Look, I’m confused. I have no idea how this ‘proves’ you’re not ’wrong’. I just watched 15 minutes and 32 seconds of carefully edited political waffle. As soon as I see the ABC logo I know the BS is going to flow thick and fast. The ABC is the propaganda arm of Labor and the Greens.

I believe that you’re like a great many folk in today’s world who listen to people expressing opinions and accept these opinions as facts. Not one provable statement was made by either side. It was all ‘he said, she said’. As to Marcia Langton saying this isn’t a ‘political plaything’, she rubbished the Liberal Party every time she opened her mouth. Strange to think she was once genuine in her wish to help our indigenous. Now, she just wants to grandstand like the puppet she is for her commie masters.

Again: nobody can know for certain what an Aboriginal voice to parliament would achieve. Common sense and past history lean towards a hell of a mess. The reporter made a fool of himself so many times in that video. His purpose in making the video in the first place had very little to do with the voice. With the assistance of the ever willing ABC, he just wanted to sling mud at the Liberal Party.

In conclusion, I say again: try to stop seeing opinions as facts, especially when they agree with your opinion on a topic. A person’s opinion is never wrong. It’s how you feel and we all have a right to feel. You began your very first reply to me by telling me I was wrong. I was quoting verifiable facts as to the definition of nationhood. Mine was not an opinion, it was a fact. As Ben Shapiro would say: ‘Facts don’t care about your feelings.’
Bloody ABC. I don't know if you watch it or not but the other day an ABC interviewer was interviewing Dutton about the Voice and as to why he said NO to it and as to why.
Well Dutton quickly put pay to this idiot and made a fool of him and guess what, the ABC,in order to stop showing their man ike a fool in front of thousands of people, quickly cut it off with the excuse that they were going to a commercial (As if the ABC run commercials) or to some other urgent news which never came to fruition.
The ABC is not doing what their rules of broadcasting are. They should be an Independent and unbiased voice PAID BY THE TAXPAYERS to call it the way it is, NOT THEIR OWN AGENDAS.
They are now an arm of the Socialist left and the Greens, and they always try hard to push their own ideologies down your throats.
Don't get me wrong, because they used to have some very good programmes once upon a time, but they went totally the other way now.

Hence why, for me anyway, it has earned the "OFF SWITCH " on my television.
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I think you need to tell us which indigenous advisory bodies will be wound up or shut down to make way for the voice. Because if you just add another layer layer of advisors, well, what's that going to achieve. If the voice is needed? What other bodies are no longer needed?The National Indigenous Australians agency have 1300 staff members, that includes 42 executives, each earning more than $230,000 a year. So they've got 42 executives who are earning close to a quarter of a million bucks. How many of those executives are still needed? The National Indigenous Australians agency also funds a network of 14 local Native Title councils across the country. We have the Aboriginal community controlled health organisation, indigenous business Australia. These are all government agencies, the Torres Strait Regional Authority, the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies, Aboriginal hostels LTD. the indigenous land and sea Corporation.Surely there are enough VOICES already!! WHY DO WE NEED ONE MORE?.......It's a very simple question for you to answer....do you have one??
Like I sadi, there afe a few out there pushing their own wheelbarrows full of personal agendas andthey don't want to tell us what their own personal agenda is. They just expect from us to vote YES.
The other night Tania Pilber...and Baranby Joi.. were on television . Tania of course was pushing the Labour Vote YES idea and Barnaby was asking some serious questions.
Well, when Tania was asked by Barnaby as to why her Government wasn't clear about the VOICE and what it will entail, she was put on a spot and replied something to the likes of :"" Do you expect us to tell you what it will entail and tell you before the Vote is YES.?
She also said you will have to vote YES first and then we will work on it and what it will entail after the Constitution has been changed. IN A FEW WORDS.....TRUST US.???????????

In a few words it is something like someone (TANIA OF COURSE) telling you to jump off a cliff under the pretence that someone will be waiting to catch you at the bottom of it.

NO THANKS.. Get her to jump first and see what happens afterwards.
Verdexon you are right in what you are saying about all the different Aboriginal Entitities.

