The official SDC eBook Thread

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Advice on what do with inheritance. My wife and I are on the DSP and need some advice on this matter
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Is an E-Book a recording of a book being read? How is an E-book used? Do you plug earphones into a phone or get a cd/tape? I hv not yet succumbed to this "new fangled thing".
I love books. I can go back a page or two if I disremember an earlier, minor character reappearing. I can pick up a book and put it down, read anywhere without electricity, battery or charger. A book is just there for me.
Whereas if expected to just listen, I know I would be doing something else and constantly lose track. Humans notoriously only retain a small percentage (10) of what they hear. However, if reading, we are much more likely to recall information, (20% read, 80% see).
That is why reading a newspaper is more important than digital news - you see it, touch it, turn pages and can recall what page it was on, where positioned in that page, size of article and any colour or picture accompanying. I find now, without constantly reading the newspaper every day, that I am forgetting important facts and need reminders, bcz I cannot visualise the info.
This brings education failure into it as much alleged learning is digitised through earphone, earpods and the like.

I hv received e-books - even accidentally bought one on eBay, a cooking book that I dearly wanted. Consequently, I hv not seen it bcz I cannot open it to R E A D.
All discounts for Seniors are in this blasted E-Book whacko format, including the RACV discount information for members.
No one seems to give a damn about humans who do not hv E-Book access.
Can an E-Book be printed off?
I need to be able to physically see what alleged discounts can be obtained and from where to find them, bcz I will hv to drive to get them. Or is everything in line purchase only? If an E-Book is not printable, how can I get the discount?
There is never any instruction as to how e-books work - we are just expected to know, and that is unfair, undemocratic, ageist and all the rest of it. Many older persons do not hv grandchildren or family to ask.
@Senior Annie What happens when you try to download it?

The direct link is here:

@RobynB You can download it to your computer once it's open. It depends what device you're on, but just for example on my mac desktop, there's an icon in the top right corner that looks like this:

View attachment 11156
That means must hv Computer. Doesn't want to work on Android phone. Did hv an IPhone, lost it in Coles on 01 August 2023 - last 'pinged' in LIQUORLAND at 5.17pm and never seen again.
Android phone says to download= yes = no idea where it goes - can't find where it downloaded to - certainly not into docs. I hate technology!😭😵‍💫
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If on Aged Pension - the inheritance you receive when added to your already assessable assets will not exceed your personal asset limit, then your pension won't be impacted. However, if it does then it likely will be.
But on DSP
An inheritance is not included in the income test, however, what you do with the money could see it included in the Centrelink means tests. If you spend the money on an exempt asset it won't affect you under the assets test. This includes your principal home, mortgage or medical equipment.

If you have Mortgage, best advice is to use the inheritance to pay off all of it, or pay off as much of the Principle Balance as you can pay. If the Principle Balance is significantly reduced but you still hv remaining balance to pay, you should ask your bank to adjust your repayments down, to alleviate any going financial strain. Paying off the mortgage is the absolute best advice bcz you benefit fully from the inheritance in a financially positive manner that benefits both.
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Thank you so much I find them all interesting and helpful👍
ID Support NSW events for Scam Awareness Week

ID Support NSW want to empower you to safeguard your personal information and recognise threats. Our informative sessions provide guidance for all NSW customers on how to prevent identity misuse. These start Mon 27 NOV 2023 with a topic covered every day & 2 sessions per day @ 10am & 2pm. MON TOPIC - Family & Friends Impersonation, TUES TOPIC - Bank Impersonations, WED TOPIC - Government Impersonations, THUR TOPIC - Celebrity Impersonations, FRI TOPIC - Business Impersonations.

I CONTACTED ID Support NSW after the above dates & they had no plans to repeat the information sessions. Perhaps if we NSW residents got onto our state MPs, ID Support NSW may do these sessions again.
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Hi, by mistake I unsubscribed from receiving the twice daily emails via one of the specials. I have taken days to find this page. PLEASE, PLEASE can you send me the link to sign up again, I miss receiving these daily emails.
Hi, by mistake I unsubscribed from receiving the twice daily emails via one of the specials. I have taken days to find this page. PLEASE, PLEASE can you send me the link to sign up again, I miss receiving these daily emails.
Hi @Donna May ! I sent you an email. Please kindly check your mailbox. :) Cheers!
Hello thank you I think I may have just worked it out. I’m not good with technology I’m sorry. But what I’ve seen re discounts it seems to be more for Nsw and act I’m in Queensland. Is it for Queenslanders as well. I’m sorry.
Hi Im in Qld and yes its available if you have any Tech questions feel free to ask Ive built a few laptops in my time and still fix softwear issues as welk Cheers Lou
The boy in the striped pyjamas by John boyne.
About a young German boy son of a German tyrant and a Jewish boy who make friends through a wire fence separating them in the war.better to watch the movie of the same name though and there is a twist at the end. You’ll need a hanky.😊
I live in Rockhampton & my Seniors card has very little use availability here. Apart from Cinemas & possibly sports club venues.
Hi Lindy, I am in north Qld, Atherton Tablelands, I use mine whenever shopping at IGA, but it is limited at other places.
Hello thank you I think I may have just worked it out. I’m not good with technology I’m sorry. But what I’ve seen re discounts it seems to be more for Nsw and act I’m in Queensland. Is it for Queenslanders as well. I’m sorry.
In Qld also

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