I too have experienced this bread problem and not just with Coles Brand breads! It has also happened with Abbott's and Helga's Light Rye Loaves and their patches are darker than the rye bread colour and they can smell quite yeasty and taste unbaked. Don't they have Supervisors or Quality Control these days, obviously not!! These brands are not cheap breads either.....grrrr!!!
Like a lot of queries on the internet, I find they can't be bothered to get back to you, half the time, which I think is just rude and frustrating, so why have a 'Contact Us' section, not everyone wants to talk on the phone, especially when they employ people with very strong accents and you can't understand them!
Like a lot of queries on the internet, I find they can't be bothered to get back to you, half the time, which I think is just rude and frustrating, so why have a 'Contact Us' section, not everyone wants to talk on the phone, especially when they employ people with very strong accents and you can't understand them!