Who wrote the Bible?

The Bible tells an overall story about the history of the world: creation, fall, redemption and God’s Last Judgement of the living and the dead.

The Old Testament (which dates to 300 BCE) begins with the creation of the world and of Adam and Eve, their disobedience to God and their expulsion from the garden of Eden.

The New Testament recounts the redemption of humanity brought about by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. It finishes in the book of Revelation, with the end of history and God’s Last Judgement.

During the first 400 years of Christianity, the church took its time deciding on the New Testament. Finally, in 367 CE, authorities confirmed the 27 books that make it up.

But who wrote the Bible?

Broadly, there are four different theories.


The Bible tells an overall story about the history of the world. Pixabay/Pexels

1. God wrote the Bible​

All Christians agree the Bible is authoritative. Many see it as the divinely revealed word of God. But there are significant disagreements about what this means.

At its most extreme, this is taken to mean the words themselves are divinely inspired – God dictated the Bible to its writers, who were merely God’s musicians playing a divine composition.

As early as the second century, the Christian philosopher Justin Martyr saw it as only necessary for holy men

to submit their purified persons to the direction of the Holy Spirit, so that this divine plectrum from Heaven, as it were, by using them as a harp or lyre, might reveal to us divine and celestial truths.
In other words, God dictated the words to the Biblical secretaries, who wrote everything down exactly.

This view continued with the medieval Catholic church. Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas put it simply in the 13th century: “the author of Holy Writ is God”. He qualified this by saying each word in Holy Writ could have several senses – in other words, it could be variously interpreted.

The religious reform movement known as Protestantism swept through Europe in the 1500s. A new group of churches formedalongside the existing Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions of Christianity.

Protestants emphasised the authority of “scripture alone” (“sola scriptura”), meaning the text of the Bible was the supreme authority over the church. This gave greater emphasis to the scriptures and the idea of “divine dictation” got more support.

So, for example, Protestant reformer John Calvin declared:

[we] are fully convinced that the prophets did not speak at their own suggestion, but that, being organs of the Holy Spirit, they only uttered what they had been commissioned from heaven to declare.


Protestant reformer John Calvin believed in ‘divine dictation’.

“Divine dictation” was linked to the idea that the Bible was without error (inerrant) – because the words were dictated by God.

Generally, over the first 1,700 years of Christian history, this was assumed, if not argued for. But from the 18th century on, both history and science began to cast doubts on the truth of the Bible. And what had once been taken as fact came to be treated as myth and legend.

The impossibility of any sort of error in the scriptures became a doctrine at the forefront of the 20th-century movement known as fundamentalism. The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy in 1978 declared:

Being wholly and verbally God-given, Scripture is without error or fault in all its teaching, no less in what it states about God’s acts in creation, about the events of world history, and about its own literary origins under God, than in its witness to God’s saving grace in individual lives.

2. God inspired the writers: conservative​

An alternative to the theory of divine dictation is the divine inspiration of the writers. Here, both God and humans collaborated in the writing of the Bible. So, not the words, but the authors were inspired by God.

There are two versions of this theory, dating from the Reformation. The conservative version, favoured by Protestantism, was: though the Bible was written by humans, God was a dominant force in the partnership.

Protestants believed the sovereignty of God overruled human freedom. But even the Reformers, Martin Luther and John Calvin, recognised variation within the Biblical stories could be put down to human agency.

Catholics were more inclined to recognise human freedom above divine sovereignty. Some flirted with the idea human authorship was at play, with God only intervening to prevent mistakes.

For example, in 1625, Jacques Bonfrère said the Holy Spirit acts: “not by dictating or inbreathing, but as one keeps an eye on another while he is writing, to keep him from slipping into errors”.


Catholics were more inclined than Protestants to recognise human freedom above divine sovereignty. Pixabay/Pexels

In the early 1620s, the Archbishop of Split, Marcantonio de Dominis, went a little further. He distinguished between those parts of the Bible revealed to the writers by God and those that weren’t. In the latter, he believed, errors could occur.

His view was supported some 200 years later by John Henry Newman, who led the Oxford movement in the Church of England and later became a cardinal (and then a saint) in the Roman Catholic Church.

