Woman faces backlash after revealing “UNCONVENTIONAL” way of slicing a sandwich — "There’s a fine line between genius and madness"

When it comes to slicing a sandwich, there are two schools of thought: diagonal and vertical. And people still can't seem to agree on which is the proper way to do it.

Diagonal slicing, also known as the “triangles”, is the most common way to slice a sandwich. The method involves slicing the sandwich from one corner to another. It's simple and efficient, and it allows you to evenly distribute the fillings. Diagonal slicing also makes it easy to grab a bite-sized piece of the sandwich without getting your hands too messy.

DALL·E 2022-07-13 12.12.02 - anthropomorphised sandwich angrily shaking its fist, digital art.png
Cut me the proper way, or there'll be trouble! Source: Open AI (AI Generated)

On the other hand, vertical slicing, also known as the "rectangles" is when you cut the sandwich in half from side to side. This method is said to be more elegant and sophisticated, and it allows you to taste all the different flavours in each bite.

While people are divided over these two sandwich slicing methods, they united to topple down a common enemy — this one woman's unconventional way of slicing a sandwich!

A British woman has faced backlash after she took to social media to share her preferred technique for cutting her sandwich.

In a post to Reddit, the woman shared a photo of one of her sandwiches and explained how she slices three lines diagonally through the sandwich instead of cutting it a conventional way.


Credit: Reddit

She wrote: "I believe this is the best way. Optional shapes and sizes, plus two extra pieces."

The woman also shared that she started doing this unique method about a year ago, explaining: "I make them like this to take to work, smaller chunks mean I don't have hamster cheeks if I have to communicate with people."

However, the woman's approach was not well received by many, as evidenced by the flood of criticism the post received.

One person wrote: "There’s a fine line between genius and madness."

"What is this chaotic neutral monstrosity?" another questioned.

Several users pointed out that the middle portions of the sandwich would be “flappy” (or loose) if one cuts them that way.

One comment read: "I can only eat a sandwich in quarters, sixths is just too much sandwich for me."

"To be fair, I could see this working if it was to accompany soup. Other than that, madness," another commented.

A third added: "This is unhinged."

However, the woman persisted in defending her method, claiming that she feels as though she is eating more when it is divided into six parts.

"It definitely feels like more sandwich even if it is the same amount of sandwich," she argued.

"I would often eat four parts then get sad when there was no more. Like if you go to drink tea but you've already finished it. This way I get sandwich glee!"


Credit: Getty Images

So which is the correct way to slice a sandwich? Personally, cutting a sandwich into fours is great for picnics and sandwiches with fewer fillings like cucumber or egg. I find if I overfill my sandwich, one cut down the middle is the only way to go because you can still fit it in your mouth and enjoy all of the flavours without the contents spilling out!

How about you? What is your preferred method of cutting your sandwich? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
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OMG the world is going to end. Really what does it matter how a person cuts a sambo. To each his own, there is a lot more to worry about in the world today than a sandwich.
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I like to cut my own sandwiches but am happy to have any shape or size if someone else is making it for me.........but under no circumstances do I like to have my prawns peeled or my crab broken up for me.
When it comes to slicing a sandwich, there are two schools of thought: diagonal and vertical. And people still can't seem to agree on which is the proper way to do it.

Diagonal slicing, also known as the “triangles”, is the most common way to slice a sandwich. The method involves slicing the sandwich from one corner to another. It's simple and efficient, and it allows you to evenly distribute the fillings. Diagonal slicing also makes it easy to grab a bite-sized piece of the sandwich without getting your hands too messy.

View attachment 4418
Cut me the proper way, or there'll be trouble! Source: Open AI (AI Generated)

On the other hand, vertical slicing, also known as the "rectangles" is when you cut the sandwich in half from side to side. This method is said to be more elegant and sophisticated, and it allows you to taste all the different flavours in each bite.

While people are divided over these two sandwich slicing methods, they united to topple down a common enemy — this one woman's unconventional way of slicing a sandwich!

A British woman has faced backlash after she took to social media to share her preferred technique for cutting her sandwich.

