Sydney woman who lost 55 kilos naturally shares her story and tips for weight loss

An 18-year-old woman who has overcome her struggle with weight and body image has shared her story after losing 55kg and dropping 10 dress sizes.


Credit: 7News.

Cassandra Hili, a Sydney-based PR director, has always considered food as her ‘emotional cushion’ and growing up in a Mediterranean family meant that food was a big part of her culture. This led to her weight spiralling out of control by the time she reached 15.

“Everyone likes to say ‘I blew up overnight’. I started to gain weight, and it just kept piling on,” said Cassandra, recalling how her weight gain started during her childhood.

“I was still a child; I just wanted to do whatever I wanted. I took my emotions out on food because it was easy. The only problem I had was portion control.”

She admits that her daily diet back then was not the healthiest nor the most appropriate for a growing young person.

For breakfast, she would usually have a strip of bacon, eggs, and ham on toast, followed by a chocolate chip muffin. Her lunches typically consisted of a burger, a bag of chips, and a soft drink to wash it down. Her dinners depended on what was prepared at home for that night, but her servings were usually large. This was often followed by ice cream or yoghurt.

After her parents took notice of Cassandra’s unhealthy eating habits, they took her to the hospital to run some tests and prevent her rapid weight gain.

“I got a bunch of blood tests done and found I was insulin resistant,” she said. “I spent a good five years back and forth with doctors, trialling new eating programs and being pulled out of school.”

“But nothing helped because I wasn’t ready to help myself.”

By the time Cassandra entered high school, her weight gain situation had taken a turn for the worse and started to affect her mental and physical health, too.

“I ended up getting depression, and I spent most of my time in high school at the school counsellor’s office,” she recalled. “I was tired of being told what to do and how I should eat. I just wanted to be a kid and live freely.”

“I just kept gaining weight and getting more and more unhealthy.”

Cassandra was only fifteen years old when her recorded weight reached a shocking 117 kilograms, being marked as obese for her age. She also remembered suffering from a lot of knee and ankle injuries because of her weight.

“It wasn’t until I sprained my ankle for the fourth time just before my 17th birthday that I decided enough was enough.”

In a strange stroke of luck, Cassandra’s light bulb moment came onto her after watching Christina Aguilera’s musical film ‘Burlesque’. The young girl remembered her dreams of wanting to be like the singer when she grew up.

And at this point, she finally realised that her body was hindering her from achieving her goals in life.

“I took my life and health into my own hands,” said Cassandra.

“I limped off the lounge and started clearing out all of the ‘junk foods’ I would usually eat. I started by changing the way I ate. I cut down on processed foods, cut down on my carbohydrate intake, but most importantly, cut back on my portions.”

The then sixteen-year-old decided to make drastic changes to her diet and portion sizes.

“After a few weeks of doing this and dropping some weight, I started exercising.”

By the time Cassandra celebrated her 18th birthday, she had already naturally lost an incredible 55 kilograms.


Credit: 7News.

Cassandra currently weighs between 66 to 71 kilos.

“I do still have a lot of loose skin. So while I have lost weight a few times, my body still does carry some of the old version of who I used to be,” she said.

“But I do believe my weight loss journey and everything that happened was something that has led me to where I am today.”

The now 27-year-old has been maintaining her size 10 physique through regular exercise and intermittent fasting - a method where one restricts their meal periods to a certain number of hours per day.

“I stop eating at about 8:30 pm and then eat again at around lunchtime,” she said. “I no longer count any calories or macros, I did spend a large portion of my life doing this, but now I eat intuitively and just stay mindful of portion sizes.”

Cassandra also made it a habit to work out at least twice a week, either with Pilates, weight training, or by simply walking.


Credit: 7News.

Even though Cassandra is in a much better and healthier state of health now, she still remembers how she felt when she was still young and overweight.

“There are times I look back and go: Wow, 13 year-old-me would be proud of where we are right now and what we have done,” she said. “But there are times where I look back and just feel sad about how I felt at that age; I have sad memories of those times.”

Cassandra also shared her biggest advice for those who are in the middle (or looking to start) their weight loss journey: “Do it for yourself and be your number one fan. Celebrate the milestones, set goals and find the right team of people who are going to support you through it!”
Sydney woman who lost 55 kilos naturally shares her story and tips for weight loss

An 18-year-old woman who has overcome her struggle with weight and body image has shared her story after losing 55kg and dropping 10 dress sizes.


