account to theirs so I didn't get my disability pension. I was so distressed.

Because it was a Saturday I couldn't do anything until Monday. They repaid me, but after the second time, I was told if it happens again, they would not pay me.

How wrong is that. It's not my fault I was hacked - and I wasn't the only one. So I told them to get rid of it.

Centrelink have to apply for it to be cancelled. This is very unsettling and stressful. I am renting and if I don't stay two weeks in front, I can be evicted.

Just be aware this is happening to so many. Is it worth having?
With the cost of living in Australia continuing to rise, many Australians are struggling to make ends meet as it becomes increasingly difficult to cover essential expenses such as housing, energy, and food.

As a result, more and more people are turning to social services to help them cope with the financial strain.

Unfortunately, some cruel scammers are taking advantage of people’s vulnerability.

A Reddit user recently shared a screenshot of a scam text message sent to them with a promise of a one-off myGov payment of $800 to 'help you cope with the cost of living crisis’.

The message included a faulty URL posing as a government website and is an attempt to get people to share their personal information.


Australians are being warned about scammers targeting vulnerable people amid the rising cost of living. Credit: Reddit.

'Lucky their spoofed website doesn’t even work,' the Reddit user said.

'I’m sure lots of people will fall for this.'

The scam is especially concerning as calls are growing louder for the federal government to raise the rate of welfare payments, which currently sit at $49.50 per day for singles on JobSeeker and $40.20 per day for Youth Allowance.

If someone in need of financial assistance took up this scam, it could have devastating consequences.

MyGov has issued recent alerts warning about different scams spoofing the organisation. Their advice for suspicious messages is to never reply, open any links or download any attachments.

The agency said: ‘myGov will never send you an email, SMS message, or direct message or private chat on social media, asking you to click on a link to sign in to myGov, enter your bank details, tell us your personal details, including your Customer Reference Number (CRN) or Tax File Number (TFN).’

In case you receive a doubtful text message, it's recommended that you report it to myGov.
If you have already disclosed your information to scammers, please reach out to the Services Australia Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk.

View attachment 18444
myGov tips on how to avoid and report scams. Credit: Seniors Discount Club.

Key Takeaways

  • Australians are being warned about scammers posing as government agencies, promising financial assistance amid rising living costs.
  • A Reddit user shared a screenshot of a scam text message, which promised an $800 payment from a fake government website.
  • MyGov has issued alerts about scams impersonating their organisation and advises against sharing personal information.
  • If you receive a suspicious message, report it to MyGov, and if you have already disclosed personal information, contact the Services Australia Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk.

When dealing with anyone who claims to be from a government agency, it is best to be extra vigilant.

It is also worth noting that this is not the first time that myGov users have been targeted by scammers. You can read more about it here.

Members, be sure to double-check any third-party texts and emails before clicking links.

Don’t ever give away your confidential information unless you are absolutely sure the message is genuine.

Are there any other tips you have for avoiding scams like this? Don’t forget to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
surely not. after all the warnings etc. it must surely only be the greedy that would fall for this. also it would have been on the news first. wake up oldies.
Surely people won’t be silly enough to fall for this. $800 AUD dead giveaway, myGov only deal in Australian dollars. Then I’m sure they will ask for your bank details, WHY? MyGov already has them. But there will be people who only see the $800 and all common sense will fly out the window so they will get get caught out and scammed.
Agree. They $800 will grab them and they will not even think about it or wonder why the government needs their details & bank details again. These are the people that get scammed.
People will seethe $800 and that's all they will think about and hand over their banking details without even thinking about it and wondering 'why?' would the government need it all again.
With the cost of living in Australia continuing to rise, many Australians are struggling to make ends meet as it becomes increasingly difficult to cover essential expenses such as housing, energy, and food.

As a result, more and more people are turning to social services to help them cope with the financial strain.

Unfortunately, some cruel scammers are taking advantage of people’s vulnerability.

