Bloody ABC. I don't know if you watch it or not but the other day an ABC interviewer was interviewing Dutton about the Voice and as to why he said NO to it and as to why.Look, I’m confused. I have no idea how this ‘proves’ you’re not ’wrong’. I just watched 15 minutes and 32 seconds of carefully edited political waffle. As soon as I see the ABC logo I know the BS is going to flow thick and fast. The ABC is the propaganda arm of Labor and the Greens.
I believe that you’re like a great many folk in today’s world who listen to people expressing opinions and accept these opinions as facts. Not one provable statement was made by either side. It was all ‘he said, she said’. As to Marcia Langton saying this isn’t a ‘political plaything’, she rubbished the Liberal Party every time she opened her mouth. Strange to think she was once genuine in her wish to help our indigenous. Now, she just wants to grandstand like the puppet she is for her commie masters.
Again: nobody can know for certain what an Aboriginal voice to parliament would achieve. Common sense and past history lean towards a hell of a mess. The reporter made a fool of himself so many times in that video. His purpose in making the video in the first place had very little to do with the voice. With the assistance of the ever willing ABC, he just wanted to sling mud at the Liberal Party.
In conclusion, I say again: try to stop seeing opinions as facts, especially when they agree with your opinion on a topic. A person’s opinion is never wrong. It’s how you feel and we all have a right to feel. You began your very first reply to me by telling me I was wrong. I was quoting verifiable facts as to the definition of nationhood. Mine was not an opinion, it was a fact. As Ben Shapiro would say: ‘Facts don’t care about your feelings.’
Well Dutton quickly put pay to this idiot and made a fool of him and guess what, the ABC,in order to stop showing their man ike a fool in front of thousands of people, quickly cut it off with the excuse that they were going to a commercial (As if the ABC run commercials) or to some other urgent news which never came to fruition.
The ABC is not doing what their rules of broadcasting are. They should be an Independent and unbiased voice PAID BY THE TAXPAYERS to call it the way it is, NOT THEIR OWN AGENDAS.
They are now an arm of the Socialist left and the Greens, and they always try hard to push their own ideologies down your throats.
Don't get me wrong, because they used to have some very good programmes once upon a time, but they went totally the other way now.
Hence why, for me anyway, it has earned the "OFF SWITCH " on my television.