I first met my husband when I was fourteen….the day before his wedding!!! Was in the process of breaking and training a lovely grey gelding who took me by surprise and unceremoniously unloaded me as I was riding him back to his paddock after his workout. Hubby was great friends with my farrier and they were on a job and happened to pass me sitting on the side of the road,considering my next move,a tad annoyed! Anyway,my farrier drove off to catch the horse while hubby sat and chatted with me. Didn’t lay eyes on him again for four years but I never forgot him. Met him again at a local pub and found out he was divorced. And nearly 50 years later,he we are. Blissfully happy. He’s always been able to make me laugh and he’s my best friend. Always.
I first met my husband when I was fourteen….the day before his wedding!!! Was in the process of breaking and training a lovely grey gelding who took me by surprise and unceremoniously unloaded me as I was riding him back to his paddock after his workout. Hubby was great friends with my farrier and they were on a job and happened to pass me sitting on the side of the road,considering my next move,a tad annoyed! Anyway,my farrier drove off to catch the horse while hubby sat and chatted with me. Didn’t lay eyes on him again for four years but I never forgot him. Met him again at a local pub and found out he was divorced. And nearly 50 years later,he we are. Blissfully happy. He’s always been able to make me laugh and he’s my best friend. Always.
😮 congratulations it was meant to be.♥️cheers to the future.
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I was 13 and playing pool at the 500 snooker room at Dulwich Hill with a friend when my eyes met the biggest blue eyes and dark hair longer than mine.

I had a fan girl crush on Jon English and the singer from Hush , and this guy looked across between both of them

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His friend came over to ask us if we wanted to play doubles and that was the start to our relationship.

Turned out we also attended the same school Dulwich Hill High.
I often jigged school and went home early , he would see me leaving and then walk me to class .

We jumped many hurdles , he was Greek I was an Aussie girl. My family didn't want me with a Greek and his wanted him with Greek girl not an Aussie .

The two years later We found out I was pregnant so we then moved in together , everyone thought it wouldn't work and that we were too young.

I was 16 and he just turned 19 when our daughter was born.

Today we have 13 kids, 19 grandchildren and still together after 49 years . I'm 62 he is 65

This is us now holding two of our granddaughter's
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That's great Suzanne I think you should win
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I first met my now husband in a bar at a meeting of an Irish Club that my dad & I founded. He was a red head and had a red beard (I swore as a youngster I'd never marry a red head, no disrespect to red heads, and I didn't like beards). The next time I saw him was at a social bbq in our backyard. I had been drinking and was in a happy mood and I thought I'd give him a chance. He took me on a date and on that date he said "I'm going to marry you one day". I just laughed it off thinking oh yeah. Well we continued to date and eventually married. He shaved his beard twice for me but I asked him to grow it back as he had really thin lips and he looked so different. He obliged grew it back and now the rest is history. We have been married 32 years and still going strong. The only difference now is his hair and beard are grey 😂
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My husband & I met at a club/disco in the early 70s. He said he saw the back of my head & fell in love with my long blonde hair. When he asked me to dance my first reaction was to say no but my girlfriend nudged me & said "he looks alright"! So I said yes! We were together for 3 yrs before he asked me to marry him. I was over the moon. Then he got cold feet & called it off the next day! We still joke about it now especially on our Anniversary! We just celebrated 50yrs of a wonderful marriage. 4 boys & 7 grandchildren. I'm glad his feet warmed up! 😅


