Woolworths truck driver’s ‘amateur’ behaviour caught on camera - do you think he was in the wrong?

We all know the feeling. You're driving along, minding your own business, when all of a sudden somebody cuts you off. Or maybe they're driving too slowly in the fast lane...or maybe they're tailgating you, who knows what other annoyances you might encounter while driving, right?

With numerous road issues to deal with on a daily basis, it's no wonder that so many of us get frustrated behind the wheel.

That's why it is not surprising that one motorist has divided social media over his post criticising a Woolworths supermarket truck driver's ‘amateur’ behaviour.

Airing his frustration on Twitter, the motorist shared a dashcam video of the event, in which he can be seen driving next to the Woolies semi-trailer.

It is also important to note that both vehicles were seen turning right at a set of lights with the truck, positioned in the left lane and was well ahead of the motorist.

However, after making the turn, the driver pushed his car closer to the Woolies truck.

Even though the driver is in the right lane, the truck signaled to move into the right lane and began to merge right.

The motorist then expressed his annoyance at being passed by the truck and can be heard shouting, ‘F***ing moron’, as he honks the horn.

'Here’s a video of one of your “professional” drivers being an amateur,' he wrote along with the video he posted on the Woolworths official Twitter page.

It is understood, however, that the grocery delivery driver may view the incident differently given that the Woolworths driver complies with the law by posting a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign on the truck.

The yellow placards displayed at the back of Woolworths trucks requires other drivers to move over and give truck drivers more room to turn safely, especially on tight curves.


A frustrated motorist lashed out at a Woolies truck driver after getting cut by the vehicle. Credit: Twitter.

Despite the fact that road regulations differ per state, it is generally acknowledged that heavy vehicles carrying a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign are permitted to use more than one lane to turn at corners, crossroads, and roundabouts.

However, some motorists have contended that the driver was still ‘in the right’ despite this explanation.

One person said: 'Seems to me like the truck had completed the turn when the car moved up alongside him.'

'Well after he turned the corner, he then tried to merge into the right-hand lane and into the car. Car was in the right, no question,' another added.

When you're on the road, you're constantly faced with obstacles and other motorists who are not always as careful as you. It's important to remember that staying calm behind the wheel is necessary. This may be easier said than done, but it's still a goal worth pursuing. After all, it is harder to focus on your driving when you're preoccupied with something, even panic or anger.

How about you? Who do you think is in the right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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We all know the feeling. You're driving along, minding your own business, when all of a sudden somebody cuts you off. Or maybe they're driving too slowly in the fast lane...or maybe they're tailgating you, who knows what other annoyances you might encounter while driving, right?

With numerous road issues to deal with on a daily basis, it's no wonder that so many of us get frustrated behind the wheel.

That's why it is not surprising that one motorist has divided social media over his post criticising a Woolworths supermarket truck driver's ‘amateur’ behaviour.

Airing his frustration on Twitter, the motorist shared a dashcam video of the event, in which he can be seen driving next to the Woolies semi-trailer.

It is also important to note that both vehicles were seen turning right at a set of lights with the truck, positioned in the left lane and was well ahead of the motorist.

However, after making the turn, the driver pushed his car closer to the Woolies truck.

Even though the driver is in the right lane, the truck signaled to move into the right lane and began to merge right.

The motorist then expressed his annoyance at being passed by the truck and can be heard shouting, ‘F***ing moron’, as he honks the horn.

'Here’s a video of one of your “professional” drivers being an amateur,' he wrote along with the video he posted on the Woolworths official Twitter page.

It is understood, however, that the grocery delivery driver may view the incident differently given that the Woolworths driver complies with the law by posting a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign on the truck.

The yellow placards displayed at the back of Woolworths trucks requires other drivers to move over and give truck drivers more room to turn safely, especially on tight curves.


A frustrated motorist lashed out at a Woolies truck driver after getting cut by the vehicle. Credit: Twitter.

Despite the fact that road regulations differ per state, it is generally acknowledged that heavy vehicles carrying a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign are permitted to use more than one lane to turn at corners, crossroads, and roundabouts.

However, some motorists have contended that the driver was still ‘in the right’ despite this explanation.

