August Competition! SDC Cooks

The sun has well and truly risen on August and the weather has us feeling peckish.

We thought, what better way to celebrate a new month than to launch a competition and for it to be themed around food!

This August, we’re looking for your favourite recipe. Ginger snap cookies that your nan used to make, your family lasagne recipe with a secret ingredient or even a cocktail or mocktail recipe you invented on a whim!

Now, we have plans to share these recipes with you all in an easy-to-read way, so we need them to be your own words. You can take inspiration from another recipe, but we want to see your creative flair.

One lucky entrant will receive a $100 voucher to their choice of Woolworths, Coles or IGA.

To be in the running, share your favourite family recipe in the comments below.

Entries close September 3rd, 11:59 pm.

Please keep in mind that other people will be able to read your recipe, so do not share anything you want to keep a family secret.

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Pea and ham soup my Nan passed on to me because there onlyme and my Dad. I am making this in 10 litre pot but you can cut in half if it's touch
1pcket Mc Kenzie green split peas
1 pcket Mc Kenzie yellow peas
Enough water to cover leave overnight.
2kgs ham bones
1ham hock
1 ox tail
Table spoon of salt
1/2 pumpkin
1 onion
2 potatoes
Drain peas in seive wash set aside
Cook all meats 🍖 leave to cool to skim fat and and remove bones it takes about 3hrs.
Put all veggies in with meat enough stock to cover.
Now I like to cook until pumpkin and potatoes break down. The peas are the indicator when it's cooked. Freeze in containers have friends over 😉 enjoy. Thick crusty bread 🍞 is the go.
I'd like to pop in a couple of favorites, a main and a sweet.
The main is for Yummy Sausages, a recipe from my sister.
The other is for Jam Roley Poley. This is my mother-in-law's recipe.

I've had these typed up to give to friends etc..

Firstly, the sausages....

Yummy sausages...

8 Thin sausages

6 tablespoons of tomato sauce

4 teaspoons worcestershire sauce

2 teaspoons of dry mustard

4 teaspoons of vinegar

2 tablespoons of brown sugar

Mix ingredients together (without the sausages).

Slice the sausages longways and open them into boat shapes.

Spray a baking dish with cooking spray. Spread the sausages evenly in the dish. Then spread the mixture on the sausage "boats". Add a couple of tablespoons of water to the dish.

Bake in a moderate oven for 30 - 35 minutes until the sausages are golden brown.

(Fan forced oven 175 degrees 30 minutes.

Conventional oven 195 degrees 30 minutes.)

And now the sweet....

When I was courting my now wife 55 years ago, her mother would dish this sweet up when I'd go round for dinner on a Wednesday night.

Baked Jam Roley-Poley

The roll;

  • One and a half cups of S/R flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • 60 grams of butter or margarine
  • 1 egg
  • One third of a cup of milk
  • Red jam
The syrup;

  • Three quarters of a cup of sugar
  • 60 grams of butter or margarine
  • 1 cup of very hot water

  • Sift the flour and salt into a bowl and rub in the butter.
  • Beat the egg with the milk and blend into the dry ingredients to make a medium dough.
  • Turn out and knead lightly on a floured board.
  • Roll to an oblong shape and spread with the jam. Then roll up as for a swiss roll.
  • Place in a greased shallow casserole dish.
  • Make a syrup by combining all the syrup ingredients and stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Pour over the roll.
  • Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for about 45 minutes, basting occasionally with the syrup.
  • Cut into slices and serve with cream or custard.

Serves six
August Competition! SDC Cooks

The sun has well and truly risen on August and the weather has us feeling peckish.

We thought, what better way to celebrate a new month than to launch a competition and for it to be themed around food!

This August, we’re looking for your favourite recipe. Ginger snap cookies that your nan used to make, your family lasagne recipe with a secret ingredient or even a cocktail or mocktail recipe you invented on a whim!

Now, we have plans to share these recipes with you all in an easy-to-read way, so we need them to be your own words. You can take inspiration from another recipe, but we want to see your creative flair.

One lucky entrant will receive a $100 voucher to their choice of Woolworths, Coles or IGA.

To be in the running, share your favourite family recipe in the comments below.

Entries close September 3rd, 11:59 pm.

Please keep in mind that other people will be able to read your recipe, so do not share anything you want to keep a family secret.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock





August Competition! SDC Cooks

The sun has well and truly risen on August and the weather has us feeling peckish.