In my town, they have offices and owning or renting buildings everywhere.

To be clear I don't begrudge them of doing so, but lets get all of those institutions to work properly and show where all the $39 Billion dollars are going first as I am sure that not all f it is going where it is supposed to be going, and for the benefits of the ones which needed it most. (And yes that is Billions with a B).
If it wasn't for the ''colonizing white's ''(I'll ignore the Racial slur) you probably wouldn't be enjoying the lifestyle you have today......have you ever thought about that? The fact that we spend in excess of $35 BILLION per year supporting about 700,000 who identify as aboriginal, seems to have escaped your notice as well!!Incidentally that is more than we spend on the National Disability Insurance Scheme..........Any thoughts on this??
Verdexon, with an Aboriginal population currently in Australia of about 700,000 and with $39 BIllion dollars going to them every single year, the question rise as to where that money is actually going because it means that they would get about $55, 714.00 per each and everyone single Aboriginal including every child.

But don't forget that many Aboriginals are working, owning their own homes, and earning good money so they might not be entitled to get any of those benefits either.

The question now is................What have they got to show for and where is all that money going...??
Oh yes no one is game to ask for fear of being called a "RACIST" but by whom......YES by the ones pushing their own barrows.

Verdexon, with an Aboriginal population currently in Australia of about 700,000 and with $39 BIllion dollars going to them every single year, the question rise as to where that money is actually going because it means that they would get about $55, 714.00 per each and everyone single Aboriginal including every child.

But don't forget that many Aboriginals are working, owning their own homes, and earning good money so they might not be entitled to get any of those benefits either.

The question now is................What have they got to show for and where is all that money going...??
Oh yes no one is game to ask for fear of being called a "RACIST" but by whom......YES by the ones pushing their own barrows.

It is also interesting to note what or total DEfence Budget is against the Aboriginal Budget.

Read below:

"defence total budget of Australia"
"So far, 54 budgets have been delivered. Total budget is $16.244 billion, with $10.743 billion spent to date and $976 million to be spent in 2022-23. Final Operational Capability is scheduled for December 2023."

Isn't that interesting when the Budget fot Aboriginal and Torres Straught people is about two and a half times the total defence budget.?
Bloody ABC. I don't know if you watch it or not but the other day an ABC interviewer was interviewing Dutton about the Voice and as to why he said NO to it and as to why.
Well Dutton quickly put pay to this idiot and made a fool of him and guess what, the ABC,in order to stop showing their man ike a fool in front of thousands of people, quickly cut it off with the excuse that they were going to a commercial (As if the ABC run commercials) or to some other urgent news which never came to fruition.
The ABC is not doing what their rules of broadcasting are. They should be an Independent and unbiased voice PAID BY THE TAXPAYERS to call it the way it is, NOT THEIR OWN AGENDAS.
They are now an arm of the Socialist left and the Greens, and they always try hard to push their own ideologies down your throats.
Don't get me wrong, because they used to have some very good programmes once upon a time, but they went totally the other way now.

Hence why, for me anyway, it has earned the "OFF SWITCH " on my television.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has a charter that requires it to provide impartial and accurate news and information to the Australian public. The ABC is a public broadcaster that is funded by the Australian taxpayer
The charter mandates that the ABC provide "news and information that is accurate and impartial" .....IF ONLY!! It's THEIR ABC.......ACTIVISTS BROADCASTING COMMISSION!
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Verdexon, with an Aboriginal population currently in Australia of about 700,000 and with $39 BIllion dollars going to them every single year, the question rise as to where that money is actually going because it means that they would get about $55, 714.00 per each and everyone single Aboriginal including every child.

But don't forget that many Aboriginals are working, owning their own homes, and earning good money so they might not be entitled to get any of those benefits either.

The question now is................What have they got to show for and where is all that money going...??
Oh yes no one is game to ask for fear of being called a "RACIST" but by whom......YES by the ones pushing their own barrows.

