Young Australian arrested in Indonesia after ‘drunken, violent rampage’ left locals enraged

Holidays are meant for relaxation, fun, and creating some fond memories to cherish. However, a 23-year-old from Noosa, Queensland, seems to have taken the ‘fun’ aspect of the holidays to an entirely dangerous level.

While on holiday in one of Indonesia’s most conservative islands, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones allegedly went on a naked rampage, hitting locals who tried to stop him and injuring one of them, which led to his eventual arrest.

The man could face flogging if found guilty of his crimes.

Risby-Jones, who works as a carpenter in Noosa, claimed he had a sunstroke the day before his rampage. According to him, he felt ‘almost possessed’ during the alleged incident, which happened early Thursday morning on Simeulue Island, located within the very conservative province of Aceh off the coast of Sumatra.

Risby-Jones also shared with reporters that he was on a surfing holiday and had ‘one shot of vodka’ prior to the incident.

‘I feel like not myself like almost possessed,’ he said in an interview.

‘It was not a good feeling. I wasn’t myself. Normally I am a very nice guy,’ he continued before adding that he would ‘never want to hurt people’ and that the alleged incident was ‘very out of character’.

The alleged incident happened on a conservative Indonesian island off the coast of Aceh province.

Risby-Jones also said that he didn’t really remember what happened, including being hit and kicked in the head, nabbed and bashed by local villagers. It was reported that this happened when he allegedly tried to steal one of the local’s motorbikes while naked.

Based on the details of the case, including testimonies from witnesses and police reports, Risby-Jones was allegedly drinking from a bottle of vodka before he emerged from his dwelling in the Moon Beach Resort without any clothes and proceeded to chase and strike people on the main village road.

Shortly after midnight, Risby-Jones attacked a fisherman from the village of Lantik, causing him to suffer an injury to the foot that required 50 stitches on his heel and a broken bone. Local Police Senior Commissioner Jamitko alleged that the man also hit a security guard before leaving the resort.

According to the police, Risby-Jones was ‘enraged’ and ‘caused a scene’.

‘He hit a security guard and walked out of the resort and ran amok with every motorbike rider he encountered.’

It was concluded that the fisherman’s injuries were a result of Risby-Jones hitting him as he passed by on his motorbike and throwing the vehicle onto the fisherman after he fell in a nearby gutter.

Risby-Jones was interviewed by reporters while under the custody of Indonesian police. Credit: ABC News

Enraged by the tourist’s behaviour, the locals formed a mob and tried to set the resort itself on fire.

‘Knowing it, the people got angry and almost put the resort on fire. Luckily, local police and the village head managed to calm down the mob,’ Senior Commissioner Jamitko said.

The man’s family released a statement on his behalf, claiming that Risby-Jones is now ‘fully aware of his behaviour’ and is disturbed by his actions which he takes ‘full responsibility’ for.

His father told reporters that his son was ‘deeply ashamed of the trauma and ongoing distress he has inflicted upon his family’. He also said his son was acknowledging the waste of resources his actions caused for local police and apologised to the Australian people for ‘embarrassing them’.

Simeulue Police Chief Detective Mayyuhdi said that Risby-Jones faces either two-and-a-half years in prison if the injuries he caused are minor or up to five years in prison if the victim’s injuries are more serious.

Risby-Jones also faces prosecution under Sharia Law, which is a religious law that is deeply ingrained in Islamic tradition. Under this law, drinking alcohol and other so-called morality offences such as premarital sex, adultery, and homosexuality are illegal for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

What is Sharia Law.jpg
What is Sharia Law? Image credit: The Seniors Discount Club

Aceh itself is one of Indonesia’s most conservative provinces where the sale and consumption of alcohol are banned. If found guilty, he will be flogged 40 times.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that the Australian Embassy in Jakarta is working to provide consular assistance.

Indonesian police said Risby-Jones would be detained for up to 20 days while investigations take place.

John McLeod, a Crisis Management Consultant, has previously worked with high-profile Australians who found themselves in similar situations in Indonesia.

Mr McLeod said that the man’s alleged behaviour would be taken as an ‘act of incredible disrespect’.

‘If what we're hearing is true, it's total disrespect for local customs and culture, and to their religious faith,’ he said before adding that the concept of ‘restorative justice’ was highly valued in Indonesia.

‘You pay compensation for the pain and suffering and damage that you've caused to the individuals and throw yourself at the mercy of the local governor for forgiveness for your behaviour. You want to be showing total and utter remorse,’ he said.

Three non-Muslim Indonesian men were given 40 strikes in Banda Aceh in 2021 for drinking alcohol in public.
Key Takeaways

  • A young Queensland man, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones, claims he felt 'almost possessed' during an alleged naked, alcohol-fuelled rampage in Indonesia.
  • The man is now facing the terrifying prospect of spending time in an Indonesian jail and could be sentenced to up to five years in prison if convicted of maltreatment resulting in serious physical injury.
  • He could also face charges under Islamic law, as the consumption and sale of alcohol are banned in Aceh, which could lead to public floggings.
  • The rampage incited anger among locals, who allegedly threatened to burn down a hotel in response.
If any of you have other safety travel tips to offer, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
Holidays are meant for relaxation, fun, and creating some fond memories to cherish. However, a 23-year-old from Noosa, Queensland, seems to have taken the ‘fun’ aspect of the holidays to an entirely dangerous level.

While on holiday in one of Indonesia’s most conservative islands, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones allegedly went on a naked rampage, hitting locals who tried to stop him and injuring one of them, which led to his eventual arrest.

The man could face flogging if found guilty of his crimes.

Risby-Jones, who works as a carpenter in Noosa, claimed he had a sunstroke the day before his rampage. According to him, he felt ‘almost possessed’ during the alleged incident, which happened early Thursday morning on Simeulue Island, located within the very conservative province of Aceh off the coast of Sumatra.

Risby-Jones also shared with reporters that he was on a surfing holiday and had ‘one shot of vodka’ prior to the incident.

‘I feel like not myself like almost possessed,’ he said in an interview.

‘It was not a good feeling. I wasn’t myself. Normally I am a very nice guy,’ he continued before adding that he would ‘never want to hurt people’ and that the alleged incident was ‘very out of character’.

View attachment 18805
The alleged incident happened on a conservative Indonesian island off the coast of Aceh province.

Risby-Jones also said that he didn’t really remember what happened, including being hit and kicked in the head, nabbed and bashed by local villagers. It was reported that this happened when he allegedly tried to steal one of the local’s motorbikes while naked.

Based on the details of the case, including testimonies from witnesses and police reports, Risby-Jones was allegedly drinking from a bottle of vodka before he emerged from his dwelling in the Moon Beach Resort without any clothes and proceeded to chase and strike people on the main village road.

Shortly after midnight, Risby-Jones attacked a fisherman from the village of Lantik, causing him to suffer an injury to the foot that required 50 stitches on his heel and a broken bone. Local Police Senior Commissioner Jamitko alleged that the man also hit a security guard before leaving the resort.

According to the police, Risby-Jones was ‘enraged’ and ‘caused a scene’.

‘He hit a security guard and walked out of the resort and ran amok with every motorbike rider he encountered.’

It was concluded that the fisherman’s injuries were a result of Risby-Jones hitting him as he passed by on his motorbike and throwing the vehicle onto the fisherman after he fell in a nearby gutter.