Newman argued the divinely inspired books of the Bible were interspersed with human additions. In other words, the Bible was inspired in matters of faith and morals – but not, say, in matters of science and history. It was hard, at times, to distinguish this conservative view from “divine dictation”.

3. God inspired the writers: liberal​

During the 19th century, in both Protestant and Catholic circles, the conservative theory was being overtaken by a more liberal view. The writers of the Bible were inspired by God, but they were “children of their time”, their writings determined by the cultural contexts in which they wrote.


An 18th-century depiction from the gospels of Matthew and Mark. Wikimedia Commons

This view, while recognising the special status of the Bible for Christians, allowed for errors. For example, in 1860 the Anglican theologian Benjamin Jowett declared: “any true doctrine of inspiration must conform to all well-ascertained facts of history or of science”.

For Jowett, to hold to the truth of the Bible against the discoveries of science or history was to do a disservice to religion. At times, though, it’s difficult to tell the difference between a liberal view of inspiration and there being no meaning to “inspiration” at all.

In 1868, a conservative Catholic church pushed back against the more liberal view, declaring God’s direct authorship of the Bible. The Council of the Church known as Vatican 1 declared both the Old and New Testaments were: “written under the inspiration of the holy Spirit, they have God as their author.”

4. People wrote it, with no divine help​

Within the most liberal Christian circles, by the end of the 19th century, the notion of the Bible as “divinely inspired” had lost any meaning.

Liberal Christians could join their secular colleagues in ignoring questions of the Bible’s historical or scientific accuracy or infallibility. The idea of the Bible as a human production was now accepted. And the question of who wrote it was now comparable to questions about the authorship of any other ancient text.


Eve in the Garden of Eden. Giuliano di Piero di Simone Bugiardini/Wikimedia Commons

The simple answer to “who wrote the Bible?” became: the authors named in the Bible (for example, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – the authors of the four Gospels). But the idea of the Bible’s authorship is complex and problematic. (So are historical studies of ancient texts more generally.)

This is partly because it’s hard to identify particular authors.

The content of the 39 books of the Old Testament is the same as the 24 books of the Jewish Hebrew Bible. Within modern Old Testament studies, it’s now generally accepted that the books were not the production of a single author, but the result of long and changing histories of the stories’ transmission.

The question of authorship, then, is not about an individual writer, but multiple authors, editors, scribes and redactors – along with multiple different versions of the texts.

It’s much the same with the New Testament. While 13 Letters are attributed to Saint Paul, there are doubts about his authorship of seven of them (Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, and Hebrews). There are also disputes over the traditional authorship of a number of the remaining Letters. The book of Revelation was traditionally ascribed to Jesus’s disciple John. But it is now generally agreed he was not its author.

Traditionally, the authors of the four Gospels were thought to be the apostles Matthew and John, Mark (the companion of Jesus’s disciple Peter), and Luke (the companion of Paul, who spread Christianity to the Greco-Roman world in the first century). But the anonymously written Gospels weren’t attributed to these figures until the second and third centuries.

The dates of the Gospels’ creation also suggests they were not written by eyewitnesses to Jesus’s life. The earliest Gospel, Mark (65-70 CE) was written some 30 years after the death of Jesus (from 29-34 CE). The last Gospel, John (90-100 CE) was written some 60-90 years after the death of Jesus.


The dates of the Gospels’ creation suggests they weren’t written by eyewitnesses to Jesus’s life. Joe Alblas/AAP

It’s clear the author of the Gospel of Mark drew on traditions circulating in the early church about the life and teaching of Jesus and brought them together in the form of ancient biography.

In turn, the Gospel of Mark served as the principal source for the authors of Matthew and Luke. Each of these authors had access to a common source (known as “Q”) of the sayings of Jesus, along with material unique to each of them.

In short, there were many (unknown) authors of the Gospels.

Interestingly, another group of texts, known as the Apocrypha, were written during the time between the Old and New Testaments (400 BCE to the first century CE). The Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Christian traditions consider them part of the Bible, but Protestant churches don’t consider them authoritative.

Divine or human: why does it matter?​

The question of who wrote the Bible matters because the Christian quarter of the world’s population believe the Bible is a not merely a human production.

