Woolworths’ decision on iconic ANZAC Day tradition leaves veterans outraged: ‘It’s common courtesy’

ANZAC Day is a time of remembrance and respect when Australians and New Zealanders honour the sacrifices of those who have served and continue to serve in our armed forces.

It's a day steeped in tradition, and one of those traditions has been the availability of special ANZAC biscuit tins sold through various retailers, with a portion of the proceeds going to support veterans and their families.

However, this year, Woolworths has made the controversial decision not to stock these commemorative tins, and the backlash from the veteran community has been swift and severe.

The Bakers Finest RSL ANZAC biscuit tins, which feature alternative designs commemorating different wars and conflicts, have become collectors' items over the years.

They are more than just a sweet treat; they symbolise support and remembrance, with profits aiding the Returned and Services League (RSL) in its mission to assist veterans.

Veterans sparked outrage when Woolworths decided not to stock the limited-edition ANZAC biscuit tins. Credit: RSL Australia

Woolworths' choice to exclude these tins from their shelves this year has been met with disappointment and anger from those who hold the tradition dear.

World War II veteran Jack Bartlett, a former Chief Petty Officer on Her Majesty’s Australian Ship (HMAS) Manoora, expressed his dismay at the decision.

At 100 years old, Bartlett's connection to ANZAC Day is deeply personal.

'I collect those tins and value them greatly because of my association. I'm very, very sorry to hear that Woolworths won't do it (sell them),' he said in an interview with 2GB's Ben Fordham.

'It's such a small thing for such a big shopping conglomerate to do. I don't think it's very, very much to ask them to continue what they've done for some time.’

‘In January 1942, I, along with thousands of young men, took up arms to defend this country with one thought in mind: to live our way of life,' he added.

'We fought and won, and I think that it is only common courtesy to ask the leaders of our industry to support us in our hour of need.'

The move by Woolworths is particularly puzzling given that the supermarket chain sells ANZAC biscuits year-round and is the exclusive retailer of ANZAC Appeal badges in the country.

This inconsistency has not gone unnoticed, with One Nation leader Pauline Hanson voicing her continued boycott of Woolworths following their earlier decision to stop selling Australia Day merchandise.

'If Woolworths isn't interested in celebrating Australia and doing everything it can to support our veterans through organisations like the RSL, then I'm proud to continue to boycott Woolworths,' she encouraged others to follow suit.

In response to the outcry, a Woolworths spokesperson highlighted the company's track record of supporting Anzac-associated appeals, with almost $13 million raised over the last decade.

‘Our teams nationwide are pleased to again be proudly supporting this year's ANZAC Appeal as we're the only supermarket to stock the appeal's badges with all funds for sales going to the RSL,' the spokesperson said.

'We sell Bakers Finest ANZAC biscuits in our stores all year round, this product is endorsed by the RSL and generates revenue for the RSL to support veterans and their families.'

Despite these efforts, the decision not to stock the special ANZAC biscuit tins has struck a chord with many Australians who see it as a missed opportunity to show support for a revered tradition.

RSL Victoria, which manages the partnership with Woolworths, confirmed that the supermarket would be stocking ANZAC Appeal badges soon.

'The RSL and Woolworths have an ongoing and valued partnership, providing ongoing support to veterans and their families across Australia,' the spokesperson said.

'Over the last ten years, Woolworths has raised more than $13 million during both our ANZAC and Poppy Appeals by making badges available for purchase in stores, providing direct and crucial support to the veteran community nationwide.’