We thought, what better way to celebrate a new month than to launch a competition and for it to be themed around food!

This August, we’re looking for your favourite recipe. Ginger snap cookies that your nan used to make, your family lasagne recipe with a secret ingredient or even a cocktail or mocktail recipe you invented on a whim!

Now, we have plans to share these recipes with you all in an easy-to-read way, so we need them to be your own words. You can take inspiration from another recipe, but we want to see your creative flair.

One lucky entrant will receive a $100 voucher to their choice of Woolworths, Coles or IGA.

To be in the running, share your favourite family recipe in the comments below.

Entries close September 3rd, 11:59 pm.

Please keep in mind that other people will be able to read your recipe, so do not share anything you want to keep a family secret.

View attachment 26655
Image Credit: Shutterstock


6/7 corn thins crumble with your hands as fine as you can get...dont use food processor.

1/3 cup honey

1/3 cup "crunchy" peanut butter

1/4 cup or to taste of chopped dried cranberries

Mix all this together.

Press into pan lined with parchment paper/greaseproof

Melt 1/3 cup of chocolate bits (I do mine in microwave) but do not over melt

Spread over the top with a knife or you can drizzle it over with a spoon as I do.

Then sprinkle top with crushed salted peanuts.

Put into freezer for 2 hours to set and then cut into squares.

Personally I leave in the freezer as I like them fairly crunchy but you can store in frig after the 2 hours. Had photo to upload but said too large for server to process
This would have to be the easiest of Banana Cakes to make. It freezes very well.

Banana Cake.
250g of Butter. 3 Large Eggs. I and 1/2 cups of Raw Sugar.6 Ripe Bananas. 1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence.
1teaspoon Baking Soda(Bicarb of Soda),3cups of Self raising Flour,1/2 cup milk and a pinch of Salt.
Melt butter in a pot, add Mashed Bananas, beaten eggs & vanilla Essence.
Sift Flour, Salt and Sugar.
Dissolve soda in Milk.
Add Dry ingredients alternately with soda milk mixture.
Pour into a greased lined Roasting dish.
Bake at 170% for 50mins.
When cool, cut into squares and freeze . Put in lunch box and by morning tea will be defrosted and you have fresh cake to eat. Very Yummy.
I'd like to pop in a couple of favorites, a main and a sweet.
The main is for Yummy Sausages, a recipe from my sister.
The other is for Jam Roley Poley. This is my mother-in-law's recipe.

I've had these typed up to give to friends etc..

Firstly, the sausages....

Yummy sausages...

8 Thin sausages

6 tablespoons of tomato sauce

4 teaspoons worcestershire sauce

2 teaspoons of dry mustard

4 teaspoons of vinegar

2 tablespoons of brown sugar

Mix ingredients together (without the sausages).

Slice the sausages longways and open them into boat shapes.

Spray a baking dish with cooking spray. Spread the sausages evenly in the dish. Then spread the mixture on the sausage "boats". Add a couple of tablespoons of water to the dish.

Bake in a moderate oven for 30 - 35 minutes until the sausages are golden brown.

(Fan forced oven 175 degrees 30 minutes.

Conventional oven 195 degrees 30 minutes.)

And now the sweet....

When I was courting my now wife 55 years ago, her mother would dish this sweet up when I'd go round for dinner on a Wednesday night.

Baked Jam Roley-Poley

The roll;

  • One and a half cups of S/R flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • 60 grams of butter or margarine
  • 1 egg
  • One third of a cup of milk
  • Red jam
The syrup;

  • Three quarters of a cup of sugar
  • 60 grams of butter or margarine
  • 1 cup of very hot water

  • Sift the flour and salt into a bowl and rub in the butter.
  • Beat the egg with the milk and blend into the dry ingredients to make a medium dough.
  • Turn out and knead lightly on a floured board.
  • Roll to an oblong shape and spread with the jam. Then roll up as for a swiss roll.
  • Place in a greased shallow casserole dish.
  • Make a syrup by combining all the syrup ingredients and stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Pour over the roll.
  • Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for about 45 minutes, basting occasionally with the syrup.
  • Cut into slices and serve with cream or custard.