View attachment 18806
Risby-Jones was interviewed by reporters while under the custody of Indonesian police. Credit: ABC News

Enraged by the tourist’s behaviour, the locals formed a mob and tried to set the resort itself on fire.

‘Knowing it, the people got angry and almost put the resort on fire. Luckily, local police and the village head managed to calm down the mob,’ Senior Commissioner Jamitko said.

The man’s family released a statement on his behalf, claiming that Risby-Jones is now ‘fully aware of his behaviour’ and is disturbed by his actions which he takes ‘full responsibility’ for.

His father told reporters that his son was ‘deeply ashamed of the trauma and ongoing distress he has inflicted upon his family’. He also said his son was acknowledging the waste of resources his actions caused for local police and apologised to the Australian people for ‘embarrassing them’.

Simeulue Police Chief Detective Mayyuhdi said that Risby-Jones faces either two-and-a-half years in prison if the injuries he caused are minor or up to five years in prison if the victim’s injuries are more serious.

Risby-Jones also faces prosecution under Sharia Law, which is a religious law that is deeply ingrained in Islamic tradition. Under this law, drinking alcohol and other so-called morality offences such as premarital sex, adultery, and homosexuality are illegal for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

View attachment 18823
What is Sharia Law? Image credit: The Seniors Discount Club

Aceh itself is one of Indonesia’s most conservative provinces where the sale and consumption of alcohol are banned. If found guilty, he will be flogged 40 times.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that the Australian Embassy in Jakarta is working to provide consular assistance.

Indonesian police said Risby-Jones would be detained for up to 20 days while investigations take place.

John McLeod, a Crisis Management Consultant, has previously worked with high-profile Australians who found themselves in similar situations in Indonesia.

Mr McLeod said that the man’s alleged behaviour would be taken as an ‘act of incredible disrespect’.

‘If what we're hearing is true, it's total disrespect for local customs and culture, and to their religious faith,’ he said before adding that the concept of ‘restorative justice’ was highly valued in Indonesia.

‘You pay compensation for the pain and suffering and damage that you've caused to the individuals and throw yourself at the mercy of the local governor for forgiveness for your behaviour. You want to be showing total and utter remorse,’ he said.

Three non-Muslim Indonesian men were given 40 strikes in Banda Aceh in 2021 for drinking alcohol in public.
Key Takeaways

  • A young Queensland man, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones, claims he felt 'almost possessed' during an alleged naked, alcohol-fuelled rampage in Indonesia.
  • The man is now facing the terrifying prospect of spending time in an Indonesian jail and could be sentenced to up to five years in prison if convicted of maltreatment resulting in serious physical injury.
  • He could also face charges under Islamic law, as the consumption and sale of alcohol are banned in Aceh, which could lead to public floggings.
  • The rampage incited anger among locals, who allegedly threatened to burn down a hotel in response.
If any of you have other safety travel tips to offer, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
It appears from what is outlined that there is more than sufficient evidence to suggest yet another 'aussie lout causing mayhem', Outcome to be decided by the local authorities and accepted by the miscreant. The number of incidents and severity of these continues to increase to the detriment of the local population and the folk who visit for holiday reasons. No sympathy here, punishment to fit the crime.
Holidays are meant for relaxation, fun, and creating some fond memories to cherish. However, a 23-year-old from Noosa, Queensland, seems to have taken the ‘fun’ aspect of the holidays to an entirely dangerous level.

While on holiday in one of Indonesia’s most conservative islands, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones allegedly went on a naked rampage, hitting locals who tried to stop him and injuring one of them, which led to his eventual arrest.

The man could face flogging if found guilty of his crimes.

Risby-Jones, who works as a carpenter in Noosa, claimed he had a sunstroke the day before his rampage. According to him, he felt ‘almost possessed’ during the alleged incident, which happened early Thursday morning on Simeulue Island, located within the very conservative province of Aceh off the coast of Sumatra.

Risby-Jones also shared with reporters that he was on a surfing holiday and had ‘one shot of vodka’ prior to the incident.

‘I feel like not myself like almost possessed,’ he said in an interview.

‘It was not a good feeling. I wasn’t myself. Normally I am a very nice guy,’ he continued before adding that he would ‘never want to hurt people’ and that the alleged incident was ‘very out of character’.

View attachment 18805
The alleged incident happened on a conservative Indonesian island off the coast of Aceh province.

Risby-Jones also said that he didn’t really remember what happened, including being hit and kicked in the head, nabbed and bashed by local villagers. It was reported that this happened when he allegedly tried to steal one of the local’s motorbikes while naked.

Based on the details of the case, including testimonies from witnesses and police reports, Risby-Jones was allegedly drinking from a bottle of vodka before he emerged from his dwelling in the Moon Beach Resort without any clothes and proceeded to chase and strike people on the main village road.

Shortly after midnight, Risby-Jones attacked a fisherman from the village of Lantik, causing him to suffer an injury to the foot that required 50 stitches on his heel and a broken bone. Local Police Senior Commissioner Jamitko alleged that the man also hit a security guard before leaving the resort.

According to the police, Risby-Jones was ‘enraged’ and ‘caused a scene’.

‘He hit a security guard and walked out of the resort and ran amok with every motorbike rider he encountered.’

It was concluded that the fisherman’s injuries were a result of Risby-Jones hitting him as he passed by on his motorbike and throwing the vehicle onto the fisherman after he fell in a nearby gutter.

View attachment 18806
Risby-Jones was interviewed by reporters while under the custody of Indonesian police. Credit: ABC News

Enraged by the tourist’s behaviour, the locals formed a mob and tried to set the resort itself on fire.

‘Knowing it, the people got angry and almost put the resort on fire. Luckily, local police and the village head managed to calm down the mob,’ Senior Commissioner Jamitko said.

The man’s family released a statement on his behalf, claiming that Risby-Jones is now ‘fully aware of his behaviour’ and is disturbed by his actions which he takes ‘full responsibility’ for.

His father told reporters that his son was ‘deeply ashamed of the trauma and ongoing distress he has inflicted upon his family’. He also said his son was acknowledging the waste of resources his actions caused for local police and apologised to the Australian people for ‘embarrassing them’.

Simeulue Police Chief Detective Mayyuhdi said that Risby-Jones faces either two-and-a-half years in prison if the injuries he caused are minor or up to five years in prison if the victim’s injuries are more serious.

Risby-Jones also faces prosecution under Sharia Law, which is a religious law that is deeply ingrained in Islamic tradition. Under this law, drinking alcohol and other so-called morality offences such as premarital sex, adultery, and homosexuality are illegal for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

View attachment 18823
What is Sharia Law? Image credit: The Seniors Discount Club

Aceh itself is one of Indonesia’s most conservative provinces where the sale and consumption of alcohol are banned. If found guilty, he will be flogged 40 times.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that the Australian Embassy in Jakarta is working to provide consular assistance.

Indonesian police said Risby-Jones would be detained for up to 20 days while investigations take place.

John McLeod, a Crisis Management Consultant, has previously worked with high-profile Australians who found themselves in similar situations in Indonesia.

Mr McLeod said that the man’s alleged behaviour would be taken as an ‘act of incredible disrespect’.

‘If what we're hearing is true, it's total disrespect for local customs and culture, and to their religious faith,’ he said before adding that the concept of ‘restorative justice’ was highly valued in Indonesia.