An Audit of those 50+ entities providing support would be interesting!!
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Bloody ABC. I don't know if you watch it or not but the other day an ABC interviewer was interviewing Dutton about the Voice and as to why he said NO to it and as to why.
Well Dutton quickly put pay to this idiot and made a fool of him and guess what, the ABC,in order to stop showing their man ike a fool in front of thousands of people, quickly cut it off with the excuse that they were going to a commercial (As if the ABC run commercials) or to some other urgent news which never came to fruition.
The ABC is not doing what their rules of broadcasting are. They should be an Independent and unbiased voice PAID BY THE TAXPAYERS to call it the way it is, NOT THEIR OWN AGENDAS.
They are now an arm of the Socialist left and the Greens, and they always try hard to push their own ideologies down your throats.
Don't get me wrong, because they used to have some very good programmes once upon a time, but they went totally the other way now.

Hence why, for me anyway, it has earned the "OFF SWITCH " on my television.
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If it wasn't for the ''colonizing white's ''(I'll ignore the Racial slur) you probably wouldn't be enjoying the lifestyle you have today......have you ever thought about that? The fact that we spend in excess of $35 BILLION per year supporting about 700,000 who identify as aboriginal, seems to have escaped your notice as well!!Incidentally that is more than we spend on the National Disability Insurance Scheme..........Any thoughts on this??
Still waiting for a response!
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has a charter that requires it to provide impartial and accurate news and information to the Australian public. The ABC is a public broadcaster that is funded by the Australian taxpayer
The charter mandates that the ABC provide "news and information that is accurate and impartial" .....IF ONLY!! It's THEIR ABC.......ACTIVISTS BROADCASTING COMMISSION!
Couldn't agree with you more. They are the "ACTIVIST BROADCASTING COMMISSION".

And the worts thing Scott Morrison did was in the appointing of Ita Buttrose as the Chairwoman. Dear oh me couldn't he pick a better one.? Even Blind Fredie could hav epicked abetter one while not being able to see one form another.

She "ITA BUTTROSE" is a person in my beliefes that is a leftie leaning advocate and possibly don't even know what day of the week it is. Look at her while she is walking around as she reminds me of Biden.

She was supposed to sort ot the ABC but, dear oh me......from the pot into the fire..
She is not a LEADER.....................SHE IS A FOLLOWER and the ABC people knows and takes full advantage of that.

Go figure.!!
Didn't you hear what John Laws had to say today regarding Lidia Thorpe about what she did in her latest attack to everything while she was in a strip club at about 3 o'clock in he morning, and then what he said about her office not returning his calls and when he sent some emails he got the reply.

The reply ........................ LIDIA is only answering calls to Indigenous/Aboriginal or native people. Or something to that extent. Period.!!

IF THAT IS NOT A RACIST RESPONSE I DON"T KNOW WHAT IT IS....But what does the media including the ABC say about it.?


Dear oh me I wonder if a white Member of Parliament or a White Senator replied to a constituent that he only anwer calls to white people. It would be the end of the World and all the Racist calls imaginable.

I wonder as to why the NO Vote should prevail.
Wow, that's pretty messed up. It's unacceptable for anyone in public office to discriminate against people based on their race or ethnicity. If a white MP or senator said they only answer calls from white people, it would definitely be all over the news and there would be widespread outrage. It's disappointing that the media isn't giving this issue the attention it deserves.
Wow, that's pretty messed up. It's unacceptable for anyone in public office to discriminate against people based on their race or ethnicity. If a white MP or senator said they only answer calls from white people, it would definitely be all over the news and there would be widespread outrage. It's disappointing that the media isn't giving this issue the attention it deserves.
Did you expect any different from the ABC whcih are so far leaning to the left that you can't explain, and from the left media.?
Now tell me did the Syney Morining Herald or any of their newspapers around the Country made any mention to it. I Wonder.

And then how many times did you see some positions made available which specifically states that "INDIGENOUS PEOPLE ONLY CAN APPLY""!!!!

Isn't that racist and discrimantory towards the rest of the Australian Population.?

Honestly !!!!

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