'This is what's wrong with this world': Mum left fuming over parking lot note

Parking can be a real chore.

This simple task can get tricky, especially if you're running late for an appointment or trying to find a spot in a crowded shopping centre carpark.

But despite the difficulties we may face when it comes to parking, there's really no need to resort to leaving angry notes on people whose cars aren’t parked to your standard.

At least, according to one Aussie mum, who was left feeling frustrated after finding a note on her car that criticised her parking job.

The mother, named Nicole Harvey, had parked her car at Ballina Central IGA supermarket in NSW when she made the discovery.

‘Learn to park between the lines,’ the note read.

‘Couldn’t get the baby in the car because you park like an absolute inconsiderate tosspot.’

Nicole shared a picture of her parking job to prove her case. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Understandably insulted, she took to a local Facebook group to express her dismay.

‘This is what is wrong with this world,’ she wrote.

‘To the person who left me this lovely note just now at Ballina Central IGA — the car that was parked next to me was on the lines so I had less room to work with. They must (have) left before you came out.

‘Maybe next time park in the parents' parking. That’s why they made them.’

In the photo she provided with her post, Nicole was indeed parked close to the parking line — but clearly still inside it.

Her post had many locals responding in disbelief.

‘Technically she parked within the lines,’ one user wrote.

‘Seriously there are bigger things this person could worry about! Who writes a note like that?!’ a second added.

A third one even dismissed the note’s source as ‘just another Karen’.

The note’s sender called Nicole ‘an absolute inconsiderate tosspot’. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Other locals though saw sense in the note, highlighting what they felt were shortcomings in Ballina regarding parking.

‘Parking is not that hard, but the council could make the parking spaces a bit bigger,’ one user admitted.

‘To be fair, there aren't enough parent parking spots in any shopping centre,’ another pointed out.

In a separate correspondence with Yahoo! Australia, Nicole stressed that the irked parent could have parked elsewhere ‘if (they needed) more than one full spot.’

Key Takeaways

  • NSW mum Nicole Harvey shared her experience with an irate parent who left her a mean note at an IGA parking lot.
  • The note told her to learn how to park between the lines as the sender had a difficult time placing their child in their car, even calling her 'an inconsiderate tosspot'.
  • She explained that she was forced to park a bit close to the parking line as earlier, another car was parked over her parking line on the other side.
  • Many weighed in on her situation, with some slamming the anonymous sender for making a fuss.
  • Others though admitted there were some things in need of improvement in the area in terms of parking.
Nicole isn’t the first victim of printed verbal lashings — and we doubt she will be the last, considering the odd parking jobs we’ve seen.

In October, locals in St. Helens, Tasmania, were shocked when one ute’s driver parked their car across six parking spaces.

Another driver in Sydney had their car parked within the line. But the problem is…er, it appears they forgot to reverse the car.

Elsewhere in Aussie suburbs, residents have been frustrated at illegally parked cars blocking public footpaths, causing potential harm to people forced to use the road or other routes while walking.

So, what do you think? Was Nicole right or wrong with how she parked her car?

Do you think the other driver was justified in their action?

Tell us your thoughts and opinions below!
I know parking spaces can bea bit tight at times, but I always thought if park in between the lines your ok.
Obviously this is a new mum, who thinks she’s the only woman in the world that had to juggle a baby, groceries and the everyday routine of being a mum.
I bet she would be an absolute mumzilla if she had to take 5 children out of the car aged 5,3,2 and twin new born. Stuff someone parking near the line, I used to pull my hair out trying to keep them close they were like ants scurrying all over the place.
Who ever wrote that note chill out, there are many more obstacles and frustrations to handle in the future and someone parking NEAR the line isn’t one of them.
Instead of leaving notes (parking position IS often dictated by the next space’s car position) how about writing to the operator of the car park or the shopping centre’s management. These days the car spaces are smaller and the aisles narrower, making parking a real hassle, especially if you own one of the bigger SUV’s. Even my Rodeo is a problem with the space restrictions. Parking spaces are like the candy bars, shrinking when new car parks are marked out.
Parking can be a real chore.

