This Bunnings worker has had enough of cleaning up faeces and made an urgent plea to customers

You're doing your weekly shop at Bunnings and you see a cute little dog trotting around the store with its owner.

You can't help but coo at the sight, and maybe even give the pooch a pat if its owner is okay with it. Dogs in stores just make the shopping experience that much better, right?

Well, not according to one Bunnings worker who has had enough of picking up other people's dog poo and cleaning up wee messes caused by customers’ furry friends.

In a Reddit post, the worker vented their frustration in a thread titled ‘Please, stop bringing your dogs to Bunnings.’

‘Please, for the love of God, stop.’ they began.

‘I don’t get paid enough to clean up your dog’s p**s and s**t. If you can’t train your dog to not pee indoors or simply don’t care enough to carry poop bags… just don’t bring your dogs to a literal shop.’

A viral Reddit post with almost 39,000 upvotes (likes) featured a dog named Barney’s first trip to a Bunnings store. Credit: Reddit

The worker then assured dog owners that their pets will be fine when left at home, and suggested they go on a ‘bush walk’ if they want to take their dogs out so badly.

The message was signed: ‘Sincerely, Underpaid Bunnings Worker’.
Understandably, this message was met with mixed reactions from hundreds of other Reddit users, with some quick to jump to the defence of hardworking retail employees.

One sympathetic user said: ‘I was all ready to get sweaty after reading the title as I love seeing dogs in Bunnings, but reading the description that's more than a bit disgusting.’

‘Sorry you have to go through that on your job; (you) couldn't pay me enough to mop up bodily fluids, even a dog’s.’

‘So many dog owners are like that, I swear nothing can make you lose more respect for people than when they treat you as their and their dogs’ personal slave because you work in customer service.’ another shared.

Even other dog owners understood the poster’s plight!

‘I always take my dog, and always will (if allowed). If my dog did anything like that I'd be mortified and would clean it up myself.’ one user shared.

‘I think the issue should really be that "if you have an untrained dog, be prepared to clean up after them" rather than blanket the 99% of owners who have suitable dogs to bring.’

Cleaning up after pets is every owner’s responsibility. Credit: Yahoo!/iStock

Some users offered their advice for the poster’s dilemma.

‘Cardboard box in a trolley, dog on cardboard box in said trolley. Saves everyone from having a “s**t” time.’ a user offered.

This prompted a short discussion over claims that cardboards were already given out to pet owners in some Bunnings stores, but as one user put it, ‘not all Bunnings are equal.’

Others though pointed out that the worker was barking at the wrong tree.

One user said: ‘If you don’t want dogs in the store, then why (doesn’t Bunnings) ban it? Blame your company policy.’

Key Takeaways

  • A Bunnings store worker took to Reddit to air their frustrations on cleaning up after customers' dogs' faeces and urine.
  • The worker begged for customers to just leave their dogs behind if the pets couldn't be trained or they were too lazy to bring clean-up bags.
  • In reaction to the post, some users sympathised with the tired worker.
  • Others though felt like the worker should be raising the issue to Bunnings' management, and not at customers.
  • Bunnings allows pets in stores, but subject to certain conditions.
Well, what does Bunnings say in regard to bringing pets to stores?

According to the store’s website, pets are allowed on store premises if they’re either carried, secured safely in a vehicle (eg. a trolley), or wearing a muzzle while on a lead.

If the topic seems vaguely familiar to you, that’s probably because it’s not the first time people have talked about why people bring dogs to Bunnings stores, and if the store should allow them in the first place.

In January of 2021, an unrestrained dog mauled another dog to death in a Bunnings store. The offending dog was eventually scheduled to be put down.

Source: YouTube/7News

Let’s just hope that moving forward, pet owners can be considerate of workers the next time they bring their beloved pets along on a shopping trip.

Do you think the poster was right to make their appeal? Tell us your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below!
You're doing your weekly shop at Bunnings and you see a cute little dog trotting around the store with its owner.

