Over 55? Albanese government plans to boost JobSeeker payments in upcoming Budget

The Albanese government is set to announce a shakeup to Centrelink's JobSeeker payments – and if you're aged over 55, there could be an extra bonus in store for you!

According to recent reports, recipients aged over 55 will receive a modest increase to the current $50 daily JobSeeker rate. This move is part of a suite of cost-of-living measures to be put into action with this month’s budget, specifically targeting hard-hit workers such as the long-term unemployed and older Australians.

Over 55 JobSeeker recipients are expected to receive a boost in the upcoming budget. Image Credit: Shutterstock

The raise for older JobSeekers is set to benefit around 200,000 welfare recipients. It’s likely to be a small but modest increase that falls short of the $100 a week increase welfare advocates have been pushing for.

However, every little bit helps, and this could mean a significant difference for those who have been struggling to make ends meet on the current payment rate. As many of you may know, trying to make the most out of a tight budget can be beyond challenging.

This proposed increase will first apply only to those aged 55 and over.

At present, a single person aged 60 and over who has been receiving JobSeeker for nine months receives $745 per fortnight.

On top of a boost to JobSeeker payments, Labor is also looking into making changes to rent assistance, which is another huge consideration for seniors living on a fixed income.

Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, and Social Services Minister, Amanda Rishworth, have released a statement saying: 'We’ve been saying that for some time. I’ve also been saying there will be a very significant cost of living package in this budget and that that will be targeted to most vulnerable Australians, I think that’s what you’d expect from a Labor government.'

Meanwhile, PM Anthony Albanese, told a press conference on Monday afternoon that the government would have ‘a comprehensive plan for lifting living standards’.

‘You’ll see a range of other measures in the budget in eight days’ time, which arise from the understanding that we have that people are doing it tough. We’ve had global inflation. So, we need to make sure we keep on top of inflation. But at the same time, we’re doing what we can to provide that relief for people.’ he continued.

Key Takeaways
  • Older Australians, specifically those aged 55 and over, are set to receive a modest increase to their JobSeeker payments in next week's budget.
  • The raise is part of a suite of budget measures targeting vulnerable Australians, including possible changes to Rent Assistance.

At this stage, there is no further word on the specifics of the upcoming Budget shakeup – but you can be sure that we will keep you updated with the latest information that impacts you as soon as it comes in!

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I would be interested in hearing why your husband does not receive any benefit, given that he is ill and too young for the age pension, unless of course, there are other assets such as super and/or investments.

I strongly believe that ALL jobseekers need to have an increase in their Jobseeker Allowance to bring it back to being equal with the age pension. The payments used to be the same until the "reign" of that ghastly Howard (I have other words for that creep, but they wouldn' be tolerated on this page).

I think it is disgraceful how Australia treats citizens that lose their job - most often through no fault of themselves and it is a shame that there are so many people that agree that unemployed people are treated like dirt. The vast majority of the unemployed have paid their taxes and have been productive members of society and they certainly do NOT deserve to be treated like vermin.

Having said this, I arrived in Australia back in 1969 as a 22 yo. With the exception of the first two years of my marriage, I worked and raised my children as a single mother until I retired in 2012, I am a self funded retiree, living off superannuation. I also own a couple of properties in addition to my home. I have 4 children, all of whom are gainfully employed and 3 out of them own their home. The exception is my youngest son, aged 32. He has enough for a deposit but I suggested to him it may be an idea to hold off for a while.
Why isn't my husband on centrelink...because he said he won't go on it. He worked hard we paid of our house then he became sick and then sicker abd sicker. He went into hospital and found he had something if diagnosed early would have been simple to fix , diverticulitis but unfortunately our doctor didn't diagnose it and 18 months later and what was coming out in his urine I marched in to our doctors abd demanded he be sent to a specialist.
Cut a story short the diverticulitis grew that much it formed a huge abscess and grew that much it ate a hole in his bladder.

He was 50 at the time and has never gotten better. He is always tired , high blood pressure and diabetic.