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This is not an uncommon story but all the same I feel proud to share it. My husband and I were good mates as young kids. We played tennis together. At the age of 18/19 we went out but my teaching appointment up north of SA made it difficult for us to maintain our relationship. We both married, and then both divorced some years later. So 23 years after we had called it quits, my husband saw a doctor , who happened to be my brother in law. My brother in law recognised my husbands name as Id often talk about him. According to my brother in law he was very excited and then later that afternoon dropped off 3 phone numbers at the medical front desk to pass on my brother in law. He passed them on to my sister. I waited for a couple of days, not sure why, then contacted him. And the rest is history!! We've been together for 22 years now and my husband still enjoys sharing our story with people we meet. He's a keeper.
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Back in 1978 I commenced work where my father had been working at for about a year, it was a family owned business and two brothers also worked there, the older brother and younger brother. Each morning I would walk past a computer room where the younger brother was working in and I would stop briefly to say goodmorning, each morning I would get the same response from him ZILCH. I said to my dad one day "what makes him so special that he can't say goodmorning", dad replied by saying "didn't you know that's the bosses son" I replied by saying "I couldn't care less if he was the Queen of Sheba's son, there is no need for rudeness", dad told me to not worry about it. However, me being stubborn continued to say goodmorning, he kept ignoring it. Well this particular morning was the straw that broke the camels back so to speak, I walked in with dad, walked past and again I said goodmorning, again no response, so in I walked, I looked at him and said "I have been saying goodmorning to you for weeks and you have ignored me so you can go "f" yourself" I turned and walked out, dad was horrified but I didn't care. I was told later that day by the fellow who worked in there with him [who always said hi], that he asked who I was, when he was told he said "I need to get to know that girl" a week later he asked me out for dinner and in 1980 we got married and have two sons. Sadly our marriage didn't last but we are still good friends, I remarried some years later, he never remarried.
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This picture brings back a treasured memory of the day i brought my husband home after he had triple bypass surgery. we went to the beach, sat on a wall and looked at the sunset and thought...How lucky are we, its not the cars, holidays,possessions that are important...its him having me and me having him. i treasure every day with my man.
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In 1977 I was living in the USA. McDonalds Restaurant was having a competition in conjunction with a local radio station called ‘Dinner for two at McDonalds anywhere in the world’. I won that competition and chose to come to Australia. My girlfriend and I got our dinner and we were escorted by one of their Supervisors by the name of Neil. I though he was a bit handsome! Neil took my friend and I sightseeing around Melbourne. We were only there a week but I loved it. Neil said come back anytime so I decided to come back for a longer visit. I came back for a month and saw a lot more of the country. Upshot is that on the night before I was to leave for home Neil proposed and I said Yes!!! So I went home got everything sorted to move to Australia. Neil and I were married in September 1978 and have been now been for 45 years!!
Thank you to everyone who entered! It was a pleasure to read your beautiful stories of love.

And congratulations to the Valentine's Nostalgia competition winner: member @AnnHope. If you missed the winning entry in yesterday's morning newsletter, you can read it in full above. ❤️
Thank you to everyone who entered! It was a pleasure to read your beautiful stories of love.

And congratulations to the Valentine's Nostalgia competition winner: member @AnnHope. If you missed the winning entry in yesterday's morning newsletter, you can read it in full above. ❤️
Did the idiot random button pick the winner again.🤔no offence but there were more poignant posts than that one that deserved to win. Sorry just my opinion.😊go on boo hiss me I don’t care.🤣freedom of speech and all that.😈
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Did the idiot random button pick the winner again.🤔no offence but there were more poignant posts than that one that deserved to win. Sorry just my opinion.😊go on boo hiss me I don’t care.🤣freedom of speech and all that.😈
The team and I selected this winner after reading the entries :giggle: I'm so glad there were many entries you connected with, as the main purpose was to share some love! It was certainly a close one, and we all got a bit teary-eyed going through the entries.
Did the idiot random button pick the winner again.🤔no offence but there were more poignant posts than that one that deserved to win. Sorry just my opinion.😊go on boo hiss me I don’t care.🤣freedom of speech and all that.😈
I agree 100% sorry I thought that story was ‘meh’ maybe it was all to do with a yank moving to Aussie but for whatever reason I would be absolutely miffed that story won … it was boring
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The team and I selected this winner after reading the entries :giggle: I'm so glad there were many entries you connected with, as the main purpose was to share some love! It was certainly a close one, and we all got a bit teary-eyed going through the entries.
Not teary eyed enough it seems🤣

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