This simple task can get tricky, especially if you're running late for an appointment or trying to find a spot in a crowded shopping centre carpark.

But despite the difficulties we may face when it comes to parking, there's really no need to resort to leaving angry notes on people whose cars aren’t parked to your standard.

At least, according to one Aussie mum, who was left feeling frustrated after finding a note on her car that criticised her parking job.

The mother, named Nicole Harvey, had parked her car at Ballina Central IGA supermarket in NSW when she made the discovery.

‘Learn to park between the lines,’ the note read.

‘Couldn’t get the baby in the car because you park like an absolute inconsiderate tosspot.’

View attachment 9784
Nicole shared a picture of her parking job to prove her case. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Understandably insulted, she took to a local Facebook group to express her dismay.

‘This is what is wrong with this world,’ she wrote.

‘To the person who left me this lovely note just now at Ballina Central IGA — the car that was parked next to me was on the lines so I had less room to work with. They must (have) left before you came out.

‘Maybe next time park in the parents' parking. That’s why they made them.’

In the photo she provided with her post, Nicole was indeed parked close to the parking line — but clearly still inside it.

Her post had many locals responding in disbelief.

‘Technically she parked within the lines,’ one user wrote.

‘Seriously there are bigger things this person could worry about! Who writes a note like that?!’ a second added.

A third one even dismissed the note’s source as ‘just another Karen’.

View attachment 9783
The note’s sender called Nicole ‘an absolute inconsiderate tosspot’. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Other locals though saw sense in the note, highlighting what they felt were shortcomings in Ballina regarding parking.

‘Parking is not that hard, but the council could make the parking spaces a bit bigger,’ one user admitted.

‘To be fair, there aren't enough parent parking spots in any shopping centre,’ another pointed out.

In a separate correspondence with Yahoo! Australia, Nicole stressed that the irked parent could have parked elsewhere ‘if (they needed) more than one full spot.’

Key Takeaways

  • NSW mum Nicole Harvey shared her experience with an irate parent who left her a mean note at an IGA parking lot.
  • The note told her to learn how to park between the lines as the sender had a difficult time placing their child in their car, even calling her 'an inconsiderate tosspot'.
  • She explained that she was forced to park a bit close to the parking line as earlier, another car was parked over her parking line on the other side.
  • Many weighed in on her situation, with some slamming the anonymous sender for making a fuss.
  • Others though admitted there were some things in need of improvement in the area in terms of parking.
Nicole isn’t the first victim of printed verbal lashings — and we doubt she will be the last, considering the odd parking jobs we’ve seen.

In October, locals in St. Helens, Tasmania, were shocked when one ute’s driver parked their car across six parking spaces.

Another driver in Sydney had their car parked within the line. But the problem is…er, it appears they forgot to reverse the car.

Elsewhere in Aussie suburbs, residents have been frustrated at illegally parked cars blocking public footpaths, causing potential harm to people forced to use the road or other routes while walking.

So, what do you think? Was Nicole right or wrong with how she parked her car?

Do you think the other driver was justified in their action?

Tell us your thoughts and opinions below!
No consideration for others to open doors
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No consideration for opening doors. If you don't like getting notes on your windscreen. Do the right thing in the first place and respect others by parking correctly in the lines, ie: even spaces., so everyone can open their door. By reacting to the note, just check your ego and do the right thing in the future. Ps, I know the carpark very well and mostly always lots of empty parks within 30 metres of the door.
Parking can be a real chore.

This simple task can get tricky, especially if you're running late for an appointment or trying to find a spot in a crowded shopping centre carpark.

But despite the difficulties we may face when it comes to parking, there's really no need to resort to leaving angry notes on people whose cars aren’t parked to your standard.

At least, according to one Aussie mum, who was left feeling frustrated after finding a note on her car that criticised her parking job.