'This support continues in 2024, with Woolworths once again stocking ANZAC and Poppy Appeal badges for purchase.'
Key Takeaways
  • Woolworths has decided not to stock RSL Australia's special limited-edition ANZAC biscuit tins this year, a move that has upset veterans and others who see the tins as a tradition and collector's item.
  • A portion of the profits from selling these tins is donated to the RSL to aid veterans and their families, highlighting the significance of the decision.
  • Criticism has come from WWII veteran Jack Bartlett and One Nation leader Pauline Hanson, expressing disappointment and advocating for alternatives to support veterans.
  • Despite the controversy, Woolworths continues to sell ANZAC biscuits year-round and remains the exclusive supermarket seller of ANZAC Appeal badges, with a Woolworths spokesperson highlighting the company's significant contributions to veteran-related appeals over the past decade.
What are your thoughts on Woolworths' decision not to stock the ANZAC biscuit tins this year? Share your views in the comments below.
My father served in the ww1. my stepbrother died in WW2,I served 10 years also done Vietnam. and my two sons are serving at present, so Anzac means a lot to me. So my reply to Woolies is go to hell I will never shop there again.
What a disgrace Woolworths! Our Veterans put themselves in danger; danger we hope we will never see again, for all of us to have better and safer lives. There is no reason other than stupid pollical correctness gone wrong. This our country and if anyone wants to migrate here, we welcome them with open arms, but please, they need to understand our way of life and our culture, which they can integrate and add to, but not dictate to us the way we need to live or accept we have to change to suit them. Anzac biscuits are tradition we all grew up with and Woolies have missed a huge opportunity to give back to our Veterans and families who many gave up their lives for us. I am astounded how a company like Woolworths continually offend our way of life and National traditions.
Why they sell so much worthless junk in their stores this is just a one off, an Australian and New Zealand very important event, one wonders who or what is actually running this store or who it’s owners are, bring in a new supermarket powerfully considerate chain and give Woolworths a wide birth.
AFter many years of shopping at woolworths stores i have stopped shopping with them completely my move will cost them several thousands ie (food petrol and grog) they are turning their woke nose up at aùstralia day and now anzac day i believe this pathetic move will cost them millions as i believe a lot of people think the same as myself i hope they suffer financially
As the wife of a Vietnam Veteran I am so disappointed. It obviously means very little to the CEO, who I believe is South African, and the board. They ‘gloat’ about selling biscuits all year round. To me that doesn’t have much to do with ANZAC day but a lot more about the $$ they make from selling an iconic biscuit. Woolworths you should be ashamed of yourselves!! Denying that your supermarket is in Australia is just appalling. We’re not in the USA or Europe, it you sell Halloween products, Chinese New Year is promoted as is Valentine’s Day and more. Why are you embarrassed to promote something so quintessentially Australian? The New Zealanders who live here must also be so disgusted with you. Do you want to lose more shoppers and income? The quiet Australian is tired of not being heard. We are a majority who will talk with our money and feet. Beware is all I can add.
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Woolworths are interested only in Profit-Line. If they can't make a good (large) profit on commemorative Anzac tins of biscuits, they won't stock them. Woolies doesn't give a rats *rse about Anzac day.
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What a disgrace - first Woolies deny Australia Day, and now they are giving Anzac Day the shove. When will their woke management realise that they are entirely misreading the Aussie public, who are the ones they need in their stores. They got it wrong with their support for the Yes vote, and they are still getting it wrong - no more Woolies for me
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I can honestly say that I have never seen these in the supermarkets I go to. When I talked to others about the so-called 'controversy' none of them had ever bought tins of ANZAC cookies and most hadn't seen them in stores. Most make their own Anzac cookies or buy them in the Bakery section year round so wouldn't buy the tins, which they say would end up in landfill anyway.
If stores make a decision to not stock a product because it doesn't sell that is just good business practice.
Australia Day...well I can accept that for personal reasons. but ANZAC DAY BISCUITS, DEFINATELY NOT. You are now officially UNAUSTRALIAN. What an appalling, ignorant and dishonourable decision. If not for our Anzacs you would not be here ripping off the farmers and your consumers every day. Shame on you.
Who wants to buy a tin of Anzac biscuits for $14.95 when the biscuits can be made or bought for about $3. How many people knew these tins of biscuits even existed before Woollies decided to pull them, and how many people have the rest of the set? Not many I suspect. People are so precious these days!
I do have an Anzac Day biscuit tin but only because someone gave it to me a few years ago. For me, I have never seen them in any WW store & I have always shopped there. My guess would be that all those above who are complaining about the tins not being available have never bought them either but now want to get on the bandwagon & complain because that's what we do best.
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The dilution of the traditional Australian population by the false ideal called "multiculturalism" is partially to blame. Successive governments and now so called "Australian" retailers have succumbed to the whims of minorities such as Muslim and Chinese.

Such ethnicities have infiltrated the three tiers of government already. The percentage of Australian residents who identify as Indian is set to overtake that of Indigenous Australians.

In Dandenong, Victoria, we have "Little India" which covers several CBD blocks. Soon there will be "Little Kabul" and "Little Khartoum".

As an Australian who can trace their ancestry back to 1824 (when records stopped), I feel disgusted and worried at the same time.

Woolworths just propagates the problem.
The RSL members would be disappointed. Perhaps we can't blame the South African born Banducci as he's been shown the door. Not sure who's made that unpopular decision.
Would say it's more to do with the lack of actual sales in the past years. More money would be raised by the selling of the badges, cost around .15c each to make, sold by volunteers or through the pop up presence instore at no cost. Whereas, the most likely return on a tin of biscuits (tin made in China) filled with a biscuit for a possible return of .75c on each sale. The irony, Aldi, a 100% owned German retail will now jump on this and most likely are trying desperately now to source these tins. Order would have been placed 6 months ago and most likely too late for this year, but best guess they'll be trying.
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Australia Day...well I can accept that for personal reasons. but ANZAC DAY BISCUITS, DEFINATELY NOT. You are now officially UNAUSTRALIAN. What an appalling, ignorant and dishonourable decision. If not for our Anzacs you would not be here ripping off the farmers and your consumers every day. Shame on you.
I would suggest that our Anzacs had nothing to do with WW being here. I can remember when they were just like a dollar store selling all sorts of stuff but not groceries. They did not move into the supermarket arena until well after WW2 - waaaay after the Anzacs stormed whatever beach it was. You can still buy Anzac biscuits if you want them or you could get your act together & make them yourself.
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It’s disappointing on Woolworths part for doing this but I don’t need a tin of biscuits to remind me of the sacrifices made by so so many brave young men who fought in various wars. I especially think of the WW2 veterans who fought to save Australia including my late father who served in New Guinea. He certainly wouldn’t have been bothered about Woolworths not selling special Anzac tins! More important to celebrate Anzac Day.
I think it’s terrible as the ANZACS helped to make our countries free,maybe they should ask Coles to sell them now ,give the contract to Coles
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