Loving these responses and the conversations, everyone! I really respect those who view Easter as solemn, and I apologise if I worded it in a way that trivialises (for the lack of a better term) what the holiday means.

Anyway, it seems we're also staying in on our end, but I honestly don't mind as long as we're all safe...

For those spending time with their families, have fun! :D
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What do you have planned for Easter Sunday, and what are your family's Easter traditions?

It's a couple of days before Easter, and I’ve heard many people making plans for the long weekend, ranging from visiting family to even going camping.

On our end, nothing’s final yet, as we’re still figuring some things out. That being said, I’m so excited to know what you’re doing next week. What do you have planned for Easter Sunday?

View attachment 16532
The long weekend is a fantastic time for some classic chinwagging! Image Credit: Unsplash

We'd be delighted to know whether it’s something meticulously organised or just an easy weekend of rest and relaxation at home.

On that note, why not throw in traditions your family does on Easter for an added kick of fun?

It’s simply touching to know of the special things families do during the holidays, and we’re all ears (or eyes?) to see what you have in store for the holidays.
After changing to Monday to Friday after 40 years of shift work this is the first easter I will have not worked unless I had holidays. This one is special our 7th grandchild has just been born, our 6th grandchild turns 1 on east sat so birthday party on. Our youngest daughter is also flying out to Fiji on Sat for her wedding. Busy times with family can't wait.
As a practising Pagan, I am most annoyed that the xhristians have commandeered most of the Pagan holidays to make xhristianity more palatable to the stupid masses & it has done a good job of that as we have seen by our Xmas & Easter celebrations. While I admire the ones who don't celebrate these holidays due to their personal conviction. It really irks me that so many pretend xhristians believe all that b*****t about religion. I know that these days brains seem in short supply along with respect for one's elders & kindness in general but all you have to do is read any of the religious books to see that it is all done for control of the general public!
Bet u take all the holidays’
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After changing to Monday to Friday after 40 years of shift work this is the first easter I will have not worked unless I had holidays. This one is special our 7th grandchild has just been born, our 6th grandchild turns 1 on east sat so birthday party on. Our youngest daughter is also flying out to Fiji on Sat for her wedding. Busy times with family can't wait.
Busy times, indeed! I hope you have a blast with your loved ones, @Nelbert! :D
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What do you have planned for Easter Sunday, and what are your family's Easter traditions?

It's a couple of days before Easter, and I’ve heard many people making plans for the long weekend, ranging from visiting family to even going camping.

On our end, nothing’s final yet, as we’re still figuring some things out. That being said, I’m so excited to know what you’re doing next week. What do you have planned for Easter Sunday?

View attachment 16532
The long weekend is a fantastic time for some classic chinwagging! Image Credit: Unsplash

We'd be delighted to know whether it’s something meticulously organised or just an easy weekend of rest and relaxation at home.

On that note, why not throw in traditions your family does on Easter for an added kick of fun?

