This woman stunned the internet with her simple washing machine tip

In the fast-paced, technology-driven world we live in, it can be all too easy to overlook just how reliant we are on various gadgets and machines. From the TV remote that allows us to seamlessly flip between channels, to the washing machine that keeps our clothes clean and fresh, we often take for granted the convenience and comfort that these technologies provide.

But when a problem arises, such as a question about an appliance you thought you knew so well, it can be puzzling and frustrating. Don't worry though… Help is here!

Recently, a woman named Ann Russell emerged as a hero on the internet when she replied to a TikTok user's very basic question about her washing machine.

The woman asked 'Can I just confirm that nobody knows which one to put the washing detergent in?' as she pointed to her front-loader washing machine’s detergent tray.

The humble tray was split into three compartments, with the one in the middle having a small section at the top with what looks like a flower icon.

That aside, there was really no clue as to how the three sections were different.

Ann responded by simply telling her to look closer.

Have you ever wondered why some washing machines’ detergent trays are split like this? Screengrab Credit: TikTok/@annrussell03

'They're marked,' she said. ‘The one with a flower on it is for fabric softener.’

‘The one with the “1” mark on it is for pre-wash, and the one with the “2” mark on it is for the main wash.’

‘You won’t use the pre-wash very often, and [if yours] are very different, look at your manual or look online.’

‘But yeah, they’re marked.’

Ann’s video has since gone viral, being viewed over 1.4 million times! Unsurprisingly, her post also garnered hundreds of comments.

‘Oh well then,’ said one user who had a realisation after watching Ann’s post. ‘I’ve never main washed any of my clothes.’

‘What would we do without you!’ another added.

A third was glad of the timing of the video: ‘I just wondered today why there is a 1 and 2, I just half-and-half it… but now I know.’

And a rather ecstatic fourth one said ‘Please be our Prime Minister.’

Others took aim at those who missed what should have been clear with one peek at their washing machines’ manuals.

‘Can we just confirm that no one has read the instructions?’ one asked.

Another added: ‘Surely these people can pull up a manual for their washing machine?’

Well, it appears not! (Us included…)

Samsung washing machines’ Type I detergent trays are similarly designed to have three sections for main washing (1), fabric softener (2), and pre-washing (3). Image Credit: Samsung

However, it was the term ‘pre-wash’ that sparked the most curiosity, with many people wondering what it was and why it was necessary.

‘What the hell is a pre-wash?!’ one user asked, echoing many similar — and equally confused — responses.

Ann later clarified this in another video, saying pre-wash was a ‘little short wash’ designed to lift stains before the main wash.

‘If you’ve got a really dirty football kit from the kids, or you’ve been gardening — you put it in a pre-wash,’ Ann offered as an example.

‘It… gets the dirt loosened and the surface comes off… ready for the main wash.’

Take note though that not all washing machines come with a pre-wash feature.

That said, if we had a dollar for every thing we didn’t know…

On the topic of washing clothes, have you ever thought about what detergent you use to clean your clothes?

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a laundry detergent is what type of laundry detergent to use.

There are several different types of detergents, from liquid to powder, fabric softener to enzyme-based, and each type of detergent has its own unique benefits.

First and foremost, liquid detergents are one of the more commonly used forms of detergent. They are generally easier to handle and measure than powder detergents, and they dissolve and activate quickly in the washing machine. They’re also more effective in removing dirt, grease, and oils, meaning they leave your clothes clean, fresh, and smelling amazing.

However, liquid detergents are noted for being quite easy to over or under-dose on washing machine loads.

Powder detergents are the most economical option, as they come in larger quantities and last longer than liquid detergents. They are still good at removing dirt, grease, and oils, but they dissolve more slowly than liquid detergents, especially in colder water, so there’s a chance they won't leave your clothes as fresh as liquid detergents.