A Reddit user recently shared a screenshot of a scam text message sent to them with a promise of a one-off myGov payment of $800 to 'help you cope with the cost of living crisis’.

The message included a faulty URL posing as a government website and is an attempt to get people to share their personal information.


Australians are being warned about scammers targeting vulnerable people amid the rising cost of living. Credit: Reddit.

'Lucky their spoofed website doesn’t even work,' the Reddit user said.

'I’m sure lots of people will fall for this.'

The scam is especially concerning as calls are growing louder for the federal government to raise the rate of welfare payments, which currently sit at $49.50 per day for singles on JobSeeker and $40.20 per day for Youth Allowance.

If someone in need of financial assistance took up this scam, it could have devastating consequences.

MyGov has issued recent alerts warning about different scams spoofing the organisation. Their advice for suspicious messages is to never reply, open any links or download any attachments.

The agency said: ‘myGov will never send you an email, SMS message, or direct message or private chat on social media, asking you to click on a link to sign in to myGov, enter your bank details, tell us your personal details, including your Customer Reference Number (CRN) or Tax File Number (TFN).’

In case you receive a doubtful text message, it's recommended that you report it to myGov.
If you have already disclosed your information to scammers, please reach out to the Services Australia Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk.

View attachment 18444
myGov tips on how to avoid and report scams. Credit: Seniors Discount Club.

Key Takeaways

  • Australians are being warned about scammers posing as government agencies, promising financial assistance amid rising living costs.
  • A Reddit user shared a screenshot of a scam text message, which promised an $800 payment from a fake government website.
  • MyGov has issued alerts about scams impersonating their organisation and advises against sharing personal information.
  • If you receive a suspicious message, report it to MyGov, and if you have already disclosed personal information, contact the Services Australia Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk.

When dealing with anyone who claims to be from a government agency, it is best to be extra vigilant.

It is also worth noting that this is not the first time that myGov users have been targeted by scammers. You can read more about it here.

Members, be sure to double-check any third-party texts and emails before clicking links.

Don’t ever give away your confidential information unless you are absolutely sure the message is genuine.

Are there any other tips you have for avoiding scams like this? Don’t forget to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
I was talking to a man on instagram who said he wanted to be my sugar daddy, giving me $5000 a week, but he wanted all of my mygov detalis. I was very tempted initially, (I am only on DSP), but when he was going on about mygov, I tjought give this one a wide berth & then blocked him.
I was talking to a man on instagram who said he wanted to be my sugar daddy, giving me $5000 a week, but he wanted all of my mygov detalis. I was very tempted initially, (I am only on DSP), but when he was going on about mygov, I tjought give this one a wide berth & then blocked him.
Oh to have a genuine sugar daddy. This sounds like you were very wise to give him the flick. Let’s hope no one gets scammed by this unscrupulous lowlife.
I have had my MyGov hacked twice this year. They went into my centrelink account, changed the bank account to theirs so I didn't get my disability pension. I was so distressed.

Because it was a Saturday I couldn't do anything until Monday. They repaid me, but after the second time, I was told if it happens again, they would not pay me.

How wrong is that. It's not my fault I was hacked - and I wasn't the only one. So I told them to get rid of it.

Centrelink have to apply for it to be cancelled. This is very unsettling and stressful. I am renting and if I don't stay two weeks in front, I can be evicted.

Just be aware this is happening to so many. Is it worth having?
that's an awful situation to be in, but why not change your pay day to a week day. Good luck.
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Watch out for this one too.
I received an email from MyGov indicating that I had a new message. I didn't click the link in the message, but logged into MyGov instead, and guess what. "NO MESSAGE"
I haven't heard of any one else receiving this, but nonetheless, I feel I need to alert everyone not to click links in emails as scammers are becoming a lot cleverer at cloning official Government messages and websites. I am computer savvy enough to know to check senders email address to determine whether or not its a legit email, but I still won't click links in that email. Instead I will log into the senders website and check directly from there.
Yes, we received it also just a few days ago. DELETE! My husband went onto the myGov website and his account, & did exactly as you did - ha! Guess what - no new message there waiting to be opened! Another scam.
With the cost of living in Australia continuing to rise, many Australians are struggling to make ends meet as it becomes increasingly difficult to cover essential expenses such as housing, energy, and food.

