The five golden rules for EATING HEALTHY WHILE DINING OUT according to a nutritionist

Food plays an incredibly important role in keeping ourselves in good health, and there's a huge amount of growing evidence to suggest that what we eat has a significant impact on our overall psychological and physical wellbeing.

Eating a healthy diet can help protect us from ailments such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. It can also help us maintain a healthy weight, and keep our energy levels high.

We have previously shared with you some of the grocery items you should include in your shopping list for a longer life.

Now, we would like to share with you the top five rules that a celebrity nutritionist swears by for maintaining her toned physique even when dining out.

Eating out can get quite tricky for those who are watching their health, especially when they have dietary restrictions that might hinder them from enjoying their food.

However, for nutritionist and fitness trainer Kimberley Bowman, following her five golden rules help her maintain her diet, without compromising on the "dining out experience".

Tip #1: Avoid fried food


Fried foods contain an excessive amount of sodium and are processed in hydrogenated oils, which makes them bad for your health. Credit: Shutterstock/gowithstock.

There are a few reasons why we should avoid fried food. Fried food is high in calories and can lead to weight gain.

Kimberley also pointed out that fried food comes processed in hydrogenated oils, which increases the likelihood of inflammation.

Aside from its effects on our weight, fried food is also high in fat and can contribute to heart disease.

It should also be noted that it usually contains an excessive amount of sodium.

It is said that too much sodium intake can increase blood pressure as sodium holds excess fluid in the body.

Tip #2: Choose food that is either grilled, baked, broiled or roasted

When you are looking to make a healthy food choice, it is important to select a preparation method that will minimise the number of unhealthy fats and oils used. Grilled, baked, broiled and roasted foods are all cooked using dry heat, which means that little or no oil is needed. This is in contrast to fried foods, which are cooked in hot oil.

Tip #3: Choose a vinaigrette-based salad dressing


Vinaigrette-based dressings are not only delicious, but they are also healthy too! Credit: Shutterstock/DronG.

Let's be honest, when it comes to salad dressings, we often think about cream-based dressings such as Caesar dressing or those that use mayonnaise or yoghurt.

However, we must make it a habit to choose vinaigrette-based dressing, according to the nutritionist.

The reason behind this? A vinaigrette-based salad dressing is usually healthier than a cream-based dressing because cream-based dressings are high in fat and calories.

Vinaigrette-based dressings, on the other hand, are typically low in fat and calories. They also tend to be healthier because they are made with ingredients like vinegar and olive oil, which are considered healthy fats.

Tip #4: Choose a vegetable soup or clear broth


Vegetable-based soups should be your go-to soup when dining out according to the fitness expert. Credit: Shutterstock/Fortyforks.

There are many reasons why someone might choose to eat a vegetable soup or clear broth over a meat-based soup.

Choosing clear broths or lentils, minestrone, split pea or vegetable-based soups over meat-based soups is the healthier choice.

Meat-based soups can be high in fat and cholesterol, while vegetable soups and clear broths are typically lower in calories and fat.

Aside from this, vegetable soups contain lower calories compared to their meat-based counterparts.

Tip #5: Pick a meal that contains whole grains

Whole grains are packed with important nutrients, including fibre, B vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also provide some key health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

Whole grains are grains that have been minimally processed and still contain all of the parts of the grain kernel. This includes the bran, the germ, and the endosperm. Processing typically removes the bran and the germ, which are the most nutrient-rich parts of the grain.

Menu items with whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, faro and buckwheat should be at the top of your list.

The nutritionist wrote: "A healthy eating pattern is all about being mindful of your food choices, portion sizing, and meal timing so you can stay on track and enjoy the food you love."

Speaking of being mindful of food choices, we admit that we are guilty of eating out — especially on hectic days — due to its convenience.

However, we do follow some personal rules to keep our health in check while dining out. So, we may not be nutritionists but we would like to take this opportunity to share them with you!

SDC dining out tip #1: Ask questions.

Before you order, ask the waiter how the food is prepared. This will help you make a more informed decision about what to order.

SDC dining out tip #2: Be mindful of portion size

Many restaurants serve large portions, which can be difficult to resist. Try to order a smaller portion or split a dish with a friend.

SDC dining out tip #3: Watch out for hidden calories

Many dishes are high in calories, fat, and sodium. Be mindful of what you order and try to choose healthier options.

SDC dining out tip #4: Avoid sugary drinks

Sugary drinks can quickly add up in calories. Stick to water or unsweetened tea or coffee.

SDC dining out tip #5: Enjoy your meal

Eating out can be a fun experience, so try to relax and enjoy your meal! Even the strictest dieters need to relax and have ‘cheat days’ once in a while.

We are hoping that these suggestions will help you enjoy your dining out experience without compromising your healthy lifestyle! Got any tips? Share them with other members below.
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Reactions: KatKop and Ricci
Kimberly's golden rules are absolutely spot on. You would be wise to remember that these golden rules for eating out are the ones we should be mindful of all the time. My dietitian introduced these rules to me three years ago to adopt to my whole eating plan. It took me 26 months to lose 54kgs and I've kept it off with no troubles at all for 18 months.
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  • Wow
Reactions: Julie1 and Ricci
I'm sorry but eating out is such a rare event in my life that all bets are off!! I try my best every day with my cooking, portion control etc etc that when I go out for a meal I totally let my hair down, after all, life's too short for regrets!!;)
You are so right, rarely eat out but when I do I’ll have whatever I want, I’m not a child to be told what to eat.
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