Serves six
Those jam roley poleys I remember my grandmother making. Thank you for that memory . I'm going to have to make these . Those sausages are different
Pea and ham soup my Nan passed on to me because there onlyme and my Dad. I am making this in 10 litre pot but you can cut in half if it's touch
1pcket Mc Kenzie green split peas
1 pcket Mc Kenzie yellow peas
Enough water to cover leave overnight.
2kgs ham bones
1ham hock
1 ox tail
Table spoon of salt
1/2 pumpkin
1 onion
2 potatoes
Drain peas in seive wash set aside
Cook all meats 🍖 leave to cool to skim fat and and remove bones it takes about 3hrs.
Put all veggies in with meat enough stock to cover.
Now I like to cook until pumpkin and potatoes break down. The peas are the indicator when it's cooked. Freeze in containers have friends over 😉 enjoy. Thick crusty bread 🍞 is the go.
Another great old recipe , thank you 😊
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Cake Mixture

* 200 gr. Butter
* 200 gr. Sugar
* A few drops Vanilla Essence
* 1 Egg
* A pinch of Salt
* 500 gr. Plain Flour
* 20gr. Baking powder
* 3 slightly heaped teaspoons Breadcrumbs


* Large Tin Unsweetened Apples- cut into smaller pieces) (optional: add Cherries and/or Rhubarb to make it more tangy)
* A few drops Vanilla Essence)
* Sugar to taste
* Sultanas (handful)
* About 30 gr. Custard Powder
* Lots of Cinnamon
* 100 gr. .Almonds (flakes and/or bits)

For the Cake mixture:

Cream the fat (beat until light yellow) and gradually add to it the sugar, vanilla essence, egg and salt
Mix and sieve together the flour and Backing Powder
Add half to the creamed ingredients gradually, a little at a time.
Empty the rest of the flour onto the mixture and rub in with finger tips, until crumbly

For the Filling:

Mix the tinned apples with the vanilla Essence, Custard Powder, Sultanas, Cinnamon, nuts and sugar according to taste.

Preheat oven to 180 C° (shelf 2)
Grease a Rectangular (or square) Cake Tin.
Fill half the cake mixture into it, pressing it flat on the bottom and slightly higher against the sides.
Sprinkle with the breadcrumbs
Fill the apple mixture on top, leaving about 1 cm. free round the edge.
Empty the rest of the crumble mixture onto the apples and press lightly inside the rim.
Bake for about 45 minutes at 180°C, or until golden brown on top
Tuna Crunch Pie


1 1/2 cups Plain Flour

2 cups grated Cheese

1 Tspn Paprika

1/2 cup Butter

1 x 425g can Tuna in Brine



500g Sour Cream

1 cup grated Tasty Cheese

2 Tblspns mayonnaise

1 Small Onion

1/2 Tspn Dill


Mix together base ingredients and press into spring tin(base and sides). Reserve 1 cup of base for the top. Drain tuna and line base of tin. Mix filling together and pour over tuna. Sprinkle with reserved base. Bake in oven on 150•c for 1 1/2 hours until golden on top and firm in the middle.


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For extra special crumbing when making schnitzels - add 1/3 seasoned stuffing mix to your crumbs. Also coating your schnitzels in powdery parmesan before crumbing, gives them a extra kick.
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Salmon/Crab Mornay Quiche

Olive oil


1 onion – finely chopped or shallots

Medium size tin of salmon or crab

Skim milk

3 – 4 eggs (depending on the size of your quiche dish)

Grated tasty cheese

Shaved parmesan

Green onion tops – finely sliced (a small amount for colour)

Red capsicum – finely chopped (again a small amount for colour)

Fresh parsley

Ground black pepper

Salt (if you want)

Pinch nutmeg

Frozen puff pastry


Drain salmon or crab reserving liquid. Make liquid up to 1 ¼ cups with skim milk.

Cook onion in a little olive oil until soft (in medium saucepan). Remove from heat, Add 1 tablespoon flour and the milk mixture. Stir over low heat until boiling and thickened. Remove from heat.

Add green onion, red capsicum, parsley, salt, pepper, nutmeg, flaked salmon, or crab, beaten eggs and tasty cheese (as much or little as you like) and combine well.

Pour into quiche dish (which is already greased and lined with puff pastry) and top with shaved parmesan. Bake at medium temperature until puffed and brown (about 30 – 40 minutes in a moderate oven). Prebaking the pastry shell for about 10 min. should prevent a soggy bottom.
Sounds delicious
Curried pumpkin scones!
4 cups s/r flour
2 cups cooked-soft pumpkin
1/2 cup of sugar
1 egg
2 heaped t spoons curry powder
300mls full cream.

