Scam alert: Pensioner falls victim to simple, innocent text from her ‘daughter’

Picture this: You're scrolling through your phone, and suddenly, you receive a message from your daughter. Your heart skips a beat as you read the urgent message, begging for financial help.

Without a second thought, you rush to transfer the money, only to find out later that it was all a heartless scam. Unfortunately, this scenario is becoming all too common with the rise of 'Hi Mum' (phishing) scams.

These fraudulent schemes are designed to exploit the most vulnerable part of our lives - our families. You would never expect your own flesh and blood to deceive you, which is what makes these scams so devastating.

You might recall the recent story we shared about a mother from Victoria, who fell victim to these fraudsters and lost an astounding $11,000. Can you imagine the devastation she felt when she realised that the message she had received on WhatsApp, supposedly from her daughter, was a hoax?

The scammer posed as her daughter, using a new phone number and convinced her mother to transfer money, all under the guise of a desperate plea for help.

Now, we're sad to report that another victim has fallen prey to this same tactic.

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What seemed like a harmless request, turned out to be a callous text scam that cost a pensioner her entire life savings. Credit: Unsplash/Adem AY.

Imagine receiving a text message from your child, only to find out that it's actually a cunning scammer preying on your vulnerability. This nightmare became a reality for Donna Jaeger, a 66-year-old pensioner from Newcastle who lost her entire life savings to a heartless criminal.

The text message seemed innocuous enough at first. Donna's daughter claimed that she had dropped her phone in the toilet and needed to use a different number.

The message then took a sinister turn when her 'daughter' requested that Donna pay a bill for her, as she was unable to access her banking.

‘Why do you need to pay someone that much money?’ Donna asked the texter, to which they replied: ‘I’ll call you and explain it all later on.’

‘Now you have me worried,’ she said, and the person assured her, saying: ‘No need to be worried.’

Trusting her daughter and wanting to be helpful, Donna transferred the requested funds.

As their text exchange continued, the scammer gradually increased their demands, eventually asking for a payment of $1,900, followed by an additional $6,300. Despite feeling a bit uneasy, Donna trusted her 'daughter' and made an initial payment of $960, due to bank limits.

It was only after her savings account had been completely drained that the truth was revealed – she had been scammed. The person texting her was not her daughter, but rather a cruel scammer who saw an opportunity to deceive an unsuspecting victim.

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'Hi Mum' scams have become an increasingly common tactic used by scammers to deceive unsuspecting victims. Credit: Unsplash/freestocks.

The devastating consequences of this scam became painfully clear to Donna the next day when she spoke to her real daughter. She realised that she had been deceived by a heartless criminal who had taken advantage of her trust and willingness to help her family.

Can you imagine the sheer devastation that Donna must have felt upon discovering the truth? Her hard-earned savings, accumulated over a lifetime, were now gone, lost to a heartless criminal who had deceived her under the guise of a loved one.

According to Scamwatch, more than 1,200 reports of these scams were received between January and February of this year alone, costing Australians over $600,000. It's a staggering figure that highlights the devastating impact that these scams can have on individuals and their families.

Professor Vijay Varadharajan, a Cyber Strategist at the University of Newcastle, has noted that incidents like this have become more prevalent over the last 18 months.

He points out that scammers are becoming more sophisticated, using personal information to create a context that makes their messages seem more genuine.

'The interesting thing about these scams nowadays is the context, somehow, they know your context,' says the expert.

How to identify a possible phishing scam.jpg

It's important to remember that scams can happen to anyone, regardless of age or background. That's why it's crucial to stay informed and educate ourselves and our loved ones about these types of scams.

One key tip to avoid falling victim to 'Hi Mum' scams or other similar frauds is to always verify the identity of the person making the request. If you receive a message asking for money, call the person directly or check with other family members to confirm the request is genuine.

Another important step is to never give out personal information or banking details to someone you don't know or trust. Scammers will often use this information to steal your identity or access your accounts.

By being cautious and staying informed, we can all play a role in preventing these heartless criminals from succeeding.

Key Takeaways

  • A pensioner from Newcastle lost her entire savings after receiving a text from an unknown number claiming to be her daughter.
  • The scammer asked Donna Jaeger to make a payment on her behalf, as her daughter supposedly couldn't access her bank account.
  • Scamwatch has received more than 1,200 reports of similar scams during January and February this year, costing Australians over $600,000.
  • The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission are urging people to contact known numbers and report suspicious incidents to protect themselves.

