Senator's grocery shopping complaint prompts outrage on social media

Australian Senator Ralph 'Deej' Babet, a member of the United Australia Party, stirred up public anger this week by posting a picture of his grocery bill on social media.

Mr Babet was elected to represent Victoria in the Australian Senate in the 2022 federal election, starting his six-year term on July 1, 2022.

Recently, he shared a photo of his Coles supermarket receipt, which amounted to $102.35 for 15 items.

So, what caused the social media outrage, you may wonder? If you think it was what he got considering what he spent, it isn’t.

Well, it turns out that he took the picture while seated in his luxurious Mercedes-Benz C-Class coupe, which is valued at approximately $100,000.

'I just went and picked up a few things from the shops. I filled up just one bag,' wrote the politician.

'They weren't kidding when they said it won't be easy under Albanese. Granted, Labor can't take all the blame. The Liberals were almost as bad.'

He added: 'The thing is, all this can be fixed very quickly if they stop making bad decisions and adopt an Australia-first attitude.'

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A senator has been blasted on social media for complaining about the cost of his shopping while sitting in his luxury car. Credit: Instagram/SenatorBabet.

The receipt contained relatively items like diced salmon, mangoes, free-range eggs and broccolini—hardly typical purchases for the average Australian facing today's cost of living crisis.

The senator, who earns a parliamentary salary exceeding $225,750 annually, is reportedly supported by a wealthy mining billionaire and owns a real estate company in the southeastern part of Melbourne.

Needless to say, his recent social media post did not sit well with some eagle-eyed and sharp-tongued Aussies.

Some comments on the post expressed frustration, highlighting the challenges of making ends meet with an average income.

'On the average salary, people have to get generic brands and can't afford diced salmon. Inflation bites, especially when you can't afford it—but you clearly can,' one user wrote.

Another commenter sarcastically remarked that it was easy for someone earning over $200,000 to complain about the cost of groceries.

Meanwhile, others criticised the senator for his apparent insensitivity to the financial struggles of everyday Australians. 'Go away and come back when you understand how the rest of us live,' they said.

In a recent statement to a news outlet, Mr Babet expressed his concerns about the Australian way of life, arguing that its biggest threats are related to housing and the cost of living.

He also made a point to address the affordability of everyday expenses—even saying that shopping at Coles should not be considered 'extravagant'.

In a somewhat pointed remark, he questioned whether the Prime Minister truly understands the severity of the cost-of-living crisis, suggesting that if he personally handled 'his own shopping', he might have a more accurate perspective.

Key Takeaways

  • United Australia Party Senator Ralph 'Deej' Babet has faced backlash on social media for his comments about grocery shopping costs.
  • Senator Babet posted a picture of a grocery receipt with the Mercedes-Benz logo in his luxury car and comments about the high grocery prices under the current leadership.
  • Many on social media criticised the senator for his post, stating that he does not understand the struggles of average-income earners due to his high income.

Members, what are your thoughts on this? Was the social media post as 'insensitive' as others say? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
Australian Senator Ralph 'Deej' Babet, a member of the United Australia Party, stirred up public anger this week by posting a picture of his grocery bill on social media.

Mr Babet was elected to represent Victoria in the Australian Senate in the 2022 federal election, starting his six-year term on July 1, 2022.

Recently, he shared a photo of his Coles supermarket receipt, which amounted to $102.35 for 15 items.

So, what caused the social media outrage, you may wonder? If you think it was what he got considering what he spent, it isn’t.

Well, it turns out that he took the picture while seated in his luxurious Mercedes-Benz C-Class coupe, which is valued at approximately $100,000.

'I just went and picked up a few things from the shops. I filled up just one bag,' wrote the politician.

'They weren't kidding when they said it won't be easy under Albanese. Granted, Labor can't take all the blame. The Liberals were almost as bad.'

He added: 'The thing is, all this can be fixed very quickly if they stop making bad decisions and adopt an Australia-first attitude.'

View attachment 32905
A senator has been blasted on social media for complaining about the cost of his shopping while sitting in his luxury car. Credit: Instagram/SenatorBabet.

The receipt contained relatively items like diced salmon, mangoes, free-range eggs and broccolini—hardly typical purchases for the average Australian facing today's cost of living crisis.

The senator, who earns a parliamentary salary exceeding $225,750 annually, is reportedly supported by a wealthy mining billionaire and owns a real estate company in the southeastern part of Melbourne.

Needless to say, his recent social media post did not sit well with some eagle-eyed and sharp-tongued Aussies.

Some comments on the post expressed frustration, highlighting the challenges of making ends meet with an average income.