Divinely inspired, it has a transcendent significance. As such, it provides for Christians an ultimate understanding of how the world is, what history means and how human life should be lived.

It matters because the Biblical worldview is the hidden (and often not-so-hidden) cause of economic, social and personal practices. It remains, as it has always been, a major source of both peace and conflict.

It matters, too, because the Bible remains the most important collection of books in Western civilisation. Regardless of our religious beliefs, it has formed, informed and shaped all of us – whether consciously or unconsciously, for good or ill.

This article was first published on The Conversation and was written by Philip C. Almond Emeritus Professor in the History of Religious Thought, The University of Queensland


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Our faith is not to be in people, but in God.
We are all sinners, and if we believe Jesus is the Son of God, was killed as the perfect sacrifice for sin, and that God raised Him from the dead, then we can have our sin forgiven by repenting and trusting that Jesus has forgiven us.

But I don't think it's an automatic process that out sin is forgiven in the future automatically.
By that I mean that we can't expect to just continue sinning and expect that it's OK "because we are forgiven."

I think "If we confess our sin (as soon as we become aware of it) He (Jesus) is faithful and just, and will forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
I'm a grumpy person, and find it easy to judge people that annoy me. That's something I am aware of and am continually resisting and trying to remove from my nature. Maybe it will always be "me", but when I hurt others by it, I know I must go to them and apologise.

If I say I believe something, is it true just by my words?
Or is it true by my actions?
I think that answer is clear enough.
Everything you said is true, but you recognise your faults and try to fix it. None of us are sin free but it's the kind of sins we do that makes a difference.

We know we shouldn't judge but can't help our self as we are in human bodies . It's goid in pray to ask for forgiveness and ask for strength to stop judging.
It's really hard not to judge, I find myself doing it and really try not too.

One thing that I look at that is bad as a Christian is forgiveness , we need to forgive others

When you look at the Lord Prayer and we ask God to forgive our trespasses , how can we ask and expect him to forgive us if we can't forgive others.

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
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I have no idea what this song is about. Is it just angry head banging music and being controversial?
Is about drugs, eg heroin?
Oh dear that gave me palpitations I couldn’t watch it all it was creepy and my poor little brain didn’t understand it at all.🤣just like all the ravings and rantings on This post. So I’ll keep scrolling.🤣
heavens above, when will this stop? I went to Sunday School, taught at same, after DV I became a non believer until my second son was born. I won't go into that but since then I've had a JW neighbour who announced that 'CHRISTIANITY HAS ONLY BEEN AROUND FOR THE LAST HUNDRED YEARS" . They gave up when they realised how often I spoke to heaven. As a JP I have to use a Bible however, after 2 trips "upstairs" as a result of cancer I can tell you I HAVE BEEN THERE and was sent back "for more work" which was firstly taking in abused and street kids then, years later I took in recovering drug and alcohol addicts. I used to often read the book but after my 2 trips and seeing those I saw I just tell people about what I know. One thought, eldest son, aged 4 at the time, went to Sunday School on Palm Sunday and came home asking "Mummy, if Adam and Eve only had 2 boys, one killed the other and then got a wife, where did she come from because Miss Scott said that there was no-one else on the earth". The age old question being asked by a child and still asked today. I call God/Jesus "THE BOSS" because they are my boss who tells me what they want. I could tell you so much more but I won't go on with it.
I also died after losing a baby and I know a bit of what to expect. I would love to hear your experience, if it was the same as mine.

I didn't see a bright light, I just found myself in a pure room where my mother inlaw was standing telling me to go back as it wasn't my time. I had never met my mother inlaw and she didn't look like photos I've seen , but I knew it was her.

