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Vella Gonzaga

Vella Gonzaga

Staff member
Aug 23, 2021
What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Hey members!

I hope you’re having a great week so far. I’m hopping on here again to ask you all another question that will surely bring a smile to your faces.

So, our dear member, L John P, has posed an intriguing question: What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Ooh, I invite you all to take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about those childhood moments that landed us in hot water with our parents. I’ll go first. I can recall so many instances like not making it home in time for tea (classic, right?), losing my precious lunch box at school (I felt the wrath when I lost mum’s Tupperware!), and the list goes on.

Now, it’s your turn to share your childhood mischief and let’s have a good laugh together. I can’t wait to hear your stories and reminisce about the innocent trouble we caused back in the day.

Credits: Shutterstock

When was about 10 years old around Guy Fawkes (cracker night) I placed some bungers in the cracks of our timber fence and set them off. Around 2 hours later I returned to find they had smouldered in the cracks and burnt a big hole in the fence. That night I went to bed early to avoid the wrath of my father who came home after dark. My thinking was that by morning he would have cooled off. However, he woke me up and I received a good dose of his strap on my legs. I was I admit a pretty mischievous kid and the strap was a pretty regular occurrence. All good I didn’t suffer any effects from the punishments over the years. Dad and I had a great relationship once I became a responsible adult. Ah the memories.
My Mum was a great mother, however perhaps somewhat on the strict side. Smacking was frequently administered, especially to me, being the older brother, who "should have known better," even though I was still very young in the 1940s.
Mum sent my younger brother and I to wait in our local grocer shop while she finished the shopping elsewhere, but I thought she meant the optometric, so we went there. Naturally, I was smacked when we were found. Have never forgotten that--it seemed unfair.
I had a chemistry set, which an elderly brother gave to me. I was about 13 one night, a bit bored (no TV those days) I pulled it out, filled a test tube with different chemicals (don't know what) gave it a good shake and it blew its top. Glass everywhere, black stuff all over the ceiling. Must of made some sort of noise my parents came to see what happened.
Everything as cleaned up but the black stuff on the ceiling didn't move, mum tried different ways to remove it, no way. My parents painted over it several time it came back, many years later another painting job it was covered. I was in my thirties then.
I thought I would trim the whiskers of our family cat, & proceeded to do so with Mum's kitchen scissors. Needless to say, apart from a good smack, I was told how a cat uses its whiskers to judge width when going through narrow openings. That mortified a little 4year-old even more! Obviously a lesson well learnt.
Hello all, I would like to share one of my childhood mishaps that ended me in heaps of trouble: My uncle owned a fishboard in Shorncliffe in the early 70's. With me being a seafood lover I would sneak over to the fishboard (as it was only over my uncle's fence and across Wharf St). Making sure the coast was clear I would sneak into the cold room set myself up in a boxed off corner with some milk crates and then go for the smorgasbord, consisting of bugs, mud & sand crabs, oysters an array of prawns from kings, tigers, bays and most of all chocolate milk. This adventure lastest about 2 weeks before I was found in the corner by my uncle. Can't remember the punishment although I remember the seafood!
My younger brother, younger cousin and I kept walking through the lounge room via one door and out through another door at the far end. My aunt suddenly realised it was one-way traffic and followed us to investigate. We were exiting my cousin’s upstairs bedroom through the window and shimmying down the drainpipe, then coming back into the house to do it all over again. Needless to say, my aunt was not impressed.
When I was around 10 there was a water tower that was empty and we would get up there on several occasions.This day it was windy and we decided to take newspapers up there and throw them out.I remember the papers swirling around in the tank.The outcome was we had to pick up every single piece of paper in town.We we’re all good little boys just bored.
What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Hey members!

I hope you’re having a great week so far. I’m hopping on here again to ask you all another question that will surely bring a smile to your faces.

So, our dear member, L John P, has posed an intriguing question: What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Ooh, I invite you all to take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about those childhood moments that landed us in hot water with our parents. I’ll go first. I can recall so many instances like not making it home in time for tea (classic, right?), losing my precious lunch box at school (I felt the wrath when I lost mum’s Tupperware!), and the list goes on.

Now, it’s your turn to share your childhood mischief and let’s have a good laugh together. I can’t wait to hear your stories and reminisce about the innocent trouble we caused back in the day.