'On the average salary, people have to get generic brands and can't afford diced salmon. Inflation bites, especially when you can't afford it—but you clearly can,' one user wrote.

Another commenter sarcastically remarked that it was easy for someone earning over $200,000 to complain about the cost of groceries.

Meanwhile, others criticised the senator for his apparent insensitivity to the financial struggles of everyday Australians. 'Go away and come back when you understand how the rest of us live,' they said.

In a recent statement to a news outlet, Mr Babet expressed his concerns about the Australian way of life, arguing that its biggest threats are related to housing and the cost of living.

He also made a point to address the affordability of everyday expenses—even saying that shopping at Coles should not be considered 'extravagant'.

In a somewhat pointed remark, he questioned whether the Prime Minister truly understands the severity of the cost-of-living crisis, suggesting that if he personally handled 'his own shopping', he might have a more accurate perspective.

Key Takeaways

  • United Australia Party Senator Ralph 'Deej' Babet has faced backlash on social media for his comments about grocery shopping costs.
  • Senator Babet posted a picture of a grocery receipt with the Mercedes-Benz logo in his luxury car and comments about the high grocery prices under the current leadership.
  • Many on social media criticised the senator for his post, stating that he does not understand the struggles of average-income earners due to his high income.

Members, what are your thoughts on this? Was the social media post as 'insensitive' as others say? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
Just another Dick with his nose in the taxpayer funded superannuation scheme 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
I don’t totally agree with the comments. Senator Babet earns a good salary, as does every other a Senator. Maybe he doesn’t have as big a family as some. I am a single disabled pensioner and I don’t begrudge him his salary or the fact that he can buy smoked salmon. After all I can sometimes splurge on it too. I wonder if some of these complaints are from members of other parties? I check out YouTube everyday and have occasionally come across Senator Babet’s speeches. They are often very interesting and it is shocking that the senate always seems to be empty when he speaks. This goes for other disliked or Independent Senators as well. Pauline Hanson comes to mind. And, who doesn’t buy broccolini? What’s so fancy about that? The fact that he drives a Mercedes is nothing. He works for it so stop complaining.
Australian Senator Ralph 'Deej' Babet, a member of the United Australia Party, stirred up public anger this week by posting a picture of his grocery bill on social media.

Mr Babet was elected to represent Victoria in the Australian Senate in the 2022 federal election, starting his six-year term on July 1, 2022.

Recently, he shared a photo of his Coles supermarket receipt, which amounted to $102.35 for 15 items.

So, what caused the social media outrage, you may wonder? If you think it was what he got considering what he spent, it isn’t.

Well, it turns out that he took the picture while seated in his luxurious Mercedes-Benz C-Class coupe, which is valued at approximately $100,000.

'I just went and picked up a few things from the shops. I filled up just one bag,' wrote the politician.

'They weren't kidding when they said it won't be easy under Albanese. Granted, Labor can't take all the blame. The Liberals were almost as bad.'

He added: 'The thing is, all this can be fixed very quickly if they stop making bad decisions and adopt an Australia-first attitude.'

View attachment 32905
A senator has been blasted on social media for complaining about the cost of his shopping while sitting in his luxury car. Credit: Instagram/SenatorBabet.

The receipt contained relatively items like diced salmon, mangoes, free-range eggs and broccolini—hardly typical purchases for the average Australian facing today's cost of living crisis.

The senator, who earns a parliamentary salary exceeding $225,750 annually, is reportedly supported by a wealthy mining billionaire and owns a real estate company in the southeastern part of Melbourne.

Needless to say, his recent social media post did not sit well with some eagle-eyed and sharp-tongued Aussies.

Some comments on the post expressed frustration, highlighting the challenges of making ends meet with an average income.

'On the average salary, people have to get generic brands and can't afford diced salmon. Inflation bites, especially when you can't afford it—but you clearly can,' one user wrote.

Another commenter sarcastically remarked that it was easy for someone earning over $200,000 to complain about the cost of groceries.

Meanwhile, others criticised the senator for his apparent insensitivity to the financial struggles of everyday Australians. 'Go away and come back when you understand how the rest of us live,' they said.

In a recent statement to a news outlet, Mr Babet expressed his concerns about the Australian way of life, arguing that its biggest threats are related to housing and the cost of living.

He also made a point to address the affordability of everyday expenses—even saying that shopping at Coles should not be considered 'extravagant'.

In a somewhat pointed remark, he questioned whether the Prime Minister truly understands the severity of the cost-of-living crisis, suggesting that if he personally handled 'his own shopping', he might have a more accurate perspective.

