Question 1: - no where, can I find, that you slurp the tea audibly, this is from the "By Food - Japanese Tea Ceremony"
The host will present the tea bowl to each of the guests in turn. When you receive the bowl of tea, the “front” of the bowl will be facing you. You should pick up the bowl with your right hand and place it in your left palm. When the tea is served to you, bow once and raise the tea bowl to the host.
Rotate the bowl clockwise so the “front” of the bowl is not facing you anymore. Take a sip and compliment the host on the tea. After taking a few sips, wipe the rim of the bowl. Make sure the front of the bowl is facing the host when you return it, and then bow to express your gratitude.
And this seems to be the common theme every time I searched for Japanese Tea Ceremony. Also quietness seems to be one of the prevailing themes - slurping, to me, seems to be a very disrespectful act.