Australia’s Food Crisis: ‘From homeless on the street to people living in your street’

As the cost of living in Australia continues to rise, so does the number of people struggling to make ends meet. One story shared recently has highlighted just how severe this problem has become.

Matt Tilley from hunger relief charity Foodbank Australia spoke to ABC Radio Melbourne on Friday about a conversation he had with a mother who was collecting food from one of their mobile supermarkets.

‘A mum who I saw last week was collecting some food off our mobile supermarket bus said, “how long can I eat this yoghurt after it's expired?”.’

‘I said, “I wouldn't risk it, why?” and she said, “I'm hoping to keep it for Christmas Day”.’

‘That was going to be her treat for her kids on Christmas Day… some yoghurt,’ he said.

When discussing this story on ABC’s Insiders on Sunday, Journalist Amy Remeikis was brought to tears.

‘We talk about inflation and cost of living on a political stage … but this is actually really impacting people,’ she said.

‘The fact that we have kids who are going to get expired yoghurt as a treat on Christmas in one of the richest countries in the world is an abomination, and we really, really need to address this.’

Unfortunately, stories like that are becoming more and more common, according to Foodbank CEO Brianna Casey.

‘I wish I could say that story was an isolated case, but unfortunately, we hear stories like that each and every day,’ she said.

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More and more Australians are turning to food banks. Image Credit: Shutterstock

‘We're hearing about people who are buying prepared meals on Afterpay because they can't afford fresh fruits and vegetables and they can't afford ingredients; we're hearing about pensioners who have reduced their diets down to one or two at most meals per day because they can't make the pension stretch far enough to cover their accommodation needs as well as their food needs; we're hearing about fathers who are being very creative in the way that they are telling their children that they're not hungry and don't need to eat that night when simply there isn't enough food for them to provide for their family.’

Just last week, a pensioner with $20 to her name bravely spoke with Treasurer Jim Chalmers on Q&A but he couldn’t provide a straight answer.

In an interview with SBS News, Ms Casey said the charity is providing food relief to about a million people across Australia each month - many of whom are employed but still can't make ends meet due to the rising cost of living. A report released by Foodbank last month puts a number to this crisis – a third of Australians are experiencing food insecurity.

The other reason people are struggling is low income, according to Ms Casey; 54 per cent of households who require food assistance are employed but earn too little money to keep up with expenses like groceries and rent/mortgage payments.

‘When we look at the types of people who are in need of food relief, in the past, there might have been an assumption that they're homeless people living on the streets - now, it's people living in your street, and that's the fundamental difference,’ she said.

Are you experiencing food insecurity?

Foodbank is the largest food assistance organisation in Australia, and they are currently functioning on a massive scale along with a variety of other front-line charities that are feeding underprivileged Australians.

Foodbank distributes more than 70 per cent of the food to organisations across the country that provide food relief.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you or someone you know is experiencing food insecurity.

Foodbank QLD

179 Beverley St, Morningside QLD 4170, Australia

+61 7 3395 8422

Foodbank NSW & ACT

50 Owen St, Glendenning NSW 2761, Australia

+61 2 9756 3099

Foodbank SA

377 Cross Rd, Edwardstown SA 5039, Australia

+61 8 8351 1136

Foodbank VIC

4/2 Somerville Rd, Yarraville VIC 3013, Australia

+61 3 9362 8300

Foodbank WA

23 Abbott Rd, Perth Airport WA 6105, Australia

+61 8 9258 9277

Foodbank TAS

4-8 Sunmont St, Derwent Park TAS 7173, Australia

+61 3 6274 1052

On a personal note, members, I really want to urge you not to feel ashamed if you need help. There was a time not that long ago when I had to rely on both food banks and charities. Times are tough but together, we can get through it.

If you ever need help finding resources, please reach out to us and we would be happy to help you research. Stay safe, members.

You can watch Amy Remeikis on Insiders below:
Australia has become a country of either rich who get richer or poor who become poorer.