‘You pay compensation for the pain and suffering and damage that you've caused to the individuals and throw yourself at the mercy of the local governor for forgiveness for your behaviour. You want to be showing total and utter remorse,’ he said.

Three non-Muslim Indonesian men were given 40 strikes in Banda Aceh in 2021 for drinking alcohol in public.
Key Takeaways

  • A young Queensland man, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones, claims he felt 'almost possessed' during an alleged naked, alcohol-fuelled rampage in Indonesia.
  • The man is now facing the terrifying prospect of spending time in an Indonesian jail and could be sentenced to up to five years in prison if convicted of maltreatment resulting in serious physical injury.
  • He could also face charges under Islamic law, as the consumption and sale of alcohol are banned in Aceh, which could lead to public floggings.
  • The rampage incited anger among locals, who allegedly threatened to burn down a hotel in response.
If any of you have other safety travel tips to offer, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
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Reactions: Jarred Santos
Australians are now aware that other countries have their own laws that we need to obide with.

What this young man did was wrong and if he did it back in Australia he would more likely face jail time.

My future son inlaw just got back from a 2 week bucks party to Tailand and Bali and I told him remember obey the laws of their land including no drugs eg pot. He replied we don't do that I replied well I'm just saying
Sounds lik
Holidays are meant for relaxation, fun, and creating some fond memories to cherish. However, a 23-year-old from Noosa, Queensland, seems to have taken the ‘fun’ aspect of the holidays to an entirely dangerous level.

While on holiday in one of Indonesia’s most conservative islands, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones allegedly went on a naked rampage, hitting locals who tried to stop him and injuring one of them, which led to his eventual arrest.

The man could face flogging if found guilty of his crimes.

Risby-Jones, who works as a carpenter in Noosa, claimed he had a sunstroke the day before his rampage. According to him, he felt ‘almost possessed’ during the alleged incident, which happened early Thursday morning on Simeulue Island, located within the very conservative province of Aceh off the coast of Sumatra.

Risby-Jones also shared with reporters that he was on a surfing holiday and had ‘one shot of vodka’ prior to the incident.

‘I feel like not myself like almost possessed,’ he said in an interview.

‘It was not a good feeling. I wasn’t myself. Normally I am a very nice guy,’ he continued before adding that he would ‘never want to hurt people’ and that the alleged incident was ‘very out of character’.

View attachment 18805
The alleged incident happened on a conservative Indonesian island off the coast of Aceh province.

Risby-Jones also said that he didn’t really remember what happened, including being hit and kicked in the head, nabbed and bashed by local villagers. It was reported that this happened when he allegedly tried to steal one of the local’s motorbikes while naked.

Based on the details of the case, including testimonies from witnesses and police reports, Risby-Jones was allegedly drinking from a bottle of vodka before he emerged from his dwelling in the Moon Beach Resort without any clothes and proceeded to chase and strike people on the main village road.

Shortly after midnight, Risby-Jones attacked a fisherman from the village of Lantik, causing him to suffer an injury to the foot that required 50 stitches on his heel and a broken bone. Local Police Senior Commissioner Jamitko alleged that the man also hit a security guard before leaving the resort.

According to the police, Risby-Jones was ‘enraged’ and ‘caused a scene’.

‘He hit a security guard and walked out of the resort and ran amok with every motorbike rider he encountered.’

It was concluded that the fisherman’s injuries were a result of Risby-Jones hitting him as he passed by on his motorbike and throwing the vehicle onto the fisherman after he fell in a nearby gutter.

View attachment 18806
Risby-Jones was interviewed by reporters while under the custody of Indonesian police. Credit: ABC News

Enraged by the tourist’s behaviour, the locals formed a mob and tried to set the resort itself on fire.

‘Knowing it, the people got angry and almost put the resort on fire. Luckily, local police and the village head managed to calm down the mob,’ Senior Commissioner Jamitko said.

The man’s family released a statement on his behalf, claiming that Risby-Jones is now ‘fully aware of his behaviour’ and is disturbed by his actions which he takes ‘full responsibility’ for.

His father told reporters that his son was ‘deeply ashamed of the trauma and ongoing distress he has inflicted upon his family’. He also said his son was acknowledging the waste of resources his actions caused for local police and apologised to the Australian people for ‘embarrassing them’.

Simeulue Police Chief Detective Mayyuhdi said that Risby-Jones faces either two-and-a-half years in prison if the injuries he caused are minor or up to five years in prison if the victim’s injuries are more serious.

Risby-Jones also faces prosecution under Sharia Law, which is a religious law that is deeply ingrained in Islamic tradition. Under this law, drinking alcohol and other so-called morality offences such as premarital sex, adultery, and homosexuality are illegal for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

View attachment 18823
What is Sharia Law? Image credit: The Seniors Discount Club

Aceh itself is one of Indonesia’s most conservative provinces where the sale and consumption of alcohol are banned. If found guilty, he will be flogged 40 times.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that the Australian Embassy in Jakarta is working to provide consular assistance.

Indonesian police said Risby-Jones would be detained for up to 20 days while investigations take place.

John McLeod, a Crisis Management Consultant, has previously worked with high-profile Australians who found themselves in similar situations in Indonesia.

Mr McLeod said that the man’s alleged behaviour would be taken as an ‘act of incredible disrespect’.

‘If what we're hearing is true, it's total disrespect for local customs and culture, and to their religious faith,’ he said before adding that the concept of ‘restorative justice’ was highly valued in Indonesia.

‘You pay compensation for the pain and suffering and damage that you've caused to the individuals and throw yourself at the mercy of the local governor for forgiveness for your behaviour. You want to be showing total and utter remorse,’ he said.

Three non-Muslim Indonesian men were given 40 strikes in Banda Aceh in 2021 for drinking alcohol in public.
Key Takeaways

  • A young Queensland man, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones, claims he felt 'almost possessed' during an alleged naked, alcohol-fuelled rampage in Indonesia.
  • The man is now facing the terrifying prospect of spending time in an Indonesian jail and could be sentenced to up to five years in prison if convicted of maltreatment resulting in serious physical injury.
  • He could also face charges under Islamic law, as the consumption and sale of alcohol are banned in Aceh, which could lead to public floggings.
  • The rampage incited anger among locals, who allegedly threatened to burn down a hotel in response.
If any of you have other safety travel tips to offer, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
e the 40 lashes could be a good reminder not to drink vodka in Indonesia or any where soon .
Holidays are meant for relaxation, fun, and creating some fond memories to cherish. However, a 23-year-old from Noosa, Queensland, seems to have taken the ‘fun’ aspect of the holidays to an entirely dangerous level.

While on holiday in one of Indonesia’s most conservative islands, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones allegedly went on a naked rampage, hitting locals who tried to stop him and injuring one of them, which led to his eventual arrest.

The man could face flogging if found guilty of his crimes.

Risby-Jones, who works as a carpenter in Noosa, claimed he had a sunstroke the day before his rampage. According to him, he felt ‘almost possessed’ during the alleged incident, which happened early Thursday morning on Simeulue Island, located within the very conservative province of Aceh off the coast of Sumatra.

Risby-Jones also shared with reporters that he was on a surfing holiday and had ‘one shot of vodka’ prior to the incident.

‘I feel like not myself like almost possessed,’ he said in an interview.