Remember, if you ever suspect you've fallen victim to a scam, don't hesitate to contact your bank or report the incident to the authorities. Together, we can help put a stop to these malicious schemes and protect ourselves and our communities.

And for the latest information on scams and frauds, make sure to check out the Scam Watch forum on the SDC website. Stay safe and stay vigilant, everyone!
Before I would hand over any money I would call the relative or friend on the number I had stored for them. I have a mate who was sent a text from Optus about upgrading his plan to a plan that sounded way too good to be true. He even got a phone call from a very well mannered person. He said he would think about it, he will be going to an Optus shop on Monday to find out if it is genuine. I have been with Optus since 1998 and have never had anyone from the company ring me or text me, I only talk to an Optus person if I ring them.
Before I would hand over any money I would call the relative or friend on the number I had stored for them. I have a mate who was sent a text from Optus about upgrading his plan to a plan that sounded way too good to be true. He even got a phone call from a very well mannered person. He said he would think about it, he will be going to an Optus shop on Monday to find out if it is genuine. I have been with Optus since 1998 and have never had anyone from the company ring me or text me, I only talk to an Optus person if I ring them.
I also received an Optus text last's a new one...
I had the same scam had $ 3500 out of my account,claiming to be my daughter wanting a loan to tide her over.
They are very convincing, they did this through Watsapp, I cancelled my account.
Be careful everyone,they are hard to trace.
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Picture this: You're scrolling through your phone, and suddenly, you receive a message from your daughter. Your heart skips a beat as you read the urgent message, begging for financial help.

Without a second thought, you rush to transfer the money, only to find out later that it was all a heartless scam. Unfortunately, this scenario is becoming all too common with the rise of 'Hi Mum' (phishing) scams.

These fraudulent schemes are designed to exploit the most vulnerable part of our lives - our families. You would never expect your own flesh and blood to deceive you, which is what makes these scams so devastating.

You might recall the recent story we shared about a mother from Victoria, who fell victim to these fraudsters and lost an astounding $11,000. Can you imagine the devastation she felt when she realised that the message she had received on WhatsApp, supposedly from her daughter, was a hoax?

The scammer posed as her daughter, using a new phone number and convinced her mother to transfer money, all under the guise of a desperate plea for help.

Now, we're sad to report that another victim has fallen prey to this same tactic.

View attachment 16230
What seemed like a harmless request, turned out to be a callous text scam that cost a pensioner her entire life savings. Credit: Unsplash/Adem AY.

Imagine receiving a text message from your child, only to find out that it's actually a cunning scammer preying on your vulnerability. This nightmare became a reality for Donna Jaeger, a 66-year-old pensioner from Newcastle who lost her entire life savings to a heartless criminal.

The text message seemed innocuous enough at first. Donna's daughter claimed that she had dropped her phone in the toilet and needed to use a different number.

The message then took a sinister turn when her 'daughter' requested that Donna pay a bill for her, as she was unable to access her banking.

‘Why do you need to pay someone that much money?’ Donna asked the texter, to which they replied: ‘I’ll call you and explain it all later on.’

‘Now you have me worried,’ she said, and the person assured her, saying: ‘No need to be worried.’

Trusting her daughter and wanting to be helpful, Donna transferred the requested funds.

As their text exchange continued, the scammer gradually increased their demands, eventually asking for a payment of $1,900, followed by an additional $6,300. Despite feeling a bit uneasy, Donna trusted her 'daughter' and made an initial payment of $960, due to bank limits.

It was only after her savings account had been completely drained that the truth was revealed – she had been scammed. The person texting her was not her daughter, but rather a cruel scammer who saw an opportunity to deceive an unsuspecting victim.

View attachment 16231
'Hi Mum' scams have become an increasingly common tactic used by scammers to deceive unsuspecting victims. Credit: Unsplash/freestocks.

The devastating consequences of this scam became painfully clear to Donna the next day when she spoke to her real daughter. She realised that she had been deceived by a heartless criminal who had taken advantage of her trust and willingness to help her family.

Can you imagine the sheer devastation that Donna must have felt upon discovering the truth? Her hard-earned savings, accumulated over a lifetime, were now gone, lost to a heartless criminal who had deceived her under the guise of a loved one.

According to Scamwatch, more than 1,200 reports of these scams were received between January and February of this year alone, costing Australians over $600,000. It's a staggering figure that highlights the devastating impact that these scams can have on individuals and their families.

Professor Vijay Varadharajan, a Cyber Strategist at the University of Newcastle, has noted that incidents like this have become more prevalent over the last 18 months.

