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A message from one of our members: Flooded in, separated from family
Hi guys... This email was sent in by member @leanneh and reposted with her permission. Please stay safe out there.
I am currently separated from my family because of the widespread flooding in Brisbane.
My Dad and husband are at home in the Fairview Aged Care facility. The creeks on either side of Fairview broke their banks on Saturday 26th and cut Moggill Road. There is still no way in or out of Fairview and it could take until the end of the week before vehicles can get back in.
Only a small number of staff have been stranded with the residents and they are all working flat out to keep all the residents feed and cared for. They are sleeping wherever they can. Fortunately there is a staff bathroom in the facility for their showers etc.
As for me I've been in Wesley hospital since the paramedics brought me here on Wednesday. The water was getting higher and higher so on Saturday the decision was made to discharge as many patients as possible who could be cared for at home until the flood waters subside. The staff then consolidated the remaining patients into a few wards and closed the rest. The hospital became completely isolated on Saturday night as high tide in the Brisbane River closed Coronation Drive.
The limited number of staff who were also isolated here are working incredibly hard to care for a large number of patients most of whom are extremely ill. Fortunately a few more staff were able to be brought in Monday by the SES in a boat. The flood waters are receding at present so the staff may be able to get in and out sometime today. But management are being very cautious because all the water could easily rise again due to the high tides and also because the flood gates have been opened at Wivenhoe Dam. Both of those things can raise the height of the river considerably so we may soon be isolated again.
Our situations seem grim but we are all grateful for our blessings. There are thousands of people in Brisbane whose homes are inundated and they have had to evacuate to shelters or family and friends. If people are lucky enough to still be safe in their homes it's quite possible they are among the 55,000 homes that haven't had any power since Saturday afternoon.
Even more devastating is that the death toll from the flooding is already 8 and there a a large number of people missing who we all pray are still alive somewhere.
This "rain bomb" is now wrecking havoc in the Northern Rivers of NSW. we pray for their safety also.
Everybody out there! Make sure you stay safe and look after yourselves and your loved ones. And if you are high and dry join the Mud Army when the water recedes and give a hand to those in need.
For those who want to help, there's an excellent article from The Conversation you can check out here:
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