‘It was not a good feeling. I wasn’t myself. Normally I am a very nice guy,’ he continued before adding that he would ‘never want to hurt people’ and that the alleged incident was ‘very out of character’.

View attachment 18805
The alleged incident happened on a conservative Indonesian island off the coast of Aceh province.

Risby-Jones also said that he didn’t really remember what happened, including being hit and kicked in the head, nabbed and bashed by local villagers. It was reported that this happened when he allegedly tried to steal one of the local’s motorbikes while naked.

Based on the details of the case, including testimonies from witnesses and police reports, Risby-Jones was allegedly drinking from a bottle of vodka before he emerged from his dwelling in the Moon Beach Resort without any clothes and proceeded to chase and strike people on the main village road.

Shortly after midnight, Risby-Jones attacked a fisherman from the village of Lantik, causing him to suffer an injury to the foot that required 50 stitches on his heel and a broken bone. Local Police Senior Commissioner Jamitko alleged that the man also hit a security guard before leaving the resort.

According to the police, Risby-Jones was ‘enraged’ and ‘caused a scene’.

‘He hit a security guard and walked out of the resort and ran amok with every motorbike rider he encountered.’

It was concluded that the fisherman’s injuries were a result of Risby-Jones hitting him as he passed by on his motorbike and throwing the vehicle onto the fisherman after he fell in a nearby gutter.

View attachment 18806
Risby-Jones was interviewed by reporters while under the custody of Indonesian police. Credit: ABC News

Enraged by the tourist’s behaviour, the locals formed a mob and tried to set the resort itself on fire.

‘Knowing it, the people got angry and almost put the resort on fire. Luckily, local police and the village head managed to calm down the mob,’ Senior Commissioner Jamitko said.

The man’s family released a statement on his behalf, claiming that Risby-Jones is now ‘fully aware of his behaviour’ and is disturbed by his actions which he takes ‘full responsibility’ for.

His father told reporters that his son was ‘deeply ashamed of the trauma and ongoing distress he has inflicted upon his family’. He also said his son was acknowledging the waste of resources his actions caused for local police and apologised to the Australian people for ‘embarrassing them’.

Simeulue Police Chief Detective Mayyuhdi said that Risby-Jones faces either two-and-a-half years in prison if the injuries he caused are minor or up to five years in prison if the victim’s injuries are more serious.

Risby-Jones also faces prosecution under Sharia Law, which is a religious law that is deeply ingrained in Islamic tradition. Under this law, drinking alcohol and other so-called morality offences such as premarital sex, adultery, and homosexuality are illegal for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

View attachment 18823
What is Sharia Law? Image credit: The Seniors Discount Club

Aceh itself is one of Indonesia’s most conservative provinces where the sale and consumption of alcohol are banned. If found guilty, he will be flogged 40 times.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that the Australian Embassy in Jakarta is working to provide consular assistance.

Indonesian police said Risby-Jones would be detained for up to 20 days while investigations take place.

John McLeod, a Crisis Management Consultant, has previously worked with high-profile Australians who found themselves in similar situations in Indonesia.

Mr McLeod said that the man’s alleged behaviour would be taken as an ‘act of incredible disrespect’.

‘If what we're hearing is true, it's total disrespect for local customs and culture, and to their religious faith,’ he said before adding that the concept of ‘restorative justice’ was highly valued in Indonesia.

‘You pay compensation for the pain and suffering and damage that you've caused to the individuals and throw yourself at the mercy of the local governor for forgiveness for your behaviour. You want to be showing total and utter remorse,’ he said.

Three non-Muslim Indonesian men were given 40 strikes in Banda Aceh in 2021 for drinking alcohol in public.
Key Takeaways

  • A young Queensland man, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones, claims he felt 'almost possessed' during an alleged naked, alcohol-fuelled rampage in Indonesia.
  • The man is now facing the terrifying prospect of spending time in an Indonesian jail and could be sentenced to up to five years in prison if convicted of maltreatment resulting in serious physical injury.
  • He could also face charges under Islamic law, as the consumption and sale of alcohol are banned in Aceh, which could lead to public floggings.
  • The rampage incited anger among locals, who allegedly threatened to burn down a hotel in response.
If any of you have other safety travel tips to offer, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
Holidays are meant for relaxation, fun, and creating some fond memories to cherish. However, a 23-year-old from Noosa, Queensland, seems to have taken the ‘fun’ aspect of the holidays to an entirely dangerous level.

While on holiday in one of Indonesia’s most conservative islands, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones allegedly went on a naked rampage, hitting locals who tried to stop him and injuring one of them, which led to his eventual arrest.

The man could face flogging if found guilty of his crimes.

Risby-Jones, who works as a carpenter in Noosa, claimed he had a sunstroke the day before his rampage. According to him, he felt ‘almost possessed’ during the alleged incident, which happened early Thursday morning on Simeulue Island, located within the very conservative province of Aceh off the coast of Sumatra.

Risby-Jones also shared with reporters that he was on a surfing holiday and had ‘one shot of vodka’ prior to the incident.

‘I feel like not myself like almost possessed,’ he said in an interview.

‘It was not a good feeling. I wasn’t myself. Normally I am a very nice guy,’ he continued before adding that he would ‘never want to hurt people’ and that the alleged incident was ‘very out of character’.

View attachment 18805
The alleged incident happened on a conservative Indonesian island off the coast of Aceh province.

Risby-Jones also said that he didn’t really remember what happened, including being hit and kicked in the head, nabbed and bashed by local villagers. It was reported that this happened when he allegedly tried to steal one of the local’s motorbikes while naked.

Based on the details of the case, including testimonies from witnesses and police reports, Risby-Jones was allegedly drinking from a bottle of vodka before he emerged from his dwelling in the Moon Beach Resort without any clothes and proceeded to chase and strike people on the main village road.

Shortly after midnight, Risby-Jones attacked a fisherman from the village of Lantik, causing him to suffer an injury to the foot that required 50 stitches on his heel and a broken bone. Local Police Senior Commissioner Jamitko alleged that the man also hit a security guard before leaving the resort.

According to the police, Risby-Jones was ‘enraged’ and ‘caused a scene’.

‘He hit a security guard and walked out of the resort and ran amok with every motorbike rider he encountered.’

It was concluded that the fisherman’s injuries were a result of Risby-Jones hitting him as he passed by on his motorbike and throwing the vehicle onto the fisherman after he fell in a nearby gutter.

View attachment 18806
Risby-Jones was interviewed by reporters while under the custody of Indonesian police. Credit: ABC News

Enraged by the tourist’s behaviour, the locals formed a mob and tried to set the resort itself on fire.

‘Knowing it, the people got angry and almost put the resort on fire. Luckily, local police and the village head managed to calm down the mob,’ Senior Commissioner Jamitko said.

The man’s family released a statement on his behalf, claiming that Risby-Jones is now ‘fully aware of his behaviour’ and is disturbed by his actions which he takes ‘full responsibility’ for.

His father told reporters that his son was ‘deeply ashamed of the trauma and ongoing distress he has inflicted upon his family’. He also said his son was acknowledging the waste of resources his actions caused for local police and apologised to the Australian people for ‘embarrassing them’.

Simeulue Police Chief Detective Mayyuhdi said that Risby-Jones faces either two-and-a-half years in prison if the injuries he caused are minor or up to five years in prison if the victim’s injuries are more serious.