He points out that scammers are becoming more sophisticated, using personal information to create a context that makes their messages seem more genuine.

'The interesting thing about these scams nowadays is the context, somehow, they know your context,' says the expert.

It's important to remember that scams can happen to anyone, regardless of age or background. That's why it's crucial to stay informed and educate ourselves and our loved ones about these types of scams.

One key tip to avoid falling victim to 'Hi Mum' scams or other similar frauds is to always verify the identity of the person making the request. If you receive a message asking for money, call the person directly or check with other family members to confirm the request is genuine.

Another important step is to never give out personal information or banking details to someone you don't know or trust. Scammers will often use this information to steal your identity or access your accounts.

By being cautious and staying informed, we can all play a role in preventing these heartless criminals from succeeding.

Key Takeaways

  • A pensioner from Newcastle lost her entire savings after receiving a text from an unknown number claiming to be her daughter.
  • The scammer asked Donna Jaeger to make a payment on her behalf, as her daughter supposedly couldn't access her bank account.
  • Scamwatch has received more than 1,200 reports of similar scams during January and February this year, costing Australians over $600,000.
  • The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission are urging people to contact known numbers and report suspicious incidents to protect themselves.

Remember, if you ever suspect you've fallen victim to a scam, don't hesitate to contact your bank or report the incident to the authorities. Together, we can help put a stop to these malicious schemes and protect ourselves and our communities.

And for the latest information on scams and frauds, make sure to check out the Scam Watch forum on the SDC website. Stay safe and stay vigilant, everyone!
unbelievable. i would need to speak in person first to my daughter. how many times are we warned? obviously not enough.
I received the same text just last week but it was blocked and deleted straight away. About 6 months ago, I had the text where my daughter was supposedly in Woolworths and had the wrong card with her so could I pay!! I don’t answer any calls on my phone if I don’t recognise the number or if it’s a no caller id. If it’s a legit call, they will either call me back or leave a a message.
Picture this: You're scrolling through your phone, and suddenly, you receive a message from your daughter. Your heart skips a beat as you read the urgent message, begging for financial help.

Without a second thought, you rush to transfer the money, only to find out later that it was all a heartless scam. Unfortunately, this scenario is becoming all too common with the rise of 'Hi Mum' (phishing) scams.

These fraudulent schemes are designed to exploit the most vulnerable part of our lives - our families. You would never expect your own flesh and blood to deceive you, which is what makes these scams so devastating.

You might recall the recent story we shared about a mother from Victoria, who fell victim to these fraudsters and lost an astounding $11,000. Can you imagine the devastation she felt when she realised that the message she had received on WhatsApp, supposedly from her daughter, was a hoax?

The scammer posed as her daughter, using a new phone number and convinced her mother to transfer money, all under the guise of a desperate plea for help.

Now, we're sad to report that another victim has fallen prey to this same tactic.

View attachment 16230
What seemed like a harmless request, turned out to be a callous text scam that cost a pensioner her entire life savings. Credit: Unsplash/Adem AY.

Imagine receiving a text message from your child, only to find out that it's actually a cunning scammer preying on your vulnerability. This nightmare became a reality for Donna Jaeger, a 66-year-old pensioner from Newcastle who lost her entire life savings to a heartless criminal.

The text message seemed innocuous enough at first. Donna's daughter claimed that she had dropped her phone in the toilet and needed to use a different number.

The message then took a sinister turn when her 'daughter' requested that Donna pay a bill for her, as she was unable to access her banking.

‘Why do you need to pay someone that much money?’ Donna asked the texter, to which they replied: ‘I’ll call you and explain it all later on.’

‘Now you have me worried,’ she said, and the person assured her, saying: ‘No need to be worried.’

Trusting her daughter and wanting to be helpful, Donna transferred the requested funds.

As their text exchange continued, the scammer gradually increased their demands, eventually asking for a payment of $1,900, followed by an additional $6,300. Despite feeling a bit uneasy, Donna trusted her 'daughter' and made an initial payment of $960, due to bank limits.

It was only after her savings account had been completely drained that the truth was revealed – she had been scammed. The person texting her was not her daughter, but rather a cruel scammer who saw an opportunity to deceive an unsuspecting victim.

View attachment 16231
'Hi Mum' scams have become an increasingly common tactic used by scammers to deceive unsuspecting victims. Credit: Unsplash/freestocks.

The devastating consequences of this scam became painfully clear to Donna the next day when she spoke to her real daughter. She realised that she had been deceived by a heartless criminal who had taken advantage of her trust and willingness to help her family.