One person said: 'Seems to me like the truck had completed the turn when the car moved up alongside him.'

'Well after he turned the corner, he then tried to merge into the right-hand lane and into the car. Car was in the right, no question,' another added.

When you're on the road, you're constantly faced with obstacles and other motorists who are not always as careful as you. It's important to remember that staying calm behind the wheel is necessary. This may be easier said than done, but it's still a goal worth pursuing. After all, it is harder to focus on your driving when you're preoccupied with something, even panic or anger.

How about you? Who do you think is in the right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Being a Truck driver for 40+ years I've had similar encounters. People are so impatient, the Truck had the right of way & being so big can't make sharp turns like a car hence that's why signs are displayed on the back of the trailer saying 'DON'T OVERTAKE TURNING VEHICLE'. As they need more room to manuevre on the roads. Have any of you impatient drivers ever driven a truck that delivers your products you need to buy from different stores. 'WITHOUT TRUCKS AUSTRALIA STOPS'
I wouldn't blame the truck driver, have you ever seen how much of a blind spot these drivers have to contend with? The truck driver did signal that he was maneuvering having just navigated the traffic lights. Chill out folk, driving should be a pleasure and will be if we all take our time to be courteous on the road.:)
We all know the feeling. You're driving along, minding your own business, when all of a sudden somebody cuts you off. Or maybe they're driving too slowly in the fast lane...or maybe they're tailgating you, who knows what other annoyances you might encounter while driving, right?

With numerous road issues to deal with on a daily basis, it's no wonder that so many of us get frustrated behind the wheel.

That's why it is not surprising that one motorist has divided social media over his post criticising a Woolworths supermarket truck driver's ‘amateur’ behaviour.

Airing his frustration on Twitter, the motorist shared a dashcam video of the event, in which he can be seen driving next to the Woolies semi-trailer.

It is also important to note that both vehicles were seen turning right at a set of lights with the truck, positioned in the left lane and was well ahead of the motorist.

However, after making the turn, the driver pushed his car closer to the Woolies truck.

Even though the driver is in the right lane, the truck signaled to move into the right lane and began to merge right.

The motorist then expressed his annoyance at being passed by the truck and can be heard shouting, ‘F***ing moron’, as he honks the horn.

'Here’s a video of one of your “professional” drivers being an amateur,' he wrote along with the video he posted on the Woolworths official Twitter page.

It is understood, however, that the grocery delivery driver may view the incident differently given that the Woolworths driver complies with the law by posting a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign on the truck.

The yellow placards displayed at the back of Woolworths trucks requires other drivers to move over and give truck drivers more room to turn safely, especially on tight curves.


A frustrated motorist lashed out at a Woolies truck driver after getting cut by the vehicle. Credit: Twitter.

Despite the fact that road regulations differ per state, it is generally acknowledged that heavy vehicles carrying a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign are permitted to use more than one lane to turn at corners, crossroads, and roundabouts.

However, some motorists have contended that the driver was still ‘in the right’ despite this explanation.

One person said: 'Seems to me like the truck had completed the turn when the car moved up alongside him.'

'Well after he turned the corner, he then tried to merge into the right-hand lane and into the car. Car was in the right, no question,' another added.

When you're on the road, you're constantly faced with obstacles and other motorists who are not always as careful as you. It's important to remember that staying calm behind the wheel is necessary. This may be easier said than done, but it's still a goal worth pursuing. After all, it is harder to focus on your driving when you're preoccupied with something, even panic or anger.

How about you? Who do you think is in the right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Why can't people just exercise a bit of patience on the roads. How else was the truck driver going to get into the right hand lane to make his next turn?
We all know the feeling. You're driving along, minding your own business, when all of a sudden somebody cuts you off. Or maybe they're driving too slowly in the fast lane...or maybe they're tailgating you, who knows what other annoyances you might encounter while driving, right?

With numerous road issues to deal with on a daily basis, it's no wonder that so many of us get frustrated behind the wheel.

That's why it is not surprising that one motorist has divided social media over his post criticising a Woolworths supermarket truck driver's ‘amateur’ behaviour.

