Should Australia increase taxes on the wealthy to address income inequality

  • Yes

    Votes: 79 73.1%
  • No

    Votes: 26 24.1%
  • Other (explain in comments)

    Votes: 3 2.8%

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  • Poll closed .
I am by no means rich but I do not believe for one millisecond that those that who are rich should pay extra tax. Sure there are CEOs such as the Qantas boss who are paid many orders of magnitude more than they are worth but there are also a great many more who worked very hard to build a very healthy self funded retirement nest egg who should not be punished for their efforts. They have already paid extra tax on their Superannuation and now there is an expectation that they will pay tax again. Is this not double dipping? I am not at all surprised that there are so many yes votes in this poll. There seems to be an innate jealousy and even hatred toward the wealthy in Australia. The rich are not the enemy and being rich is not some kind of evil. Far too many people are so green with envy of the rich and constantly appear to want to drag them down. For those who treat rich people with contempt, why do you feel the need to do that? Are you just jealous that you are not rich? This attitude of "you are rich so you can afford to pay more tax" is nothing more than self entitlement. Unless wealth is accumulated by crime or ill gotten gain, it is not some kind of sin that must be atoned for by being taxed yet again.
Re the Super Tax to be introduced, they will not be paying tax on their superannuation, they will be paying tax on the income from that super balance, if the balance is over $3 million, which is fair. If a couple has a super balance of $3 million each, they then have a combined balance of $6 million, which should be more than enough to retire on. Income from their super balance will then be taxed at 30%.
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Tax all the politicians, they get a lot of perks so don't need the zillions they are paid.
Look at what they get and then what they get free, like free phone(s) and internet, free car and fuel, at the upper ministerial level, free accom, free food and free travel . So what do they spend their money on? no need to spend anything, its all provided.

I'd be surprised if cabinet members have mortgages most are business leaders and millionaires or their spouses are well off.

Make them take 50k per year no perks and none of the ridiculous super that only pollies can access? then put the savings back into the community
A close friend of ours was Premier of NSW around 15 years ago and a well liked person.

He is a very humble man and when he resigned so he could spend more time with his family , he refused to keep the car service which he was allowed for the following year as well as other things.
He lives in a nice house but not a mansion and has done plenty for our community alone
He is one of the first people to put his hand up to offer help.
He takes nothing for granted and is still working as a lawyer who at times provides free service.

Just because some are how they are doesn't mean all are
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Your Say Sunday Poll: Taxing the Rich

Happy Sunday, members!

Welcome to another Your Say Sunday poll where we pass the microphone over to you, our lovely members, to vote on this week's topic!

So what is today's question? I'm glad you asked. Given the news of the RBA rate hike and the pension indexation, we want to know...

Should Australia increase taxes on the wealthy to address income inequality?

We can't wait to hear your thoughts! Vote and comment below to have your say.
Most definitely
Should a cleaner be paid the same as a doctor.🤔 NO . Should a garbage truck driver be paid the same as a solicitor.

Is a supermarket worker under the same pressure as a nurse or teacher

Should a flight attendant receive the same money as a pilot.

Most people on higher incomes worked for it by either a degree or working hard to get where they are.

I'm not saying people who work in lower paying jobs don't work hard but we all have choices.

I worked in bridal and was a supervisor and that was stressful dealing with brides as well as other staff members . Yes my pay was more than other consultants but I did much more with higher responsibilities but my general manager had much more pressure and responsibility that I would never want and in saying that she deserved to get paid much more than me
When I started in Aged Care, I was earning less per hour than my son, who was doing night fill in a supermarket! How does that stack up? Much more responsibility in caring for our frail, ill, Aged than in putting groceries on a shelf, yet I was being paid less!
Do you actually know about Kerry Packer's finances or are you just peddling hearsay? What is your source of information to back up your claim? Funny how people condemn the rich with out knowing any of the facts.
You don't really need to know about Pakers finances the quote he made regarding tax is well known and documented history he made his feelings known with no apology.
A close friend of ours was Premier of NSW around 15 years ago and a well liked person.

He is a very humble man and when he resigned so he could spend more time with his family , he refused to keep the car service which he was allowed for the following year as well as other things.
He lives in a nice house but not a mansion and has done plenty for our community alone
He is one of the first people to put his hand up to offer help.
He takes nothing for granted and is still working as a lawyer who at times provides free service.