Can you imagine the sheer devastation that Donna must have felt upon discovering the truth? Her hard-earned savings, accumulated over a lifetime, were now gone, lost to a heartless criminal who had deceived her under the guise of a loved one.

According to Scamwatch, more than 1,200 reports of these scams were received between January and February of this year alone, costing Australians over $600,000. It's a staggering figure that highlights the devastating impact that these scams can have on individuals and their families.

Professor Vijay Varadharajan, a Cyber Strategist at the University of Newcastle, has noted that incidents like this have become more prevalent over the last 18 months.

He points out that scammers are becoming more sophisticated, using personal information to create a context that makes their messages seem more genuine.

'The interesting thing about these scams nowadays is the context, somehow, they know your context,' says the expert.

It's important to remember that scams can happen to anyone, regardless of age or background. That's why it's crucial to stay informed and educate ourselves and our loved ones about these types of scams.

One key tip to avoid falling victim to 'Hi Mum' scams or other similar frauds is to always verify the identity of the person making the request. If you receive a message asking for money, call the person directly or check with other family members to confirm the request is genuine.

Another important step is to never give out personal information or banking details to someone you don't know or trust. Scammers will often use this information to steal your identity or access your accounts.

By being cautious and staying informed, we can all play a role in preventing these heartless criminals from succeeding.

Key Takeaways

  • A pensioner from Newcastle lost her entire savings after receiving a text from an unknown number claiming to be her daughter.
  • The scammer asked Donna Jaeger to make a payment on her behalf, as her daughter supposedly couldn't access her bank account.
  • Scamwatch has received more than 1,200 reports of similar scams during January and February this year, costing Australians over $600,000.
  • The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission are urging people to contact known numbers and report suspicious incidents to protect themselves.

Remember, if you ever suspect you've fallen victim to a scam, don't hesitate to contact your bank or report the incident to the authorities. Together, we can help put a stop to these malicious schemes and protect ourselves and our communities.

And for the latest information on scams and frauds, make sure to check out the Scam Watch forum on the SDC website. Stay safe and stay vigilant, everyone!
Just received a Hi Mum text at 12noon requesting $600 for shopping at Woolworths supposedly by a child of mine who took their old debit card. Who really spends $600 at Woolworths? Deleted this of course.
Just an extra be careful. yesterday I had an email from my bank addressed to me that told me about being alert with these scammers about. Well I knew this so did nothing about the email. This morning I got to thinking why if it was from my bank did they address it to me when I only have an account with my husband and they not send it to both if us. Obvious scammers so beware everyone and question all emails.
Surely the obvious thing to do is ring your son’s/daughter’s phone number and actually speak to them!
Surely this is plain common sense.
Many years ago, my 2 sons and 4 step daughters were constantly wanting help with bills, etc
One day I thought my parents always said you have your own income and must learn to live within your means .
I rang each one and told them I had a
sad story to tell them about the "gravy train" and that is that it stopped and you all got off.
No requests for help ever since.
I received the same text just last week but it was blocked and deleted straight away. About 6 months ago, I had the text where my daughter was supposedly in Woolworths and had the wrong card with her so could I pay!! I don’t answer any calls on my phone if I don’t recognise the number or if it’s a no caller id. If it’s a legit call, they will either call me back or leave a a message.
I do exactly the same. You are not on my list you will not get answered. Land line same if I don't recognize the number leave a message and I will/may call you back.
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It sounds racist and I do apologies' if it offends anyone, as I do treat all good people equally. However, regarding the issue of scam phone calls. if I hear an Indian, voice on the phone, I say my apologies however you are an Indian, hang up and block them.

I personally wouldn't go on any Somali boat cruises either... just saying.
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Picture this: You're scrolling through your phone, and suddenly, you receive a message from your daughter. Your heart skips a beat as you read the urgent message, begging for financial help.

Without a second thought, you rush to transfer the money, only to find out later that it was all a heartless scam. Unfortunately, this scenario is becoming all too common with the rise of 'Hi Mum' (phishing) scams.

These fraudulent schemes are designed to exploit the most vulnerable part of our lives - our families. You would never expect your own flesh and blood to deceive you, which is what makes these scams so devastating.

You might recall the recent story we shared about a mother from Victoria, who fell victim to these fraudsters and lost an astounding $11,000. Can you imagine the devastation she felt when she realised that the message she had received on WhatsApp, supposedly from her daughter, was a hoax?