Airing his frustration on Twitter, the motorist shared a dashcam video of the event, in which he can be seen driving next to the Woolies semi-trailer.

It is also important to note that both vehicles were seen turning right at a set of lights with the truck, positioned in the left lane and was well ahead of the motorist.

However, after making the turn, the driver pushed his car closer to the Woolies truck.

Even though the driver is in the right lane, the truck signaled to move into the right lane and began to merge right.

The motorist then expressed his annoyance at being passed by the truck and can be heard shouting, ‘F***ing moron’, as he honks the horn.

'Here’s a video of one of your “professional” drivers being an amateur,' he wrote along with the video he posted on the Woolworths official Twitter page.

It is understood, however, that the grocery delivery driver may view the incident differently given that the Woolworths driver complies with the law by posting a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign on the truck.

The yellow placards displayed at the back of Woolworths trucks requires other drivers to move over and give truck drivers more room to turn safely, especially on tight curves.


A frustrated motorist lashed out at a Woolies truck driver after getting cut by the vehicle. Credit: Twitter.

Despite the fact that road regulations differ per state, it is generally acknowledged that heavy vehicles carrying a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign are permitted to use more than one lane to turn at corners, crossroads, and roundabouts.

However, some motorists have contended that the driver was still ‘in the right’ despite this explanation.

One person said: 'Seems to me like the truck had completed the turn when the car moved up alongside him.'

'Well after he turned the corner, he then tried to merge into the right-hand lane and into the car. Car was in the right, no question,' another added.

When you're on the road, you're constantly faced with obstacles and other motorists who are not always as careful as you. It's important to remember that staying calm behind the wheel is necessary. This may be easier said than done, but it's still a goal worth pursuing. After all, it is harder to focus on your driving when you're preoccupied with something, even panic or anger.

How about you? Who do you think is in the right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

the car driver should be more considerate everybody knows trucks need more room and the truck driver did indicate so why did the car driver not slow down a bit
Just because a vehicle has a blinker on doesn't give it the right to force into the next lane. However, the car driver in this scenario is an impatient twit. Truck drivers have to plan every move well ahead due to their size. This driver has anticipated this and had his blinker on in plenty of time to show he was taking that opportunity without any cars near to move over. Then this fool tries to force his way up beside the truck to keep it in the left lane. Not very bright at all
We all know the feeling. You're driving along, minding your own business, when all of a sudden somebody cuts you off. Or maybe they're driving too slowly in the fast lane...or maybe they're tailgating you, who knows what other annoyances you might encounter while driving, right?

With numerous road issues to deal with on a daily basis, it's no wonder that so many of us get frustrated behind the wheel.

That's why it is not surprising that one motorist has divided social media over his post criticising a Woolworths supermarket truck driver's ‘amateur’ behaviour.

Airing his frustration on Twitter, the motorist shared a dashcam video of the event, in which he can be seen driving next to the Woolies semi-trailer.

It is also important to note that both vehicles were seen turning right at a set of lights with the truck, positioned in the left lane and was well ahead of the motorist.

However, after making the turn, the driver pushed his car closer to the Woolies truck.

Even though the driver is in the right lane, the truck signaled to move into the right lane and began to merge right.

The motorist then expressed his annoyance at being passed by the truck and can be heard shouting, ‘F***ing moron’, as he honks the horn.

'Here’s a video of one of your “professional” drivers being an amateur,' he wrote along with the video he posted on the Woolworths official Twitter page.

It is understood, however, that the grocery delivery driver may view the incident differently given that the Woolworths driver complies with the law by posting a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign on the truck.

The yellow placards displayed at the back of Woolworths trucks requires other drivers to move over and give truck drivers more room to turn safely, especially on tight curves.


A frustrated motorist lashed out at a Woolies truck driver after getting cut by the vehicle. Credit: Twitter.

Despite the fact that road regulations differ per state, it is generally acknowledged that heavy vehicles carrying a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign are permitted to use more than one lane to turn at corners, crossroads, and roundabouts.

However, some motorists have contended that the driver was still ‘in the right’ despite this explanation.

One person said: 'Seems to me like the truck had completed the turn when the car moved up alongside him.'