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Credits: Shutterstock

At 6 years old , wanting to pet the neighbours ferret. Nobody home so in went my fingers through the mesh and ferret attacked. Couldn’t get my fingers back, so never one to miss an opportunity I petted that furry little monster with the other hand.parents sent the dog to find me and after opening the ferrets mouth with pliers (yes they really bite hard) I had a very sore finger and far more sore bum from my paddling from dad.
Oh I have a few , I was a very rebelious teenager.

First one at age 13 getting caught smoking but after that I was allowed I was told better to do it in front if them than behind their back

Second one age 14 decided to runaway with a friend due to her copping abuse from her step mum and my thinking was I couldn't let her go by herself . Three days later I went home only to find the police were after me. Yep I spent 2 weeks in a girls home . Can't see that happening in today's times

3rd one also age 14 got caught smoking pot and you would have thought it was heroin the way my grandmother carried on.

Oh there are so many other stories but better not tell

Yes I was a rebel but geez I had fun but glad my kids were not like me
What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Hey members!

I hope you’re having a great week so far. I’m hopping on here again to ask you all another question that will surely bring a smile to your faces.

So, our dear member, L John P, has posed an intriguing question: What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Ooh, I invite you all to take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about those childhood moments that landed us in hot water with our parents. I’ll go first. I can recall so many instances like not making it home in time for tea (classic, right?), losing my precious lunch box at school (I felt the wrath when I lost mum’s Tupperware!), and the list goes on.

Now, it’s your turn to share your childhood mischief and let’s have a good laugh together. I can’t wait to hear your stories and reminisce about the innocent trouble we caused back in the day.

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Credits: Shutterstock

Our family grew up doing chores most days. This particular night my younger brother & me were on washing dishing duty. My little brother told mum that he was feeling sick and couldn't do dry the dishes. Mum came out and told me that I would be doing both washing & drying tonight. Wasn't happy but I said yes. About 10mins later my little brother walks pass me with a great big grin on his face, sad thing was I had the carving knife in my hand. Without thinking I threw the knife. He ran off yelling to mum, as punishment mum told me I had to do the washing & drying of the dishes for the next two weeks.
In our house we had a wood fireplace with a glass door and it kept the room toasty warm, but one afternoon when I was eight, my feet were really cold and while wearing my ‘jiffies’ (ballet style) slippers, I placed my feet close to the glass. My elder sister dared me to put my feet directly on to the glass for three minutes, so of course, I did. Three minutes passed and my feet were beautifully warm but there was the smell of something burning. Yep, it was my slippers. The bottom of the slippers had adhered to the glass and melted. My mother rushed into the room and pulled me away from the fireplace. Imagine our faces when we saw the entire bottom of the jiffies stuck to the glass and the rest still on my feet. And my feet were unburned. Needless to say, I didn’t sit down for a while and my weekly allowance for a month went towards replacing the glass and I was never allowed to wear jiffies again. I of course blamed my sister and she was punished as well, but in the privacy of our shared bedroom, we giggled like mad.
I was about 7 years old and captured a fart in a glass jar while in a bath. I screwed the lid on and hid it in the sink cupboard. I meant to gift it to my sisters later on as payback, but I forgot about it.

The years moved on and it remained hidden behind the pipes in the laundry cupboard.

Then one day while doing the washing up for mum on a Saturday. I was about 15 years old then, mum was doing her usual spring cleaning and I heard a loud OH GAAAWD! and then a thump coming from the bathroom.

I rushed into the bathroom to see her sprawled arm outstretched on the fluffy bathmat, holding my opened old experiment in her outstretched hand.

Oh, thanks mum you found it! I said gleefully (it stunk) and I took it outside immediately as directed. I explained my reason for doing it, but do you think my mother was interested in science? No, all I got was a cuff around the ears and a chuckle about it over the years after. Mind you I did deserve the smack. (sigh) I never did get to share it with my three sisters..., Such is life. It's the little things. I also cochineal'd our cat with food colorings to express my creative side. however (sigh) yes this was met with disapproval as well.

I was a highly creative child... ha ha ha
White lie:
My mother owned a nightclub and had gone out one afternoon leaving me with my much loved Nana telling us both that she would not be long. A little while later a friend of my mothers arrived and my Nana told her that my mother was out and was not expected back for several hours and being a very truthful little boy I thought that my Nana had misheard what my mother had said so I made the correction and boy oh boy did I get into a load of strife over that. The "White lie" concept opened a pandora's box for me as for most of my early life I lived with the concept that as long as it did no harm a lie was quite okay. Oh and I never corrected an adult ever again.
What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Hey members!

