Seniors Discount Club Petitions!

Hello dear Members!

I hope you're all well :)

As most of you know, the Seniors Discount Club is a growing online community for all Australians over the age of 60. We have been around for three years now and feel incredibly lucky to say we now have over 320,000 members!

With our online community growing, and with each and every one of you sharing some of your day-to-day struggles, we have decided to launch a few petitions. We believe with the number of members we have, there is potential for us, as a community, to hopefully inspire some change. We have just four petitions live at the moment, and we'd be more than happy to launch some more if there are any more topics you as a community feel passionate about. If you're interested in seeing the petitions we have live currently, you can see them below:

  • Stop the transition to all self-serve checkouts: We think this one speaks for itself! For many of our members, their local supermarkets are quickly transitioning to fully self-served. We believe this is not only causing job losses, but makes the weekly shopping so much more challenging for Australians over 60... Not to mention, how fiddly and frustrating they can be to use! We are petitioning to keep traditional checkouts in our stores.
  • Strengthen Aged Care Support, Funding, and Transparency: Sadly, I think I speak on behalf of most of our members when I say the current state of aged care in Australia is extremely concerning. We are petitioning to improve the quality of aged care provided to Australian seniors in facilities across the nation. At the end of the day, our population is ageing and if we continue to turn a blind eye to aged care support, Australians are in for a frightening future.
  • Increase the Australian Aged Pension for a Better, Fairer Future: We hear every single day Australian news outlets discuss how Aussies are struggling with the current cost-of-living... But how about our pensioners trying to put food on their table, keep their lights and heating on, and pay for their medicine? The cost-of-living crisis is hitting Australian pensioners the hardest, and there is not enough being done about it.
  • Protect the Right to Use Cash and Ensure Financial Inclusivity: Where do I begin?! Without cash, so many Australians suffer. Not every Australian has access to digital payment methods and banking and removing cash, and bank branches is making anything to do with money so much more challenging for Australian seniors. Cash should be kept alive for all Australians.
We know these four topics are just scraping the surface so if there is anything else you'd like us to put a petition together for, please let us know in the comments below.

As with all petitions, the more signatures we get on these, the louder we become! So please share this with all of your family and friends, whether they are a member of the Seniors Discount Club or not! The number of supporters in the top right corner of each petition will be manually updated by our team as often as we can, but our goal is to get 100,000 signatures on every petition!

I cannot thank you all enough for your ongoing support of us and our community. We appreciate each and every one of you!

Sign our petitions! Image source: Shutterstock.

Have a great day!
Maddie :)
Im not sure how to launch a petition but my grief is with the "invasion" of new people coming to live in Australia!
I know there are political rumblings at the moment about the number of immigrants coming to Australia at present, but support from this group would (maybe) help the politicians decide to physically do something about it!
My point is mainly aimed at the housing crisis but ultimately includes the lack of infrastructure to enable such massive immigrant intake!?
I think the housing crisis and the lack of planning and implementation of infrastructure you mentioned are important issues that warrant the efforts of putting together a petition.

Reducing the immigration levels won't do much at all to for the housing crisis, except for the very, very short term. The politically popular thing to do is jump on the immigration wagon and fool people into thinking this will help. But it does not help in a sustainable way.

The same applies to infrastructure. The boffins in charge of the $ budgets mostly sit in a room somewhere and have nfi what people are saying or needing. Some State and LGA's simply just don't allow enough in spending for new development areas. 15 kms away from me there are houses popping up like toadstools, but little in the way of supporting infrastructures. Only Bunnings had the smarts to whack up a big store there before the houses started popping. But nothing was done to support nearby towns struggling with local road infrastructure meant for a much less busier time.

I'd better stop there before I get into the facts of why the housing crisis exists, because it certainly isn't popular.
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Thanks so much for setting this petition up,,,I refuse to do a whole shop on those things,,I have done a couple of things but that is my limit,,,I seriously dislike them ,,filled all 4 in
Yes agree 100% to all of these items
1. Ditch self serve checkouts or at very least give us plenty of options for service at checkouts everywhere!

2. Aged care: yes more $ need to be thrown at this A lot more needs to be done! Out Aged Care System is a disgrace with PCAs & nurses/employees grossly underpaid for what they do & the dedication to.our loved ones!

Yes Increase Aged Pension Payments (& follow/adjust for inflation)! Also LOWER THE AGE TO RECEIVE THE OAP, NOT INCREASE IT (ESP FOR MANUAL LABOUR EMPLOYEES)!!

4. Cash 100% needs to always be a choice/option! Do not remove this option! Keep bank branches accountable for closing in country areas- enforce mandatory NON CLOSURE for these brances

Thanksfor asking! Doubt the pollies will pay attention/listen but something needs to be done on all fronts & we all should be voting with our feet!!!
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Go back to the message. Tap on the name of petition that is at the top of each topic. That will open the link to each. You have to go back and link into each one individually.
Oh they make it bloody hard don't they! I best keep looking/trying - not having much luck tho
Thanks SDC, all worthy subjects and hopefully they will be successful. I have signed all 4 and now sit back with abated breath to wait for the outcomes. Good luck.
I still cant find petitions, spent yonks searching without success :(
Go back to the message. Tap on the name of petition that is at the top of each topic. That will open the link to each. You have to go back and link into each one individually.
So tricky to find this! They obviously hoping people wont bother it would seem!
Hi Maddie,
Great work, you guys..
I have another campaign, for you to consider.. Pay rises for Nurses, Police and Firefighters… it’s a big deal, here in Victoria.. Hope you can give it consideration..
call me stupid but I don't know how to do the signatures. Do you need a mobile phone? I WANT TO SIGN ALL PLEASE.
You don’t need to do signatures. Just tap on each highlighted blue title, for instance ‘Stop the transition to all self serve checkouts’ then scroll down to fill out your details.
Thanks for taking the initiative on these critical issues. Of most concern to me is the cashless society. Apart from impacting the homeless, elderly, children, markets, etc., the increased vulnerability to outages (power, internet) poses crippling effects. Not to mention the potential for increased control over one’s money
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Is this only for discount members, can't seem to access this petition

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Seniors Discount Club

The SDC searches for the best deals, discounts, and bargains for Aussies over 60. From everyday expenses like groceries and eating out, to electronics, fashion and travel, the club is all about helping you make your money go further.
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