I woke up on life support and when the tubes came out I told hubby about my dream. That is when he told me I had died 3 times. 11 minutes, 7 minutes and 9 minutes. They kept my heart beating. The anaesthesia told me later I had an anaphylactic reaction and died. She told me they kept working on me because I was young with 9 kids
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Oh for F's sake!!!
How gullible are you people!!!!
Firstly J K Rowling wrote the BEST books ever - Harry Potter!
Secondly - The Bible is just toilet paper!!! That's all it's good for! It is so full of holes and lies and total c-r-a-p!!!
Ever heard of the kids game chinese whispers well the bible is the embodiment of that game. How does anyone know who said what back then? They didn't have pen and paper according to the tiolet paper book they had to carve it on stone tablets and that is not easy or quick! JC would have had to talk non stop since he was born till he died and never slept to have said everything in that rubbish.
He was a gay yet it so down on them? no sense there! The disciples were his lovers! Kinky! Cheating! and yeuch!!!
Parting water by waving hands - yeah right! What was that moses a wizard doing a spell?
I could go on and on but not one bit of it from the first word to the last makes sense.
It's the world's biggest cult and the only legal one!
Prayers do nothing their just hot air and wishful thinking!
So un-brainwash yourself and think about it all with logic and you'll see the holes and lies.
I AM GLAD YOU DECIDED TO NOT GO ON, "'I could go on & on but........."

I am amongst those millions who you consider to be brainwashed, starting in Sunday School.
As a senior in the Salvation Army l did several Correspondence Courses, helped street people & took part in many events which gave me great delight.

One of the first things mentioned in my Correspondence Courses was that THE GOSPELS of MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN WERE WRITTEN BY INSPIRATION FROM GOD (HIMSELF).

No one Disciple could remember every word spoken by JESUS which is why GOD helped them in this task. I am sure as these Testaments were translated over the years may have been interpreted slightly differently from the original texts because one word did not completely match that written by the authors. One thing l am very strong on however is that our world & everything in it was created over 2000 years ago by GOD.

While collecting donations in the city on one occasion a young man professed to me he had read the BIBLE from front to back & it meant nothing to him. Many people may be able to say this, but did they read it like a book or newspaper or read THE BIBLE thoughtfully? There is a big difference, isn't there?
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I AM GLAD YOU DECIDED TO NOT GO ON, "'I could go on & on but........."

I am amongst those millions who you consider to be brainwashed, starting in Sunday School.
As a senior in the Salvation Army l did several Correspondence Courses, helped street people & took part in many events which gave me great delight.

One of the first things mentioned in my Correspondence Courses was that THE GOSPELS of MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN WERE WRITTEN BY INSPIRATION FROM GOD (HIMSELF).

No one Disciple could remember every word spoken by JESUS which is why GOD helped them in this task. I am sure as these Testaments were translated over the years may have been interpreted slightly differently from the original texts because one word did not completely match that written by the authors. One thing l am very strong on however is that our world & everything in it was created over 2000 years ago by GOD.

While collecting donations in the city on one occasion a young man professed to me he had read the BIBLE from front to back & it meant nothing to him. Many people may be able to say this, but did they read it like a book or newspaper or read THE BIBLE thoughtfully? There is a big difference, isn't there?
I only read the new testament and my favourite gospels are by John.
I also died after losing a baby and I know a bit of what to expect. I would love to hear your experience, if it was the same as mine.

I didn't see a bright light, I just found myself in a pure room where my mother inlaw was standing telling me to go back as it wasn't my time. I had never met my mother inlaw and she didn't look like photos I've seen , but I knew it was her.

I woke up on life support and when the tubes came out I told hubby about my dream. That is when he told me I had died 3 times. 11 minutes, 7 minutes and 9 minutes. They kept my heart beating. The anaesthesia told me later I had an anaphylactic reaction and died. She told me they kept working on me because I was young with 9 kids
Boy, you have had your fair share of misfortunate events but managed to come back as the strong woman you are. Please look after yourself.
I AM GLAD YOU DECIDED TO NOT GO ON, "'I could go on & on but........."

I am amongst those millions who you consider to be brainwashed, starting in Sunday School.
As a senior in the Salvation Army l did several Correspondence Courses, helped street people & took part in many events which gave me great delight.

One of the first things mentioned in my Correspondence Courses was that THE GOSPELS of MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE & JOHN WERE WRITTEN BY INSPIRATION FROM GOD (HIMSELF).

No one Disciple could remember every word spoken by JESUS which is why GOD helped them in this task. I am sure as these Testaments were translated over the years may have been interpreted slightly differently from the original texts because one word did not completely match that written by the authors. One thing l am very strong on however is that our world & everything in it was created over 2000 years ago by GOD.