In a post to Reddit, the woman shared a photo of one of her sandwiches and explained how she slices three lines diagonally through the sandwich instead of cutting it a conventional way.


Credit: Reddit

She wrote: "I believe this is the best way. Optional shapes and sizes, plus two extra pieces."

The woman also shared that she started doing this unique method about a year ago, explaining: "I make them like this to take to work, smaller chunks mean I don't have hamster cheeks if I have to communicate with people."

However, the woman's approach was not well received by many, as evidenced by the flood of criticism the post received.

One person wrote: "There’s a fine line between genius and madness."

"What is this chaotic neutral monstrosity?" another questioned.

Several users pointed out that the middle portions of the sandwich would be “flappy” (or loose) if one cuts them that way.

One comment read: "I can only eat a sandwich in quarters, sixths is just too much sandwich for me."

"To be fair, I could see this working if it was to accompany soup. Other than that, madness," another commented.

A third added: "This is unhinged."

However, the woman persisted in defending her method, claiming that she feels as though she is eating more when it is divided into six parts.

"It definitely feels like more sandwich even if it is the same amount of sandwich," she argued.

"I would often eat four parts then get sad when there was no more. Like if you go to drink tea but you've already finished it. This way I get sandwich glee!"


Credit: Getty Images

So which is the correct way to slice a sandwich? Personally, cutting a sandwich into fours is great for picnics and sandwiches with fewer fillings like cucumber or egg. I find if I overfill my sandwich, one cut down the middle is the only way to go because you can still fit it in your mouth and enjoy all of the flavours without the contents spilling out!

How about you? What is your preferred method of cutting your sandwich? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Ah, but ... the sangers cut diagonally have a different taste from those cut vertically. I thought EVERYONE knew that!
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  • Haha
Reactions: Grannie Sam
When it comes to slicing a sandwich, there are two schools of thought: diagonal and vertical. And people still can't seem to agree on which is the proper way to do it.

Diagonal slicing, also known as the “triangles”, is the most common way to slice a sandwich. The method involves slicing the sandwich from one corner to another. It's simple and efficient, and it allows you to evenly distribute the fillings. Diagonal slicing also makes it easy to grab a bite-sized piece of the sandwich without getting your hands too messy.

View attachment 4418
Cut me the proper way, or there'll be trouble! Source: Open AI (AI Generated)

On the other hand, vertical slicing, also known as the "rectangles" is when you cut the sandwich in half from side to side. This method is said to be more elegant and sophisticated, and it allows you to taste all the different flavours in each bite.

While people are divided over these two sandwich slicing methods, they united to topple down a common enemy — this one woman's unconventional way of slicing a sandwich!

A British woman has faced backlash after she took to social media to share her preferred technique for cutting her sandwich.

In a post to Reddit, the woman shared a photo of one of her sandwiches and explained how she slices three lines diagonally through the sandwich instead of cutting it a conventional way.


Credit: Reddit

She wrote: "I believe this is the best way. Optional shapes and sizes, plus two extra pieces."

The woman also shared that she started doing this unique method about a year ago, explaining: "I make them like this to take to work, smaller chunks mean I don't have hamster cheeks if I have to communicate with people."

However, the woman's approach was not well received by many, as evidenced by the flood of criticism the post received.

One person wrote: "There’s a fine line between genius and madness."

"What is this chaotic neutral monstrosity?" another questioned.

Several users pointed out that the middle portions of the sandwich would be “flappy” (or loose) if one cuts them that way.

One comment read: "I can only eat a sandwich in quarters, sixths is just too much sandwich for me."

"To be fair, I could see this working if it was to accompany soup. Other than that, madness," another commented.

A third added: "This is unhinged."

However, the woman persisted in defending her method, claiming that she feels as though she is eating more when it is divided into six parts.

"It definitely feels like more sandwich even if it is the same amount of sandwich," she argued.

"I would often eat four parts then get sad when there was no more. Like if you go to drink tea but you've already finished it. This way I get sandwich glee!"