'Well after he turned the corner, he then tried to merge into the right-hand lane and into the car. Car was in the right, no question,' another added.

When you're on the road, you're constantly faced with obstacles and other motorists who are not always as careful as you. It's important to remember that staying calm behind the wheel is necessary. This may be easier said than done, but it's still a goal worth pursuing. After all, it is harder to focus on your driving when you're preoccupied with something, even panic or anger.

How about you? Who do you think is in the right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Being a Woolies semi-trailer I very much doubt it was a Woolies driver. Their truck are normally driven by Fox Transport drivers. Was sub-contracted several years ago!!!!
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Oh a hot topic. Always give trucks room. Many blinds spots and roads aren't always designed to allow clear movements. I think most drivers should read the road rules again (I have). It's a condition of licensing to keep up to date with rules. Holding a licence is a privilege. Also, have you taken into consideration, that there are fines for distracted drivers. It's a fine, not for just mobile use. Driving a vehicle needs full concentration. Talking to passengers, singing along to music, eating/drinking, are all distractions. We all make mistakes whilst driving. Our goal as drivers is to minimise them. Good skills, competent behaviours, concentration, observation and correct responses will make all of us safer. (I was a road license trainer, professional road user for over 30years and Safety Advisor. Not a truck driver). Be safe and kind out there.
We all know the feeling. You're driving along, minding your own business, when all of a sudden somebody cuts you off. Or maybe they're driving too slowly in the fast lane...or maybe they're tailgating you, who knows what other annoyances you might encounter while driving, right?

With numerous road issues to deal with on a daily basis, it's no wonder that so many of us get frustrated behind the wheel.

That's why it is not surprising that one motorist has divided social media over his post criticising a Woolworths supermarket truck driver's ‘amateur’ behaviour.

Airing his frustration on Twitter, the motorist shared a dashcam video of the event, in which he can be seen driving next to the Woolies semi-trailer.

It is also important to note that both vehicles were seen turning right at a set of lights with the truck, positioned in the left lane and was well ahead of the motorist.

However, after making the turn, the driver pushed his car closer to the Woolies truck.

Even though the driver is in the right lane, the truck signaled to move into the right lane and began to merge right.

The motorist then expressed his annoyance at being passed by the truck and can be heard shouting, ‘F***ing moron’, as he honks the horn.

'Here’s a video of one of your “professional” drivers being an amateur,' he wrote along with the video he posted on the Woolworths official Twitter page.

It is understood, however, that the grocery delivery driver may view the incident differently given that the Woolworths driver complies with the law by posting a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign on the truck.

The yellow placards displayed at the back of Woolworths trucks requires other drivers to move over and give truck drivers more room to turn safely, especially on tight curves.


A frustrated motorist lashed out at a Woolies truck driver after getting cut by the vehicle. Credit: Twitter.

Despite the fact that road regulations differ per state, it is generally acknowledged that heavy vehicles carrying a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign are permitted to use more than one lane to turn at corners, crossroads, and roundabouts.

However, some motorists have contended that the driver was still ‘in the right’ despite this explanation.

One person said: 'Seems to me like the truck had completed the turn when the car moved up alongside him.'

'Well after he turned the corner, he then tried to merge into the right-hand lane and into the car. Car was in the right, no question,' another added.

When you're on the road, you're constantly faced with obstacles and other motorists who are not always as careful as you. It's important to remember that staying calm behind the wheel is necessary. This may be easier said than done, but it's still a goal worth pursuing. After all, it is harder to focus on your driving when you're preoccupied with something, even panic or anger.

How about you? Who do you think is in the right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

I agree with the car driver. The truck had completed its turn at the lights and the lane change is a separate manoeuvre. Had there been no lines on the road, the truck would have had right if way. But because there were broken lines, the truck had to give way to the car. The "give way to turning vehicle" only applies where the truck has to swing out to take the corner etc., not when it's simply changing lanes.
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We all know the feeling. You're driving along, minding your own business, when all of a sudden somebody cuts you off. Or maybe they're driving too slowly in the fast lane...or maybe they're tailgating you, who knows what other annoyances you might encounter while driving, right?

