Think we've had a lot more non achieving highly forgettables since that lot.
Couldn't agree with you more. It is all so true that if you think about it, the latest lot are useless and all for their own glories.
From good to bad and from bad to worse is the current motto.
But if you look knto it properly, just tell me as to how many Politicians have actulaly held a proper job outside and prior to entering politics.?
Lies after lies and more lies seem to be the prevailing things today and the better the liar the higher in the career they go.
ScUmo must surely be on this list. Can't think of one positive thing to
say about him. He was and still is largely a narcissist, a liar, dishonest,
Self serving and I Could go on but I won't
And what about the current sitting one,?
Talk about a big joke. I am sure he couldn't lay straight in bed even if you tried.
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You say....''We teach kids to "Yell and Tell" when they are being abused.'' Then why is it still happening in Aboriginal communities throughout the would seem to be a cultural problem that should have been addressed and eliminated years ago by the respective communities.As to your other question....''You would PREFER to have NO VOICE in Parliament? 'Let me quote Jacinta Price.....
''The activists trying to stuff the dangerous and divisive Voice to Parliament into your Constitution keep saying Indigenous Australians don’t have a voice.


When you think about it, it’s a strange thing to say. In fact, it’s pretty close to a bare-faced lie.

I have a voice – and so do the 10 other Indigenous Australians in the Parliament.

But let’s leave that aside.

Let’s just focus on the other voices.

There’s over 100 Indigenous-specific official advisory bodies and organisations.

There’s what they call the “Coalition of Peaks” – a body representing over 80 Aboriginal community groups.

And don’t forget Indigenous Australians have their own voice – the same as any Australian – at the ballot box.

But now activists are pushing to put up another voice – this time in the Constitution.

And what do we get for all the billions of dollars spent on the hundreds of voices?

An economic crisis, youth crime in the NT, and no better outcomes for Indigenous Australians.

Not only that: so many of these “voices” are out there attacking Australia Day, disrespecting Anzac Day, and pushing their activist agenda into every part of your life.

It’s time to say enough is enough.

It’s time to say No.

The Voice to Parliament is a dangerous and divisive proposal that will cost the earth to give a small handful of politicians and activists another platform to push their views on you''. Sounds like the VOICE OF REASON to me....She certainly gets my NO vote!!
Well put my friend.
When there are many Aboriginal people telling us that they are against the voice and that the only ones benefiting from it all will be the elites and bureaucrats, what choice have we got .?
Why hasn't the Minister in charge (An Aboriginal herself) and/or Albanese didn't come out from their comfy offices and meet the aboriginal delegation who travelled for many miles to meet them and discuss the proposal in detail and to highlights the benefits from t, IF ANY.?
A fantastic and true representation of the actual history of Australia for those who haven't looked into it before. I was a a "half caste", a terrible explanation of being 1/2 white and 1/2 black and was placed at St Saviour's Childrens Home in Goulburn for my protection. I learnt to read and write to prosper and to bring up well educated children who are an asset to society. I met my father when I was 32, I feel blessed to have been bought up the way I was. I will be voting NO to the Voice, I see it as being an apartheid document which will eventually be detrimental to all indigenous people. To me it seems the white people are the ones pushing the barrel for a yes vote.
Great attitude!!............If there were more Indigenous Aussies like Yourself and Jacinta and Warren Mundine we wouldn't be talking about or even considering the voice!!
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It's a very sad thing to say, but the degree of ignorance that 'white' Australians SHOW about their knowledge of our Indigenous FIRST NATION people is gob-smacking! Never, at any time in the past more than 60,000 years, have our First NATION peoples been MORE fractured to the extent that the colonizing white's have done so.

I am a member of the Wiradjuri people, the largest Nation of First Australians and despite the invading Colonizers BEST efforts to extinguish us and integrate us into their culture, we have remained. Diminished in number, but still here.

As I explained to Joydie, There's abundant evidence that our First Nation Australians FREQUENTLY gathered in places, all over this Continent, which has shocked and astounded many people, like yourself. The evidence is in locations ALL OVER AUSTRALIA, in the Rock Art, in their ORAL history which has been PROVEN to be more ACCURATE and correct than the written history from other Countries (History is written by the Victor, not the loser) , and from our First Nations traditional Celebrations. About 15 years ago, one such MEETING place was FINALLY recognised and acknowledge, near to Mt Annan, just south of Sydney.