Risby-Jones also faces prosecution under Sharia Law, which is a religious law that is deeply ingrained in Islamic tradition. Under this law, drinking alcohol and other so-called morality offences such as premarital sex, adultery, and homosexuality are illegal for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

View attachment 18823
What is Sharia Law? Image credit: The Seniors Discount Club

Aceh itself is one of Indonesia’s most conservative provinces where the sale and consumption of alcohol are banned. If found guilty, he will be flogged 40 times.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that the Australian Embassy in Jakarta is working to provide consular assistance.

Indonesian police said Risby-Jones would be detained for up to 20 days while investigations take place.

John McLeod, a Crisis Management Consultant, has previously worked with high-profile Australians who found themselves in similar situations in Indonesia.

Mr McLeod said that the man’s alleged behaviour would be taken as an ‘act of incredible disrespect’.

‘If what we're hearing is true, it's total disrespect for local customs and culture, and to their religious faith,’ he said before adding that the concept of ‘restorative justice’ was highly valued in Indonesia.

‘You pay compensation for the pain and suffering and damage that you've caused to the individuals and throw yourself at the mercy of the local governor for forgiveness for your behaviour. You want to be showing total and utter remorse,’ he said.

Three non-Muslim Indonesian men were given 40 strikes in Banda Aceh in 2021 for drinking alcohol in public.
Key Takeaways

  • A young Queensland man, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones, claims he felt 'almost possessed' during an alleged naked, alcohol-fuelled rampage in Indonesia.
  • The man is now facing the terrifying prospect of spending time in an Indonesian jail and could be sentenced to up to five years in prison if convicted of maltreatment resulting in serious physical injury.
  • He could also face charges under Islamic law, as the consumption and sale of alcohol are banned in Aceh, which could lead to public floggings.
  • The rampage incited anger among locals, who allegedly threatened to burn down a hotel in response.
If any of you have other safety travel tips to offer, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
Too many flaunt disrespect to locals when they visit overseas. Naturally the Indonesians, being predominantly muslim, found it disrespectful. I would think other religions including christians, buddhists etc would find it offensive as well Anyone visiting any country abroad should abide by the laws there and if they break the laws there, they should expect and receive just punishment if it happened.
Holidays are meant for relaxation, fun, and creating some fond memories to cherish. However, a 23-year-old from Noosa, Queensland, seems to have taken the ‘fun’ aspect of the holidays to an entirely dangerous level.

While on holiday in one of Indonesia’s most conservative islands, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones allegedly went on a naked rampage, hitting locals who tried to stop him and injuring one of them, which led to his eventual arrest.

The man could face flogging if found guilty of his crimes.

Risby-Jones, who works as a carpenter in Noosa, claimed he had a sunstroke the day before his rampage. According to him, he felt ‘almost possessed’ during the alleged incident, which happened early Thursday morning on Simeulue Island, located within the very conservative province of Aceh off the coast of Sumatra.

Risby-Jones also shared with reporters that he was on a surfing holiday and had ‘one shot of vodka’ prior to the incident.

‘I feel like not myself like almost possessed,’ he said in an interview.

‘It was not a good feeling. I wasn’t myself. Normally I am a very nice guy,’ he continued before adding that he would ‘never want to hurt people’ and that the alleged incident was ‘very out of character’.

View attachment 18805
The alleged incident happened on a conservative Indonesian island off the coast of Aceh province.

Risby-Jones also said that he didn’t really remember what happened, including being hit and kicked in the head, nabbed and bashed by local villagers. It was reported that this happened when he allegedly tried to steal one of the local’s motorbikes while naked.

Based on the details of the case, including testimonies from witnesses and police reports, Risby-Jones was allegedly drinking from a bottle of vodka before he emerged from his dwelling in the Moon Beach Resort without any clothes and proceeded to chase and strike people on the main village road.

Shortly after midnight, Risby-Jones attacked a fisherman from the village of Lantik, causing him to suffer an injury to the foot that required 50 stitches on his heel and a broken bone. Local Police Senior Commissioner Jamitko alleged that the man also hit a security guard before leaving the resort.

According to the police, Risby-Jones was ‘enraged’ and ‘caused a scene’.

‘He hit a security guard and walked out of the resort and ran amok with every motorbike rider he encountered.’

It was concluded that the fisherman’s injuries were a result of Risby-Jones hitting him as he passed by on his motorbike and throwing the vehicle onto the fisherman after he fell in a nearby gutter.

View attachment 18806
Risby-Jones was interviewed by reporters while under the custody of Indonesian police. Credit: ABC News

Enraged by the tourist’s behaviour, the locals formed a mob and tried to set the resort itself on fire.

‘Knowing it, the people got angry and almost put the resort on fire. Luckily, local police and the village head managed to calm down the mob,’ Senior Commissioner Jamitko said.

The man’s family released a statement on his behalf, claiming that Risby-Jones is now ‘fully aware of his behaviour’ and is disturbed by his actions which he takes ‘full responsibility’ for.

His father told reporters that his son was ‘deeply ashamed of the trauma and ongoing distress he has inflicted upon his family’. He also said his son was acknowledging the waste of resources his actions caused for local police and apologised to the Australian people for ‘embarrassing them’.

Simeulue Police Chief Detective Mayyuhdi said that Risby-Jones faces either two-and-a-half years in prison if the injuries he caused are minor or up to five years in prison if the victim’s injuries are more serious.

Risby-Jones also faces prosecution under Sharia Law, which is a religious law that is deeply ingrained in Islamic tradition. Under this law, drinking alcohol and other so-called morality offences such as premarital sex, adultery, and homosexuality are illegal for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

View attachment 18823
What is Sharia Law? Image credit: The Seniors Discount Club

Aceh itself is one of Indonesia’s most conservative provinces where the sale and consumption of alcohol are banned. If found guilty, he will be flogged 40 times.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that the Australian Embassy in Jakarta is working to provide consular assistance.

Indonesian police said Risby-Jones would be detained for up to 20 days while investigations take place.

John McLeod, a Crisis Management Consultant, has previously worked with high-profile Australians who found themselves in similar situations in Indonesia.

Mr McLeod said that the man’s alleged behaviour would be taken as an ‘act of incredible disrespect’.

‘If what we're hearing is true, it's total disrespect for local customs and culture, and to their religious faith,’ he said before adding that the concept of ‘restorative justice’ was highly valued in Indonesia.

‘You pay compensation for the pain and suffering and damage that you've caused to the individuals and throw yourself at the mercy of the local governor for forgiveness for your behaviour. You want to be showing total and utter remorse,’ he said.

Three non-Muslim Indonesian men were given 40 strikes in Banda Aceh in 2021 for drinking alcohol in public.
Key Takeaways

  • A young Queensland man, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones, claims he felt 'almost possessed' during an alleged naked, alcohol-fuelled rampage in Indonesia.
  • The man is now facing the terrifying prospect of spending time in an Indonesian jail and could be sentenced to up to five years in prison if convicted of maltreatment resulting in serious physical injury.
  • He could also face charges under Islamic law, as the consumption and sale of alcohol are banned in Aceh, which could lead to public floggings.
  • The rampage incited anger among locals, who allegedly threatened to burn down a hotel in response.
If any of you have other safety travel tips to offer, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
Learn about and respect the culture of the country you are visiting or pay the price
Holidays are meant for relaxation, fun, and creating some fond memories to cherish. However, a 23-year-old from Noosa, Queensland, seems to have taken the ‘fun’ aspect of the holidays to an entirely dangerous level.