With numerous road issues to deal with on a daily basis, it's no wonder that so many of us get frustrated behind the wheel.

That's why it is not surprising that one motorist has divided social media over his post criticising a Woolworths supermarket truck driver's ‘amateur’ behaviour.

Airing his frustration on Twitter, the motorist shared a dashcam video of the event, in which he can be seen driving next to the Woolies semi-trailer.

It is also important to note that both vehicles were seen turning right at a set of lights with the truck, positioned in the left lane and was well ahead of the motorist.

However, after making the turn, the driver pushed his car closer to the Woolies truck.

Even though the driver is in the right lane, the truck signaled to move into the right lane and began to merge right.

The motorist then expressed his annoyance at being passed by the truck and can be heard shouting, ‘F***ing moron’, as he honks the horn.

'Here’s a video of one of your “professional” drivers being an amateur,' he wrote along with the video he posted on the Woolworths official Twitter page.

It is understood, however, that the grocery delivery driver may view the incident differently given that the Woolworths driver complies with the law by posting a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign on the truck.

The yellow placards displayed at the back of Woolworths trucks requires other drivers to move over and give truck drivers more room to turn safely, especially on tight curves.


A frustrated motorist lashed out at a Woolies truck driver after getting cut by the vehicle. Credit: Twitter.

Despite the fact that road regulations differ per state, it is generally acknowledged that heavy vehicles carrying a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign are permitted to use more than one lane to turn at corners, crossroads, and roundabouts.

However, some motorists have contended that the driver was still ‘in the right’ despite this explanation.

One person said: 'Seems to me like the truck had completed the turn when the car moved up alongside him.'

'Well after he turned the corner, he then tried to merge into the right-hand lane and into the car. Car was in the right, no question,' another added.

When you're on the road, you're constantly faced with obstacles and other motorists who are not always as careful as you. It's important to remember that staying calm behind the wheel is necessary. This may be easier said than done, but it's still a goal worth pursuing. After all, it is harder to focus on your driving when you're preoccupied with something, even panic or anger.

How about you? Who do you think is in the right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

We have traveled with caravans for years. Some people are completely ignorant of the stopping and turning distances longer vehicles need. Where are intelligences and consideration? I was also brought up that the vehicle with the weight has the right of way.
We all know the feeling. You're driving along, minding your own business, when all of a sudden somebody cuts you off. Or maybe they're driving too slowly in the fast lane...or maybe they're tailgating you, who knows what other annoyances you might encounter while driving, right?

With numerous road issues to deal with on a daily basis, it's no wonder that so many of us get frustrated behind the wheel.

That's why it is not surprising that one motorist has divided social media over his post criticising a Woolworths supermarket truck driver's ‘amateur’ behaviour.

Airing his frustration on Twitter, the motorist shared a dashcam video of the event, in which he can be seen driving next to the Woolies semi-trailer.

It is also important to note that both vehicles were seen turning right at a set of lights with the truck, positioned in the left lane and was well ahead of the motorist.

However, after making the turn, the driver pushed his car closer to the Woolies truck.

Even though the driver is in the right lane, the truck signaled to move into the right lane and began to merge right.

The motorist then expressed his annoyance at being passed by the truck and can be heard shouting, ‘F***ing moron’, as he honks the horn.

'Here’s a video of one of your “professional” drivers being an amateur,' he wrote along with the video he posted on the Woolworths official Twitter page.

It is understood, however, that the grocery delivery driver may view the incident differently given that the Woolworths driver complies with the law by posting a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign on the truck.

The yellow placards displayed at the back of Woolworths trucks requires other drivers to move over and give truck drivers more room to turn safely, especially on tight curves.


A frustrated motorist lashed out at a Woolies truck driver after getting cut by the vehicle. Credit: Twitter.

Despite the fact that road regulations differ per state, it is generally acknowledged that heavy vehicles carrying a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign are permitted to use more than one lane to turn at corners, crossroads, and roundabouts.

However, some motorists have contended that the driver was still ‘in the right’ despite this explanation.

One person said: 'Seems to me like the truck had completed the turn when the car moved up alongside him.'