The mother, named Nicole Harvey, had parked her car at Ballina Central IGA supermarket in NSW when she made the discovery.

‘Learn to park between the lines,’ the note read.

‘Couldn’t get the baby in the car because you park like an absolute inconsiderate tosspot.’

View attachment 9784
Nicole shared a picture of her parking job to prove her case. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Understandably insulted, she took to a local Facebook group to express her dismay.

‘This is what is wrong with this world,’ she wrote.

‘To the person who left me this lovely note just now at Ballina Central IGA — the car that was parked next to me was on the lines so I had less room to work with. They must (have) left before you came out.

‘Maybe next time park in the parents' parking. That’s why they made them.’

In the photo she provided with her post, Nicole was indeed parked close to the parking line — but clearly still inside it.

Her post had many locals responding in disbelief.

‘Technically she parked within the lines,’ one user wrote.

‘Seriously there are bigger things this person could worry about! Who writes a note like that?!’ a second added.

A third one even dismissed the note’s source as ‘just another Karen’.

View attachment 9783
The note’s sender called Nicole ‘an absolute inconsiderate tosspot’. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Other locals though saw sense in the note, highlighting what they felt were shortcomings in Ballina regarding parking.

‘Parking is not that hard, but the council could make the parking spaces a bit bigger,’ one user admitted.

‘To be fair, there aren't enough parent parking spots in any shopping centre,’ another pointed out.

In a separate correspondence with Yahoo! Australia, Nicole stressed that the irked parent could have parked elsewhere ‘if (they needed) more than one full spot.’

Key Takeaways

  • NSW mum Nicole Harvey shared her experience with an irate parent who left her a mean note at an IGA parking lot.
  • The note told her to learn how to park between the lines as the sender had a difficult time placing their child in their car, even calling her 'an inconsiderate tosspot'.
  • She explained that she was forced to park a bit close to the parking line as earlier, another car was parked over her parking line on the other side.
  • Many weighed in on her situation, with some slamming the anonymous sender for making a fuss.
  • Others though admitted there were some things in need of improvement in the area in terms of parking.
Nicole isn’t the first victim of printed verbal lashings — and we doubt she will be the last, considering the odd parking jobs we’ve seen.

In October, locals in St. Helens, Tasmania, were shocked when one ute’s driver parked their car across six parking spaces.

Another driver in Sydney had their car parked within the line. But the problem is…er, it appears they forgot to reverse the car.

Elsewhere in Aussie suburbs, residents have been frustrated at illegally parked cars blocking public footpaths, causing potential harm to people forced to use the road or other routes while walking.

So, what do you think? Was Nicole right or wrong with how she parked her car?

Do you think the other driver was justified in their action?

Tell us your thoughts and opinions below!
The woman who left the note needs to get a life.
Parking can be a real chore.

This simple task can get tricky, especially if you're running late for an appointment or trying to find a spot in a crowded shopping centre carpark.

But despite the difficulties we may face when it comes to parking, there's really no need to resort to leaving angry notes on people whose cars aren’t parked to your standard.

At least, according to one Aussie mum, who was left feeling frustrated after finding a note on her car that criticised her parking job.

The mother, named Nicole Harvey, had parked her car at Ballina Central IGA supermarket in NSW when she made the discovery.

‘Learn to park between the lines,’ the note read.

‘Couldn’t get the baby in the car because you park like an absolute inconsiderate tosspot.’

View attachment 9784
Nicole shared a picture of her parking job to prove her case. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Understandably insulted, she took to a local Facebook group to express her dismay.

‘This is what is wrong with this world,’ she wrote.

‘To the person who left me this lovely note just now at Ballina Central IGA — the car that was parked next to me was on the lines so I had less room to work with. They must (have) left before you came out.

‘Maybe next time park in the parents' parking. That’s why they made them.’

In the photo she provided with her post, Nicole was indeed parked close to the parking line — but clearly still inside it.

Her post had many locals responding in disbelief.

‘Technically she parked within the lines,’ one user wrote.