Lastly, there’s also detergent pods (and tablets), which really up the convenience factor as they already come pre-measured while providing the same cleaning power as liquid and powder detergents too. However, these do have the reputation of being more costlier than their more popular counterparts as well as being potential poisoning hazards to children because of their usual vivid colouring.

When choosing the right detergent for your laundry, you need to consider the fabrics you wish to clean and the washing cycle you intend to use. With the right detergent, you can achieve the best cleaning results and keep your clothes looking their best.

Detergents have different properties that can make a great difference on how a load of laundry is cleaned. Stock Image Credit: Pexels/RODNAE Productions

If you're unsure of how to use your washing machine, just take a peek at the instruction manual, or take it a step further and reach out to an appliance specialist.

You should never feel embarrassed or too proud to ask for help, especially when it involves the place you call home.

Speaking of home, you can also check out more tips to make yours spotless and better at our Cleaning & Home Improvement forum, where we have stories like:
You can also view our Ultimate Guide to Household Hacks — and more — here!

We hope you found Ann's tips helpful, and next time you throw something in your washing machine, you'll be sure to put it all in the right place.

Source: TikTok/@annrussell03

So, what do you think of this story? Are you surprised that there’s more than meets the eye with washing machines’ detergent trays?

Tell us your thoughts below!
In the fast-paced, technology-driven world we live in, it can be all too easy to overlook just how reliant we are on various gadgets and machines. From the TV remote that allows us to seamlessly flip between channels, to the washing machine that keeps our clothes clean and fresh, we often take for granted the convenience and comfort that these technologies provide.

But when a problem arises, such as a question about an appliance you thought you knew so well, it can be puzzling and frustrating. Don't worry though… Help is here!

Recently, a woman named Ann Russell emerged as a hero on the internet when she replied to a TikTok user's very basic question about her washing machine.

The woman asked 'Can I just confirm that nobody knows which one to put the washing detergent in?' as she pointed to her front-loader washing machine’s detergent tray.

The humble tray was split into three compartments, with the one in the middle having a small section at the top with what looks like a flower icon.

That aside, there was really no clue as to how the three sections were different.

Ann responded by simply telling her to look closer.

View attachment 11385
Have you ever wondered why some washing machines’ detergent trays are split like this? Screengrab Credit: TikTok/@annrussell03

'They're marked,' she said. ‘The one with a flower on it is for fabric softener.’

‘The one with the “1” mark on it is for pre-wash, and the one with the “2” mark on it is for the main wash.’

‘You won’t use the pre-wash very often, and [if yours] are very different, look at your manual or look online.’

‘But yeah, they’re marked.’

Ann’s video has since gone viral, being viewed over 1.4 million times! Unsurprisingly, her post also garnered hundreds of comments.

‘Oh well then,’ said one user who had a realisation after watching Ann’s post. ‘I’ve never main washed any of my clothes.’

‘What would we do without you!’ another added.

A third was glad of the timing of the video: ‘I just wondered today why there is a 1 and 2, I just half-and-half it… but now I know.’

And a rather ecstatic fourth one said ‘Please be our Prime Minister.’

Others took aim at those who missed what should have been clear with one peek at their washing machines’ manuals.

‘Can we just confirm that no one has read the instructions?’ one asked.

Another added: ‘Surely these people can pull up a manual for their washing machine?’

Well, it appears not! (Us included…)

View attachment 11386
Samsung washing machines’ Type I detergent trays are similarly designed to have three sections for main washing (1), fabric softener (2), and pre-washing (3). Image Credit: Samsung

However, it was the term ‘pre-wash’ that sparked the most curiosity, with many people wondering what it was and why it was necessary.

‘What the hell is a pre-wash?!’ one user asked, echoing many similar — and equally confused — responses.

Ann later clarified this in another video, saying pre-wash was a ‘little short wash’ designed to lift stains before the main wash.

‘If you’ve got a really dirty football kit from the kids, or you’ve been gardening — you put it in a pre-wash,’ Ann offered as an example.