The scammer posed as her daughter, using a new phone number and convinced her mother to transfer money, all under the guise of a desperate plea for help.

Now, we're sad to report that another victim has fallen prey to this same tactic.

View attachment 16230
What seemed like a harmless request, turned out to be a callous text scam that cost a pensioner her entire life savings. Credit: Unsplash/Adem AY.

Imagine receiving a text message from your child, only to find out that it's actually a cunning scammer preying on your vulnerability. This nightmare became a reality for Donna Jaeger, a 66-year-old pensioner from Newcastle who lost her entire life savings to a heartless criminal.

The text message seemed innocuous enough at first. Donna's daughter claimed that she had dropped her phone in the toilet and needed to use a different number.

The message then took a sinister turn when her 'daughter' requested that Donna pay a bill for her, as she was unable to access her banking.

‘Why do you need to pay someone that much money?’ Donna asked the texter, to which they replied: ‘I’ll call you and explain it all later on.’

‘Now you have me worried,’ she said, and the person assured her, saying: ‘No need to be worried.’

Trusting her daughter and wanting to be helpful, Donna transferred the requested funds.

As their text exchange continued, the scammer gradually increased their demands, eventually asking for a payment of $1,900, followed by an additional $6,300. Despite feeling a bit uneasy, Donna trusted her 'daughter' and made an initial payment of $960, due to bank limits.

It was only after her savings account had been completely drained that the truth was revealed – she had been scammed. The person texting her was not her daughter, but rather a cruel scammer who saw an opportunity to deceive an unsuspecting victim.

View attachment 16231
'Hi Mum' scams have become an increasingly common tactic used by scammers to deceive unsuspecting victims. Credit: Unsplash/freestocks.

The devastating consequences of this scam became painfully clear to Donna the next day when she spoke to her real daughter. She realised that she had been deceived by a heartless criminal who had taken advantage of her trust and willingness to help her family.

Can you imagine the sheer devastation that Donna must have felt upon discovering the truth? Her hard-earned savings, accumulated over a lifetime, were now gone, lost to a heartless criminal who had deceived her under the guise of a loved one.

According to Scamwatch, more than 1,200 reports of these scams were received between January and February of this year alone, costing Australians over $600,000. It's a staggering figure that highlights the devastating impact that these scams can have on individuals and their families.

Professor Vijay Varadharajan, a Cyber Strategist at the University of Newcastle, has noted that incidents like this have become more prevalent over the last 18 months.

He points out that scammers are becoming more sophisticated, using personal information to create a context that makes their messages seem more genuine.

'The interesting thing about these scams nowadays is the context, somehow, they know your context,' says the expert.

It's important to remember that scams can happen to anyone, regardless of age or background. That's why it's crucial to stay informed and educate ourselves and our loved ones about these types of scams.

One key tip to avoid falling victim to 'Hi Mum' scams or other similar frauds is to always verify the identity of the person making the request. If you receive a message asking for money, call the person directly or check with other family members to confirm the request is genuine.

Another important step is to never give out personal information or banking details to someone you don't know or trust. Scammers will often use this information to steal your identity or access your accounts.

By being cautious and staying informed, we can all play a role in preventing these heartless criminals from succeeding.

Key Takeaways

  • A pensioner from Newcastle lost her entire savings after receiving a text from an unknown number claiming to be her daughter.
  • The scammer asked Donna Jaeger to make a payment on her behalf, as her daughter supposedly couldn't access her bank account.
  • Scamwatch has received more than 1,200 reports of similar scams during January and February this year, costing Australians over $600,000.
  • The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission are urging people to contact known numbers and report suspicious incidents to protect themselves.

Remember, if you ever suspect you've fallen victim to a scam, don't hesitate to contact your bank or report the incident to the authorities. Together, we can help put a stop to these malicious schemes and protect ourselves and our communities.

And for the latest information on scams and frauds, make sure to check out the Scam Watch forum on the SDC website. Stay safe and stay vigilant, everyone!
Sadly I was also caught out with this one.
Picture this: You're scrolling through your phone, and suddenly, you receive a message from your daughter. Your heart skips a beat as you read the urgent message, begging for financial help.

Without a second thought, you rush to transfer the money, only to find out later that it was all a heartless scam. Unfortunately, this scenario is becoming all too common with the rise of 'Hi Mum' (phishing) scams.

These fraudulent schemes are designed to exploit the most vulnerable part of our lives - our families. You would never expect your own flesh and blood to deceive you, which is what makes these scams so devastating.