The EVIDENCE, you ask? TREES, shrubs and various plants that were brought from locations as far North as Cape York and as far south as Melbourne. Purposefully brought to the 'Meeting Place'. Yandel'ora is the name the Dharawal people gave to Mount Annan, meaning 'place of peace between peoples'.
If it wasn't for the ''colonizing white's ''(I'll ignore the Racial slur) you probably wouldn't be enjoying the lifestyle you have today......have you ever thought about that? The fact that we spend in excess of $35 BILLION per year supporting about 700,000 who identify as aboriginal, seems to have escaped your notice as well!!Incidentally that is more than we spend on the National Disability Insurance Scheme..........Any thoughts on this??
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Well put my friend.
When there are many Aboriginal people telling us that they are against the voice and that the only ones benefiting from it all will be the elites and bureaucrats, what choice have we got .?
Why hasn't the Minister in charge (An Aboriginal herself) and/or Albanese didn't come out from their comfy offices and meet the aboriginal delegation who travelled for many miles to meet them and discuss the proposal in detail and to highlights the benefits from t, IF ANY.?
From what I hear the aboriginal gets about $39 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR and where does all that money go.??
No one knows and no one is going to ask that question either.
I believe that someone asked for a Royal Commission to investigate where all that money is going year in and year out but the LabourMinsiter for Aboriginal Affairs and Albanese let lone the Attorney General refused it blanky to do it. That is a hell of a lot of TAXPAYERS money that no one knows where it goes, and if you dare to ask the question you are immediaately designated as a Racist.
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Please don’t presume that I know little about indigenous customs, culture and traditions. If you, who knows nothing about me, thinks it’s appropriate to begin a reply saying something confrontational, ‘you are wrong’ in bold, then I have to assume that you’re looking at the question from an emotional rather than factual viewpoint.

I’m not going to justify my position, because no matter what I say, you won’t give my answer any credence or respect, but I will say this: Jacinta Price is my skin niece and her
mother Bess is my skin sister.
Please don't take any notice of what they are saying because as you said they are totally ignorant of the fact and ony believe what someone brainwasbhing them is telling them.
And these people brainwashing them are just as ignorant of the facts as they are too.
I know quite a few Aboriginal myself and some of them are very good friends of mine. Over the years I employed them and got them out of the mission teaching them to work and made them save their money. With that money they were buying some of the best clothes, NOT GROG. If we were having lunch or dinner, they were to sit at the table with jus and share what we were having. THE CHILDREN COULDN'T BELIEVE IT. Nearly all of them stayed permanently in the town and have made a success of their lives, held into high standarsd within the area, and happy as can be. There are no difference between them and their white friends, none at all.
All they needs is for someone to get the young children and teach them to behave properly and to learn a trade, you would soon see the difference and realise that what these brainwashed peple are saying is totally incorrect and totally unjustified.
IMHO they have a wheelbarrow full of self interest to push while creating more bureaucracy, that is all.
If it wasn't for the ''colonizing white's ''(I'll ignore the Racial slur) you probably wouldn't be enjoying the lifestyle you have today......have you ever thought about that? The fact that we spend in excess of $35 BILLION per year supporting about 700,000 who identify as aboriginal, seems to have escaped your notice as well!!Incidentally that is more than we spend on the National Disability Insurance Scheme..........Any thoughts on this??
If it came down to statistics, it is white Australia that subsidizes indigenous Australia with our taxes......from WORKING! I am indigenous and have never been out of work, some jobs have been pretty terrible, like working at the meat works in Wyndham WA. There were plenty of blacks in the pubs but none at the meat works, and of the one or 2 employed they would work for a few weeks then disappear.....never to one can run a business like that. here were jobs on indigenous door steps but they only wanted "the dole" So don't talk to me about the Voice, it's going to set the indigenous people back 100 years if it gets in, anything darker than a honeypot will be signing up for everything. Its unsustainable!!!!
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Please don't take any notice of what they are saying because as you said they are totally ignorant of the fact and ony believe what someone brainwasbhing them is telling them.
And these people brainwashing them are just as ignorant of the facts as they are too.
I know quite a few Aboriginal myself and some of them are very good friends of mine. Over the years I employed them and got them out of the mission teaching them to work and made them save their money. With that money they were buying some of the best clothes, NOT GROG. If we were having lunch or dinner, they were to sit at the table with jus and share what we were having. THE CHILDREN COULDN'T BELIEVE IT. Nearly all of them stayed permanently in the town and have made a success of their lives, held into high standarsd within the area, and happy as can be. There are no difference between them and their white friends, none at all.
All they needs is for someone to get the young children and teach them to behave properly and to learn a trade, you would soon see the difference and realise that what these brainwashed peple are saying is totally incorrect and totally unjustified.
IMHO they have a wheelbarrow full of self interest to push while creating more bureaucracy, that is all.
All they need is for SOMEONE to get the young children and teach them........ Hello world, every other mother and father in the world teaches their children......not someone. The reason there are so many problems with aboriginal youth is the PARENTs are not teaching them. maybe they need to be rounded up and sent to institutions until they are 18 and taught by SOMEONE how to act & respect property & people.
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Aboriginal people make up approximately 3% of the Australian population. Eleven indigenous members of parliament is 14.3%, which means our indigenous Australians are actually over represented in parliament.

