Woman Survives Aggressive Cancer She Mistook for Acid Reflux – Learn the Alarming Sign She Ignored That Required Stomach Removal

In a world where we often attribute minor health issues to lifestyle choices or temporary ailments, it's easy to overlook symptoms that could be indicative of something far more serious. This was the case for Chloe Stirling, a young nurse from St Helens, Merseyside, whose experience serves as a stark reminder to us all to pay closer attention to our bodies and to not dismiss persistent symptoms too quickly.

Chloe's journey began with what she believed to be acid reflux, a condition many of us might wave off as the result of indulging in spicy or greasy foods. Like many, she reached for over-the-counter antacids, expecting relief from what seemed like a common and minor issue. However, the relief was only temporary, and over the course of 16 months, her symptoms escalated to severe pains and difficulty eating.

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Chloe initially thought that her acid reflux was just a reaction to certain types of food. Image Credit: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

It wasn't until she underwent an endoscopy that the true cause of her discomfort was revealed: adenocarcinoma, an aggressive form of stomach cancer. The diagnosis was a shock to Chloe, who was given a 50 percent chance of survival. The emotional toll was immense, as she grappled with the 'what ifs' and the fear of her own mortality.

Chloe's case is a harrowing example of how easily serious conditions can masquerade as something benign. Her heartburn, which began in July 2022, had by November 2023 developed into stomach pain and vomiting. Despite initial tests only revealing a small ulcer and a bacterial infection, Chloe's persistence in seeking answers ultimately led to the discovery of her cancer.

The treatment was drastic but necessary: Chloe underwent four rounds of chemotherapy, followed by a six-hour surgery to remove her entire stomach and several lymph nodes. Two weeks after the surgery, she received the news that she was cancer-free. The relief was overwhelming, and the moment she awoke from surgery, she knew she had been given a second chance at life.

Despite the absence of her stomach, Chloe can still eat and digest food, albeit starting with liquids and soft foods. She now relies on vitamin injections and iron infusions to maintain her health. Her story is not just one of survival but also of adaptation and resilience.

Chloe's experience underscores the importance of advocating for one's health. She urges others to take persistent reflux seriously and to seek medical attention if something feels off. 'If your reflux is persistent, go and get it checked out. If you know something isn't right, advocate for yourself,' Chloe advises. She emphasizes that cancer does not discriminate by age and that no one is too young to be affected by the disease.

At the Seniors Discount Club, we understand that as we age, we might become more attuned to the various aches and pains that accompany us through the years. However, Chloe's story is a powerful reminder that vigilance is key, regardless of age. It's crucial to listen to our bodies and to seek medical advice when symptoms persist.
Key Takeaways

  • Chloe Stirling, a nurse from St Helens, Merseyside, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of stomach cancer known as adenocarcinoma after initially thinking she had acid reflux.
  • Despite taking anti-acids to alleviate what she thought were symptoms of eating spicy or greasy food, her condition worsened leading to severe pains and difficulty eating, which led to the cancer diagnosis.
  • Chloe underwent four rounds of chemotherapy and had a serious surgery to remove her entire stomach and several lymph nodes, which was successful in rendering her cancer free.
  • She is now advocating for others to not ignore persistent reflux symptoms, to advocate for themselves, and to be aware that cancer does not discriminate by age. Chloe's experience highlights the importance of seeking medical attention when symptoms persist.
We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Have you or someone you know ever experienced a health scare that turned out to be more serious than initially thought? How has this changed your approach to managing your health? Let's discuss the importance of early detection and the power of self-advocacy in healthcare. Your story could inspire someone else to take action and potentially save a life.
I'm so sorry for your diagnosis and wish you all the best but at the risk of being unpopular, I take offence that you use the name of our Saviour so flippantly.
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I never suffered reflex before , only when I suffered from gallstones. But over the past 12 months I have horrendous heartburn.
Even at times water will even cause it.

