Question 1: In legal terms, what does "habeas corpus" refer to?
Question 2: Why did Socrates claim that "The unexamined life is not worth living"?
Socrates, one of the founders of Western philosophy, believed that self-examination, questioning one's beliefs, and striving for wisdom were crucial to living a fulfilling life. His statement emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and reflective living.
Question 3: What is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust?
Oxygen constitutes about 46.6% of the Earth's crust by weight. It is a major component of most rocks and minerals, forming compounds with elements such as silicon and aluminum. Silicon is the second most abundant element in the crust, followed by aluminum and iron.
Question 4: In which year did the musical 'The Sound of Music' premiere on Broadway?
The Sound of Music' premiered on November 16, 1959, at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre in New York City. The musical is based on the Von Trapp Family story and features music by Richard Rodgers and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II.
Question 5: If a person said it's raining cats and dogs, what are they trying to convey?
The phrase "raining cats and dogs" is an English idiom used to describe heavy, torrential rain. Though its origins are unknown, it became popular in the 17th century.
Question 6: Why is Venus hotter than Mercury despite being farther from the Sun?
Venus' thick atmosphere, composed mainly of carbon dioxide, creates a powerful greenhouse effect that traps heat from the Sun, resulting in surface temperatures higher than those on Mercury despite being nearly twice as far from the Sun.
Question 7: In Native American folklore, what is the name of the trickster figure who uses cunning and intelligence to get what he wants?
Coyote is found in several Native American cultures as a mischievous creature who uses his cleverness and craftiness to his advantage in order to obtain food, tools, and other resources.
Question 8: What was the primary strategic goal of the D-Day invasion during World War II?
The D-Day invasion, also known as Operation Overlord, was launched on June 6, 1944, and involved a massive amphibious assault on the beaches of Normandy, France. Its main goal was to establish a strong foothold in Western Europe and to begin the push towards Germany to relieve pressure on Soviet forces in the east and ultimately bring down the Nazi regime.
Question 9: In the sitcom "Friends," what is the name of Joey's stuffed penguin?
Hugsy is a stuffed penguin that Joey is very attached to. It was given to him by his father when he was a child. In one episode, he even goes on a date with his girlfriend and brings Hugsy along.
Question 10: Where is the Mona Lisa displayed?
The Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, is one of the most famous artworks in the world. This iconic painting has been displayed in the Louvre Museum since 1797 and attracts millions of visitors each year.
Habeas corpus is a fundamental legal principle that allows individuals to challenge their detention if they believe it is unlawful. It is a safeguard against arbitrary imprisonment by the state.