Hi Angie, I’m so glad you moved on & have found peace. It took me too many years to wake up & realise after 43 years married. He has been a covert narcissist most of his adult life. I can’t tell you the cruel games, lies, back stabbing, inability to handle finances, loosing one home after another, my compensation & superannuation & home it provided, all gone in a year. To repay his credit cards. I was not able to know what was going on. I had 5 major spinal operations & suffer a serious non treatable spine disease, chronic severe pain. Finally I woke up & couldn’t cope with him enjoying my pain, & refusing to help in any way in the unit we were renting.Hi Vella,
My new life started 10 years ago when I discovered that my marriage was not all it was cracked up to be. The now ex husband decided that he needed a new partner after 40 years and 3 lovely children later. That said I divorced him finally two years ago on Valentine's Day. Luckily no house or anything to split which was very nice. Now I moved from NSW to WA and have never looked back. I now live a very quiet life. I go out and enjoy dinner out and a movie occasionally but I also like my solitude. I do love reading your columns, recipes and info so don't think that I am too alone. My peace and quiet are very welcoming.
I do care for a housemate but only as a driver when required and some company when needed.
I hope you don't mind my ranting on but sometimes it's nice to clear ones head.
Cheers Angie
I’m free of it all. My adult son & I share & rent a home together. We have always had a special relationship. He was always there for me & encouraging me to leave. I’m happy & in peace.