Key Takeaways

  • United Australia Party Senator Ralph 'Deej' Babet has faced backlash on social media for his comments about grocery shopping costs.
  • Senator Babet posted a picture of a grocery receipt with the Mercedes-Benz logo in his luxury car and comments about the high grocery prices under the current leadership.
  • Many on social media criticised the senator for his post, stating that he does not understand the struggles of average-income earners due to his high income.

Members, what are your thoughts on this? Was the social media post as 'insensitive' as others say? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
I don’t totally agree with the comments. Senator Babet earns a good salary, as does every other a Senator. Maybe he doesn’t have as big a family as some. I am a single disabled pensioner and I don’t begrudge him his salary or the fact that he can buy smoked salmon. After all I can sometimes splurge on it too. I wonder if some of these complaints are from members of other parties? I check out YouTube everyday and have occasionally come across Senator Babet’s speeches. They are often very interesting and it is shocking that the senate always seems to be empty when he speaks. This goes for other disliked or Independent Senators as well. Pauline Hanson comes to mind. And, who doesn’t buy broccolini? What’s so fancy about that? The fact that he drives a Mercedes is nothing. He works for it so stop complaining.
And his boss is Clive Palmer. What does that tell you? Wealthy, entitled, self serving but hey - “interesting speeches”? Is this a gee-up? Surely you can’t be serious!
Australian Senator Ralph 'Deej' Babet, a member of the United Australia Party, stirred up public anger this week by posting a picture of his grocery bill on social media.

Mr Babet was elected to represent Victoria in the Australian Senate in the 2022 federal election, starting his six-year term on July 1, 2022.

Recently, he shared a photo of his Coles supermarket receipt, which amounted to $102.35 for 15 items.

So, what caused the social media outrage, you may wonder? If you think it was what he got considering what he spent, it isn’t.

Well, it turns out that he took the picture while seated in his luxurious Mercedes-Benz C-Class coupe, which is valued at approximately $100,000.

'I just went and picked up a few things from the shops. I filled up just one bag,' wrote the politician.

'They weren't kidding when they said it won't be easy under Albanese. Granted, Labor can't take all the blame. The Liberals were almost as bad.'

He added: 'The thing is, all this can be fixed very quickly if they stop making bad decisions and adopt an Australia-first attitude.'

View attachment 32905
A senator has been blasted on social media for complaining about the cost of his shopping while sitting in his luxury car. Credit: Instagram/SenatorBabet.

The receipt contained relatively items like diced salmon, mangoes, free-range eggs and broccolini—hardly typical purchases for the average Australian facing today's cost of living crisis.

The senator, who earns a parliamentary salary exceeding $225,750 annually, is reportedly supported by a wealthy mining billionaire and owns a real estate company in the southeastern part of Melbourne.

Needless to say, his recent social media post did not sit well with some eagle-eyed and sharp-tongued Aussies.

Some comments on the post expressed frustration, highlighting the challenges of making ends meet with an average income.

'On the average salary, people have to get generic brands and can't afford diced salmon. Inflation bites, especially when you can't afford it—but you clearly can,' one user wrote.

Another commenter sarcastically remarked that it was easy for someone earning over $200,000 to complain about the cost of groceries.

Meanwhile, others criticised the senator for his apparent insensitivity to the financial struggles of everyday Australians. 'Go away and come back when you understand how the rest of us live,' they said.

In a recent statement to a news outlet, Mr Babet expressed his concerns about the Australian way of life, arguing that its biggest threats are related to housing and the cost of living.

He also made a point to address the affordability of everyday expenses—even saying that shopping at Coles should not be considered 'extravagant'.

In a somewhat pointed remark, he questioned whether the Prime Minister truly understands the severity of the cost-of-living crisis, suggesting that if he personally handled 'his own shopping', he might have a more accurate perspective.

Key Takeaways

  • United Australia Party Senator Ralph 'Deej' Babet has faced backlash on social media for his comments about grocery shopping costs.
  • Senator Babet posted a picture of a grocery receipt with the Mercedes-Benz logo in his luxury car and comments about the high grocery prices under the current leadership.
  • Many on social media criticised the senator for his post, stating that he does not understand the struggles of average-income earners due to his high income.