You can't help but coo at the sight, and maybe even give the pooch a pat if its owner is okay with it. Dogs in stores just make the shopping experience that much better, right?

Well, not according to one Bunnings worker who has had enough of picking up other people's dog poo and cleaning up wee messes caused by customers’ furry friends.

In a Reddit post, the worker vented their frustration in a thread titled ‘Please, stop bringing your dogs to Bunnings.’

‘Please, for the love of God, stop.’ they began.

‘I don’t get paid enough to clean up your dog’s p**s and s**t. If you can’t train your dog to not pee indoors or simply don’t care enough to carry poop bags… just don’t bring your dogs to a literal shop.’

View attachment 8306
A viral Reddit post with almost 39,000 upvotes (likes) featured a dog named Barney’s first trip to a Bunnings store. Credit: Reddit

The worker then assured dog owners that their pets will be fine when left at home, and suggested they go on a ‘bush walk’ if they want to take their dogs out so badly.

The message was signed: ‘Sincerely, Underpaid Bunnings Worker’.
Understandably, this message was met with mixed reactions from hundreds of other Reddit users, with some quick to jump to the defence of hardworking retail employees.

One sympathetic user said: ‘I was all ready to get sweaty after reading the title as I love seeing dogs in Bunnings, but reading the description that's more than a bit disgusting.’

‘Sorry you have to go through that on your job; (you) couldn't pay me enough to mop up bodily fluids, even a dog’s.’

‘So many dog owners are like that, I swear nothing can make you lose more respect for people than when they treat you as their and their dogs’ personal slave because you work in customer service.’ another shared.

Even other dog owners understood the poster’s plight!

‘I always take my dog, and always will (if allowed). If my dog did anything like that I'd be mortified and would clean it up myself.’ one user shared.

‘I think the issue should really be that "if you have an untrained dog, be prepared to clean up after them" rather than blanket the 99% of owners who have suitable dogs to bring.’

View attachment 8307
Cleaning up after pets is every owner’s responsibility. Credit: Yahoo!/iStock

Some users offered their advice for the poster’s dilemma.

‘Cardboard box in a trolley, dog on cardboard box in said trolley. Saves everyone from having a “s**t” time.’ a user offered.

This prompted a short discussion over claims that cardboards were already given out to pet owners in some Bunnings stores, but as one user put it, ‘not all Bunnings are equal.’

Others though pointed out that the worker was barking at the wrong tree.

One user said: ‘If you don’t want dogs in the store, then why (doesn’t Bunnings) ban it? Blame your company policy.’

Key Takeaways

  • A Bunnings store worker took to Reddit to air their frustrations on cleaning up after customers' dogs' faeces and urine.
  • The worker begged for customers to just leave their dogs behind if the pets couldn't be trained or they were too lazy to bring clean-up bags.
  • In reaction to the post, some users sympathised with the tired worker.
  • Others though felt like the worker should be raising the issue to Bunnings' management, and not at customers.
  • Bunnings allows pets in stores, but subject to certain conditions.
Well, what does Bunnings say in regard to bringing pets to stores?

According to the store’s website, pets are allowed on store premises if they’re either carried, secured safely in a vehicle (eg. a trolley), or wearing a muzzle while on a lead.

If the topic seems vaguely familiar to you, that’s probably because it’s not the first time people have talked about why people bring dogs to Bunnings stores, and if the store should allow them in the first place.

In January of 2021, an unrestrained dog mauled another dog to death in a Bunnings store. The offending dog was eventually scheduled to be put down.

Source: YouTube/7News

Let’s just hope that moving forward, pet owners can be considerate of workers the next time they bring their beloved pets along on a shopping trip.

Do you think the poster was right to make their appeal? Tell us your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below!

