What's a childhood fear that you conquered as an adult?
Hello, members! You may know by now that I'm a huge fan of everything horror, and while Halloween isn't something we would typically celebrate in Australia, I thought it would be fun to put our own wholesome, and, hopefully, rewarding twist to it. So today, I'd love for all of us to share a childhood fear that we conquered as adults. I'd be happy to share mine, but it's so bizarre, so please try not to laugh at me!
As a child, I had a severe fear of rain. Yes, of all things, rain... I did mention it was quite bizarre, right?

The sound of raindrops tapping on my school's windows at the time would send shivers down my spine, and the sight of dark, overcast skies filled me with anxiety.
As I got older, I realised that this may have stemmed from when an intense tropical cyclone led to classes getting suspended, and little Sethia thinking she was abandoned as she waited hours for her family to pick her up from school. So whenever the rain would come, I would feel scared that it was going to happen again. Of course, I've gotten over it eventually, and now find comfort in it. It's a nice reminder that we can overcome even the most irrational fears and emerge stronger, wiser, and more appreciative of the world around us!
Okay, it's YOUR turn to share. If you'd like to join in on the fun, please feel free to leave a comment down below!