My doctor gave me a one a day tablet Somac helps but I still need to use quick eze.
My concern is after a chronic infection in my stomach and surgery I had to remove my umbilicus and mesh that something else hasn't happened in there
I'm starting to do a "little bit of a panic here", after getting results from my six-monthly blood tests it was a shock to find my red blood cell count was very low {again}, and after reading other people's accounts I am feeling a little uneasy and hoping the appointments for the transfusion and also as I refer to it "the shitty pills" arrives soon.
Mine was found as I going for weight loss surgery, finished up three months chemo 14 hr surgery 12 weeks in hospital followed another three months post chemo. then five year before all clear only to be told I had lung cancer, I thought Christ I must have been a bad bastard in an earlier life?
Wishing you well. ❤️
Yes we must advocate for ourselves . I was going to my gp weekly stating something wasn’t right my right arm couldn’t straighten & I was on panadol osteo & nurofen 24/7 I would shake in pain & was told nothing is wrong with me to go home & just take panadol . I continued to go back still telling dr I’m getting worse same thing go home & take panadol, I then went to see my cousin a Physio who was very concerned & wrote to gp that I needed to have a X-ray as something was really wrong after 2 letters she continued to state no nothing wrong with her just take panadol . By this time I couldn’t sleep , move my arm & had a lump coming from my elbow my cousin than took it in his own hands & called a gp at his practise who within 24hrs had me xrayed & than it’s started to hit me what was going on as I was sent to every hospital for every test , gp just stay calm . I asked dr are they looking for cancer all she responded to was just stay calm it was later that I was told over a ph call I had stage 4 diffuse large b cell lymphoma. I had only just lost my mum to pancreatic cancer & to be told over the oh this wasn’t great , determined as I’m a single mum of 2 boys said no I’m not going to let this get the better of me . I under went 6 rounds of chemo & 17 rounds of radiation to help me it was tough & doing it with my 2 boys still needing their mother to help them . I had to allow my boys to come home from school alone which was hard & scary but I was in chemo from 8am - 6pm . I’m now in remission which I did tell them I would be as I wasn’t going to let it get the better of me , but it was a hard battle especially as I’ve also got other medical issues & type 1 diabetes that just didn’t go so well with my treatment & doing it all while in covid & been put in the same room as my mum when she was having treatment made it even harder . So if you ever feel something isn’t right keep fighting back at the drs & remember there not god & where all not just a textbook case or number to them . Stay strong & keep fighting as I’m still fighting many other new medical issues in regards to Charcot , osteomyelitis, type 1 diabetes , diabetic ulcer , stroke think the Xmas list & that’s me . I still try to do everything for everyone even as I know it’s extremely hard to even do things for myself .
My heart goes out to everyone, especially those on the Forum, who have any form of cancer or other debilitating illnesses. I hope that you can all get through your treatments & recover. It really does make my problems rather trivial. I do worry about my husband who continues to have spots cut out or burned off, he’s back to his specialist tomorrow for a skin check. So many people with such horrible roads ahead. Thinking of you all. Patricia
Yes we must advocate for ourselves . I was going to my gp weekly stating something wasn’t right my right arm couldn’t straighten & I was on panadol osteo & nurofen 24/7 I would shake in pain & was told nothing is wrong with me to go home & just take panadol . I continued to go back still telling dr I’m getting worse same thing go home & take panadol, I then went to see my cousin a Physio who was very concerned & wrote to gp that I needed to have a X-ray as something was really wrong after 2 letters she continued to state no nothing wrong with her just take panadol . By this time I couldn’t sleep , move my arm & had a lump coming from my elbow my cousin than took it in his own hands & called a gp at his practise who within 24hrs had me xrayed & than it’s started to hit me what was going on as I was sent to every hospital for every test , gp just stay calm . I asked dr are they looking for cancer all she responded to was just stay calm it was later that I was told over a ph call I had stage 4 diffuse large b cell lymphoma. I had only just lost my mum to pancreatic cancer & to be told over the oh this wasn’t great , determined as I’m a single mum of 2 boys said no I’m not going to let this get the better of me . I under went 6 rounds of chemo & 17 rounds of radiation to help me it was tough & doing it with my 2 boys still needing their mother to help them . I had to allow my boys to come home from school alone which was hard & scary but I was in chemo from 8am - 6pm . I’m now in remission which I did tell them I would be as I wasn’t going to let it get the better of me , but it was a hard battle especially as I’ve also got other medical issues & type 1 diabetes that just didn’t go so well with my treatment & doing it all while in covid & been put in the same room as my mum when she was having treatment made it even harder . So if you ever feel something isn’t right keep fighting back at the drs & remember there not god & where all not just a textbook case or number to them . Stay strong & keep fighting as I’m still fighting many other new medical issues in regards to Charcot , osteomyelitis, type 1 diabetes , diabetic ulcer , stroke think the Xmas list & that’s me . I still try to do everything for everyone even as I know it’s extremely hard to even do things for myself .
my heart goes out to you.I believe it will help other readers,check and check again .
It is just on twenty seven years since I had the lower part of my stomach removed due to cancer, I was lucky because I had stomach ulcers and went to the doctor about my gaul bladder the doctor said I want to put a light down inside your stomach and see what is going on and found Cancer that would have killed me in six months time , had to make arrangements straight away and a six hour operation followed to remove my gall bladder then the lower half of my stomach, by doing this instead of a full stomach removal, have a mostly normal life, can eat most food but not chilli or pickled onions etc. have astounded everyone that I am cancer free, I decided that I did not want chemo or radiation and I am fit and healthy and have turned 83 and still going strong, so the lesson here is do not leave any pains in your stomach, get checked by a scope and see what is causing the pain, that way you will live to fight another day.