I completely agree with them, unless the dog is a companion dog then it should be left at home and not taken into large stores or shopping centres.
I feel sorry for the staff, they have enough to deal with and shouldn't have to clean up after animals. I have noticed that quite a few retail outlets have reverted back to no dogs (animals) allowed in the store due to the staff having to clean up after them.
The only animal that should be allowed in any retail store should be assistance animals, not pets.
My dog loves going to Bunnings. He has his own blanket which we put in the trolley for him. We carry spray sanitizer as being responsible pet owners know some people do have allergies and will spray the trolley after we’ve taken him out! Bunnings is the only store I will take him too. Anything with food or shopping centres etc I think is too much as he isn’t a service dog.

He loves people, but isn’t a pushy boy wanting everyone to pat him. He’s happy just looking around at everything. If he wants to walk for the whole 2 minutes he does, he already has his lead on and I have his little bag to carry his necessary stuff. He does have separation anxiety issues so if I can’t leave him with someone, I will take him with me. He hasn’t always had them. Just another one of his senior symptoms he has picked up whilst aging. He is looking forward to his 14th birthday tomorrow because I did promise him a Bunnings sausage! Bunnings understands tradies and farmers owning work dogs. I wouldn’t like for one moment for someone else to have to clean up after my boys ANYWHERE! The staff shouldn’t have to deal with this!

Be responsible dog owners and don’t ruin it for the rest of us!!!
I don't think dogs or animals should be allowed in any stores
My daughter is allergic to both dog and cat hair.
No staff member should be cleaning up dogs poo.
Who knows where they have urinated as well.

The only dog that's ok to go in stores are the dogs for the visually impaired people
Hi Suzanne
There are many service dogs who do other work than work for the visionally impaired.

Therapy dogs are in greater need than what is available. They open disabled people’s lives up so much! Knowing a few service dogs, one to notify for epilepsy, one for diabetes and two for different mental health issues, these animals are simply amazing and should not be prejudiced against… ever
You're doing your weekly shop at Bunnings and you see a cute little dog trotting around the store with its owner.

You can't help but coo at the sight, and maybe even give the pooch a pat if its owner is okay with it. Dogs in stores just make the shopping experience that much better, right?

Well, not according to one Bunnings worker who has had enough of picking up other people's dog poo and cleaning up wee messes caused by customers’ furry friends.

In a Reddit post, the worker vented their frustration in a thread titled ‘Please, stop bringing your dogs to Bunnings.’

‘Please, for the love of God, stop.’ they began.

‘I don’t get paid enough to clean up your dog’s p**s and s**t. If you can’t train your dog to not pee indoors or simply don’t care enough to carry poop bags… just don’t bring your dogs to a literal shop.’

View attachment 8306
A viral Reddit post with almost 39,000 upvotes (likes) featured a dog named Barney’s first trip to a Bunnings store. Credit: Reddit

The worker then assured dog owners that their pets will be fine when left at home, and suggested they go on a ‘bush walk’ if they want to take their dogs out so badly.

The message was signed: ‘Sincerely, Underpaid Bunnings Worker’.
Understandably, this message was met with mixed reactions from hundreds of other Reddit users, with some quick to jump to the defence of hardworking retail employees.

One sympathetic user said: ‘I was all ready to get sweaty after reading the title as I love seeing dogs in Bunnings, but reading the description that's more than a bit disgusting.’

‘Sorry you have to go through that on your job; (you) couldn't pay me enough to mop up bodily fluids, even a dog’s.’

‘So many dog owners are like that, I swear nothing can make you lose more respect for people than when they treat you as their and their dogs’ personal slave because you work in customer service.’ another shared.

Even other dog owners understood the poster’s plight!

‘I always take my dog, and always will (if allowed). If my dog did anything like that I'd be mortified and would clean it up myself.’ one user shared.

‘I think the issue should really be that "if you have an untrained dog, be prepared to clean up after them" rather than blanket the 99% of owners who have suitable dogs to bring.’

View attachment 8307
Cleaning up after pets is every owner’s responsibility. Credit: Yahoo!/iStock

Some users offered their advice for the poster’s dilemma.

‘Cardboard box in a trolley, dog on cardboard box in said trolley. Saves everyone from having a “s**t” time.’ a user offered.