‘It… gets the dirt loosened and the surface comes off… ready for the main wash.’

Take note though that not all washing machines come with a pre-wash feature.

That said, if we had a dollar for every thing we didn’t know…

On the topic of washing clothes, have you ever thought about what detergent you use to clean your clothes?

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a laundry detergent is what type of laundry detergent to use.

There are several different types of detergents, from liquid to powder, fabric softener to enzyme-based, and each type of detergent has its own unique benefits.

First and foremost, liquid detergents are one of the more commonly used forms of detergent. They are generally easier to handle and measure than powder detergents, and they dissolve and activate quickly in the washing machine. They’re also more effective in removing dirt, grease, and oils, meaning they leave your clothes clean, fresh, and smelling amazing.

However, liquid detergents are noted for being quite easy to over or under-dose on washing machine loads.

Powder detergents are the most economical option, as they come in larger quantities and last longer than liquid detergents. They are still good at removing dirt, grease, and oils, but they dissolve more slowly than liquid detergents, especially in colder water, so there’s a chance they won't leave your clothes as fresh as liquid detergents.

Lastly, there’s also detergent pods (and tablets), which really up the convenience factor as they already come pre-measured while providing the same cleaning power as liquid and powder detergents too. However, these do have the reputation of being more costlier than their more popular counterparts as well as being potential poisoning hazards to children because of their usual vivid colouring.

When choosing the right detergent for your laundry, you need to consider the fabrics you wish to clean and the washing cycle you intend to use. With the right detergent, you can achieve the best cleaning results and keep your clothes looking their best.

View attachment 11387
Detergents have different properties that can make a great difference on how a load of laundry is cleaned. Stock Image Credit: Pexels/RODNAE Productions

If you're unsure of how to use your washing machine, just take a peek at the instruction manual, or take it a step further and reach out to an appliance specialist.

You should never feel embarrassed or too proud to ask for help, especially when it involves the place you call home.

Speaking of home, you can also check out more tips to make yours spotless and better at our Cleaning & Home Improvement forum, where we have stories like:
You can also view our Ultimate Guide to Household Hacks — and more — here!

We hope you found Ann's tips helpful, and next time you throw something in your washing machine, you'll be sure to put it all in the right place.

Source: TikTok/@annrussell03

So, what do you think of this story? Are you surprised that there’s more than meets the eye with washing machines’ detergent trays?

Tell us your thoughts below!

the numbers on ours are 1 2 3 and 1 is to the right where I put the washing liquid 2 for fabric softener and 3 goes the stain remover, the Aldi purple satin remover, so far the only thing it didnt remove was some dried blood, all this is also Cold wash, as a male I do my own washing, and get my own meals, yes I can iron but to hell with that I am retired....
In the fast-paced, technology-driven world we live in, it can be all too easy to overlook just how reliant we are on various gadgets and machines. From the TV remote that allows us to seamlessly flip between channels, to the washing machine that keeps our clothes clean and fresh, we often take for granted the convenience and comfort that these technologies provide.

But when a problem arises, such as a question about an appliance you thought you knew so well, it can be puzzling and frustrating. Don't worry though… Help is here!

Recently, a woman named Ann Russell emerged as a hero on the internet when she replied to a TikTok user's very basic question about her washing machine.

The woman asked 'Can I just confirm that nobody knows which one to put the washing detergent in?' as she pointed to her front-loader washing machine’s detergent tray.

The humble tray was split into three compartments, with the one in the middle having a small section at the top with what looks like a flower icon.

That aside, there was really no clue as to how the three sections were different.

Ann responded by simply telling her to look closer.

View attachment 11385
Have you ever wondered why some washing machines’ detergent trays are split like this? Screengrab Credit: TikTok/@annrussell03

'They're marked,' she said. ‘The one with a flower on it is for fabric softener.’

‘The one with the “1” mark on it is for pre-wash, and the one with the “2” mark on it is for the main wash.’

