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How is the game played?Hi guys... This is the official OzWord thread.
Please note that the OzWord will update every 24 hours at midnight. We request that you please don't mention the word here in the thread, otherwise you might ruin someone else's game.
Apart from that, feel free to post whatever you like in here - suggestions for new features, bug reports, ideas for new words for us to add, etc!
OzWord and OzExpert are both played by guessing an Australian word, either city, slang or any Aus feature like beach etc. After you enter first word the game will indicate right letter right position or right letter but wrong pos. When all of the line is green you have successfully guessed and can paste and copy to end of final page under other player's displays if you want (to show your result but don't give the word away)How is the game played?
This word has me stumped, so I've given up.OzWord 670 4/6