‘Seriously there are bigger things this person could worry about! Who writes a note like that?!’ a second added.

A third one even dismissed the note’s source as ‘just another Karen’.

View attachment 9783
The note’s sender called Nicole ‘an absolute inconsiderate tosspot’. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Other locals though saw sense in the note, highlighting what they felt were shortcomings in Ballina regarding parking.

‘Parking is not that hard, but the council could make the parking spaces a bit bigger,’ one user admitted.

‘To be fair, there aren't enough parent parking spots in any shopping centre,’ another pointed out.

In a separate correspondence with Yahoo! Australia, Nicole stressed that the irked parent could have parked elsewhere ‘if (they needed) more than one full spot.’

Key Takeaways

  • NSW mum Nicole Harvey shared her experience with an irate parent who left her a mean note at an IGA parking lot.
  • The note told her to learn how to park between the lines as the sender had a difficult time placing their child in their car, even calling her 'an inconsiderate tosspot'.
  • She explained that she was forced to park a bit close to the parking line as earlier, another car was parked over her parking line on the other side.
  • Many weighed in on her situation, with some slamming the anonymous sender for making a fuss.
  • Others though admitted there were some things in need of improvement in the area in terms of parking.
Nicole isn’t the first victim of printed verbal lashings — and we doubt she will be the last, considering the odd parking jobs we’ve seen.

In October, locals in St. Helens, Tasmania, were shocked when one ute’s driver parked their car across six parking spaces.

Another driver in Sydney had their car parked within the line. But the problem is…er, it appears they forgot to reverse the car.

Elsewhere in Aussie suburbs, residents have been frustrated at illegally parked cars blocking public footpaths, causing potential harm to people forced to use the road or other routes while walking.

So, what do you think? Was Nicole right or wrong with how she parked her car?

Do you think the other driver was justified in their action?

Tell us your thoughts and opinions below!
According to the photo it was within the lines not outside.
Parking can be a real chore.

This simple task can get tricky, especially if you're running late for an appointment or trying to find a spot in a crowded shopping centre carpark.

But despite the difficulties we may face when it comes to parking, there's really no need to resort to leaving angry notes on people whose cars aren’t parked to your standard.

At least, according to one Aussie mum, who was left feeling frustrated after finding a note on her car that criticised her parking job.

The mother, named Nicole Harvey, had parked her car at Ballina Central IGA supermarket in NSW when she made the discovery.

‘Learn to park between the lines,’ the note read.

‘Couldn’t get the baby in the car because you park like an absolute inconsiderate tosspot.’

View attachment 9784
Nicole shared a picture of her parking job to prove her case. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Understandably insulted, she took to a local Facebook group to express her dismay.

‘This is what is wrong with this world,’ she wrote.

‘To the person who left me this lovely note just now at Ballina Central IGA — the car that was parked next to me was on the lines so I had less room to work with. They must (have) left before you came out.

‘Maybe next time park in the parents' parking. That’s why they made them.’

In the photo she provided with her post, Nicole was indeed parked close to the parking line — but clearly still inside it.

Her post had many locals responding in disbelief.

‘Technically she parked within the lines,’ one user wrote.

‘Seriously there are bigger things this person could worry about! Who writes a note like that?!’ a second added.

A third one even dismissed the note’s source as ‘just another Karen’.

View attachment 9783
The note’s sender called Nicole ‘an absolute inconsiderate tosspot’. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Other locals though saw sense in the note, highlighting what they felt were shortcomings in Ballina regarding parking.

‘Parking is not that hard, but the council could make the parking spaces a bit bigger,’ one user admitted.

‘To be fair, there aren't enough parent parking spots in any shopping centre,’ another pointed out.

In a separate correspondence with Yahoo! Australia, Nicole stressed that the irked parent could have parked elsewhere ‘if (they needed) more than one full spot.’