While on holiday in one of Indonesia’s most conservative islands, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones allegedly went on a naked rampage, hitting locals who tried to stop him and injuring one of them, which led to his eventual arrest.

The man could face flogging if found guilty of his crimes.

Risby-Jones, who works as a carpenter in Noosa, claimed he had a sunstroke the day before his rampage. According to him, he felt ‘almost possessed’ during the alleged incident, which happened early Thursday morning on Simeulue Island, located within the very conservative province of Aceh off the coast of Sumatra.

Risby-Jones also shared with reporters that he was on a surfing holiday and had ‘one shot of vodka’ prior to the incident.

‘I feel like not myself like almost possessed,’ he said in an interview.

‘It was not a good feeling. I wasn’t myself. Normally I am a very nice guy,’ he continued before adding that he would ‘never want to hurt people’ and that the alleged incident was ‘very out of character’.

View attachment 18805
The alleged incident happened on a conservative Indonesian island off the coast of Aceh province.

Risby-Jones also said that he didn’t really remember what happened, including being hit and kicked in the head, nabbed and bashed by local villagers. It was reported that this happened when he allegedly tried to steal one of the local’s motorbikes while naked.

Based on the details of the case, including testimonies from witnesses and police reports, Risby-Jones was allegedly drinking from a bottle of vodka before he emerged from his dwelling in the Moon Beach Resort without any clothes and proceeded to chase and strike people on the main village road.

Shortly after midnight, Risby-Jones attacked a fisherman from the village of Lantik, causing him to suffer an injury to the foot that required 50 stitches on his heel and a broken bone. Local Police Senior Commissioner Jamitko alleged that the man also hit a security guard before leaving the resort.

According to the police, Risby-Jones was ‘enraged’ and ‘caused a scene’.

‘He hit a security guard and walked out of the resort and ran amok with every motorbike rider he encountered.’

It was concluded that the fisherman’s injuries were a result of Risby-Jones hitting him as he passed by on his motorbike and throwing the vehicle onto the fisherman after he fell in a nearby gutter.

View attachment 18806
Risby-Jones was interviewed by reporters while under the custody of Indonesian police. Credit: ABC News

Enraged by the tourist’s behaviour, the locals formed a mob and tried to set the resort itself on fire.

‘Knowing it, the people got angry and almost put the resort on fire. Luckily, local police and the village head managed to calm down the mob,’ Senior Commissioner Jamitko said.

The man’s family released a statement on his behalf, claiming that Risby-Jones is now ‘fully aware of his behaviour’ and is disturbed by his actions which he takes ‘full responsibility’ for.

His father told reporters that his son was ‘deeply ashamed of the trauma and ongoing distress he has inflicted upon his family’. He also said his son was acknowledging the waste of resources his actions caused for local police and apologised to the Australian people for ‘embarrassing them’.

Simeulue Police Chief Detective Mayyuhdi said that Risby-Jones faces either two-and-a-half years in prison if the injuries he caused are minor or up to five years in prison if the victim’s injuries are more serious.

Risby-Jones also faces prosecution under Sharia Law, which is a religious law that is deeply ingrained in Islamic tradition. Under this law, drinking alcohol and other so-called morality offences such as premarital sex, adultery, and homosexuality are illegal for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

View attachment 18823
What is Sharia Law? Image credit: The Seniors Discount Club

Aceh itself is one of Indonesia’s most conservative provinces where the sale and consumption of alcohol are banned. If found guilty, he will be flogged 40 times.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that the Australian Embassy in Jakarta is working to provide consular assistance.

Indonesian police said Risby-Jones would be detained for up to 20 days while investigations take place.

John McLeod, a Crisis Management Consultant, has previously worked with high-profile Australians who found themselves in similar situations in Indonesia.

Mr McLeod said that the man’s alleged behaviour would be taken as an ‘act of incredible disrespect’.

‘If what we're hearing is true, it's total disrespect for local customs and culture, and to their religious faith,’ he said before adding that the concept of ‘restorative justice’ was highly valued in Indonesia.

‘You pay compensation for the pain and suffering and damage that you've caused to the individuals and throw yourself at the mercy of the local governor for forgiveness for your behaviour. You want to be showing total and utter remorse,’ he said.

Three non-Muslim Indonesian men were given 40 strikes in Banda Aceh in 2021 for drinking alcohol in public.
Key Takeaways

  • A young Queensland man, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones, claims he felt 'almost possessed' during an alleged naked, alcohol-fuelled rampage in Indonesia.
  • The man is now facing the terrifying prospect of spending time in an Indonesian jail and could be sentenced to up to five years in prison if convicted of maltreatment resulting in serious physical injury.
  • He could also face charges under Islamic law, as the consumption and sale of alcohol are banned in Aceh, which could lead to public floggings.
  • The rampage incited anger among locals, who allegedly threatened to burn down a hotel in response.
If any of you have other safety travel tips to offer, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
Perhaps a child receiving a smack on the hand or bottom to remind them to respect other people, their property and their customs is not such a bad thing.

Holidays are meant for relaxation, fun, and creating some fond memories to cherish. However, a 23-year-old from Noosa, Queensland, seems to have taken the ‘fun’ aspect of the holidays to an entirely dangerous level.

While on holiday in one of Indonesia’s most conservative islands, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones allegedly went on a naked rampage, hitting locals who tried to stop him and injuring one of them, which led to his eventual arrest.

The man could face flogging if found guilty of his crimes.

Risby-Jones, who works as a carpenter in Noosa, claimed he had a sunstroke the day before his rampage. According to him, he felt ‘almost possessed’ during the alleged incident, which happened early Thursday morning on Simeulue Island, located within the very conservative province of Aceh off the coast of Sumatra.

Risby-Jones also shared with reporters that he was on a surfing holiday and had ‘one shot of vodka’ prior to the incident.

‘I feel like not myself like almost possessed,’ he said in an interview.

‘It was not a good feeling. I wasn’t myself. Normally I am a very nice guy,’ he continued before adding that he would ‘never want to hurt people’ and that the alleged incident was ‘very out of character’.

View attachment 18805
The alleged incident happened on a conservative Indonesian island off the coast of Aceh province.

Risby-Jones also said that he didn’t really remember what happened, including being hit and kicked in the head, nabbed and bashed by local villagers. It was reported that this happened when he allegedly tried to steal one of the local’s motorbikes while naked.

Based on the details of the case, including testimonies from witnesses and police reports, Risby-Jones was allegedly drinking from a bottle of vodka before he emerged from his dwelling in the Moon Beach Resort without any clothes and proceeded to chase and strike people on the main village road.

Shortly after midnight, Risby-Jones attacked a fisherman from the village of Lantik, causing him to suffer an injury to the foot that required 50 stitches on his heel and a broken bone. Local Police Senior Commissioner Jamitko alleged that the man also hit a security guard before leaving the resort.

According to the police, Risby-Jones was ‘enraged’ and ‘caused a scene’.

‘He hit a security guard and walked out of the resort and ran amok with every motorbike rider he encountered.’

It was concluded that the fisherman’s injuries were a result of Risby-Jones hitting him as he passed by on his motorbike and throwing the vehicle onto the fisherman after he fell in a nearby gutter.