This prompted a short discussion over claims that cardboards were already given out to pet owners in some Bunnings stores, but as one user put it, ‘not all Bunnings are equal.’

Others though pointed out that the worker was barking at the wrong tree.

One user said: ‘If you don’t want dogs in the store, then why (doesn’t Bunnings) ban it? Blame your company policy.’

Key Takeaways

  • A Bunnings store worker took to Reddit to air their frustrations on cleaning up after customers' dogs' faeces and urine.
  • The worker begged for customers to just leave their dogs behind if the pets couldn't be trained or they were too lazy to bring clean-up bags.
  • In reaction to the post, some users sympathised with the tired worker.
  • Others though felt like the worker should be raising the issue to Bunnings' management, and not at customers.
  • Bunnings allows pets in stores, but subject to certain conditions.
Well, what does Bunnings say in regard to bringing pets to stores?

According to the store’s website, pets are allowed on store premises if they’re either carried, secured safely in a vehicle (eg. a trolley), or wearing a muzzle while on a lead.

If the topic seems vaguely familiar to you, that’s probably because it’s not the first time people have talked about why people bring dogs to Bunnings stores, and if the store should allow them in the first place.

In January of 2021, an unrestrained dog mauled another dog to death in a Bunnings store. The offending dog was eventually scheduled to be put down.

Source: YouTube/7News

Let’s just hope that moving forward, pet owners can be considerate of workers the next time they bring their beloved pets along on a shopping trip.

Do you think the poster was right to make their appeal? Tell us your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below!

Can't really blame the dogs. It's the owners responsibility to make sure the dog doesn't leave a mess. Most owners are responsible so why should they be punished? My dog and I are both Bunnings fans and the only things she leaves behind are smiles.
I feel sorry for the staff, they have enough to deal with and shouldn't have to clean up after animals. I have noticed that quite a few retail outlets have reverted back to no dogs (animals) allowed in the store due to the staff having to clean up after them.
The only animal that should be allowed in any retail store should be assistance animals, not pets.
Yes I totally agree with you. So many people do not clean up after their pets.Staff DO NOT get paid to clean up animal mess
Hi Suzanne
There are many service dogs who do other work than work for the visionally impaired.

Therapy dogs are in greater need than what is available. They open disabled people’s lives up so much! Knowing a few service dogs, one to notify for epilepsy, one for diabetes and two for different mental health issues, these animals are simply amazing and should not be prejudiced against… ever
My son has a therapy dog and without her, he cannot cope. My son is Autistic and also has other issues and doesn't like to be around people due to his anxiety issues. The need for assistance animals far outway the availability for them as there are very strict criteria to obtain one and the animals themselves are very well trained. We need more of these animals to be available.
I assumed this was allowed initially so that tradies whose dogs accompany them to work are not forced to leave their dogs in a hot car/ute whilst they pick up job needs but I actually like seeing pups in trolleys too.
I don't blame the staff member at all and think that any dogs brought into the store should be restricted to a trolley on a blanket and not out on a lead.
You're doing your weekly shop at Bunnings and you see a cute little dog trotting around the store with its owner.

You can't help but coo at the sight, and maybe even give the pooch a pat if its owner is okay with it. Dogs in stores just make the shopping experience that much better, right?

Well, not according to one Bunnings worker who has had enough of picking up other people's dog poo and cleaning up wee messes caused by customers’ furry friends.

In a Reddit post, the worker vented their frustration in a thread titled ‘Please, stop bringing your dogs to Bunnings.’

‘Please, for the love of God, stop.’ they began.

‘I don’t get paid enough to clean up your dog’s p**s and s**t. If you can’t train your dog to not pee indoors or simply don’t care enough to carry poop bags… just don’t bring your dogs to a literal shop.’

View attachment 8306
A viral Reddit post with almost 39,000 upvotes (likes) featured a dog named Barney’s first trip to a Bunnings store. Credit: Reddit

The worker then assured dog owners that their pets will be fine when left at home, and suggested they go on a ‘bush walk’ if they want to take their dogs out so badly.

