These are the 7 secrets to glowing, beautiful skin in just a few months!

Ageing gracefully (and with beautiful skin, too!) is the dream for many of us here at the SDC. But with so many skin care products and advice, how do we know which steps to take to attain the radiant complexion we want?

Well, we may finally have a clue, thanks to beauty expert Natalie O'Neill and her '7 Skin Rules to Live By'.

Natalie, who has quite a following on the video-sharing platform TikTok, has taken to breaking down skincare information into simple, jargon-free terms.

Recently, she revealed her top tips for achieving glowing, beautiful skin by the end of this year - and beyond. (Sounds like a great plan to us!)

So, if you want to give your skin a well-deserved glow-up, then here's what you need to know.

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Aside from topical treatments, there are lots of other things that have an impact on the appearance of your skin. Credit: Pexels/Ron Lach.

1. Don't try any more than one new product in any 30-day period

According to the beauty junkie, introducing too many new products into your skincare routine can have detrimental effects. If you introduce more than one, you won't be able to identify which of the products are making your problems worse.

Natalie suggests waiting for at least one skin cycle, which is usually around 28 days, to assess the effect of a new product on your skin.

2. Stick to your skin routine

If you're someone who loves switching up their skincare routine, Natalie recommends waiting for at least one skin cycle to check if it's working. Just like the previous advice, this will help you figure out which products and formulas are giving you the best results.

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It's important to stick to a trusted and minimal skincare routine. Credit: Pexels/Ron Lach.

3. Opt for 'boring skincare only'

When it comes to skincare, it pays to go for something simple and gentle. Try to opt for formulas that aren't heavily fragranced, as they can be too harsh on sensitive skin.

It's always a good idea to look at the list of ingredients on skincare products before buying them, and it will pay off, in the long run, to learn which ones are bad and which ones are good for your specific skin type.

4. Eat 'skin food'

Although topical skin care treatments are important, what we put into our bodies is just as crucial, if not more so, when it comes to skin health. That is why we should never stop being mindful of the foods we eat.

Natalie recommends eating 1-2 'skin food' meals per week. These include spinach, healthy fats like nuts and avocado, salmon and berries. A diet rich in antioxidants is great for helping your skin to look radiant!
Check out one of our previous articles to learn more about which 'skin foods' are readily available in major supermarkets.

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A diet full of antioxidants does wonders for the skin. Credit: Pexels/Suzy Hazelwood.

5. Skin isn't just skincare

This goes without saying but aside from topical treatments and our diet, things like lack of sleep, physical activity, and too much stress all affect how your complexion looks and feels. Remember that your skin is a reflection of your overall lifestyle!

Make sure to balance those habits if you want to prevent blemishes and panda eyes. If you're not getting enough rest, your skin can suffer, so make sure you clock in 7-8 hours per night. And if you find your stress levels are through the roof, take some time out to relax.

6. Kick your skin-picking habit

We're all probably guilty of this habit at one point… This one's hard but so necessary! According to Natalie, one of the most important things to keep in mind is to stop the terrible habit of picking at your skin if you get breakouts or dry patches of skin.

Skin picking can cause damage to the skin, making it more prone to scarring and making them harder to get rid of. Your skin will thank you in the long run.

7. If in doubt, do nothing (and consult an expert)

If your skin is acting up, try ditching all the extra products and sticking to the basics. And if you're still struggling after trying almost everything, it's time to book an appointment with a trusted dermatologist.
Key Takeaways

  • A beauty and skincare enthusiast offered seven skin guidelines she swears by for beautiful and glowing skin in 2023.
  • You should never try more than one new product in a 30-day period.
  • You should stick with a skincare routine for at least one skin cycle to see what it's doing.
  • Opt for 'boring skincare only', which means products that aren't fragranced.
  • Eat 1-2 skin foods per week, such as spinach, nuts, avocado, salmon and berries.
  • Remember that your skin isn't just skincare; it's also about getting enough sleep, reducing stress and doing exercise.
  • Kick your skin-picking habit.
  • If in doubt, do nothing or see a dermatologist.
Surprisingly, less is more when it comes to taking care of your skin. Stick to a simple routine, and you'll soon be on the path to your perfect complexion.

With the right skincare routine, lifestyle habits, and an understanding of the effects new products can have on your skin, you'll be sure to have a 'glow-up'.

So, there you have it! Are you willing to incorporate these tips into your daily life? And do you have more to add to the list? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below - we would love to hear from you!

For more skincare tips, feel free to watch this video below:

Credit: Graceful Beauty.
Mrs Lloyd fitt (rip) was a Neighbour of mine. She an elderly lady in her late eighties, that was very healthy for her age with the most remarkable skin. She was out in the garden one day when a carload of youths beeped and honked at her until they realized she was not a young woman at all. It always made her laugh.
Her secret (I asked) was Alovera Mammosa picked fresh from her garden and applied every day. Evidently as a woman who had never used make up to a great extent in her life, Alovera was her only secret. She looked incredible for her age. I just thought I'd mention this... And that it makes a great sunscreen too.
At 61, I still have scarring and pitting from my “picky” teens. When I was young, I only ever used sunlight soap and sorbolene cream on my face, but these days, vanity has prevailed. My daughter, a former cosmetic skin-care specialist, got me onto a good routine, which is simple and I like, but nothing has impacted that scarring. 😭
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