I always think it’s best to do some research before you start throwing around wild, unfounded accusations. Thank you Linwar for pointing out the bleeding obvious.
here's an opportunity to PROVE that I am wrong, if you dare to watch it to the end, that is.:
If it came down to statistics, it is white Australia that subsidizes indigenous Australia with our taxes......from WORKING! I am indigenous and have never been out of work, some jobs have been pretty terrible, like working at the meat works in Wyndham WA. There were plenty of blacks in the pubs but none at the meat works, and of the one or 2 employed they would work for a few weeks then disappear.....never to one can run a business like that. here were jobs on indigenous door steps but they only wanted "the dole" So don't talk to me about the Voice, it's going to set the indigenous people back 100 years if it gets in, anything darker than a honeypot will be signing up for everything. Its unsustainable!!!!
Please, prove me wrong! watch this - to the end - and then tell me I'm wrong!
All they need is for SOMEONE to get the young children and teach them........ Hello world, every other mother and father in the world teaches their children......not someone. The reason there are so many problems with aboriginal youth is the PARENTs are not teaching them. maybe they need to be rounded up and sent to institutions until they are 18 and taught by SOMEONE how to act & respect property & people.
What a good post and straight to the point. I am glad you agree with me although the silence from others following this thread IS DEAFENING.
I agree with you in what you wrote above about some indigenous working for a week or two and then disappear. Although it was avery long time ago, I had the same thing happening to me with some of my indigenous workers (Although a small minority) that disappeared as well after a few days work. They were excusing themslelves to go to he toilet but never came back. We spent hours looking for them at times just in case they were hurt somewhere. all without luck, only to fnd out some days later that they returned to the mission and back in the grog and even drinking methilated spirits or something else they used to pinch from the school.
IT IS VERY SAD INDEED because if they were to be taught in the right way and to learn what is right form wrong, they are very very good people and some of them have gone a lomng way with their careers and life. I have proved it time and time again in the past.
LIKE YOU, the Voice is not the solution. it is making them worse and more unaccountable while at the same time increasing the bureaucrats with their fat pay cheques.
Only the Elites one will benefit from it if it will get up. MARK MY WORDS.!
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What a good post and straight to the point. I am glad you agree with me although the silence from others following this thread IS DEAFENING.
I agree with you in what you wrote above about some indigenous working for a week or two and then disappear. Although it was avery long time ago, I had the same thing happening to me with some of my indigenous workers (Although a small minority) that disappeared as well after a few days work. They were excusing themslelves to go to he toilet but never came back. We spent hours looking for them at times just in case they were hurt somewhere. all without luck, only to fnd out some days later that they returned to the mission and back in the grog and even drinking methilated spirits or something else they used to pinch from the school.
IT IS VERY SAD INDEED because if they were to be taught in the right way and to learn what is right form wrong, they are very very good people and some of them have gone a lomng way with their careers and life. I have proved it time and time again in the past.
LIKE YOU, the Voice is not the solution. it is making them worse and more unaccountable while at the same time increasing the bureaucrats with their fat pay cheques.
Only the Elites one will benefit from it if it will get up. MARK MY WORDS.!
What Albanese is doing is actually going to divide the Nation even more. The man, as everyone knows is a Communist (Some of his closest allies have said so) or very very hard Socilaist left, and a liar. What some people do to get a seat into Parliament is totally beyond beliefs.
When he ran for Prime Minister during the election he never ever made a mention of the VOICE and promised a lot of thing which promises were all broken, and then he pushed for the VOICE practically on the same day he put foot into Parliament with his new job. WHY NOT BEFORE.??