The message was signed: ‘Sincerely, Underpaid Bunnings Worker’.
Understandably, this message was met with mixed reactions from hundreds of other Reddit users, with some quick to jump to the defence of hardworking retail employees.

One sympathetic user said: ‘I was all ready to get sweaty after reading the title as I love seeing dogs in Bunnings, but reading the description that's more than a bit disgusting.’

‘Sorry you have to go through that on your job; (you) couldn't pay me enough to mop up bodily fluids, even a dog’s.’

‘So many dog owners are like that, I swear nothing can make you lose more respect for people than when they treat you as their and their dogs’ personal slave because you work in customer service.’ another shared.

Even other dog owners understood the poster’s plight!

‘I always take my dog, and always will (if allowed). If my dog did anything like that I'd be mortified and would clean it up myself.’ one user shared.

‘I think the issue should really be that "if you have an untrained dog, be prepared to clean up after them" rather than blanket the 99% of owners who have suitable dogs to bring.’

View attachment 8307
Cleaning up after pets is every owner’s responsibility. Credit: Yahoo!/iStock

Some users offered their advice for the poster’s dilemma.

‘Cardboard box in a trolley, dog on cardboard box in said trolley. Saves everyone from having a “s**t” time.’ a user offered.

This prompted a short discussion over claims that cardboards were already given out to pet owners in some Bunnings stores, but as one user put it, ‘not all Bunnings are equal.’

Others though pointed out that the worker was barking at the wrong tree.

One user said: ‘If you don’t want dogs in the store, then why (doesn’t Bunnings) ban it? Blame your company policy.’

Key Takeaways

  • A Bunnings store worker took to Reddit to air their frustrations on cleaning up after customers' dogs' faeces and urine.
  • The worker begged for customers to just leave their dogs behind if the pets couldn't be trained or they were too lazy to bring clean-up bags.
  • In reaction to the post, some users sympathised with the tired worker.
  • Others though felt like the worker should be raising the issue to Bunnings' management, and not at customers.
  • Bunnings allows pets in stores, but subject to certain conditions.
Well, what does Bunnings say in regard to bringing pets to stores?

According to the store’s website, pets are allowed on store premises if they’re either carried, secured safely in a vehicle (eg. a trolley), or wearing a muzzle while on a lead.

If the topic seems vaguely familiar to you, that’s probably because it’s not the first time people have talked about why people bring dogs to Bunnings stores, and if the store should allow them in the first place.

In January of 2021, an unrestrained dog mauled another dog to death in a Bunnings store. The offending dog was eventually scheduled to be put down.

Source: YouTube/7News

Let’s just hope that moving forward, pet owners can be considerate of workers the next time they bring their beloved pets along on a shopping trip.

Do you think the poster was right to make their appeal? Tell us your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below!

My dog loves to go into Bunnings ,but being a small dog I have her on a lead and also sitting in a pet bed in the trolley.I only started to bring her in due to the heat outside and couldn't leave her in the car .
Dogs should not be in shops, unless it is a service dog. A child was nipped at our local Bunnings . I will not put our grandchildren in the trollies at Bunnings. We all had to stop and wait to access the escalator recently as a woman tried to coax her very large dog onto it. The dog was not happy nor were the customers waiting behind it.
You're doing your weekly shop at Bunnings and you see a cute little dog trotting around the store with its owner.

You can't help but coo at the sight, and maybe even give the pooch a pat if its owner is okay with it. Dogs in stores just make the shopping experience that much better, right?

Well, not according to one Bunnings worker who has had enough of picking up other people's dog poo and cleaning up wee messes caused by customers’ furry friends.

In a Reddit post, the worker vented their frustration in a thread titled ‘Please, stop bringing your dogs to Bunnings.’

‘Please, for the love of God, stop.’ they began.