While collecting donations in the city on one occasion a young man professed to me he had read the BIBLE from front to back & it meant nothing to him. Many people may be able to say this, but did they read it like a book or newspaper or read THE BIBLE thoughtfully? There is a big difference, isn't there?
Couldn't agree more. It took me over a year to read it and that was reading every night. One thing I did and do before reading is pray and ask God to open my eyes and heart to his word.
I read then I research eg I have a very large Comnentry by William McDonald
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That old mule ... who was Cain's wife?
Simple answer - genetic purity.
Adam and eve had other children - all genetically pure.

There was no Jewish law to prohibit brother marrying sister etc or for first cousins not to inter-marry. In fact there was NOT even marriage as a requirement in those early times.
But there WAS a requirement for fidelity in a relationship:

But when Adam and Eve were in the garden, God said:
(Genesis 2:4) : "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."
Formal laws came later (ie with Moses), when corruption and contamination of the bloodlines / DNA resulted in physical and mental defects.
It was established who could rightly become the wife/husband of another.

Maybe "Miss Scott" didn't trust God either, and had no business being a Sunday School teacher. Right there is an example of Matthew 18:6 -
"But whoso shall offend (lead astray) one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."

Why is this such a stumbling block to people.
My conclusion is that they are rebellious against God, and want to hold this up to His face as "evidence" that the Bible is not to be trusted.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God."
Does anyone seriously believe that God made a mistake?
Is the Creature greater than the Creator?
The book of Job is quite sobering., especially the last 4 or 5 chapters.
It deals with this very topic.
In the beginning was the word, and the word was aardvark?.
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This is him when younger , not only does he have autism he is also blind.
As a baby his parents couldn't look after him so his aunt and uncle raised him as theirs
He is the son of his aunts youngest brother. Both his biological parents were drug addicts. But his aunt searched and found him. This is an incredible story

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Couldn't agree more. It took me over a year to read it and that was reading every night. One thing I did and do before reading is pray and ask God to open my eyes and heart to his word.
I read then I research eg I have a very large Comnentry by William McDonald
View attachment 44004View attachment 44005
I also found a Bible Commentary & Bible Encyclopaedia handy companions to help me understand what l had read.
This is a young autistic boy who God has touched , I've been following him for a few years now. Please watch including the non believers

A very convincing argument there. A young handicapped person telling the world how he has been able to leave his pain & sorrows behind to follow THE LORD. Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes Lord. AMEN. Some may ask, 'what can an autistic person give to God'. He is doing it isn't he? He is telling the world what he has done with help from God. He is spreading The WORD with help from the band.
This is him when younger , not only does he have autism he is also blind.
As a baby his parents couldn't look after him so his aunt and uncle raised him as theirs
He is the son of his aunts youngest brother. Both his biological parents were drug addicts. But his aunt searched and found him. This is an incredible story

How can anyone watch this & not be moved? I cried the whole way through this piece.

'OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART LORD. I WANT TO SEE YOU", he sang. He got his wish ten fold & he is able to bask in the glory this has given him. He may be blind in sight but enjoys knowing THE LORD & sings about it glorifying God.

Thankyou for sharing this @ Suzanne rose.
(only problem is 1.30am is possibly not an ideal time for me to bask in this inspiring piece, perhaps).
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A very convincing argument there. A young handicapped person telling the world how he has been able to leave his pain & sorrows behind to follow THE LORD. Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes Lord. AMEN. Some may ask, 'what can an autistic person give to God'. He is doing it isn't he? He is telling the world what he has done with help from God. He is spreading The WORD with help from the band.
It shows all you need to do is open your eyes and heart to God. This shows how God can work.

He reminds me of my Grandson and even looks like him. I wished I could have done for him what this boys aunt n uncle did.

How can anyone not be touched by watching this.
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How can anyone watch this & not be moved? I cried the whole way through this piece.

'OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART LORD. I WANT TO SEE YOU", he sang. He got his wish ten fold & he is able to bask in the glory this has given him. He may be blind in sight but enjoys knowing THE LORD & sings about it glorifying God.

Thankyou for sharing this @ Suzanne rose.
(only problem is 1.30am is possibly not an ideal time for me to bask in this inspiring piece, perhaps).
And I bet you sang along with him, I know I do every time I watch him
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