Lets put it in this way, I am an Italian and was proud that an Italian was elected to the Prime Ministerhsip. BUT .......................... NOT ANYMORE as I feel ashamed. I wonder as to how many Italians will vote for him again.??
But doe she care.??? Well I will leave that to you to decide.
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Please, prove me wrong! watch this - to the end - and then tell me I'm wrong!

Did you expect any different from the hard left, the Greens, the socialist and yes the Communists.
The media of course are taking the opportunity to promote their own wheelbarrows full of personal agenda to push. When the Sydney Morning Herald purchased my local Newspapers I immediatley stopped the subscrition which was onging for so many years that I can't even remember.
The ABC also has gone to the off switch for me as well because they are not representing the Independent media position they are supposed to held (AT TAXPAYERS COSTS MIND YOU) but instead pushing their hard left ideas down our troath.
In closing I noticed that they accused the opposition of continuously saying NO but what were they doing when they were in opposition.?? You guessed it. HOW QUICKLY THEY FORGET.
Why don't Albanes and his lefties mates introduced a legislation into Parliament about the VOICE were they would be sure of getting it through.?
Oh yes if it was Legislated and it didn' work, it could have been reversed, LET ALONE HAVING THE FULL DETAILS OF HOW THE VOICE WOULD WORK before it was to be passed through and approved.
With the VOICE they are expecting us to vote on something which they won't tell us what it entails and then they can put anything they like in to it when it is passed. So we are expectd to vote yes for something we don't know what we are voting for. GO FIGURE.!!


The changing of the Constitution is forever and IMO there would be no way back from it unless we were to do another Referendum to change the constitution once again.

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here's an opportunity to PROVE that I am wrong, if you dare to watch it to the end, that is.:

Look, I’m confused. I have no idea how this ‘proves’ you’re not ’wrong’. I just watched 15 minutes and 32 seconds of carefully edited political waffle. As soon as I see the ABC logo I know the BS is going to flow thick and fast. The ABC is the propaganda arm of Labor and the Greens.

I believe that you’re like a great many folk in today’s world who listen to people expressing opinions and accept these opinions as facts. Not one provable statement was made by either side. It was all ‘he said, she said’. As to Marcia Langton saying this isn’t a ‘political plaything’, she rubbished the Liberal Party every time she opened her mouth. Strange to think she was once genuine in her wish to help our indigenous. Now, she just wants to grandstand like the puppet she is for her commie masters.

Again: nobody can know for certain what an Aboriginal voice to parliament would achieve. Common sense and past history lean towards a hell of a mess. The reporter made a fool of himself so many times in that video. His purpose in making the video in the first place had very little to do with the voice. With the assistance of the ever willing ABC, he just wanted to sling mud at the Liberal Party.

In conclusion, I say again: try to stop seeing opinions as facts, especially when they agree with your opinion on a topic. A person’s opinion is never wrong. It’s how you feel and we all have a right to feel. You began your very first reply to me by telling me I was wrong. I was quoting verifiable facts as to the definition of nationhood. Mine was not an opinion, it was a fact. As Ben Shapiro would say: ‘Facts don’t care about your feelings.’
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Did you expect any different from the hard left, the Greens, the socialist and yes the Communists.
The media of course are taking the opportunity to promote their own wheelbarrows full of personal agenda to push. When the Sydney Morning Herald purchased my local Newspapers I immediatley stopped the subscrition which was onging for so many years that I can't even remember.
The ABC also has gone to the off switch for me as well because they are not representing the Independent media position they are supposed to held (AT TAXPAYERS COSTS MIND YOU) but instead pushing their hard left ideas down our troath.
In closing I noticed that they accused the opposition of continuously saying NO but what were they doing when they were in opposition.?? You guessed it. HOW QUICKLY THEY FORGET.
Why don't Albanes and his lefties mates introduced a legislation into Parliament about the VOICE were they would be sure of getting it through.?
Oh yes if it was Legislated and it didn' work, it could have been reversed, LET ALONE HAVING THE FULL DETAILS OF HOW THE VOICE WOULD WORK before it was to be passed through and approved.
With the VOICE they are expecting us to vote on something which they won't tell us what it entails and then they can put anything they like in to it when it is passed. So we are expectd to vote yes for something we don't know what we are voting for. GO FIGURE.!!