You might recall the recent story we shared about a mother from Victoria, who fell victim to these fraudsters and lost an astounding $11,000. Can you imagine the devastation she felt when she realised that the message she had received on WhatsApp, supposedly from her daughter, was a hoax?

The scammer posed as her daughter, using a new phone number and convinced her mother to transfer money, all under the guise of a desperate plea for help.

Now, we're sad to report that another victim has fallen prey to this same tactic.

View attachment 16230
What seemed like a harmless request, turned out to be a callous text scam that cost a pensioner her entire life savings. Credit: Unsplash/Adem AY.

Imagine receiving a text message from your child, only to find out that it's actually a cunning scammer preying on your vulnerability. This nightmare became a reality for Donna Jaeger, a 66-year-old pensioner from Newcastle who lost her entire life savings to a heartless criminal.

The text message seemed innocuous enough at first. Donna's daughter claimed that she had dropped her phone in the toilet and needed to use a different number.

The message then took a sinister turn when her 'daughter' requested that Donna pay a bill for her, as she was unable to access her banking.

‘Why do you need to pay someone that much money?’ Donna asked the texter, to which they replied: ‘I’ll call you and explain it all later on.’

‘Now you have me worried,’ she said, and the person assured her, saying: ‘No need to be worried.’

Trusting her daughter and wanting to be helpful, Donna transferred the requested funds.

As their text exchange continued, the scammer gradually increased their demands, eventually asking for a payment of $1,900, followed by an additional $6,300. Despite feeling a bit uneasy, Donna trusted her 'daughter' and made an initial payment of $960, due to bank limits.

It was only after her savings account had been completely drained that the truth was revealed – she had been scammed. The person texting her was not her daughter, but rather a cruel scammer who saw an opportunity to deceive an unsuspecting victim.

View attachment 16231
'Hi Mum' scams have become an increasingly common tactic used by scammers to deceive unsuspecting victims. Credit: Unsplash/freestocks.

The devastating consequences of this scam became painfully clear to Donna the next day when she spoke to her real daughter. She realised that she had been deceived by a heartless criminal who had taken advantage of her trust and willingness to help her family.

Can you imagine the sheer devastation that Donna must have felt upon discovering the truth? Her hard-earned savings, accumulated over a lifetime, were now gone, lost to a heartless criminal who had deceived her under the guise of a loved one.

According to Scamwatch, more than 1,200 reports of these scams were received between January and February of this year alone, costing Australians over $600,000. It's a staggering figure that highlights the devastating impact that these scams can have on individuals and their families.

Professor Vijay Varadharajan, a Cyber Strategist at the University of Newcastle, has noted that incidents like this have become more prevalent over the last 18 months.

He points out that scammers are becoming more sophisticated, using personal information to create a context that makes their messages seem more genuine.

'The interesting thing about these scams nowadays is the context, somehow, they know your context,' says the expert.

It's important to remember that scams can happen to anyone, regardless of age or background. That's why it's crucial to stay informed and educate ourselves and our loved ones about these types of scams.

One key tip to avoid falling victim to 'Hi Mum' scams or other similar frauds is to always verify the identity of the person making the request. If you receive a message asking for money, call the person directly or check with other family members to confirm the request is genuine.

Another important step is to never give out personal information or banking details to someone you don't know or trust. Scammers will often use this information to steal your identity or access your accounts.

By being cautious and staying informed, we can all play a role in preventing these heartless criminals from succeeding.

Key Takeaways

  • A pensioner from Newcastle lost her entire savings after receiving a text from an unknown number claiming to be her daughter.
  • The scammer asked Donna Jaeger to make a payment on her behalf, as her daughter supposedly couldn't access her bank account.
  • Scamwatch has received more than 1,200 reports of similar scams during January and February this year, costing Australians over $600,000.
  • The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission are urging people to contact known numbers and report suspicious incidents to protect themselves.

Remember, if you ever suspect you've fallen victim to a scam, don't hesitate to contact your bank or report the incident to the authorities. Together, we can help put a stop to these malicious schemes and protect ourselves and our communities.

And for the latest information on scams and frauds, make sure to check out the Scam Watch forum on the SDC website. Stay safe and stay vigilant, everyone!
I received the text about phone being dripped in toilet - which my daughter has done. Panic mode so checked with grandson to see if he had heard from his Mum and told him the story - we both agreed t was a scam message. There are some "sick" people around
I have had 4 of these texts but luckily someone had told me about them only days before the first text and I deleted the text. After that I got 3 more and I said "My children are here with me right now so you are obviously a scammer,

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