View attachment 18806
Risby-Jones was interviewed by reporters while under the custody of Indonesian police. Credit: ABC News

Enraged by the tourist’s behaviour, the locals formed a mob and tried to set the resort itself on fire.

‘Knowing it, the people got angry and almost put the resort on fire. Luckily, local police and the village head managed to calm down the mob,’ Senior Commissioner Jamitko said.

The man’s family released a statement on his behalf, claiming that Risby-Jones is now ‘fully aware of his behaviour’ and is disturbed by his actions which he takes ‘full responsibility’ for.

His father told reporters that his son was ‘deeply ashamed of the trauma and ongoing distress he has inflicted upon his family’. He also said his son was acknowledging the waste of resources his actions caused for local police and apologised to the Australian people for ‘embarrassing them’.

Simeulue Police Chief Detective Mayyuhdi said that Risby-Jones faces either two-and-a-half years in prison if the injuries he caused are minor or up to five years in prison if the victim’s injuries are more serious.

Risby-Jones also faces prosecution under Sharia Law, which is a religious law that is deeply ingrained in Islamic tradition. Under this law, drinking alcohol and other so-called morality offences such as premarital sex, adultery, and homosexuality are illegal for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

View attachment 18823
What is Sharia Law? Image credit: The Seniors Discount Club

Aceh itself is one of Indonesia’s most conservative provinces where the sale and consumption of alcohol are banned. If found guilty, he will be flogged 40 times.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that the Australian Embassy in Jakarta is working to provide consular assistance.

Indonesian police said Risby-Jones would be detained for up to 20 days while investigations take place.

John McLeod, a Crisis Management Consultant, has previously worked with high-profile Australians who found themselves in similar situations in Indonesia.

Mr McLeod said that the man’s alleged behaviour would be taken as an ‘act of incredible disrespect’.

‘If what we're hearing is true, it's total disrespect for local customs and culture, and to their religious faith,’ he said before adding that the concept of ‘restorative justice’ was highly valued in Indonesia.

‘You pay compensation for the pain and suffering and damage that you've caused to the individuals and throw yourself at the mercy of the local governor for forgiveness for your behaviour. You want to be showing total and utter remorse,’ he said.

Three non-Muslim Indonesian men were given 40 strikes in Banda Aceh in 2021 for drinking alcohol in public.
Key Takeaways

  • A young Queensland man, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones, claims he felt 'almost possessed' during an alleged naked, alcohol-fuelled rampage in Indonesia.
  • The man is now facing the terrifying prospect of spending time in an Indonesian jail and could be sentenced to up to five years in prison if convicted of maltreatment resulting in serious physical injury.
  • He could also face charges under Islamic law, as the consumption and sale of alcohol are banned in Aceh, which could lead to public floggings.
  • The rampage incited anger among locals, who allegedly threatened to burn down a hotel in response.
If any of you have other safety travel tips to offer, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
"When in Rome...'. It is trite to say that a visitor to a foreign country is required to comply with the country's law in much the same way as are the residents. What this young man did would be looked upon as an act of simple yahooing in Byron Bay, Port Douglas or similar. Not so Aceh. It is widely known as a conservative Muslim state which enforces local laws driven by people of Islamic faith. The conduct of the man is gravely offensive to the local residents. He will have to face up to the prescribed punishments.
Holidays are meant for relaxation, fun, and creating some fond memories to cherish. However, a 23-year-old from Noosa, Queensland, seems to have taken the ‘fun’ aspect of the holidays to an entirely dangerous level.

While on holiday in one of Indonesia’s most conservative islands, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones allegedly went on a naked rampage, hitting locals who tried to stop him and injuring one of them, which led to his eventual arrest.

The man could face flogging if found guilty of his crimes.

Risby-Jones, who works as a carpenter in Noosa, claimed he had a sunstroke the day before his rampage. According to him, he felt ‘almost possessed’ during the alleged incident, which happened early Thursday morning on Simeulue Island, located within the very conservative province of Aceh off the coast of Sumatra.

Risby-Jones also shared with reporters that he was on a surfing holiday and had ‘one shot of vodka’ prior to the incident.

‘I feel like not myself like almost possessed,’ he said in an interview.

‘It was not a good feeling. I wasn’t myself. Normally I am a very nice guy,’ he continued before adding that he would ‘never want to hurt people’ and that the alleged incident was ‘very out of character’.

View attachment 18805
The alleged incident happened on a conservative Indonesian island off the coast of Aceh province.

Risby-Jones also said that he didn’t really remember what happened, including being hit and kicked in the head, nabbed and bashed by local villagers. It was reported that this happened when he allegedly tried to steal one of the local’s motorbikes while naked.

Based on the details of the case, including testimonies from witnesses and police reports, Risby-Jones was allegedly drinking from a bottle of vodka before he emerged from his dwelling in the Moon Beach Resort without any clothes and proceeded to chase and strike people on the main village road.

Shortly after midnight, Risby-Jones attacked a fisherman from the village of Lantik, causing him to suffer an injury to the foot that required 50 stitches on his heel and a broken bone. Local Police Senior Commissioner Jamitko alleged that the man also hit a security guard before leaving the resort.

According to the police, Risby-Jones was ‘enraged’ and ‘caused a scene’.

‘He hit a security guard and walked out of the resort and ran amok with every motorbike rider he encountered.’

It was concluded that the fisherman’s injuries were a result of Risby-Jones hitting him as he passed by on his motorbike and throwing the vehicle onto the fisherman after he fell in a nearby gutter.

View attachment 18806
Risby-Jones was interviewed by reporters while under the custody of Indonesian police. Credit: ABC News

Enraged by the tourist’s behaviour, the locals formed a mob and tried to set the resort itself on fire.

‘Knowing it, the people got angry and almost put the resort on fire. Luckily, local police and the village head managed to calm down the mob,’ Senior Commissioner Jamitko said.

The man’s family released a statement on his behalf, claiming that Risby-Jones is now ‘fully aware of his behaviour’ and is disturbed by his actions which he takes ‘full responsibility’ for.

His father told reporters that his son was ‘deeply ashamed of the trauma and ongoing distress he has inflicted upon his family’. He also said his son was acknowledging the waste of resources his actions caused for local police and apologised to the Australian people for ‘embarrassing them’.

Simeulue Police Chief Detective Mayyuhdi said that Risby-Jones faces either two-and-a-half years in prison if the injuries he caused are minor or up to five years in prison if the victim’s injuries are more serious.

Risby-Jones also faces prosecution under Sharia Law, which is a religious law that is deeply ingrained in Islamic tradition. Under this law, drinking alcohol and other so-called morality offences such as premarital sex, adultery, and homosexuality are illegal for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

View attachment 18823
What is Sharia Law? Image credit: The Seniors Discount Club

Aceh itself is one of Indonesia’s most conservative provinces where the sale and consumption of alcohol are banned. If found guilty, he will be flogged 40 times.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that the Australian Embassy in Jakarta is working to provide consular assistance.

Indonesian police said Risby-Jones would be detained for up to 20 days while investigations take place.

John McLeod, a Crisis Management Consultant, has previously worked with high-profile Australians who found themselves in similar situations in Indonesia.

Mr McLeod said that the man’s alleged behaviour would be taken as an ‘act of incredible disrespect’.