Just because some are how they are doesn't mean all are
No, it doesn't. But I'm thinking that a great many of the politicians out there are not like your friend, they seem to be in the job for what they can get out of it, and not to look after those who elected them. They are not permitted to vote the way their electorate wishes them to, because they have to 'toe the party line'. They are well paid, and get many allowances to cover other expenses yet they also rort the system to get more money! Rorting the system is theft, plain and simple, and if you did that in any other job, you would be dismissed! Why then are politicians not dismissed when they steal from the public purse?
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My mum used to clean( in England) for a family who paid 19 shillings & 6 pence in the pound tax. They would always buy the best of everything so it would last. No way would they buy shoddy goods even though they only earned 6 pence in the pound. When my son was a little boy I was given old pyjamas from the family to make him new pyjamas. This was how they lived buying the best so it lasted & passing it on to others who were not so lucky. Never did they complain about the tax system as they knew their money was helping to make the country run. Unlike a lot of our wealthy who maybe seems to give a lot to charity but then they claim it back in tax as a donation. Yes, tax them to the hilt so they can see where their money will do good. Not just to buy another car or watch for them to show off! but to do some good!
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No, it doesn't. But I'm thinking that a great many of the politicians out there are not like your friend, they seem to be in the job for what they can get out of it, and not to look after those who elected them. They are not permitted to vote the way their electorate wishes them to, because they have to 'toe the party line'. They are well paid, and get many allowances to cover other expenses yet they also rort the system to get more money! Rorting the system is theft, plain and simple, and if you did that in any other job, you would be dismissed! Why then are politicians not dismissed when they steal from the public purse?
I agree and unfortunately we lose agreat deal of honest politician's because they won't bow down. You know my friend drove his own car everywhere and it's an old car and only used his car service on public things .

He could have left with so much more but refused it.

We kept telling him to change from state to federal , he would have made an amazing prime minister
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Increase GST, a consumption tax, to discourage spending of stuff we don’t need. Stuff that is no longer manufactured in this country. Then reduce income tax. So folks are encouraged to earn more and spend less.

introduce measures to avoid loopholes. De- register accountants who use dodgy dealings to avoid tax. chase individuals with unexplained wealth.
I think the whole tax must be looked at......some people in hand....for some jobs... the Job Seeker is a Farce.....why work when you get paid for sitting at home....surfing....That should be only 6 months.....there are so many jobs advertises...they won't work $600 odd every 2 weeks....nothing to sneeze at....3/4 share house...easy....I would also like to say a lot of people Did not go to Uni....hard work...watching....listening....and having a them there today....
Re the Super Tax to be introduced, they will not be paying tax on their superannuation, they will be paying tax on the income from that super balance, if the balance is over $3 million, which is fair. If a couple has a super balance of $3 million each, they then have a combined balance of $6 million, which should be more than enough to retire on. Income from their super balance will then be taxed at 30%.
Exactly. More tax on funds that have already been taxed. Can you not see that? They have worked hard to have that much in Super. It is not for you or anyone else to determine what is or is not enough to retire on. It is none of anyone else's business.
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The government needs to look at, and close, the loop holes of sending money to ‘safe tax-free havens’ overseas. Work harder, get remunerated better but pay appropriate taxes. My 50-year old son works quite hard in hospitality, lives in a one-bedroom dingy flat and is living from day to day & week to week. When required, we pay some of his bills as his retired parents who do not wish to see him on the streets or begging for food. That’s what parents do and fortunately we were able to retire with savings, a reasonable superannuation, some shares bought when we were able to afford them and we’ve never been the type that has to have what others have that opens and shuts. But we paid our taxes at every single stage of our working life.

Comments here have been about taxing the rich - we don’t know the actual hours they work, the responsibility they have or the taxes on actual wages they paid.

My comment is about catching the dodgers depositing money in safe havens without paying their due taxes on interest earned overseas just as we have to pay tax on interest earned here on our savings. Catch the dodgers.
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I think the whole tax must be looked at......some people in hand....for some jobs... the Job Seeker is a Farce.....why work when you get paid for sitting at home....surfing....That should be only 6 months.....there are so many jobs advertises...they won't work $600 odd every 2 weeks....nothing to sneeze at....3/4 share house...easy....I would also like to say a lot of people Did not go to Uni....hard work...watching....listening....and having a them there today....
It sounds like you are saying that people from overseas come here and work hard and it's the Aussies that are on the dole .. surfers sharing accommodation and bludging , that is very stereotyping .
Surfers surf before work , after work , week ends and work hard in between.