I hope you’re having a great week so far. I’m hopping on here again to ask you all another question that will surely bring a smile to your faces.

So, our dear member, L John P, has posed an intriguing question: What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Ooh, I invite you all to take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about those childhood moments that landed us in hot water with our parents. I’ll go first. I can recall so many instances like not making it home in time for tea (classic, right?), losing my precious lunch box at school (I felt the wrath when I lost mum’s Tupperware!), and the list goes on.

Now, it’s your turn to share your childhood mischief and let’s have a good laugh together. I can’t wait to hear your stories and reminisce about the innocent trouble we caused back in the day.

View attachment 20011
Credits: Shutterstock

i was about 4 years old, our next door neighbour grew the most prize winning dahlias in his garden in the UK, they looked so pretty or not after i started pulling the heads of! my mother slapped me, my father saw her and his reply was, don’t you ever lay a finger on her again! bearing in mind it was just post war, anyway, i thought why leave the other ones lonely so i took the rest of the heads of 😳
being the spoilt brat i was i never ever had another smack 😳😳
What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Hey members!

I hope you’re having a great week so far. I’m hopping on here again to ask you all another question that will surely bring a smile to your faces.

So, our dear member, L John P, has posed an intriguing question: What’s a childhood memory that got you into big trouble with your parents?

Ooh, I invite you all to take a trip down memory lane and reminisce about those childhood moments that landed us in hot water with our parents. I’ll go first. I can recall so many instances like not making it home in time for tea (classic, right?), losing my precious lunch box at school (I felt the wrath when I lost mum’s Tupperware!), and the list goes on.

Now, it’s your turn to share your childhood mischief and let’s have a good laugh together. I can’t wait to hear your stories and reminisce about the innocent trouble we caused back in the day.

View attachment 20011
Credits: Shutterstock

when I was a kid (about 5 or so) I used to go to the telephone box and dial "0", the operator would come on the phone "number please", I would then ask "is that the operator on the line?" , she would answer "yes" I would then say "well you had better get off , there's a train coming"
Oh I have a few , I was a very rebelious teenager.

First one at age 13 getting caught smoking but after that I was allowed I was told better to do it in front if them than behind their back

Second one age 14 decided to runaway with a friend due to her copping abuse from her step mum and my thinking was I couldn't let her go by herself . Three days later I went home only to find the police were after me. Yep I spent 2 weeks in a girls home . Can't see that happening in today's times

3rd one also age 14 got caught smoking pot and you would have thought it was heroin the way my grandmother carried on.

Oh there are so many other stories but better not tell

Yes I was a rebel but geez I had fun but glad my kids were not like me
Hard times, kids were chattels seen but not heard.
My mum was a relative rarity back in the 60's - a working mother. I babysat myself from a young age. One day, I decided to surprise Mum by cleaning the house while she was at work. I did a great job too! However, I stood on the toilet seat in order to reach the window-sill to dust it and in doing so, I broke the toilet seat. It was made of dull black bakelite and it cracked wide open. However, when I jumped off the seat, it snapped back into position and you could not see the crack. So I said nothing. When Mum came home she was most impressed with the clean house - until she went to the toilet. When she sat on it, the crack opened up. When she went to get up, it snapped back into position, trapping the cheeks of her bum. Very painful and leaving an almighty bruise. I didn't get into trouble for breaking the toilet seat. I got into trouble for not telling her in advance that I had broken it. Thankfully, the clean house mitigated my punishment.
Only one more, as I have a lifetime of them.

We lived on a wheatbelt property, and my parents had an old dodge, Ute.

I know because I remember I used to stand on the seat and move the gears and steering wheel and pretend to be driving just like dad. Well, one day I must've hopped in and taken it out of gear.

I still remember looking through the windshield as it raced down the hill gaining speed towards the machinery shed, with everyone running beside me.

I can still I remember driving through the opening and ramming the bench and everything smashing on top of the roof as it almost ploughed through.

My parents assisted me to remember that I did that. I remember the spanking, it must have cost a lot to fix, but I didn't mean to do it.

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