What has happened to our middle class citizens?.

I no longer celebrate Xmas, I haven't for a few years and it's not that I couldn't afford it I could.

I saw to many families suffering at this time of year, struggling to buy presents and food all because it was Xmas.

Suicide rates are the highest in December and January...why ?
1. People's guilt of not being able to give their family a Xmas
2. People go so into debt and then struggle to pay off , sometimes marriages break down.
3. Lonely people . It's harder this time of the year after someone loses a loved one either through death or divorce.

Have you ever said to your child or heard someone else say , if you don't stop being naughty Santa won't come.
How many kids are really naughty yet still gets rewarded with presents.

How many people actually celebrate the meaning behind Xmas?

How many people get drunk at Xmas?

How many arguments happen in the family at Xmas?


At Xmas I do family picnics with no pressure on anyone.
I buy gifts throughout the year because I want to .

Most importantly I give thanks every day of the year for the birth of Jesus .
How many charities rely on donations? Or where does food come from at Food bank & similar charities? What worries me is what happens when there's barely anyone left who can afford to donate goods? As it seems everyone is struggling at mome. Breaks my heart to think there are so many worse off than myself (& I'm currently not doing great enough to be able to afford to help others myself unfort) tho have made donations often in the past am now unable to do so. Where are we headed? What a disgrace these politicians have a lot to answer for (driving wages down & inflation up)!
Australia has become a country of either rich who get richer or poor who become poorer.

What has happened to our middle class citizens?.

I no longer celebrate Xmas, I haven't for a few years and it's not that I couldn't afford it I could.

I saw to many families suffering at this time of year, struggling to buy presents and food all because it was Xmas.

Suicide rates are the highest in December and January...why ?
1. People's guilt of not being able to give their family a Xmas
2. People go so into debt and then struggle to pay off , sometimes marriages break down.
3. Lonely people . It's harder this time of the year after someone loses a loved one either through death or divorce.

Have you ever said to your child or heard someone else say , if you don't stop being naughty Santa won't come.
How many kids are really naughty yet still gets rewarded with presents.

How many people actually celebrate the meaning behind Xmas?

How many people get drunk at Xmas?

How many arguments happen in the family at Xmas?


At Xmas I do family picnics with no pressure on anyone.
I buy gifts throughout the year because I want to .

Most importantly I give thanks every day of the year for the birth of Jesus .
As far as Xmas is concerned, I havte seen a couple of times now a campaign on social media which hit a nerve with me. It is appealing to parents to think before selecting "Santa" gifts for their children, and asking them to keep them inexpensive, so as not to worsen the feelings of deprivation of those children from less well-off families when the inevitable "What did Santa bring you?" question comes up in the weeks following Xmas and the return to school.
I can still remember the hurt I felt when, having previously been very pleased with and grateful for the small gift such as a book I had received from Santa, other kids at the holiday program or on return to school reported gifts such as new bikes. This was in the early 1960s.

Please encourage any parents of young children to designate any expensive gifts as being from themselves.
It's certainly hard for single mothers, especially if they don't have a job/income or $ from their ex partners.
Every situation is different.
I think yoghurt doesn't matter as it's very expensive if cash strapped - milk is cheaper for their calcium.
Charity shops have toys etc. that people donate in good order.
They can be nice Christmas presents.
Where I live on the Gold Coast, it's a catch 22 with feeding the homeless here, but that's another story.
I personally know of a good friend who took time after work to volunteer at a charity for feeding the homeless in the evenings.
One evening, he was king hit from the back from a homeless junkie.
He suffered brain damage, wife/kids left him and he lost his job.
Thanks to that druggie homeless person - nothing happened to him.
As far as Xmas is concerned, I havte seen a couple of times now a campaign on social media which hit a nerve with me. It is appealing to parents to think before selecting "Santa" gifts for their children, and asking them to keep them inexpensive, so as not to worsen the feelings of deprivation of those children from less well-off families when the inevitable "What did Santa bring you?" question comes up in the weeks following Xmas and the return to school.
I can still remember the hurt I felt when, having previously been very pleased with and grateful for the small gift such as a book I had received from Santa, other kids at the holiday program or on return to school reported gifts such as new bikes. This was in the early 1960s.