The changing of the Constitution is forever and IMO there would be no way back from it unless we were to do another Referendum to change the constitution once again.

I had a giggle to myself as well when the narrator quoted the Sydney Morning Herald as though it were the holy book. Any shred of credibility I was giving this bloke flew straight out the window. 😂
Please, prove me wrong! watch this - to the end - and then tell me I'm wrong!

Againa and again, the bring down Dutton brigade. I don't vote Liberal or Labor,they are both totally corrupt, the weak Liberals and the communist Labor is not testimony of the average Australian. Just keep to the fact instead of putting up comedy . This has nothing to do with party politics, it is whether the divisional Voice should be added to our constitution, for a majority of 3% of the population. next the, religious denominations and every thing else that holds 3% of our population will be chanting they want "their" rights as well. We may as well say P!$$ off Australians.
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Did you expect any different from the hard left, the Greens, the socialist and yes the Communists.
The media of course are taking the opportunity to promote their own wheelbarrows full of personal agenda to push. When the Sydney Morning Herald purchased my local Newspapers I immediatley stopped the subscrition which was onging for so many years that I can't even remember.
The ABC also has gone to the off switch for me as well because they are not representing the Independent media position they are supposed to held (AT TAXPAYERS COSTS MIND YOU) but instead pushing their hard left ideas down our troath.
In closing I noticed that they accused the opposition of continuously saying NO but what were they doing when they were in opposition.?? You guessed it. HOW QUICKLY THEY FORGET.
Why don't Albanes and his lefties mates introduced a legislation into Parliament about the VOICE were they would be sure of getting it through.?
Oh yes if it was Legislated and it didn' work, it could have been reversed, LET ALONE HAVING THE FULL DETAILS OF HOW THE VOICE WOULD WORK before it was to be passed through and approved.
With the VOICE they are expecting us to vote on something which they won't tell us what it entails and then they can put anything they like in to it when it is passed. So we are expectd to vote yes for something we don't know what we are voting for. GO FIGURE.!!


The changing of the Constitution is forever and IMO there would be no way back from it unless we were to do another Referendum to change the constitution once again.

I will add one more thing about my post above, if I may.
Does anyone here remember the old saying when our Mums and Dads were telling us that everytime you tell a lie you will grow a pimple on your tongue.

Wake up people, they only care about themselves, and their egos is so great and their heads are swallen so much from it, that practically the maintenance men in Parliament would have to enlarge the doors architraves to make it easier for them to walk through.

Once upon a time I was a very good friend with a Politician representing my area and use to help him in the election, scrutineering, ect. But it happened one day, (when the GST was introduced), that as per usual he invited me to a sausage sizzle on his property celebrating his victory.
I refused and he asked me why to which I replied... listen mate I am sick of you licking my backside for 30 or 60 days while the camapign is on and then me having to lick your a...e for 3 or 4 years to try and be able to talk to you. He laughed because that what he was like and we still were friends after that.

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Please, prove me wrong! watch this - to the end - and then tell me I'm wrong!

I think you need to tell us which indigenous advisory bodies will be wound up or shut down to make way for the voice. Because if you just add another layer layer of advisors, well, what's that going to achieve. If the voice is needed? What other bodies are no longer needed?The National Indigenous Australians agency have 1300 staff members, that includes 42 executives, each earning more than $230,000 a year. So they've got 42 executives who are earning close to a quarter of a million bucks. How many of those executives are still needed? The National Indigenous Australians agency also funds a network of 14 local Native Title councils across the country. We have the Aboriginal community controlled health organisation, indigenous business Australia. These are all government agencies, the Torres Strait Regional Authority, the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies, Aboriginal hostels LTD. the indigenous land and sea Corporation.Surely there are enough VOICES already!! WHY DO WE NEED ONE MORE?.......It's a very simple question for you to you have one??
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