We have had many cats over the years, but one noticable cat was our Troppo, named after my partners nicname.
We had him since the day he was born on Australia day 2002 and he soon ruled the roost with our other cats, even us.
One year my niece from England came over with my brother, who I didn't know existed, which is another story, Troppo jumped on her knees, something he had never once done in the past to anyone except us, he must have known she was a cat lover..
Delivery people and the Avon lady became to scared to knock on our door, they had to call out from the front lawn because Troppo would be sitting in "his" chair hissing at them, nasty old man he was.
Another time when a guy came from Foxtel to sign us up I was sitting in the lounge with a plaster cast on my leg, he came in to speak to me and Troppo, and another cat we had Ash, both sat on my knees like they were protecting me from him, I swear if he had tried to touch me they would have attacked him.
Then one day he disappeared, we despaired over that for many months until 15 months later he turned up on our front lawn, he'd run off when we tried to get near him then he must have remembered us and came knocking on the front door like he always did and ran straight to his food bowl, unfortunatly we had started giving our other cats water to drink so Troppo sat at the bowl looking at it in disgust until we put milk in it..
He stayed a month or so then disappeared again and never came back, we liked to think of him as sitting on an old ladies lap being pampered.
But there was one more memorable day, we had cat biscuits on the front door step, I looked out the door and saw Troppo eating them but I was shocked to see a little mini me Troppo with him, a tiny black and white kitten, we called him/her Casper because we never saw it again.
P.S. There was nothing wrong with his eye in the one photo, it was just the light or the way I took the picture or it could have just been him with his evil eyed look