Please encourage any parents of young children to designate any expensive gifts as being from themselves.
I've worked out now how Xmas is so wrong in so many ways and you just said one of them . Imagine kids going back to school hearing what expensive presents they got. It's sad .
There are just so many reasons it's wrong.

I've been a Christian for the past 30 years and decided a few years ago to look up how Xmas started and Santa clause and was horrified what I learnt 😳 but it's not for me to tell but for people to research for themselves
Rather than donate to some unknown, unseen entity I wish there was a system where you could be buddied up with someone or a family in your neighbourhood that was doing it tough. I don't have a lot to give but would somehow manage to help out a family or individual to ease the situation by giving what they actually need and could use.
I struggle to stay afloat, but go without rather than go Charities for help.
When my son was at home, I had to swallow my pride and request some food vouchers.
Nowadays, I have a neighbour who gives me a few items for my pantry at Christmas and for my birthday, which is a huge help.
My Mum was a deserted wife, so I learned to be frugal from her.
I love Christmas, and celebrate it as a Christian.🙏
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Not too proud to say that I go to our local Anglicare Pantry once a fortnight. I can get basics such as bread but it is to get some fruit or vegetable, the odd drink or two, shampoo, cereal etc. Luxury items! Just started dinners with Lite & Easy home care package. 14 healthy meals & access to MEAT! It’s hard for most now except the rich. If we are forced to keep paying more for groceries, fuel & electricity it will foment discontent. The Government needs to stop telling us how perfect they are and START addressing the cost of living without blaming it on previous Government or Putin!
Unfortunately the government does not control interest rates or price rises. The RBA is independent of the government of the day. Retailers are not bound to stay within reasonable limits when imposing price hikes.
The super rich have decided that they need more money.
Fortunately they can't take it with them. Unfortunately there's always a new generation of them.
I personally think it is time we canned Christmas for once & all. Any thinking person & not an indoctrinated one knows that god is just another myth like the tooth fairy & Father Christmas. We could still have a mid-winter holiday just without the expected presents. I have not believed in God or any of the legends about the bible since I died while having my daughter 44 years ago. I came back 5 times so I know there is nothing to fear when dying, there is also nothing to look forward to either. so say goodbye to the silly season & good riddance!
I know I struggling on the age pension but I do chose to have a cat. She will always come first in my budget. I can survive on a couple of meals a day and do them as cheaply as I can. Christmas for me is a season of love and family. I usually give a couple of charities a very small donation and I hope I can scrape through this year. I am sorry for those who don't believe in God or whatever religion you have. It is my faith, that I feel is getting me through and will continue to do so, even in the hardest of times. I just don't like the commercialism of Christmas by the retailers who force you into believing you have to buy this and that. I start by shopping or making for my greats at the beginning of the year so I can afford to give them something. You have to cut according to your cloth but it is very much harder now. I can understand my parents generation who went through the Depression but still made it through somehow.
I believe in God and celebrate Christmas. However I don't think the commercial exploitation is to be embraced. Every society has special days to look forward to, when everyone celebrates. These give people something to look forward to, when families gather together and share food and gifts.
In hunter gatherer societies, when a large beast is slain, there is meat for all and time to feast,
celebrating people and food.
Yes Santa is a fake but spreads happiness We should never put ourselves in debt for xmas ever