‘You won’t use the pre-wash very often, and [if yours] are very different, look at your manual or look online.’

‘But yeah, they’re marked.’

Ann’s video has since gone viral, being viewed over 1.4 million times! Unsurprisingly, her post also garnered hundreds of comments.

‘Oh well then,’ said one user who had a realisation after watching Ann’s post. ‘I’ve never main washed any of my clothes.’

‘What would we do without you!’ another added.

A third was glad of the timing of the video: ‘I just wondered today why there is a 1 and 2, I just half-and-half it… but now I know.’

And a rather ecstatic fourth one said ‘Please be our Prime Minister.’

Others took aim at those who missed what should have been clear with one peek at their washing machines’ manuals.

‘Can we just confirm that no one has read the instructions?’ one asked.

Another added: ‘Surely these people can pull up a manual for their washing machine?’

Well, it appears not! (Us included…)

View attachment 11386
Samsung washing machines’ Type I detergent trays are similarly designed to have three sections for main washing (1), fabric softener (2), and pre-washing (3). Image Credit: Samsung

However, it was the term ‘pre-wash’ that sparked the most curiosity, with many people wondering what it was and why it was necessary.

‘What the hell is a pre-wash?!’ one user asked, echoing many similar — and equally confused — responses.

Ann later clarified this in another video, saying pre-wash was a ‘little short wash’ designed to lift stains before the main wash.

‘If you’ve got a really dirty football kit from the kids, or you’ve been gardening — you put it in a pre-wash,’ Ann offered as an example.

‘It… gets the dirt loosened and the surface comes off… ready for the main wash.’

Take note though that not all washing machines come with a pre-wash feature.

That said, if we had a dollar for every thing we didn’t know…

On the topic of washing clothes, have you ever thought about what detergent you use to clean your clothes?

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a laundry detergent is what type of laundry detergent to use.

There are several different types of detergents, from liquid to powder, fabric softener to enzyme-based, and each type of detergent has its own unique benefits.

First and foremost, liquid detergents are one of the more commonly used forms of detergent. They are generally easier to handle and measure than powder detergents, and they dissolve and activate quickly in the washing machine. They’re also more effective in removing dirt, grease, and oils, meaning they leave your clothes clean, fresh, and smelling amazing.

However, liquid detergents are noted for being quite easy to over or under-dose on washing machine loads.

Powder detergents are the most economical option, as they come in larger quantities and last longer than liquid detergents. They are still good at removing dirt, grease, and oils, but they dissolve more slowly than liquid detergents, especially in colder water, so there’s a chance they won't leave your clothes as fresh as liquid detergents.

Lastly, there’s also detergent pods (and tablets), which really up the convenience factor as they already come pre-measured while providing the same cleaning power as liquid and powder detergents too. However, these do have the reputation of being more costlier than their more popular counterparts as well as being potential poisoning hazards to children because of their usual vivid colouring.

When choosing the right detergent for your laundry, you need to consider the fabrics you wish to clean and the washing cycle you intend to use. With the right detergent, you can achieve the best cleaning results and keep your clothes looking their best.

View attachment 11387
Detergents have different properties that can make a great difference on how a load of laundry is cleaned. Stock Image Credit: Pexels/RODNAE Productions

If you're unsure of how to use your washing machine, just take a peek at the instruction manual, or take it a step further and reach out to an appliance specialist.

You should never feel embarrassed or too proud to ask for help, especially when it involves the place you call home.

Speaking of home, you can also check out more tips to make yours spotless and better at our Cleaning & Home Improvement forum, where we have stories like:
You can also view our Ultimate Guide to Household Hacks — and more — here!

We hope you found Ann's tips helpful, and next time you throw something in your washing machine, you'll be sure to put it all in the right place.

Source: TikTok/@annrussell03

So, what do you think of this story? Are you surprised that there’s more than meets the eye with washing machines’ detergent trays?

Tell us your thoughts below!

Costlier or more costly. Not more costlier.
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