It’s simply touching to know of the special things families do during the holidays, and we’re all ears (or eyes?) to see what you have in store for the holidays.
As a child we were extremely poor. I was going to share how Easter was the one uplifting time of our year, a time when we were made to feel there was magic in abundance, with joy and happy family times.
Unfortunately that has been ruined after reading the doom sayers who quote satanic influence in the Easter Bunny (of all things). The christian church may have stolen this period to celebrate the resurrection, but look to the pagan god Oester from which the true beginnings arise. Find out what the meaning of giving an Egg truly is and don't be so ignorant.
I just love the feeling of Easter Time more than anything and am also aware and respect what the true spirit of Easter is all about - without judging anyone else for their thoughts, feelings, followings or perceptions of Easter Time! I am looking forward to quiet times, one longer country drive and a few Easter Eggs, while giving thanks and being grateful for my life, children/family etc and this beautiful planet-Earth, which we need to start taking care off more consciously. We might be in 2023 - but if we look throughout history on a manner of different things it seems we have not really come that far - infact in some instances our thinking remains the same, just in a different century! We are as they say only Human!
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Busy times, indeed! I hope you have a blast with your loved ones, @Nelbert! :D
As a child we were extremely poor. I was going to share how Easter was the one uplifting time of our year, a time when we were made to feel there was magic in abundance, with joy and happy family times.
Unfortunately that has been ruined after reading the doom sayers who quote satanic influence in the Easter Bunny (of all things). The christian church may have stolen this period to celebrate the resurrection, but look to the pagan god Oester from which the true beginnings arise. Find out what the meaning of giving an Egg truly is and don't be so ignorant.
We were from the poor side of town too - but i can resonate with the uplifting easter time of year as a child with family, we may not have had a lot but we had a happy family, family love, a house to live in, food, clothes to wear, running water and school to attend-all you need when a child!
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Our family tradition is to all get together on Good Friday for what we call Fish Friday. There are usually between 50-60 people of three generations, we all supply some sort of seafood and have a big smorgasbord. Some of the boys go fishing before Easter and catch the fish, then we buy extras to go with it. We have it for lunch so spend most of the day together. On Easter Sunday we try to arrange to see the grandchildren again and have an Easter egg hunt and lunch with them.
We where from the poor side of town too - but i can resonate with the uplifting easter time of year as a child with family, we may not have had a lot but we had a happy family, family love, a house to live in, food, clothes to wear, running water and school to attend-all you need when a child!
We were from the poor side as well, living in the sticks. At Easter we received 1 small Easter egg and if we were lucky a tiny chick figure sitting on top of it, but we were always so grateful to even receive anything. That little chick figure gave us so many hours of fun. We have never been religious but have always followed the tradition of eating fish on Good Friday for as long as I can remember. It was always fun to go down to the river and help catch the fish we ate.
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We where from the poor side of town too - but i can resonate with the uplifting easter time of year as a child with family, we may not have had a lot but we had a happy family, family love, a house to live in, food, clothes to wear, running water and school to attend-all you need when a child!
In hindsight, these are the things I wish I had appreciated more when I was younger! :D
Our family tradition is to all get together on Good Friday for what we call Fish Friday. There are usually between 50-60 people of three generations, we all supply some sort of seafood and have a big smorgasbord. Some of the boys go fishing before Easter and catch the fish, then we buy extras to go with it. We have it for lunch so spend most of the day together. On Easter Sunday we try to arrange to see the grandchildren again and have an Easter egg hunt and lunch with them.
We were from the poor side as well, living in the sticks. At Easter we received 1 small Easter egg and if we were lucky a tiny chick figure sitting on top of it, but we were always so grateful to even receive anything. That little chick figure gave us so many hours of fun. We have never been religious but have always followed the tradition of eating fish on Good Friday for as long as I can remember. It was always fun to go down to the river and help catch the fish we ate.
Lovely thoughts from you, as always, @Gsr! I'm honestly not religious too, but my parents always made sure we went to church over the weekend growing up :D
Loving these responses and the conversations, everyone! I really respect those who view Easter as solemn, and I apologise if I worded it in a way that trivialises (for the lack of a better term) what the holiday means.

Anyway, it seems we're also staying in on our end, but I honestly don't mind as long as we're all safe...

For those spending time with their families, have fun! :D

Our family tradition is to all get together on Good Friday for what we call Fish Friday. There are usually between 50-60 people of three generations, we all supply some sort of seafood and have a big smorgasbord. Some of the boys go fishing before Easter and catch the fish, then we buy extras to go with it. We have it for lunch so spend most of the day together. On Easter Sunday we try to arrange to see the grandchildren again and have an Easter egg hunt and lunch with them.
Yes i remember the Fish for good friday, & the sunday easter eggs - the hot cross buns lightly toasted with butter! It was a good, more simple life where families cared & loved each other - wow & you have the fortune of three generations getting together, enjoy Easter!
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We were from the poor side as well, living in the sticks. At Easter we received 1 small Easter egg and if we were lucky a tiny chick figure sitting on top of it, but we were always so grateful to even receive anything. That little chick figure gave us so many hours of fun. We have never been religious but have always followed the tradition of eating fish on Good Friday for as long as I can remember. It was always fun to go down to the river and help catch the fish we ate.
They where the good old days! Memories, I remember the chick figure too!
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Yes i remember the Fish for good friday, & the sunday easter eggs - the hot cross buns lightly toasted with butter! It was a good, more simple life where families cared & loved each other - wow & you have the fortune of three generations getting together, enjoy Easter!
How could I forget the hot cross buns. They were delivered on the milk truck on the last run before Easter, usually Thursday, fresh from the bakers in town. The baker sent us one dozen, no charge as we bought our bread from him all year, all delivered on the milk truck. The anticipation of lovely hot cross buns warmed in the wood fired oven lathered with proper butter, no margarine back then, usually home made butter, made in a butter churn. We had one bun each, we were a family of ten, and the remaining two were cut into ten pieces and shared. Yum, I can still taste them today.
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How could I forget the hot cross buns. They were delivered on the milk truck on the last run before Easter, usually Thursday, fresh from the bakers in town. The baker sent us one dozen, no charge as we bought our bread from him all year, all delivered on the milk truck. The anticipation of lovely hot cross buns warmed in the wood fired oven lathered with proper butter, no margarine back then, usually home made butter, made in a butter churn. We had one bun each, we were a family of ten, and the remaining two were cut into ten pieces and shared. Yum, I can still taste them today.
So can i remember the hot cross buns from the wood fired oven & butter! The good life!
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What do you have planned for Easter Sunday, and what are your family's Easter traditions?