Credit: 7News.

Cassandra Hili, a Sydney-based PR director, has always considered food as her ‘emotional cushion’ and growing up in a Mediterranean family meant that food was a big part of her culture. This led to her weight spiralling out of control by the time she reached 15.

“Everyone likes to say ‘I blew up overnight’. I started to gain weight, and it just kept piling on,” said Cassandra, recalling how her weight gain started during her childhood.

“I was still a child; I just wanted to do whatever I wanted. I took my emotions out on food because it was easy. The only problem I had was portion control.”

She admits that her daily diet back then was not the healthiest nor the most appropriate for a growing young person.

For breakfast, she would usually have a strip of bacon, eggs, and ham on toast, followed by a chocolate chip muffin. Her lunches typically consisted of a burger, a bag of chips, and a soft drink to wash it down. Her dinners depended on what was prepared at home for that night, but her servings were usually large. This was often followed by ice cream or yoghurt.

After her parents took notice of Cassandra’s unhealthy eating habits, they took her to the hospital to run some tests and prevent her rapid weight gain.

“I got a bunch of blood tests done and found I was insulin resistant,” she said. “I spent a good five years back and forth with doctors, trialling new eating programs and being pulled out of school.”

“But nothing helped because I wasn’t ready to help myself.”

By the time Cassandra entered high school, her weight gain situation had taken a turn for the worse and started to affect her mental and physical health, too.

“I ended up getting depression, and I spent most of my time in high school at the school counsellor’s office,” she recalled. “I was tired of being told what to do and how I should eat. I just wanted to be a kid and live freely.”

“I just kept gaining weight and getting more and more unhealthy.”

Cassandra was only fifteen years old when her recorded weight reached a shocking 117 kilograms, being marked as obese for her age. She also remembered suffering from a lot of knee and ankle injuries because of her weight.

“It wasn’t until I sprained my ankle for the fourth time just before my 17th birthday that I decided enough was enough.”

In a strange stroke of luck, Cassandra’s light bulb moment came onto her after watching Christina Aguilera’s musical film ‘Burlesque’. The young girl remembered her dreams of wanting to be like the singer when she grew up.

And at this point, she finally realised that her body was hindering her from achieving her goals in life.

“I took my life and health into my own hands,” said Cassandra.

“I limped off the lounge and started clearing out all of the ‘junk foods’ I would usually eat. I started by changing the way I ate. I cut down on processed foods, cut down on my carbohydrate intake, but most importantly, cut back on my portions.”

The then sixteen-year-old decided to make drastic changes to her diet and portion sizes.

“After a few weeks of doing this and dropping some weight, I started exercising.”

By the time Cassandra celebrated her 18th birthday, she had already naturally lost an incredible 55 kilograms.


Credit: 7News.

Cassandra currently weighs between 66 to 71 kilos.

“I do still have a lot of loose skin. So while I have lost weight a few times, my body still does carry some of the old version of who I used to be,” she said.

“But I do believe my weight loss journey and everything that happened was something that has led me to where I am today.”

The now 27-year-old has been maintaining her size 10 physique through regular exercise and intermittent fasting - a method where one restricts their meal periods to a certain number of hours per day.

“I stop eating at about 8:30 pm and then eat again at around lunchtime,” she said. “I no longer count any calories or macros, I did spend a large portion of my life doing this, but now I eat intuitively and just stay mindful of portion sizes.”

Cassandra also made it a habit to work out at least twice a week, either with Pilates, weight training, or by simply walking.


Credit: 7News.

Even though Cassandra is in a much better and healthier state of health now, she still remembers how she felt when she was still young and overweight.

“There are times I look back and go: Wow, 13 year-old-me would be proud of where we are right now and what we have done,” she said. “But there are times where I look back and just feel sad about how I felt at that age; I have sad memories of those times.”