Combine all but the flour and cream components in a measured jug. Add cream to the mixture such that it doesn't exceed 600 mls. If it doesn't reach 600mls plain milk can be added to top up.
Sift the 4 cups of flour into a reasonable sized bowl and add the the jug mixture to combine to a dough.
Pre-heat an oven to 200°C.
Dust a clean bench area with flour and tip the measure on to it. Pat the mixture out to approximately 15mm thick.
Use a "biscuit cutter" (or an average drinking glass will do) to cut out the scones.
Put baking paper on a large oven tray, install the scones and place in the oven for approx 10-12 minutes.
Check with a skewer.
When cooked cover with a teatowel and allow to cool
or you can eat then promptly as you wish.
Served with a dab of butter... delicious 😊
Tried it just added to it parsley beautiful
Apricot Chicken
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Apricot Chicken Cooking Methods

That’s really what I love most about this recipe. You can prepare it pretty much any way you’d like! You can have your chicken in about 25 minutes in the Instant Pot, or you can have it be cooking for hours in a CrockPot. No matter how you make this recipe, it is going to be delicious!

Baked Apricot Chicken

This is actually the method I use the most. It is SO easy and I can prepare the rest of the meal while the chicken is baking. Baked apricot chicken goes great with ricClose-up-of-Instant-Pot-Apricot-Chicken (1).jpge or along with a side salad. The leftovers are amazing

Instant Pot Apricot Chicken

This method is great when you are in a pinch and need dinner done, like now. I have gotten the burn notice before when I haven’t put the water at the bottom of the Instant Pot first. Adding water to the bottom seems to fix this problem. You can serve the chicken shredded or as whole pieces.

Grilled Apricot Chicken

This is my favorite way of preparing the chicken in the summertime. The apricot mixture makes for an excellent glaze. We have also tried it over kabobs and it really brings out the flavor of the vegetables. Try it with peppers, onions, pineapple, and, of course, apricots! You won’t re

How to Make Apricot Chicken

Easy Apricot Chicken (only 5 ingredients)

Make this easy, flavorful apricot chicken in the oven, slow cooker, pressure cooker, or even on the grill. You just can't go wrong with this recipe!

Cook Time 30 minutes

Servings6 servings


• ▢3 chicken breasts (boneless, skinless)

• ▢1 cup apricot preserves and apricot

• ▢1 cup Catalina salad dressing (or Russian dressing)

• ▢2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

• ▢2 ounces dried onion soup mix


View Step Photos

• Cut chicken breasts in half or into serving-sized portions.

• In a medium-sized bowl, combine apricot preserves, and apricot Catalina dressing, onion soup mix, and Dijon mustard. Mix well.

Baked Instructions:

• Preheat oven to 375-degrees. Place chicken in a greased 9×13 baking dish. Pour apricot mixture evenly over chicken and bake 40-45 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.

Slow Cooker Instructions:

• Place chicken in slow cooker. Pour apricot mixture over chicken and cook on high for 2-3 hours or on low heat for 4-6 hours. Serve as whole pieces or shred.

Pressure Cooker (Instant Pot) Instructions:

• Put ⅓ cup water in the Instant Pot. Place chicken in the water and then pour the apricot mixture over the top. Place lid (make sure release tab is set to "sealing") and cook on high pressure for 10 minutes and allow to natural release for additional 5 minutes.

Grilled Instructions:

• Place chicken in a large sealing freezer bag. Place half of the apricot mixture in a bowl and set aside. Pour the rest of the apricot mixture in the bag with the chicken and place in refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Remove chicken from bag and discard marinade.

• Grill chicken over medium-high heat for about 5-6 minutes on each side or until chicken is completely cooked through (internal temp of 165-degrees), brushing with remaining apricot mixture while grilling.

Baked Apricot Chicken

This is actually the method I use the most. It is SO easy and I can prepare the rest of the meal while the chicken is baking. Baked apricot chicken goes great with rice or along with a side salad. The leftovers are amazing served over green salad the next day (try it with blue cheese crumbles and vinaigrette).