‘I don’t get paid enough to clean up your dog’s p**s and s**t. If you can’t train your dog to not pee indoors or simply don’t care enough to carry poop bags… just don’t bring your dogs to a literal shop.’

View attachment 8306
A viral Reddit post with almost 39,000 upvotes (likes) featured a dog named Barney’s first trip to a Bunnings store. Credit: Reddit

The worker then assured dog owners that their pets will be fine when left at home, and suggested they go on a ‘bush walk’ if they want to take their dogs out so badly.

The message was signed: ‘Sincerely, Underpaid Bunnings Worker’.
Understandably, this message was met with mixed reactions from hundreds of other Reddit users, with some quick to jump to the defence of hardworking retail employees.

One sympathetic user said: ‘I was all ready to get sweaty after reading the title as I love seeing dogs in Bunnings, but reading the description that's more than a bit disgusting.’

‘Sorry you have to go through that on your job; (you) couldn't pay me enough to mop up bodily fluids, even a dog’s.’

‘So many dog owners are like that, I swear nothing can make you lose more respect for people than when they treat you as their and their dogs’ personal slave because you work in customer service.’ another shared.

Even other dog owners understood the poster’s plight!

‘I always take my dog, and always will (if allowed). If my dog did anything like that I'd be mortified and would clean it up myself.’ one user shared.

‘I think the issue should really be that "if you have an untrained dog, be prepared to clean up after them" rather than blanket the 99% of owners who have suitable dogs to bring.’

View attachment 8307
Cleaning up after pets is every owner’s responsibility. Credit: Yahoo!/iStock

Some users offered their advice for the poster’s dilemma.

‘Cardboard box in a trolley, dog on cardboard box in said trolley. Saves everyone from having a “s**t” time.’ a user offered.

This prompted a short discussion over claims that cardboards were already given out to pet owners in some Bunnings stores, but as one user put it, ‘not all Bunnings are equal.’

Others though pointed out that the worker was barking at the wrong tree.

One user said: ‘If you don’t want dogs in the store, then why (doesn’t Bunnings) ban it? Blame your company policy.’

Key Takeaways

  • A Bunnings store worker took to Reddit to air their frustrations on cleaning up after customers' dogs' faeces and urine.
  • The worker begged for customers to just leave their dogs behind if the pets couldn't be trained or they were too lazy to bring clean-up bags.
  • In reaction to the post, some users sympathised with the tired worker.
  • Others though felt like the worker should be raising the issue to Bunnings' management, and not at customers.
  • Bunnings allows pets in stores, but subject to certain conditions.
Well, what does Bunnings say in regard to bringing pets to stores?

According to the store’s website, pets are allowed on store premises if they’re either carried, secured safely in a vehicle (eg. a trolley), or wearing a muzzle while on a lead.

If the topic seems vaguely familiar to you, that’s probably because it’s not the first time people have talked about why people bring dogs to Bunnings stores, and if the store should allow them in the first place.

In January of 2021, an unrestrained dog mauled another dog to death in a Bunnings store. The offending dog was eventually scheduled to be put down.

Source: YouTube/7News

Let’s just hope that moving forward, pet owners can be considerate of workers the next time they bring their beloved pets along on a shopping trip.

Do you think the poster was right to make their appeal? Tell us your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below!

companion dogs for people are great but should always left in trolly .
So many people seem not to think that any doggie laws apply to them. l see it quite often and not just in Bunnings. l have a small dog with separation anxiety but if l do take him with me anywhere l always pick up after him if necessary. The same behavior is seen on any beach l have taken my dog to for a walk, half the dogs owners think they don't have to pick up after them.
I have two small dogs and would never dream of taking them into any shops including Bunnings no matter how well trained they are. I respect the fact that dogs aren't everybody's thing. Mine are crate trained and when I'm going to the shops into the crate they go. They know I will return but in case they get fractious they have one of my smelly old unwashed T-shirts for comfort as well as some of their toys. Mostly when I get back home they are fast asleep and haven't really noticed that I'm not there.:)

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