Credit: Getty Images

So which is the correct way to slice a sandwich? Personally, cutting a sandwich into fours is great for picnics and sandwiches with fewer fillings like cucumber or egg. I find if I overfill my sandwich, one cut down the middle is the only way to go because you can still fit it in your mouth and enjoy all of the flavours without the contents spilling out!

How about you? What is your preferred method of cutting your sandwich? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Love it
I didn’t realise there was a right or wrong way! I might try this for the grandkids!!😂
When it comes to slicing a sandwich, there are two schools of thought: diagonal and vertical. And people still can't seem to agree on which is the proper way to do it.

Diagonal slicing, also known as the “triangles”, is the most common way to slice a sandwich. The method involves slicing the sandwich from one corner to another. It's simple and efficient, and it allows you to evenly distribute the fillings. Diagonal slicing also makes it easy to grab a bite-sized piece of the sandwich without getting your hands too messy.

View attachment 4418
Cut me the proper way, or there'll be trouble! Source: Open AI (AI Generated)

On the other hand, vertical slicing, also known as the "rectangles" is when you cut the sandwich in half from side to side. This method is said to be more elegant and sophisticated, and it allows you to taste all the different flavours in each bite.

While people are divided over these two sandwich slicing methods, they united to topple down a common enemy — this one woman's unconventional way of slicing a sandwich!

A British woman has faced backlash after she took to social media to share her preferred technique for cutting her sandwich.

In a post to Reddit, the woman shared a photo of one of her sandwiches and explained how she slices three lines diagonally through the sandwich instead of cutting it a conventional way.


Credit: Reddit

She wrote: "I believe this is the best way. Optional shapes and sizes, plus two extra pieces."

The woman also shared that she started doing this unique method about a year ago, explaining: "I make them like this to take to work, smaller chunks mean I don't have hamster cheeks if I have to communicate with people."

However, the woman's approach was not well received by many, as evidenced by the flood of criticism the post received.

One person wrote: "There’s a fine line between genius and madness."

"What is this chaotic neutral monstrosity?" another questioned.

Several users pointed out that the middle portions of the sandwich would be “flappy” (or loose) if one cuts them that way.

One comment read: "I can only eat a sandwich in quarters, sixths is just too much sandwich for me."

"To be fair, I could see this working if it was to accompany soup. Other than that, madness," another commented.

A third added: "This is unhinged."

However, the woman persisted in defending her method, claiming that she feels as though she is eating more when it is divided into six parts.

"It definitely feels like more sandwich even if it is the same amount of sandwich," she argued.

"I would often eat four parts then get sad when there was no more. Like if you go to drink tea but you've already finished it. This way I get sandwich glee!"


Credit: Getty Images

So which is the correct way to slice a sandwich? Personally, cutting a sandwich into fours is great for picnics and sandwiches with fewer fillings like cucumber or egg. I find if I overfill my sandwich, one cut down the middle is the only way to go because you can still fit it in your mouth and enjoy all of the flavours without the contents spilling out!