People from overseas do work hard but then do their children , just look at certain nationalities in certain areas I can name a few .

I had a friend who ran a second hand shop and the things she heard eg that certain nationalities will take whatever they can take from the Australian government and people. This shop was located in Lakemba NSW.

What about people who come to Australia work for 20 years retire then receive a pension
Exactly. More tax on funds that have already been taxed. Can you not see that? They have worked hard to have that much in Super. It is not for you or anyone else to determine what is or is not enough to retire on. It is none of anyone else's business.
Exactly; it is none of our business as we don’t known their circumstances, how hard they might work or how much they earned or were taxed. We seem to be assuming they got their money by some deceitful means but, do we know the details? I doubt it.

Instead, Catch the dodgers putting money in overseas accounts where they cannot be taxed by the Australian government on the interest earned on those savings, like we have to pay here on the paltry interest rates being offered on our savings at present.
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Your Say Sunday Poll: Taxing the Rich

Happy Sunday, members!

Welcome to another Your Say Sunday poll where we pass the microphone over to you, our lovely members, to vote on this week's topic!

So what is today's question? I'm glad you asked. Given the news of the RBA rate hike and the pension indexation, we want to know...

Should Australia increase taxes on the wealthy to address income inequality?

We can't wait to hear your thoughts! Vote and comment below to have your say.
I can’t see the point because they will pass any costs onto us the consumer, it won’t effect them in any way
My comments are based upon what Kerry Packer has said publicy on television and I am quoting his own words.
I think you will find he said "minimise" tax not "avoid" - Of course I am minimising my tax. And if anybody in this country doesn't minimise their tax, they want their heads read, because as a government, I can tell you you're not spending it that well that we should be donating extra!"
My recollection on Kerry Packers conversation was anyone that paid more than 20 cents in the dollars tax was a mug ?
People seem to forget that these wealthy people are not going to be taxed on the $3million but only on anything over that. If the less well-off people are doing well, then our society flourishes. Poorer people don't hoard their money. They spend it so business fare better. Also, don't forget that there is less crime too when people are not on the bones of their a..e!
I have two thoughts.
1. GST is a fair tax for all, if essentials such as food, rent ,etc are free. If the Wealthy CHOOSE to purchase expensive items ie Planes, Yachts, Cars, Dine at the Top End of Town and take Ist Class Travel/Holidays then let them pay the Percentage tax on all of it.
2. The "Cash Society" should be chased down and shut down. Operators, both paying and receiving, dealt heavy Penalties and Named. There must be a Huge amount of Tax Evaded.
What are your thoughts?
Tax all the politicians, they get a lot of perks so don't need the zillions they are paid.
Look at what they get and then what they get free, like free phone(s) and internet, free car and fuel, at the upper ministerial level, free accom, free food and free travel . So what do they spend their money on? no need to spend anything, its all provided.

I'd be surprised if cabinet members have mortgages most are business leaders and millionaires or their spouses are well off.

Make them take 50k per year no perks and none of the ridiculous super that only pollies can access? then put the savings back into the community
20% of people own 80% of the country's wealth. The greatest part of income tax is from PAYE's who do not have the ability to avoid paying tax. Tax avoidance should be available to all, or none. I have family member with a successful business who never pays tax nor hex fees and has a big 4 berth boat and other luxuries. How can this be fair or right when people on low wages have to pay tax. Family trusts and other tax avoidance schemes should be banned. Problem is a lot of politicians are in it up to their necks.
I am not one of the rich but I thought we all had the same chance when popped into this world. Some do Some do not. Just because one does and becomes wealthy it is not their job to pay for those who are maybe not so wise. I am truly tired of those who expect the government or wealthy people to fork out help. Just one wee thing. I do not play the pokies but anytime I am at a venue I am amazed at the oldies poking their money through. Guess what it is or probably is their pension money which is from where? the government. I guess i could add Bingo to this. Just saying. The rich have it easy, what a silly comment. They did not get rich by twiddling their thumbs, they worked their butts off. What kind of silly remarks can be made about Gina Rinehardt? The most generous lady in Australia. I do not care if she pays tax or not.

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