As a result, more and more people are turning to social services to help them cope with the financial strain.

Unfortunately, some cruel scammers are taking advantage of people’s vulnerability.

A Reddit user recently shared a screenshot of a scam text message sent to them with a promise of a one-off myGov payment of $800 to 'help you cope with the cost of living crisis’.

The message included a faulty URL posing as a government website and is an attempt to get people to share their personal information.


Australians are being warned about scammers targeting vulnerable people amid the rising cost of living. Credit: Reddit.

'Lucky their spoofed website doesn’t even work,' the Reddit user said.

'I’m sure lots of people will fall for this.'

The scam is especially concerning as calls are growing louder for the federal government to raise the rate of welfare payments, which currently sit at $49.50 per day for singles on JobSeeker and $40.20 per day for Youth Allowance.

If someone in need of financial assistance took up this scam, it could have devastating consequences.

MyGov has issued recent alerts warning about different scams spoofing the organisation. Their advice for suspicious messages is to never reply, open any links or download any attachments.

The agency said: ‘myGov will never send you an email, SMS message, or direct message or private chat on social media, asking you to click on a link to sign in to myGov, enter your bank details, tell us your personal details, including your Customer Reference Number (CRN) or Tax File Number (TFN).’

In case you receive a doubtful text message, it's recommended that you report it to myGov.
If you have already disclosed your information to scammers, please reach out to the Services Australia Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk.

View attachment 18444
myGov tips on how to avoid and report scams. Credit: Seniors Discount Club.

Key Takeaways

  • Australians are being warned about scammers posing as government agencies, promising financial assistance amid rising living costs.
  • A Reddit user shared a screenshot of a scam text message, which promised an $800 payment from a fake government website.
  • MyGov has issued alerts about scams impersonating their organisation and advises against sharing personal information.
  • If you receive a suspicious message, report it to MyGov, and if you have already disclosed personal information, contact the Services Australia Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk.

When dealing with anyone who claims to be from a government agency, it is best to be extra vigilant.

It is also worth noting that this is not the first time that myGov users have been targeted by scammers. You can read more about it here.

Members, be sure to double-check any third-party texts and emails before clicking links.

Don’t ever give away your confidential information unless you are absolutely sure the message is genuine.

Are there any other tips you have for avoiding scams like this? Don’t forget to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
Well, that gives it immediately away that it is a scam and not coming from a Government Department.

When to email or webpage address finished/ending with a ".ICU" that would be enough for me to send it straight to the scam box as it is not from any Australian Govt. Departments.
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I have had my MyGov hacked twice this year. They went into my centrelink account, changed the bank account to theirs so I didn't get my disability pension. I was so distressed.

Because it was a Saturday I couldn't do anything until Monday. They repaid me, but after the second time, I was told if it happens again, they would not pay me.

How wrong is that. It's not my fault I was hacked - and I wasn't the only one. So I told them to get rid of it.

Centrelink have to apply for it to be cancelled. This is very unsettling and stressful. I am renting and if I don't stay two weeks in front, I can be evicted.

Just be aware this is happening to so many. Is it worth having?
Well have you been advised that you should change your bank account details.

I know that it might be frustrating but if it is a necessity you should do it.
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Absolutely disgraceful they'd take advantage of people in need like this. But then again, they are criminals...
Yes they are criminals but they are no designated as criminals until they get taken to Court and prosecuted.

And for that to happen, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for, for fears of getting blue in the face.
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