When he is 67 he will go on the pension.
I got excited ..there ...for 1 minute and then find JOBSEEKERS GET RISE..... the Senior Pensioners would deserve one!! Food...(especially) medication.(important very)...I bet heaps Senior Pensioners are cutting well back so they get only necessary food...
So can get ...medication..etc and food...
The most important Staples to life....
JOBSEEKERS....should be working....they have it GOOD NOW..and there are plenty of jobs.....YHEY ARE JUST TOO FUSSY...START CUTTING JOBSEEKERS $$$ THEN THEY HAVE TO WORK.....
I am lying in hospital after my 5th surgery in 17 months. I was working at the time I was diagnosed with a disease that has caused bowel surgeries, having an illeostomy for a year, and fortunately a reversal that has cause endless pain and on going medical problems. Now I will be blunt because the walls of my stomach have collapsed fron all the stomach opening I have developed a 100 millametre incisional hernia. I have had since last September waiting to have repaired. I don't have any private insurance so I have had to wait patiently to have this fixed. I am in terrible pain now with my stomach cut open again for the fifth time. My point is I was working for Queensland health when I was struct down very ill $1500 gross no sickleave so I lost my job consequently so I have been unable to work because of all of these surgeries have placed me a slight step closer to possibly being able to return to work maybe one day I am not entitled to disability so I have no choice but to be placed on jobseeker. So please be a little more careful about your comments, for the people that don't have a choice.
I am lying in hospital after my 5th surgery in 17 months. I was working at the time I was diagnosed with a disease that has caused bowel surgeries, having an illeostomy for a year, and fortunately a reversal that has cause endless pain and on going medical problems. Now I will be blunt because the walls of my stomach have collapsed fron all the stomach opening I have developed a 100 millametre incisional hernia. I have had since last September waiting to have repaired. I don't have any private insurance so I have had to wait patiently to have this fixed. I am in terrible pain now with my stomach cut open again for the fifth time. My point is I was working for Queensland health when I was struct down very ill $1500 gross no sickleave so I lost my job consequently so I have been unable to work because of all of these surgeries have placed me a slight step closer to possibly being able to return to work maybe one day I am not entitled to disability so I have no choice but to be placed on jobseeker. So please be a little more careful about your comments, for the people that don't have a choice.
I hear you !
Looking at it on paper $745.00 a week looks amazing!

I remember I used to be paid $11.60 a week, as a first-year carpentry apprentice back in 1968 and mum took half of that in rent.

Reality hits hard when rent is just over half of that.

I live just under an hour out of town, so there's fuel costs, computer access costs, cellphone costs, lockup storage fees, Car maintenance and insurance costs, health insurance, special medicine (naturopathy-bush medicine) costs etc etc etc.

It works out on average, that I have about $400.00 a month to splash around on myself, if I'm frugal and believe it, like many of my age and older, I live frugally, don't smoke etc.

It's been a long time since I have shared with a partner, so I am doing far better than most finance wise. I apply myself daily to create books, that I intend to publish to change things however, there is a definite need to increase the old age pension.

You can't fake getting older hey.
You've misread the dollar amount, it is $745 PER FORTNIGHT, not per week
The Albanese government is set to announce a shakeup to Centrelink's JobSeeker payments – and if you're aged over 55, there could be an extra bonus in store for you!

According to recent reports, recipients aged over 55 will receive a modest increase to the current $50 daily JobSeeker rate. This move is part of a suite of cost-of-living measures to be put into action with this month’s budget, specifically targeting hard-hit workers such as the long-term unemployed and older Australians.

View attachment 18844
Over 55 JobSeeker recipients are expected to receive a boost in the upcoming budget. Image Credit: Shutterstock

The raise for older JobSeekers is set to benefit around 200,000 welfare recipients. It’s likely to be a small but modest increase that falls short of the $100 a week increase welfare advocates have been pushing for.

However, every little bit helps, and this could mean a significant difference for those who have been struggling to make ends meet on the current payment rate. As many of you may know, trying to make the most out of a tight budget can be beyond challenging.

This proposed increase will first apply only to those aged 55 and over.

At present, a single person aged 60 and over who has been receiving JobSeeker for nine months receives $745 per fortnight.

On top of a boost to JobSeeker payments, Labor is also looking into making changes to rent assistance, which is another huge consideration for seniors living on a fixed income.

Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, and Social Services Minister, Amanda Rishworth, have released a statement saying: 'We’ve been saying that for some time. I’ve also been saying there will be a very significant cost of living package in this budget and that that will be targeted to most vulnerable Australians, I think that’s what you’d expect from a Labor government.'

Meanwhile, PM Anthony Albanese, told a press conference on Monday afternoon that the government would have ‘a comprehensive plan for lifting living standards’.

‘You’ll see a range of other measures in the budget in eight days’ time, which arise from the understanding that we have that people are doing it tough. We’ve had global inflation. So, we need to make sure we keep on top of inflation. But at the same time, we’re doing what we can to provide that relief for people.’ he continued.

Key Takeaways

  • Older Australians, specifically those aged 55 and over, are set to receive a modest increase to their JobSeeker payments in next week's budget.
  • The raise is part of a suite of budget measures targeting vulnerable Australians, including possible changes to Rent Assistance.

At this stage, there is no further word on the specifics of the upcoming Budget shakeup – but you can be sure that we will keep you updated with the latest information that impacts you as soon as it comes in!
The arthritis in my ankle is classified as severe. I also have Spinal Degenerative Disease & my hip & knee are going as well. Centrelink sent me to the Pain Clinic & so called "Expert" Specialists, to be told the pain is in my head, if I didn't think about it, it would go away & also be accused of Faking it. So here on Jobseeker I stay. Thanks for nothing Centrelink.
The arthritis in my ankle is classified as severe. I also have Spinal Degenerative Disease & my hip & knee are going as well. Centrelink sent me to the Pain Clinic & so called "Expert" Specialists, to be told the pain is in my head, if I didn't think about it, it would go away & also be accused of Faking it. So here on Jobseeker I stay. Thanks for nothing Centrelink.
I applied for DSP and by my gov it is saying that the decision will be made around the 8th of may ( tomorrow) its been 3 months since I applied for it but still haven't been sent to their doctors , how long was it until they sent you to their doctor
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The Albanese government is set to announce a shakeup to Centrelink's JobSeeker payments – and if you're aged over 55, there could be an extra bonus in store for you!