It's a couple of days before Easter, and I’ve heard many people making plans for the long weekend, ranging from visiting family to even going camping.

On our end, nothing’s final yet, as we’re still figuring some things out. That being said, I’m so excited to know what you’re doing next week. What do you have planned for Easter Sunday?

View attachment 16532
The long weekend is a fantastic time for some classic chinwagging! Image Credit: Unsplash

We'd be delighted to know whether it’s something meticulously organised or just an easy weekend of rest and relaxation at home.

On that note, why not throw in traditions your family does on Easter for an added kick of fun?

It’s simply touching to know of the special things families do during the holidays, and we’re all ears (or eyes?) to see what you have in store for the holidays.
Over Easter my husband and i will celebrate by giving our thanks .I will eat fish on Good Friday and share eggs on Sunday enjoying the company of our grandchildren playing in our pool etc. My husband has cancer and can't eat .
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I'm a Christian of no denomination.

I don't celebrate Easter or Xmas as both of these are Pagan traditions which are actually against Gods teachings.

Please tell me what the Easter bunny or Easter eggs have to do with Jesus ?

If you researched what Easter means you will be shocked

I don't say people can't celebrate Easter just don't say it is to celebrate the the death of Jesus and his Resurrection

I celebrate and give thanks every day for his birth and his Resurrection.

His crucifixion never happened this time of year although his birth was around April or May......how do we know this it's because of the weather his birth was not in winter which in Bethlehem the 25th Dec is in winter . The bible describes a spring night .

As I said it's ok for people to celebrate just don't say it's for Jesus

Despite its significance as a Christian holy day, many of the traditions and symbols that play a key role in Easter observances actually have roots in pagan celebrations—particularly the pagan goddess Eostre

The Easter bunny and Easter eggs originated as pagan symbols of spring and rebirth. Over the centuries, these ancient symbols became associated with the Christian holiday of Easter such that the two traditions have merged together to become what some celebrate today

So it is really against what the bible tells us
Yes, the ancient Saturnalia.
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This is Holy Week for Roman Catholics beginning with Palm or Passion Sunday. Then we celebrate the Last Supper on Holy Thursday when Jesus ate with His 12 apostles. Next is Good Friday when Jesus is crucified on the Cross. We celebrate the Easter Vigil on Saturday and finally on Easter Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from death and the tomb. So for me it is a whole week of remembrance of what Jesus Christ did for us.
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Easter for me is all about Jesus. Having personally known, not just being taught makes it so much more special. I love spending time celebrating Him, and I love spending this weekend with my kids and grandies, maybe going to the farm for a drive, having a fire, doing whatever we do together. I am grateful for the reason of Easter.
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What do you have planned for Easter Sunday, and what are your family's Easter traditions?

It's a couple of days before Easter, and I’ve heard many people making plans for the long weekend, ranging from visiting family to even going camping.

On our end, nothing’s final yet, as we’re still figuring some things out. That being said, I’m so excited to know what you’re doing next week. What do you have planned for Easter Sunday?

View attachment 16532
The long weekend is a fantastic time for some classic chinwagging! Image Credit: Unsplash

We'd be delighted to know whether it’s something meticulously organised or just an easy weekend of rest and relaxation at home.

On that note, why not throw in traditions your family does on Easter for an added kick of fun?

It’s simply touching to know of the special things families do during the holidays, and we’re all ears (or eyes?) to see what you have in store for the holidays.
I am in the middle of kitchen renovations done so am going to have a relaxing time
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