How about you? What is your preferred method of cutting your sandwich? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
what is wrong with people these days? Does it REALLY matter how this woman cuts her sandwiches? Is it THAT important of how she cuts them? Is the world going to come to an end if she continues to cut them this way? it's not as though she's going to be selling them in the shop is it?
Maybe her kids don't like the crust, and you know what some mothers are like "If you don't like it you don't have to eat it", what a load of molly-coddling,..... eat it or go without, it's not going to hurt you,
TOO much pampering of kids nowadays, they wouldn't survive 50 yrs ago, how would they get on if they lived in the outback? I'm glad some of these pampering mothers are not my mother. there are a LOT of people out there that can't even get a sandwich to eat
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Ah, but ... the sangers cut diagonally have a different taste from those cut vertically. I thought EVERYONE knew that!
ahh yeah, the sandwiches cut diagonally taste like jam, the sandwiches cut vertically taste like beetroot, REALLY, the taste is the same,
If protocol determines which way I cut my sandwich which for lunch is always a juicy, high, got everything in it salad sandwich, then I don't cut it. Sitting alone with a coffee beside me, I go for my uncut sandwich & with two hands gnaw away with my heavenly bites until I am finished to wipe my hands with a serviette then into my coffee. Heaven. If NOT alone & I am entertaining I mostly cut down on the ingredients for "Club Sandwiches" which look & taste VERY delectable. I really think how a sandwich is cut totally depends on what you put in it, but I definitely do not go with the human factor of doing it 'the right way." Who concocted that? It's all in the "hoity toity" English mannerisms of the past. Maybe likened to our good old meat pie that we all eat any way we like. Add fish & chips in paper if that is how you want it. Freedom of choice if you are away from the table. Each to his own when you're hungry. Food beautiful food. Many countries never get a choice. None of us are ignorant to such things as "having to bung on side" for someone we respect such as Royalty, otherwise BE YOUR MERRY SELF & enjoy the only life on earth we're going to get. Anyway eating habits are habit forming & society demands you KNOW it all so none of us are dumb. Get on wit5h life......YOUR Life. xx
We used to ask our kids if they wanted triangles, rectangles, square (cut twice) or crazy shapes which probably looked like hers except for only 2 cuts instead of 3. I now ask the grandkids if I'm giving them sandwiches or anything on a slice of bread.
When it comes to slicing a sandwich, there are two schools of thought: diagonal and vertical. And people still can't seem to agree on which is the proper way to do it.

Diagonal slicing, also known as the “triangles”, is the most common way to slice a sandwich. The method involves slicing the sandwich from one corner to another. It's simple and efficient, and it allows you to evenly distribute the fillings. Diagonal slicing also makes it easy to grab a bite-sized piece of the sandwich without getting your hands too messy.

View attachment 4418
Cut me the proper way, or there'll be trouble! Source: Open AI (AI Generated)

On the other hand, vertical slicing, also known as the "rectangles" is when you cut the sandwich in half from side to side. This method is said to be more elegant and sophisticated, and it allows you to taste all the different flavours in each bite.

While people are divided over these two sandwich slicing methods, they united to topple down a common enemy — this one woman's unconventional way of slicing a sandwich!

A British woman has faced backlash after she took to social media to share her preferred technique for cutting her sandwich.

In a post to Reddit, the woman shared a photo of one of her sandwiches and explained how she slices three lines diagonally through the sandwich instead of cutting it a conventional way.


Credit: Reddit

She wrote: "I believe this is the best way. Optional shapes and sizes, plus two extra pieces."

The woman also shared that she started doing this unique method about a year ago, explaining: "I make them like this to take to work, smaller chunks mean I don't have hamster cheeks if I have to communicate with people."

However, the woman's approach was not well received by many, as evidenced by the flood of criticism the post received.

One person wrote: "There’s a fine line between genius and madness."

"What is this chaotic neutral monstrosity?" another questioned.

Several users pointed out that the middle portions of the sandwich would be “flappy” (or loose) if one cuts them that way.

One comment read: "I can only eat a sandwich in quarters, sixths is just too much sandwich for me."

"To be fair, I could see this working if it was to accompany soup. Other than that, madness," another commented.

A third added: "This is unhinged."

However, the woman persisted in defending her method, claiming that she feels as though she is eating more when it is divided into six parts.

"It definitely feels like more sandwich even if it is the same amount of sandwich," she argued.

"I would often eat four parts then get sad when there was no more. Like if you go to drink tea but you've already finished it. This way I get sandwich glee!"


Credit: Getty Images

So which is the correct way to slice a sandwich? Personally, cutting a sandwich into fours is great for picnics and sandwiches with fewer fillings like cucumber or egg. I find if I overfill my sandwich, one cut down the middle is the only way to go because you can still fit it in your mouth and enjoy all of the flavours without the contents spilling out!

How about you? What is your preferred method of cutting your sandwich? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
The correct way to slice a sandwich is the one that works best for you.
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When it comes to slicing a sandwich, there are two schools of thought: diagonal and vertical. And people still can't seem to agree on which is the proper way to do it.