Members, what are your thoughts on this? Was the social media post as 'insensitive' as others say? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
I think if you leave political inuendo out and address the problem where it is, and it lays the blame clearly at the feet of the greedy multi nationals monopoly on oil and companies send their profits overseas.
I don’t totally agree with the comments. Senator Babet earns a good salary, as does every other a Senator. Maybe he doesn’t have as big a family as some. I am a single disabled pensioner and I don’t begrudge him his salary or the fact that he can buy smoked salmon. After all I can sometimes splurge on it too. I wonder if some of these complaints are from members of other parties? I check out YouTube everyday and have occasionally come across Senator Babet’s speeches. They are often very interesting and it is shocking that the senate always seems to be empty when he speaks. This goes for other disliked or Independent Senators as well. Pauline Hanson comes to mind. And, who doesn’t buy broccolini? What’s so fancy about that? The fact that he drives a Mercedes is nothing. He works for it so stop complaining.
I don’t buy broccolini as it’s overpriced compared to good old fashioned broccoli.🙀
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I don’t totally agree with the comments. Senator Babet earns a good salary, as does every other a Senator. Maybe he doesn’t have as big a family as some. I am a single disabled pensioner and I don’t begrudge him his salary or the fact that he can buy smoked salmon. After all I can sometimes splurge on it too. I wonder if some of these complaints are from members of other parties? I check out YouTube everyday and have occasionally come across Senator Babet’s speeches. They are often very interesting and it is shocking that the senate always seems to be empty when he speaks. This goes for other disliked or Independent Senators as well. Pauline Hanson comes to mind. And, who doesn’t buy broccolini? What’s so fancy about that? The fact that he drives a Mercedes is nothing. He works for it so stop complaining.
Disabled pensioner who can afford a 100gm pkt of smoked salmon for $10.00 wow🙀you are doing well aren’t you.😈
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I don’t totally agree with the comments. Senator Babet earns a good salary, as does every other a Senator. Maybe he doesn’t have as big a family as some. I am a single disabled pensioner and I don’t begrudge him his salary or the fact that he can buy smoked salmon. After all I can sometimes splurge on it too. I wonder if some of these complaints are from members of other parties? I check out YouTube everyday and have occasionally come across Senator Babet’s speeches. They are often very interesting and it is shocking that the senate always seems to be empty when he speaks. This goes for other disliked or Independent Senators as well. Pauline Hanson comes to mind. And, who doesn’t buy broccolini? What’s so fancy about that? The fact that he drives a Mercedes is nothing. He works for it so stop complaining.
I buy free range eggs/ broccolini/ no salmon because I don’t like it
I don’t totally agree with the comments. Senator Babet earns a good salary, as does every other a Senator. Maybe he doesn’t have as big a family as some. I am a single disabled pensioner and I don’t begrudge him his salary or the fact that he can buy smoked salmon. After all I can sometimes splurge on it too. I wonder if some of these complaints are from members of other parties? I check out YouTube everyday and have occasionally come across Senator Babet’s speeches. They are often very interesting and it is shocking that the senate always seems to be empty when he speaks. This goes for other disliked or Independent Senators as well. Pauline Hanson comes to mind. And, who doesn’t buy broccolini? What’s so fancy about that? The fact that he drives a Mercedes is nothing. He works for it so stop complaining.
I buy similar products and I’m a pensioner- I don’t have the Merc and I don’t eat salmon because I don’t like it- but it’s a pretty standard shop for a healthy diet. I shop at places where Free range eggs are cheaper.
I guess we all get to choose how we spend what money we have right!
I think if you leave political inuendo out and address the problem where it is, and it lays the blame clearly at the feet of the greedy multi nationals monopoly on oil and companies send their profits overseas.
Do they really, or is it one of those myths that people like spreading?🤔

What companies can you name that actually do that?
No Wurries. The poor are equally financial nincompoops ! I saw a tradie with 4 kids, all drinking a coffee, - buying shaved ham at the deli at $26- a kilo !
In actual fact I am far from a financial nincompoop! I use a spreadsheet for my cashflow/budget and always know to the cent how much money I have in the bank. Since I don’t drink, smoke, take drugs or gamble I always have money to buy special thing! Ex accountant here.
Anyway we’re allowed to complain it’s what we do😈😈
I don’t buy broccolini as it’s overpriced compared to good old fashioned broccoli.🙀
Broccolini has slightly more phosphorus, manganese and calcium than broccoli – all vital for bone health. But it really wins out in the vitamin A stakes, providing almost four times more than broccoli.
Broccolini is high in lutein and zeaxanthin, which are two of the most important nutrients for your eyes because they help to prevent retinal oxidation and age-related degeneration.

Besides all that I do love the taste and texture of of the broccollini.
In actual fact I am far from a financial nincompoop! I use a spreadsheet for my cashflow/budget and always know to the cent how much money I have in the bank. Since I don’t drink, smoke, take drugs or gamble I always have money to buy special thing! Ex accountant here.
So you are boring then? Just kidding!!
In actual fact I am far from a financial nincompoop! I use a spreadsheet for my cashflow/budget and always know to the cent how much money I have in the bank. Since I don’t drink, smoke, take drugs or gamble I always have money to buy special thing! Ex accountant here.
We look forward to your accountant experience.
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