‘If what we're hearing is true, it's total disrespect for local customs and culture, and to their religious faith,’ he said before adding that the concept of ‘restorative justice’ was highly valued in Indonesia.

‘You pay compensation for the pain and suffering and damage that you've caused to the individuals and throw yourself at the mercy of the local governor for forgiveness for your behaviour. You want to be showing total and utter remorse,’ he said.

Three non-Muslim Indonesian men were given 40 strikes in Banda Aceh in 2021 for drinking alcohol in public.
Key Takeaways

  • A young Queensland man, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones, claims he felt 'almost possessed' during an alleged naked, alcohol-fuelled rampage in Indonesia.
  • The man is now facing the terrifying prospect of spending time in an Indonesian jail and could be sentenced to up to five years in prison if convicted of maltreatment resulting in serious physical injury.
  • He could also face charges under Islamic law, as the consumption and sale of alcohol are banned in Aceh, which could lead to public floggings.
  • The rampage incited anger among locals, who allegedly threatened to burn down a hotel in response.
If any of you have other safety travel tips to offer, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
Certainly he deserves punishment. Disrespecting the laws of the country one is visiting, causing a citizen of that country grievous bodily harm, and generally causing mayhem, deserves retribution. Flogging, no, physical force is never an answer, regardless of the circumstances. It's about respect. Visitors to Bali, often behave disgracefully. Drugs, alcohol, and being a visitor to a foreign country, is a very poor mix.
Sounds barbaric, but there has been enough publicity about punishment for alcohol and drug induced behaviour in Bali to warn travellers.
This is just another incident where an Aussie on holiday thinks it’s ok to act like a baboon.
This is yet another strong warning.
Take heed.
Bad behaviour is one thing, but placing another person in hospital with 50 stitches is another. In Australia, he'd get a slap over the wrist, as there's no justice here. He went to an foreign country where there are very specific rules and consequences. Maybe a few good smacks as a kid could have stopped this.
Holidays are meant for relaxation, fun, and creating some fond memories to cherish. However, a 23-year-old from Noosa, Queensland, seems to have taken the ‘fun’ aspect of the holidays to an entirely dangerous level.

While on holiday in one of Indonesia’s most conservative islands, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones allegedly went on a naked rampage, hitting locals who tried to stop him and injuring one of them, which led to his eventual arrest.

The man could face flogging if found guilty of his crimes.

Risby-Jones, who works as a carpenter in Noosa, claimed he had a sunstroke the day before his rampage. According to him, he felt ‘almost possessed’ during the alleged incident, which happened early Thursday morning on Simeulue Island, located within the very conservative province of Aceh off the coast of Sumatra.

Risby-Jones also shared with reporters that he was on a surfing holiday and had ‘one shot of vodka’ prior to the incident.

‘I feel like not myself like almost possessed,’ he said in an interview.

‘It was not a good feeling. I wasn’t myself. Normally I am a very nice guy,’ he continued before adding that he would ‘never want to hurt people’ and that the alleged incident was ‘very out of character’.

View attachment 18805
The alleged incident happened on a conservative Indonesian island off the coast of Aceh province.

Risby-Jones also said that he didn’t really remember what happened, including being hit and kicked in the head, nabbed and bashed by local villagers. It was reported that this happened when he allegedly tried to steal one of the local’s motorbikes while naked.

Based on the details of the case, including testimonies from witnesses and police reports, Risby-Jones was allegedly drinking from a bottle of vodka before he emerged from his dwelling in the Moon Beach Resort without any clothes and proceeded to chase and strike people on the main village road.

Shortly after midnight, Risby-Jones attacked a fisherman from the village of Lantik, causing him to suffer an injury to the foot that required 50 stitches on his heel and a broken bone. Local Police Senior Commissioner Jamitko alleged that the man also hit a security guard before leaving the resort.

According to the police, Risby-Jones was ‘enraged’ and ‘caused a scene’.

‘He hit a security guard and walked out of the resort and ran amok with every motorbike rider he encountered.’

It was concluded that the fisherman’s injuries were a result of Risby-Jones hitting him as he passed by on his motorbike and throwing the vehicle onto the fisherman after he fell in a nearby gutter.

View attachment 18806
Risby-Jones was interviewed by reporters while under the custody of Indonesian police. Credit: ABC News

Enraged by the tourist’s behaviour, the locals formed a mob and tried to set the resort itself on fire.

‘Knowing it, the people got angry and almost put the resort on fire. Luckily, local police and the village head managed to calm down the mob,’ Senior Commissioner Jamitko said.

The man’s family released a statement on his behalf, claiming that Risby-Jones is now ‘fully aware of his behaviour’ and is disturbed by his actions which he takes ‘full responsibility’ for.

His father told reporters that his son was ‘deeply ashamed of the trauma and ongoing distress he has inflicted upon his family’. He also said his son was acknowledging the waste of resources his actions caused for local police and apologised to the Australian people for ‘embarrassing them’.

Simeulue Police Chief Detective Mayyuhdi said that Risby-Jones faces either two-and-a-half years in prison if the injuries he caused are minor or up to five years in prison if the victim’s injuries are more serious.

Risby-Jones also faces prosecution under Sharia Law, which is a religious law that is deeply ingrained in Islamic tradition. Under this law, drinking alcohol and other so-called morality offences such as premarital sex, adultery, and homosexuality are illegal for both Muslims and non-Muslims.

View attachment 18823
What is Sharia Law? Image credit: The Seniors Discount Club

Aceh itself is one of Indonesia’s most conservative provinces where the sale and consumption of alcohol are banned. If found guilty, he will be flogged 40 times.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that the Australian Embassy in Jakarta is working to provide consular assistance.

Indonesian police said Risby-Jones would be detained for up to 20 days while investigations take place.

John McLeod, a Crisis Management Consultant, has previously worked with high-profile Australians who found themselves in similar situations in Indonesia.

Mr McLeod said that the man’s alleged behaviour would be taken as an ‘act of incredible disrespect’.

‘If what we're hearing is true, it's total disrespect for local customs and culture, and to their religious faith,’ he said before adding that the concept of ‘restorative justice’ was highly valued in Indonesia.

‘You pay compensation for the pain and suffering and damage that you've caused to the individuals and throw yourself at the mercy of the local governor for forgiveness for your behaviour. You want to be showing total and utter remorse,’ he said.

Three non-Muslim Indonesian men were given 40 strikes in Banda Aceh in 2021 for drinking alcohol in public.
Key Takeaways

  • A young Queensland man, Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones, claims he felt 'almost possessed' during an alleged naked, alcohol-fuelled rampage in Indonesia.
  • The man is now facing the terrifying prospect of spending time in an Indonesian jail and could be sentenced to up to five years in prison if convicted of maltreatment resulting in serious physical injury.
  • He could also face charges under Islamic law, as the consumption and sale of alcohol are banned in Aceh, which could lead to public floggings.
  • The rampage incited anger among locals, who allegedly threatened to burn down a hotel in response.
If any of you have other safety travel tips to offer, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
Don't expect others to feel sorry or clean up his mess. Well known about Bali's hard line on some offences. Consequences for your actions. Simple, it might be tough. Hopefully, some will learn from his actions. Personally, I don't agree with a lot of Indonesian things and human rights. Hence, I made the decision years ago, never travel there. Life is simple really.

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