Diagonal slicing, also known as the “triangles”, is the most common way to slice a sandwich. The method involves slicing the sandwich from one corner to another. It's simple and efficient, and it allows you to evenly distribute the fillings. Diagonal slicing also makes it easy to grab a bite-sized piece of the sandwich without getting your hands too messy.

View attachment 4418
Cut me the proper way, or there'll be trouble! Source: Open AI (AI Generated)

On the other hand, vertical slicing, also known as the "rectangles" is when you cut the sandwich in half from side to side. This method is said to be more elegant and sophisticated, and it allows you to taste all the different flavours in each bite.

While people are divided over these two sandwich slicing methods, they united to topple down a common enemy — this one woman's unconventional way of slicing a sandwich!

A British woman has faced backlash after she took to social media to share her preferred technique for cutting her sandwich.

In a post to Reddit, the woman shared a photo of one of her sandwiches and explained how she slices three lines diagonally through the sandwich instead of cutting it a conventional way.


Credit: Reddit

She wrote: "I believe this is the best way. Optional shapes and sizes, plus two extra pieces."

The woman also shared that she started doing this unique method about a year ago, explaining: "I make them like this to take to work, smaller chunks mean I don't have hamster cheeks if I have to communicate with people."

However, the woman's approach was not well received by many, as evidenced by the flood of criticism the post received.

One person wrote: "There’s a fine line between genius and madness."

"What is this chaotic neutral monstrosity?" another questioned.

Several users pointed out that the middle portions of the sandwich would be “flappy” (or loose) if one cuts them that way.

One comment read: "I can only eat a sandwich in quarters, sixths is just too much sandwich for me."

"To be fair, I could see this working if it was to accompany soup. Other than that, madness," another commented.

A third added: "This is unhinged."

However, the woman persisted in defending her method, claiming that she feels as though she is eating more when it is divided into six parts.

"It definitely feels like more sandwich even if it is the same amount of sandwich," she argued.

"I would often eat four parts then get sad when there was no more. Like if you go to drink tea but you've already finished it. This way I get sandwich glee!"


Credit: Getty Images

So which is the correct way to slice a sandwich? Personally, cutting a sandwich into fours is great for picnics and sandwiches with fewer fillings like cucumber or egg. I find if I overfill my sandwich, one cut down the middle is the only way to go because you can still fit it in your mouth and enjoy all of the flavours without the contents spilling out!

How about you? What is your preferred method of cutting your sandwich? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
I like 4 small triangles. The 6 piece cut looks interesting; I see no reason to be rude if it suits the inventor :)
When it comes to slicing a sandwich, there are two schools of thought: diagonal and vertical. And people still can't seem to agree on which is the proper way to do it.

Diagonal slicing, also known as the “triangles”, is the most common way to slice a sandwich. The method involves slicing the sandwich from one corner to another. It's simple and efficient, and it allows you to evenly distribute the fillings. Diagonal slicing also makes it easy to grab a bite-sized piece of the sandwich without getting your hands too messy.

View attachment 4418
Cut me the proper way, or there'll be trouble! Source: Open AI (AI Generated)

On the other hand, vertical slicing, also known as the "rectangles" is when you cut the sandwich in half from side to side. This method is said to be more elegant and sophisticated, and it allows you to taste all the different flavours in each bite.

While people are divided over these two sandwich slicing methods, they united to topple down a common enemy — this one woman's unconventional way of slicing a sandwich!

A British woman has faced backlash after she took to social media to share her preferred technique for cutting her sandwich.

In a post to Reddit, the woman shared a photo of one of her sandwiches and explained how she slices three lines diagonally through the sandwich instead of cutting it a conventional way.


Credit: Reddit

She wrote: "I believe this is the best way. Optional shapes and sizes, plus two extra pieces."

The woman also shared that she started doing this unique method about a year ago, explaining: "I make them like this to take to work, smaller chunks mean I don't have hamster cheeks if I have to communicate with people."

However, the woman's approach was not well received by many, as evidenced by the flood of criticism the post received.