i do believe in God and Jesus and have had experiences that actually prove there is a God so sorry to disagree, there is a God definitely and Jesus rose from the dead definitely also. I have had experiences that I know without a shadow of a doubt God is real sorry to disagree with the previous person Happy Xmas, enjoy and spread love, don’t put yourself in debt ever over Xmas that is not the true meaning of Xmas Spreading love is the most important thing I believe
I am glad to be pulled up about my lack of faith but I think I am right in my thinking from my point of view. I will never stop anyone from believing what they like as no one will ever change my mind either. Good luck & have a nice silly season from me!
I am glad to be pulled up about my lack of faith but I think I am right in my thinking from my point of view. I will never stop anyone from believing what they like as no one will ever change my mind either. Good luck & have a nice silly season from me!
I hope you have a peaceful and loving Season as well.
My husband and I are part pensioners and I work part time. We are bringing up a 17 year old grandson who won’t/can’t live with his mother or father (separated). We get a small add on to our part pension for him, but not near enough to even pay for his food. We struggle from pay to pay, skimp to pay college fees ($2000) in the hope he will get a good job. On top of this one of my sisters lives in a shed with her 17 year old son, no electricity, small solar and generator for power. Lives on jobseeker due to work injury that has disabled her enough that she can’t work, but not enough apparently to go on a disability pension or get a payment from workers compensation. Every fortnight we help her out with $100/$200 so she can afford fuel for generator, food, and bills. We are lucky to own our home through years of hard work and scrimping. Our super is almost all gone, but we have shares we managed to acquire over the years. Our dividends pay for car rego, tyres, etc. christmas for us is about the grandchildren, I buy a couple of gifts each during year and give them some money with it. I am lucky that I make a lot of Christmas puddings for a large order I have which gives us a cash boost at Christmas, otherwise we would not be able to afford to do this. I love Christmas, the family get together, a special meal, excited grandkids, it is a wonderful time of year. I also donate a few new toys, adult gifts, and food items that I buy during the year to charity to help them give Christmas to someone who needs their help.
When I was young in the late 50s and early 60s we were very poor, we got 1 present, a doll for the girls and a car or truck for the boys plus a bag of lollies. Mum would sew and knit extra clothes for the dolls and make the boys a knitted toy. That was it, we got hankies and soap from grandparents. We thought we were so lucky, all our friends got multiple toys but we didn’t care. I remember the year I turned 13 I got a watch, which I still have and it works, my 11 year old brother also got a watch. I was so annoyed as no one in the family got a watch til they were 13, it was considered special to turn 13. I remember living on lots of bread and potatoes, milk supplied by our grandparents, which 2 of us kids walked 1.5 miles before school to collect and take home for the younger kids and baby, there always seemed to be another baby, ended up 10 of us kids. Sunday lunch was roast chicken we had to help catch, kill, pluck and gut.a big bowl of lettuce with salt and vinegar would be our tea some nights. I remember mum not eating a lot, saying she wasn’t hungry. I then started not eating and sharing my food with mum after the other kids went to bed, if she didn’t eat I wouldn’t. There were no food banks or anything to help back then, we grew as much as we could with only tank water and a well. No electricity, no doors on some rooms, no ceilings in most of the house, just floorboards, bath in a metal dish in outside wash house as no bathroom, outside pan toilet. Lived in bush so lots of snakes in summer. Walked 3 miles to school and 3 miles home from when I was 5 til I was 11. So I know what it is like to do it tough. But we had an amazing mum who made life happy for us. Dad was never a good father and got worse as us kids got older, life was all about him right up until he died. Mum was special, unfortunately we lost her to cancer aged 57, so she never knew what it was like to have a worry free good life. Life can be so unfair.
I've worked out now how Xmas is so wrong in so many ways and you just said one of them . Imagine kids going back to school hearing what expensive presents they got. It's sad .
There are just so many reasons it's wrong.

I've been a Christian for the past 30 years and decided a few years ago to look up how Xmas started and Santa clause and was horrified what I learnt 😳 but it's not for me to tell but for people to research for themselves
I agree in relation to how Christmas has become so wrong in many different ways as to how we were taught the meaning when we were younger.
It is very interesting when one finds out exactly how customs or traditions come into existence considering how a lot of them are based on or become the basis for previous customs or traditions
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