According to recent reports, recipients aged over 55 will receive a modest increase to the current $50 daily JobSeeker rate. This move is part of a suite of cost-of-living measures to be put into action with this month’s budget, specifically targeting hard-hit workers such as the long-term unemployed and older Australians.

View attachment 18844
Over 55 JobSeeker recipients are expected to receive a boost in the upcoming budget. Image Credit: Shutterstock

The raise for older JobSeekers is set to benefit around 200,000 welfare recipients. It’s likely to be a small but modest increase that falls short of the $100 a week increase welfare advocates have been pushing for.

However, every little bit helps, and this could mean a significant difference for those who have been struggling to make ends meet on the current payment rate. As many of you may know, trying to make the most out of a tight budget can be beyond challenging.

This proposed increase will first apply only to those aged 55 and over.

At present, a single person aged 60 and over who has been receiving JobSeeker for nine months receives $745 per fortnight.

On top of a boost to JobSeeker payments, Labor is also looking into making changes to rent assistance, which is another huge consideration for seniors living on a fixed income.

Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, and Social Services Minister, Amanda Rishworth, have released a statement saying: 'We’ve been saying that for some time. I’ve also been saying there will be a very significant cost of living package in this budget and that that will be targeted to most vulnerable Australians, I think that’s what you’d expect from a Labor government.'

Meanwhile, PM Anthony Albanese, told a press conference on Monday afternoon that the government would have ‘a comprehensive plan for lifting living standards’.

‘You’ll see a range of other measures in the budget in eight days’ time, which arise from the understanding that we have that people are doing it tough. We’ve had global inflation. So, we need to make sure we keep on top of inflation. But at the same time, we’re doing what we can to provide that relief for people.’ he continued.

Key Takeaways

  • Older Australians, specifically those aged 55 and over, are set to receive a modest increase to their JobSeeker payments in next week's budget.
  • The raise is part of a suite of budget measures targeting vulnerable Australians, including possible changes to Rent Assistance.

At this stage, there is no further word on the specifics of the upcoming Budget shakeup – but you can be sure that we will keep you updated with the latest information that impacts you as soon as it comes in!
I applied for DSP and by my gov it is saying that the decision will be made around the 8th of may ( tomorrow) its been 3 months since I applied for it but still haven't been sent to their doctors , how long was it until they sent you to their doctor
This "jobseeker " is all bs
Very discriminating against seniors over 65 to want to work or need to work to make ends meet
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Dont understand why over 55 year olds need more ? As usual Labor don't appear to apply any logic to their decisions.
Dont understand why over 55 year olds need more ? As usual Labor don't appear to apply any logic to their decisions.

JG48 I think that you should try living on what a lot of over 55's live on before opening your rather large mouth mate.​

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Looking at it on paper $745.00 a week looks amazing!

I remember I used to be paid $11.60 a week, as a first-year carpentry apprentice back in 1968 and mum took half of that in rent.

Reality hits hard when rent is just over half of that.

I live just under an hour out of town, so there's fuel costs, computer access costs, cellphone costs, lockup storage fees, Car maintenance and insurance costs, health insurance, special medicine (naturopathy-bush medicine) costs etc etc etc.

It works out on average, that I have about $400.00 a month to splash around on myself, if I'm frugal and believe it, like many of my age and older, I live frugally, don't smoke etc.

It's been a long time since I have shared with a partner, so I am doing far better than most finance wise. I apply myself daily to create books, that I intend to publish to change things however, there is a definite need to increase the old age pension.

You can't fake getting older hey.
It's $745 a fortnight, not a week.
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Yes agree Job Seeker, that's what you should be doing, or at least Volunteering for your money. Age Pension should be the Minimum Wage. We came from well paid jobs and plummeted down to not much more than a Job Seeker, Age Pensioners have a lot more to complain about i.e. amount of money they receive after Working, than anyone else does. No one ever finishes the sentence Job Seekers don't get enough money to live on, it is not meant to be, so if you wish to change your standard of living go find a job there are plenty advertised every week.
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Anyone on the pension who is finding it hard to make ends meet should understand how much harder it is for over 55s on jobseeker, trying to get by on $745 per fortnight.
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Dont understand why over 55 year olds need more ? As usual Labor don't appear to apply any logic to their decisions.
Over 55 on a pension cannot survive. Especially if renting. The last hike in the pension was an insult to the intelligence.
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I am a Jobseeker, am 64 years old, have arthritis, have applied for over 500 jobs in the last couple of years. No one will employ me and i get no response when i apply for jobs. I rely on Centrelink but i still have my mortgage, Medication, Bills, Fuel etc. By the time this is paid there is not much left for food.
And nothing for any little simple extras like a meal out or a days trip in the car with lunch.
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