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Being a 26 year old Englishman in June 1981. I became a Born Again West Australian, literally! I woke up out of a Coma in Royal Perth Hospital from Murry Valley Encephalitis, being only the fourth person to contract the disease in WA. I found out that two young children and an older man had, had it before me. All I could find out was that the two young children had permanent brain damage, I could not find out anything, of the older guy. I had to teach myself how to write and walk again, as the disease attacks the brain and central nervous system. It took me two and a half years to finally get back to work and another eight years to finally overcome other issues! I have no residule affect from the illness. Although some would say, I Still have brain damage!!! Ha! Ha! You can now call me an official Sand Groper! The name for people from Western Australia. I received my Australian Naturalisation Certificate in Perth, in 1984 to make it official. My memories of years ago! May God Bless you and yours with Health! Wealth! and Happiness! I know he has blessed me, since I became a Baptised Christian 23rd July 2000 from studying the Australian National Flag of all things! Take care and stay safe! Regards to all. Phil