Mine was found as I going for weight loss surgery, finished up three months chemo 14 ppl hr surgery 12 weeks in hospital followed another three months post chemo. then five year before all clear only to be told I had lung cancer, I thought Christ I must have been a bad bastard in an earlier life?
So sorry to hear what you have gone through already and wish you all the very best with the lung cancer treatment. Cancer affects too many people in the world today however there has been some very positive advancements recently in the fight against this horrible medical condition in its various forms and I know that we all pray for a cure being found to combat it one day in the not too distant future. Heads up Luckyus,wish you the very best of luck for a positive result and a continued healthy and happy life
I never suffered reflex before , only when I suffered from gallstones. But over the past 12 months I have horrendous heartburn.
Even at times water will even cause it.

My doctor gave me a one a day tablet Somac helps but I still need to use quick eze.
My concern is after a chronic infection in my stomach and surgery I had to remove my umbilicus and mesh that something else hasn't happened in there
Hop that it is nothing serious Suzanne rose....hope that you are following this up with your doctor. Stay well.
Yes we must advocate for ourselves . I was going to my gp weekly stating something wasn’t right my right arm couldn’t straighten & I was on panadol osteo & nurofen 24/7 I would shake in pain & was told nothing is wrong with me to go home & just take panadol . I continued to go back still telling dr I’m getting worse same thing go home & take panadol, I then went to see my cousin a Physio who was very concerned & wrote to gp that I needed to have a X-ray as something was really wrong after 2 letters she continued to state no nothing wrong with her just take panadol . By this time I couldn’t sleep , move my arm & had a lump coming from my elbow my cousin than took it in his own hands & called a gp at his practise who within 24hrs had me xrayed & than it’s started to hit me what was going on as I was sent to every hospital for every test , gp just stay calm . I asked dr are they looking for cancer all she responded to was just stay calm it was later that I was told over a ph call I had stage 4 diffuse large b cell lymphoma. I had only just lost my mum to pancreatic cancer & to be told over the oh this wasn’t great , determined as I’m a single mum of 2 boys said no I’m not going to let this get the better of me . I under went 6 rounds of chemo & 17 rounds of radiation to help me it was tough & doing it with my 2 boys still needing their mother to help them . I had to allow my boys to come home from school alone which was hard & scary but I was in chemo from 8am - 6pm . I’m now in remission which I did tell them I would be as I wasn’t going to let it get the better of me , but it was a hard battle especially as I’ve also got other medical issues & type 1 diabetes that just didn’t go so well with my treatment & doing it all while in covid & been put in the same room as my mum when she was having treatment made it even harder . So if you ever feel something isn’t right keep fighting back at the drs & remember there not god & where all not just a textbook case or number to them . Stay strong & keep fighting as I’m still fighting many other new medical issues in regards to Charcot , osteomyelitis, type 1 diabetes , diabetic ulcer , stroke think the Xmas list & that’s me . I still try to do everything for everyone even as I know it’s extremely hard to even do things for myself .
I hope you have had a severe conversation with the old gp. Please report them
I never suffered reflex before , only when I suffered from gallstones. But over the past 12 months I have horrendous heartburn.
Even at times water will even cause it.

My doctor gave me a one a day tablet Somac helps but I still need to use quick eze.
My concern is after a chronic infection in my stomach and surgery I had to remove my umbilicus and mesh that something else hasn't happened in there
Go find out quickly. I lost my beautiful first nephew aged 44.
Mine was found as I going for weight loss surgery, finished up three months chemo 14 hr surgery 12 weeks in hospital followed another three months post chemo. then five year before all clear only to be told I had lung cancer, I thought Christ I must have been a bad bastard in an earlier life?
Sorry to hear your battle isn't over, some people seem to get more than their fair share of cancer news. I hope there is better news down the track, best wishes for your good health.

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