For Desert apricots muffins
Light and healthy
Another favourite 😍 ❤️ 💕 👌 ♥️ 💖


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Apricot yogurt muffins

Healthy healthy
For Muffins:
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp vanilla sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 cup yogurt
1/2 cup butter, at room temperature
pinch salt
1 cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
about 10 fresh apricots, peeled, pitted, and diced
For Streusel Topping:
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup salted butter-melted
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 375°F. Lightly grease a standard 12-cup muffin tin; or line the tin with papers, and grease the papers.
For the crumb topping
2. In a small bowl, whisk together flour, sugar and cinnamon, add melted butter and stir with a fork until crumbly and set aside.
For the muffins
3. In a large bowl stir together flour, baking powder and salt, Gently fold about 2/3 of apricots, and toss them until all are coated with thin layer of flour.
4. In medium bowl mix sugar and butter until the mixture becomes fluffy.
5. Add the eggs, one by one and mix well. Add the yogurt, vanilla sugar and mix until combined.
6. Add the yogurt and egg mixture to the flour mixture. Stir just until combined.
7. Spoon batter into prepared muffin tins, using two spoons or an ice cream scoop, filling about 2/3 of each cup. Cover the batter with the remaining apricots and then cover the apricots generously with streusel topping.
8. Place them in the oven and bake about 20-25 minutes or until the toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
9. Cool for 5 minutes in the pan then remove muffins and cool on a wire rack.

Indulge a little – and try this simple apricot & yogurt marriage. Its the perfect combination that will keep you and the family’s taste buds wanting more. Made with fresh apricot and yogurt, these golden baked muffins are wonderfully moist and tasty. Dense just enough to hold up the fruit in the batter, but are still very moist and tender. The bread part of the muffin has a light yogurt flavor, but the real flavor comes from the all that fruit, because these Muffins are Loaded with Apricots


The question is, what would you serve these delicious beauties with? Rice, Pasta, mash potatoes
So many delicious options. And so easy !!!

Meatball Ingredients

700g beef mince.
1 whole onion - grated.
3 crushed garlic cloves.
1/2 cup chopped fresh mint.
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley.
1/2 tsp dried oregano.
1/2 cup bread crumbs.
1 whole egg.
Salt and pepper to taste.
A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

Tomato sauce Ingredients
1/2 an onion - chopped
1 garlic clove - chopped
1/2 cup white wine (optional )
700g tomato passata
1 cup water
2 bay leaves
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Combine all meatball ingredients into a large bowl. Work the mixture well with your hands until the ingredients hold together.
Roll just under a tablespoon worth of the mixture into a small ball and set aside.
In a large deep pan, add a drizzle of olive oil and turn heat to medium high. When hot add the meatballs and slightly brown them on each side. Remove and set aside.
In the same pan, add an extra drizzle of olive oil, then the onion and garlic. Sauté for a minute then add the white wine. Simmer for approximately 2 minutes then add the passata, water and bay leaves. Place the meatballs back into the pot with the sauce and simmer fully covered on medium heat for 20 minutes. Remove lid and check for seasoning. Stir then cook for another 10-15 minutes uncovered until the sauce thickens.

Serve on a bed of rice , pasta or mashed potato and steamed vegies .

Why not have with vegetables n mash one night and the 2nd night have spaghetti n meatballs 😋

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Cake Mixture

* 200 gr. Butter
* 200 gr. Sugar
* A few drops Vanilla Essence
* 1 Egg
* A pinch of Salt
* 500 gr. Plain Flour
* 20gr. Baking powder
* 3 slightly heaped teaspoons Breadcrumbs


* Large Tin Unsweetened Apples- cut into smaller pieces) (optional: add Cherries and/or Rhubarb to make it more tangy)
* A few drops Vanilla Essence)
* Sugar to taste
* Sultanas (handful)
* About 30 gr. Custard Powder
* Lots of Cinnamon
* 100 gr. .Almonds (flakes and/or bits)

For the Cake mixture:

Cream the fat (beat until light yellow) and gradually add to it the sugar, vanilla essence, egg and salt
Mix and sieve together the flour and Backing Powder
Add half to the creamed ingredients gradually, a little at a time.
Empty the rest of the flour onto the mixture and rub in with finger tips, until crumbly

For the Filling:

Mix the tinned apples with the vanilla Essence, Custard Powder, Sultanas, Cinnamon, nuts and sugar according to taste.

Preheat oven to 180 C° (shelf 2)
Grease a Rectangular (or square) Cake Tin.
Fill half the cake mixture into it, pressing it flat on the bottom and slightly higher against the sides.
Sprinkle with the breadcrumbs
Fill the apple mixture on top, leaving about 1 cm. free round the edge.
Empty the rest of the crumble mixture onto the apples and press lightly inside the rim.
Bake for about 45 minutes at 180°C, or until golden brown on top
Great recipe. I will definitely try this

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