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Ours started with a subject, verb, preposition, etc. Some sentences were hilarious of course.Margaret
We made up a similar game as kids. We had about 7 categories to work on including birds, animals, places, cars, names, rocks and mineral and plants. One of us would go start and one would silently go through the alphabet until told to stop. Whatever letter came up was the letter we worked on. We had a grid drawn up to put our answers on. If you finished your list first everyone else had to stop. We scored 25 for a word nobody else had, 10 if someone had the same word, 5 if all had that word and 0 if you hadn't filled in a word. Hours of fun and happy memories.
Love jabirusName , Jason
Country . Jamaica
Animal. Jabiru
Object. Jug
I just looked at my answers and realised I could make a silly sentence out of them.Ours started with a subject, verb, preposition, etc. Some sentences were hilarious of course.