Key Takeaways

  • NSW mum Nicole Harvey shared her experience with an irate parent who left her a mean note at an IGA parking lot.
  • The note told her to learn how to park between the lines as the sender had a difficult time placing their child in their car, even calling her 'an inconsiderate tosspot'.
  • She explained that she was forced to park a bit close to the parking line as earlier, another car was parked over her parking line on the other side.
  • Many weighed in on her situation, with some slamming the anonymous sender for making a fuss.
  • Others though admitted there were some things in need of improvement in the area in terms of parking.
Nicole isn’t the first victim of printed verbal lashings — and we doubt she will be the last, considering the odd parking jobs we’ve seen.

In October, locals in St. Helens, Tasmania, were shocked when one ute’s driver parked their car across six parking spaces.

Another driver in Sydney had their car parked within the line. But the problem is…er, it appears they forgot to reverse the car.

Elsewhere in Aussie suburbs, residents have been frustrated at illegally parked cars blocking public footpaths, causing potential harm to people forced to use the road or other routes while walking.

So, what do you think? Was Nicole right or wrong with how she parked her car?

Do you think the other driver was justified in their action?

Tell us your thoughts and opinions below!
It must have been a whinging Pom because they are the only people on earth who use the expression 'toss pot'
Parking can be a real chore.

This simple task can get tricky, especially if you're running late for an appointment or trying to find a spot in a crowded shopping centre carpark.

But despite the difficulties we may face when it comes to parking, there's really no need to resort to leaving angry notes on people whose cars aren’t parked to your standard.

At least, according to one Aussie mum, who was left feeling frustrated after finding a note on her car that criticised her parking job.

The mother, named Nicole Harvey, had parked her car at Ballina Central IGA supermarket in NSW when she made the discovery.

‘Learn to park between the lines,’ the note read.

‘Couldn’t get the baby in the car because you park like an absolute inconsiderate tosspot.’

View attachment 9784
Nicole shared a picture of her parking job to prove her case. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Understandably insulted, she took to a local Facebook group to express her dismay.

‘This is what is wrong with this world,’ she wrote.

‘To the person who left me this lovely note just now at Ballina Central IGA — the car that was parked next to me was on the lines so I had less room to work with. They must (have) left before you came out.

‘Maybe next time park in the parents' parking. That’s why they made them.’

In the photo she provided with her post, Nicole was indeed parked close to the parking line — but clearly still inside it.

Her post had many locals responding in disbelief.

‘Technically she parked within the lines,’ one user wrote.

‘Seriously there are bigger things this person could worry about! Who writes a note like that?!’ a second added.

A third one even dismissed the note’s source as ‘just another Karen’.

View attachment 9783
The note’s sender called Nicole ‘an absolute inconsiderate tosspot’. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Other locals though saw sense in the note, highlighting what they felt were shortcomings in Ballina regarding parking.

‘Parking is not that hard, but the council could make the parking spaces a bit bigger,’ one user admitted.

‘To be fair, there aren't enough parent parking spots in any shopping centre,’ another pointed out.

In a separate correspondence with Yahoo! Australia, Nicole stressed that the irked parent could have parked elsewhere ‘if (they needed) more than one full spot.’

Key Takeaways

  • NSW mum Nicole Harvey shared her experience with an irate parent who left her a mean note at an IGA parking lot.
  • The note told her to learn how to park between the lines as the sender had a difficult time placing their child in their car, even calling her 'an inconsiderate tosspot'.
  • She explained that she was forced to park a bit close to the parking line as earlier, another car was parked over her parking line on the other side.
  • Many weighed in on her situation, with some slamming the anonymous sender for making a fuss.
  • Others though admitted there were some things in need of improvement in the area in terms of parking.
Nicole isn’t the first victim of printed verbal lashings — and we doubt she will be the last, considering the odd parking jobs we’ve seen.

In October, locals in St. Helens, Tasmania, were shocked when one ute’s driver parked their car across six parking spaces.

Another driver in Sydney had their car parked within the line. But the problem is…er, it appears they forgot to reverse the car.