One person wrote: "There’s a fine line between genius and madness."

"What is this chaotic neutral monstrosity?" another questioned.

Several users pointed out that the middle portions of the sandwich would be “flappy” (or loose) if one cuts them that way.

One comment read: "I can only eat a sandwich in quarters, sixths is just too much sandwich for me."

"To be fair, I could see this working if it was to accompany soup. Other than that, madness," another commented.

A third added: "This is unhinged."

However, the woman persisted in defending her method, claiming that she feels as though she is eating more when it is divided into six parts.

"It definitely feels like more sandwich even if it is the same amount of sandwich," she argued.

"I would often eat four parts then get sad when there was no more. Like if you go to drink tea but you've already finished it. This way I get sandwich glee!"


Credit: Getty Images

So which is the correct way to slice a sandwich? Personally, cutting a sandwich into fours is great for picnics and sandwiches with fewer fillings like cucumber or egg. I find if I overfill my sandwich, one cut down the middle is the only way to go because you can still fit it in your mouth and enjoy all of the flavours without the contents spilling out!

How about you? What is your preferred method of cutting your sandwich? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
I love this lady's method of slicing a sandwich. When our grandkids are here, we cut the sandwiches into sharks teeth and the kids love it. There's nothing wrong with adding a bit of fun to meal time. I like her reasoning, too, for those times when you just want one or two more pieces. Genius.
When it comes to slicing a sandwich, there are two schools of thought: diagonal and vertical. And people still can't seem to agree on which is the proper way to do it.

Diagonal slicing, also known as the “triangles”, is the most common way to slice a sandwich. The method involves slicing the sandwich from one corner to another. It's simple and efficient, and it allows you to evenly distribute the fillings. Diagonal slicing also makes it easy to grab a bite-sized piece of the sandwich without getting your hands too messy.

View attachment 4418
Cut me the proper way, or there'll be trouble! Source: Open AI (AI Generated)

On the other hand, vertical slicing, also known as the "rectangles" is when you cut the sandwich in half from side to side. This method is said to be more elegant and sophisticated, and it allows you to taste all the different flavours in each bite.

While people are divided over these two sandwich slicing methods, they united to topple down a common enemy — this one woman's unconventional way of slicing a sandwich!

A British woman has faced backlash after she took to social media to share her preferred technique for cutting her sandwich.

In a post to Reddit, the woman shared a photo of one of her sandwiches and explained how she slices three lines diagonally through the sandwich instead of cutting it a conventional way.


Credit: Reddit

She wrote: "I believe this is the best way. Optional shapes and sizes, plus two extra pieces."

The woman also shared that she started doing this unique method about a year ago, explaining: "I make them like this to take to work, smaller chunks mean I don't have hamster cheeks if I have to communicate with people."

However, the woman's approach was not well received by many, as evidenced by the flood of criticism the post received.

One person wrote: "There’s a fine line between genius and madness."

"What is this chaotic neutral monstrosity?" another questioned.

Several users pointed out that the middle portions of the sandwich would be “flappy” (or loose) if one cuts them that way.

One comment read: "I can only eat a sandwich in quarters, sixths is just too much sandwich for me."

"To be fair, I could see this working if it was to accompany soup. Other than that, madness," another commented.

A third added: "This is unhinged."

However, the woman persisted in defending her method, claiming that she feels as though she is eating more when it is divided into six parts.

"It definitely feels like more sandwich even if it is the same amount of sandwich," she argued.

"I would often eat four parts then get sad when there was no more. Like if you go to drink tea but you've already finished it. This way I get sandwich glee!"


Credit: Getty Images

So which is the correct way to slice a sandwich? Personally, cutting a sandwich into fours is great for picnics and sandwiches with fewer fillings like cucumber or egg. I find if I overfill my sandwich, one cut down the middle is the only way to go because you can still fit it in your mouth and enjoy all of the flavours without the contents spilling out!

How about you? What is your preferred method of cutting your sandwich? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
There is nothing wrong with this sandwich. I like the thinking behind it

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