'Well after he turned the corner, he then tried to merge into the right-hand lane and into the car. Car was in the right, no question,' another added.

When you're on the road, you're constantly faced with obstacles and other motorists who are not always as careful as you. It's important to remember that staying calm behind the wheel is necessary. This may be easier said than done, but it's still a goal worth pursuing. After all, it is harder to focus on your driving when you're preoccupied with something, even panic or anger.

How about you? Who do you think is in the right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

To my way of thinking, having watched and re-watched that clip, the semi driver had his indicators on to change lanes BEFORE the motorist drew alongside, so the truckie is in the right and not breaking any road rules. The motorist, on the other hand, appears to be impatient. He clearly moves up towards the semi quite quickly while negotiating the intersection. Unfortunately (speaking from an ex-truckies viewpoint) most motorista have no idea what driving a truck involves, and often take hair-raising risks. They don’t seem to realise what is required in stopping a heavy vehicle, for example. I maintain that every motorist should be required to spend a day with a truckie, before being granted the privilege of holding a licence, to view the road way through their eyes, to gain a better perspective of other road users, especially from drivers of heavy vehicles. I’ll climb down off my soap box now! 😁
Being a Truck driver for 40+ years I've had similar encounters. People are so impatient, the Truck had the right of way & being so big can't make sharp turns like a car hence that's why signs are displayed on the back of the trailer saying 'DON'T OVERTAKE TURNING VEHICLE'. As they need more room to manuevre on the roads. Have any of you impatient drivers ever driven a truck that delivers your products you need to buy from different stores. 'WITHOUT TRUCKS AUSTRALIA STOPS'
Its common sense to give way to trucks .
We all know the feeling. You're driving along, minding your own business, when all of a sudden somebody cuts you off. Or maybe they're driving too slowly in the fast lane...or maybe they're tailgating you, who knows what other annoyances you might encounter while driving, right?

With numerous road issues to deal with on a daily basis, it's no wonder that so many of us get frustrated behind the wheel.

That's why it is not surprising that one motorist has divided social media over his post criticising a Woolworths supermarket truck driver's ‘amateur’ behaviour.

Airing his frustration on Twitter, the motorist shared a dashcam video of the event, in which he can be seen driving next to the Woolies semi-trailer.

It is also important to note that both vehicles were seen turning right at a set of lights with the truck, positioned in the left lane and was well ahead of the motorist.

However, after making the turn, the driver pushed his car closer to the Woolies truck.

Even though the driver is in the right lane, the truck signaled to move into the right lane and began to merge right.

The motorist then expressed his annoyance at being passed by the truck and can be heard shouting, ‘F***ing moron’, as he honks the horn.

'Here’s a video of one of your “professional” drivers being an amateur,' he wrote along with the video he posted on the Woolworths official Twitter page.

It is understood, however, that the grocery delivery driver may view the incident differently given that the Woolworths driver complies with the law by posting a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign on the truck.

The yellow placards displayed at the back of Woolworths trucks requires other drivers to move over and give truck drivers more room to turn safely, especially on tight curves.


A frustrated motorist lashed out at a Woolies truck driver after getting cut by the vehicle. Credit: Twitter.

Despite the fact that road regulations differ per state, it is generally acknowledged that heavy vehicles carrying a ‘Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle’ sign are permitted to use more than one lane to turn at corners, crossroads, and roundabouts.

However, some motorists have contended that the driver was still ‘in the right’ despite this explanation.

One person said: 'Seems to me like the truck had completed the turn when the car moved up alongside him.'

'Well after he turned the corner, he then tried to merge into the right-hand lane and into the car. Car was in the right, no question,' another added.

When you're on the road, you're constantly faced with obstacles and other motorists who are not always as careful as you. It's important to remember that staying calm behind the wheel is necessary. This may be easier said than done, but it's still a goal worth pursuing. After all, it is harder to focus on your driving when you're preoccupied with something, even panic or anger.

How about you? Who do you think is in the right? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

The driver of the car is wrong. It is established that the truck driver cannot make a successful turn into the right lane and hence permitted to turn from the lane next to him. If you knock him, you are at fault. I just have a case like this. The insurance company attempted to sue but case has not progressed.

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