Elsewhere in Aussie suburbs, residents have been frustrated at illegally parked cars blocking public footpaths, causing potential harm to people forced to use the road or other routes while walking.

So, what do you think? Was Nicole right or wrong with how she parked her car?

Do you think the other driver was justified in their action?

Tell us your thoughts and opinions below!
Try getting a wheelchair and elderly parent out of a normal parking space. There are not enough Disabled Parking spaces. Why do we have Seniors Parking?
She did her best to park within the allotted space but there was no need to resort to social media to vent? especially when the note did mention the "victim" couldn't get chid into car etc no room to open doors. Both should have walked into the centre management told them the car parks are on the small side (width wise) and move on. Mum with kid is a Karen other is also a Karen cause they had to have a rant.

At my local centre I park with lanes forward to back come out and find SUVs, Utes with towbars parked within 1cm of front bumper, with number plate slightly bent where they have tapped it.

Annoying but shit happens. While its a nice well maintained 11 yr old car but who really worries about that kind of tap or I have to walk around to the other side rear to dump groceries in.

Is it worth the stress to yell, rant, leave notes, wait till the owner returns. Have a great day folks I'm heading up the shops for a cuppa I'll post pics of my parking for Shits & Giggles LOL
Everybody seems to want to drive a SUV these days that are so big and bulky and more than likely half of them would never go off road, they take up a full car park, if you are parked between them, you cannot see when you are reversing out, you hold your breath and hope to God that no one is coming, and no, I don't park where there are 4WD's/SUV's for this reason, but you can always guarantee there is one or two parked next to you when you come out, I can see how this lady would have felt especially when she parked her car, there was, no dirty big four wheel drive parked there. You need to open your door to strap your baby/child into their chair. Back in our time you just needed to place your baby on the back seat in there carry basket, it's much, much, safer now. SUV's and all large 4WD's go park up the back of the car parks where you can take up all the space you want and leave the others for Small to Medium sized cars.
Yeah I know, some let off frustration by abusing others, even if not necessary. Sad.
you say others complain of parking on the kerb, nature? strip ect. OK, its annoying.
Maybe the Police should enforce the law, but WAIT.
What about Police Radar Speed Trap vehicles, parking on nature strips, median strips and the like.
ITS STILL AGAINST THE LAW. even for Police vehicles. They are NOT exempt.
Its not an emergency situation, just mainly money grabbing for broke Governments.
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I am terrible at parking and I always try to park in such a way others can get in and out of their vehicle too. But sometimes it is just impossible to gauge. Now I park some way away where there are heaps of parking spot. I think everyone tries to park close to the entrance. I know of shopping centers have allocated parking spaces for those with children, the Seniors and the physically challenged. Everyone should have a bit of patience, tolerance and considerations. Take a deep breath and count 1 to 5.
Parking can be a real chore.

This simple task can get tricky, especially if you're running late for an appointment or trying to find a spot in a crowded shopping centre carpark.

But despite the difficulties we may face when it comes to parking, there's really no need to resort to leaving angry notes on people whose cars aren’t parked to your standard.

At least, according to one Aussie mum, who was left feeling frustrated after finding a note on her car that criticised her parking job.

The mother, named Nicole Harvey, had parked her car at Ballina Central IGA supermarket in NSW when she made the discovery.

‘Learn to park between the lines,’ the note read.

‘Couldn’t get the baby in the car because you park like an absolute inconsiderate tosspot.’

View attachment 9784
Nicole shared a picture of her parking job to prove her case. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Understandably insulted, she took to a local Facebook group to express her dismay.

‘This is what is wrong with this world,’ she wrote.

‘To the person who left me this lovely note just now at Ballina Central IGA — the car that was parked next to me was on the lines so I had less room to work with. They must (have) left before you came out.

‘Maybe next time park in the parents' parking. That’s why they made them.’

In the photo she provided with her post, Nicole was indeed parked close to the parking line — but clearly still inside it.

Her post had many locals responding in disbelief.

‘Technically she parked within the lines,’ one user wrote.