Cassandra also shared her biggest advice for those who are in the middle (or looking to start) their weight loss journey: “Do it for yourself and be your number one fan. Celebrate the milestones, set goals and find the right team of people who are going to support you through it!”
Congratulations young lady, you are an inspiration to us all. Well done 👍
Well done to anybody that can lose even a small amount of weight. In the past I have tried just about every diet and exercise programme known to man with little weight gain and no losses! Now I only have to look at food for another kilo goes on.:(
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Well done to anybody that can loose even a small amount of weight. In the past I have tried just about every diet and exercise programme known to man with little weight gain and no losses! Now I only have to look at food for another kilo goes on.:(
Ricci, I know how you feel....I have put up on this site recently how I lost 3 kgs in a month and now lost another one. I was watching Dr Mosely on the ad on tv where he said your body runs on two thing......sugar and fat. If your body does not have the sugar to fuel your body it burns the fat....just so logical lol. Anyway I decided before Xmas to cut out eating lollies, chocolates, biscuits. I do have the very occasional slice of cake. I also gave up toast of a morning and have cruskets with avocado,ricotta cheese with vegemite or small tomatoes. I just vary. I am more conscious of what I eat but apart from that I eat whatever hubby eats and I always have a glass of wine before dinner and drinks lots of water throughout the day. I am not dieting as far as I am concerned. Please dont give up on yourself :). Iforgot to say my clothes are fitting so much better and things I could not get into I now can.
Ricci, I know how you feel....I have put up on this site recently how I lost 3 kgs in a month and now lost another one. I was watching Dr Mosely on the ad on tv where he said your body runs on two thing......sugar and fat. If your body does not have the sugar to fuel your body it burns the fat....just so logical lol. Anyway I decided before Xmas to cut out eating lollies, chocolates, biscuits. I do have the very occasional slice of cake. I also gave up toast of a morning and have cruskets with avocado,ricotta cheese with vegemite or small tomatoes. I just vary. I am more conscious of what I eat but apart from that I eat whatever hubby eats and I always have a glass of wine before dinner and drinks lots of water throughout the day. I am not dieting as far as I am concerned. Please dont give up on yourself :). Iforgot to say my clothes are fitting so much better and things I could not get into I now can.
I understand all the science behind it but I don't have lollies, chocolate, biscuits or cake in my house as I'm diabetic. I eat small, regular meals and have lately been eating Lite and Easy to ensure the correct amount but all that does is slow the gain. I've decided to like me anyway, no matter what size I am.
congradulations on your weight loss i was a 116 kg i went on lite and easy weny down to 78 kgs i was working then now i'm 94 kgs i don't wan't to get in the 3s number again so i have less food and i'm also diebetic so i have to watch what i eat marg
Congratulations! Taking your life, weight and health in hand is wonderful and not easily done. I was not a thin child but when my fall made me a paraplegic my weight quickly skyrocketed to 126kg. I couldn't exercise like everyone else so it all depended on my food intake. A long time spent on research taught me that thin people have a fast metabolism. The best way, I discovered to speed up your metabolism was to eat a fairly small amount often. I have lost 56kgs by reducing all my portions to bread and butter plate size but I eat 6 times a day. Of course I've given up sugar and processed foods but I don't starve myself or cut out things I like. I never feel hungry. People are often astounded at how much food I consume in a day but still lose 1 - 2 kgs a week. I have a glass of wine a couple of days a week. I still eat chocolate for a treat and I often go out with friends for meals. Obviously I don't go to the gym or do cardio. I just eat a little, often.
Everyone is individual in dietary needs so have to find what works for you. Also love your self while maintaining good health, daily exercises, even in small doses, and reduce portions of meals. Females only need a third of what men need (unless you are a fitness fanatic or labourer and need more energy foods). Unfortunately and sadly, we are saturated in junk and take away food options in this country. In Singapore, their hawker style take away foods are so much healthier and fresh so you hardly see obesity like it is here. We are a 'fat' nation and we need to stop denying it and ignoring that most of us are
fat!!! Apparently fat people get offended if told they are fat!!!! Suck it up and do something about it instead.
Well done to anybody that can loose even a small amount of weight. In the past I have tried just about every diet and exercise programme known to man with little weight gain and no losses! Now I only have to look at food for another kilo goes on.:(
annoying! lose not loose
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Well done... and very sensible to get the weight off now, your skin is not stretched or sagging as some people are left with, when the weight's been on for years and years
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