‘Seriously there are bigger things this person could worry about! Who writes a note like that?!’ a second added.

A third one even dismissed the note’s source as ‘just another Karen’.

View attachment 9783
The note’s sender called Nicole ‘an absolute inconsiderate tosspot’. Credit: Nicole Harvey/Facebook

Other locals though saw sense in the note, highlighting what they felt were shortcomings in Ballina regarding parking.

‘Parking is not that hard, but the council could make the parking spaces a bit bigger,’ one user admitted.

‘To be fair, there aren't enough parent parking spots in any shopping centre,’ another pointed out.

In a separate correspondence with Yahoo! Australia, Nicole stressed that the irked parent could have parked elsewhere ‘if (they needed) more than one full spot.’

Key Takeaways

  • NSW mum Nicole Harvey shared her experience with an irate parent who left her a mean note at an IGA parking lot.
  • The note told her to learn how to park between the lines as the sender had a difficult time placing their child in their car, even calling her 'an inconsiderate tosspot'.
  • She explained that she was forced to park a bit close to the parking line as earlier, another car was parked over her parking line on the other side.
  • Many weighed in on her situation, with some slamming the anonymous sender for making a fuss.
  • Others though admitted there were some things in need of improvement in the area in terms of parking.
Nicole isn’t the first victim of printed verbal lashings — and we doubt she will be the last, considering the odd parking jobs we’ve seen.

In October, locals in St. Helens, Tasmania, were shocked when one ute’s driver parked their car across six parking spaces.

Another driver in Sydney had their car parked within the line. But the problem is…er, it appears they forgot to reverse the car.

Elsewhere in Aussie suburbs, residents have been frustrated at illegally parked cars blocking public footpaths, causing potential harm to people forced to use the road or other routes while walking.

So, what do you think? Was Nicole right or wrong with how she parked her car?

Do you think the other driver was justified in their action?

Tell us your thoughts and opinions below!
34+ years ago my first son was born...7 weeks premature! When my then-wife went into early, unexpected labour, I rushed her to the hospital, in inner Sydney, which was quite a drive.

When we eventually arrived, there were no parking spaces anywhere, apart from one disability spot.

You can guess what's coming, can't you?

I noticed that the disability spot had a specific number plate (car) allocated to it. I looked around (this all happening in micro-seconds as my wife was in heavy labour) and noticed that the allocated car was in another spot nearby.

So I decided to park, temporarily, in the disability spot, which was close to the hospital entrance, so as to get my wife admitted to the hospital emergency department quickly.

Perhaps 5 to 10 minutes later, I returned to move my car and there was a note covered with heavy gooey, muck on my windscreen. I removed it, whilst receiving dirty looks from a guy in a wheelchair, before moving my car.

I explained to the wheelchair guy that it was an emergency, my wife was in labour and that he was parked in another nearby spot. I further explained that I was only ever going to be there a few minutes. But he wasn't impressed. He just continued to look daggers at me.

BTW, the exchange was a tad one-sided, short and sharp, without him getting a word in.

Ironically (for him), it took much longer to move my car because of the gluggy note he, or a helper, had left.

PS: I'd do exactly the same thing today in similar circumstances.
Instead of leaving notes (parking position IS often dictated by the next space’s car position) how about writing to the operator of the car park or the shopping centre’s management. These days the car spaces are smaller and the aisles narrower, making parking a real hassle, especially if you own one of the bigger SUV’s. Even my Rodeo is a problem with the space restrictions. Parking spaces are like the candy bars, shrinking when new car parks are marked out.
Sooooo true! I have some shopping centres I refuse to go to because the parking spaces are not only so tight but the room to reverse and/or drive between them is ridiculous too.
I have an opinion here. If 4WD Drivers can clamber in and out of their vehicles, they would appear to be pretty agile. Therefore, what about consideration being given to dedicated 4WD bays being established AWAY from convenient Parking to cater for Disabled, Mums with Bubs, Seniors, etc, who have more need.

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