Royal couple's friend shares Prince William's and Princess Catherine's struggles amid cancer diagnosis

The Royal Family, often seen as the epitome of strength and resilience, is not immune to the trials and tribulations that life throws at us all.

Recently, it has come to light that Prince William and Princess Catherine, the Prince and Princess of Wales, are enduring a private battle that has tested their fortitude in ways unimaginable to the public eye.

Behind the stoic appearances and the poised engagements, the couple is reportedly 'going through hell' as they navigate the turbulent waters of Princess Catherine's cancer diagnosis.

This revelation sent ripples of concern and sympathy throughout the world, as admirers of the Royal couple grapple with the news.

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Prince William and Princess Catherine were reportedly privately coping with her cancer diagnosis. Credits: Instagram / The Prince and Princess of Wales

Amaia Arrieta, a designer and long-time friend of the family, has been by their side, styling the Royal children for over a decade.

She has witnessed firsthand the challenges they've faced since the diagnosis.

‘I’m heartbroken at the moment,’ she expressed.

‘I think they are going through hell.’

‘I hope they will be back. It’s really personal,’ Ms Arrieta added.

Despite the personal struggle, Prince William has maintained a brave front.

During a recent public engagement at the James’s Place charity in Newcastle, a royal fan asked him about the well-being of his family, ‘Do you mind if I ask how your wife and children are?’

His response, ‘We’re all doing well, thank you,’ was measured and composed.

Even when pressed further about Catherine's condition, he just answered again, ‘We’re all doing well.’

The world was taken aback in March when Princess Catherine made the sombre announcement of her diagnosis in a two-minute video.

She spoke candidly about the 'early stages' of preventive chemotherapy treatment that she was undergoing, following the unexpected discovery of cancer during an operation initially believed to be for a non-cancerous condition.

‘In January, I underwent major abdominal surgery in London and at the time, it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous. The surgery was successful, however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present,’ Princess Catherine narrated.

‘My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventive chemotherapy and I’m now in the early stages of that treatment.’

Princess Catherine also mentioned that the news came as a ‘huge shock’.

‘William and I have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. As you can imagine, this has taken time. It has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment,’ she continued.

‘But most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to George, Charlotte, and Louis in a way that’s appropriate for them and to reassure them that I’m going to be okay.’

‘As I’ve said to them, I am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal in my mind, body, and spirits,’ Princess Catherine added.

Despite Prince William and Princess Catherine's private struggles, they continue to navigate their royal duties with grace and resilience.

This recent news shed light on the challenges they face behind closed doors, highlighting the immense pressure and scrutiny they endure.

Despite this, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge maintain a strong focus on their family, as evidenced by their heartfelt gestures such as the release of a new photo of Prince Louis on his birthday.

This glimpse into their personal lives amidst the public spotlight offers a reminder of their unwavering commitment to their roles as parents and members of the royal family.
Key Takeaways

  • Prince William and Princess Catherine were reportedly privately coping with her cancer diagnosis and the related challenges.
  • A trusted friend of the couple shared that the road has been difficult since the diagnosis.
  • Princess Catherine announced her diagnosis publicly and is undergoing preventive chemotherapy after cancer was discovered during a separate surgery.
  • Prince William and Princess Catherine have been managing the situation privately for their family's sake and have taken time to explain it to their children.
We extend our heartfelt thoughts to Prince William, Princess Catherine, and their children during this difficult time.

Their struggle is a stark reminder that no one, regardless of status or position, is exempt from life's most challenging moments.

How have you navigated such private struggles while maintaining a sense of normalcy for those around you? Let's open up the conversation and support each other in the comments below.
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I pray that Catherine and everyone else in the same boat recover quickly. My 2nd husband was diagnosed with cancer in his gall bladder, and a few weeks later it spread to his liver. It took 2 months to kill him. the doctor said chemo. wouldn't have done anything for him.
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I pray that Catherine and everyone else in the same boat recover quickly. My 2nd husband was diagnosed with cancer in his gall bladder, and a few weeks later it spread to his liver. It took 2 months to kill him. the doctor said chemo. wouldn't have done anything for him.
So sorry for your great loss. Please take care.
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In a first-ever human clinical trial of four adult patients, an mRNA cancer vaccine created at the University of Florida rapidly reprogrammed the immune system to target glioblastoma, the deadliest and most aggressive form of brain tumor.

The results mirror those in 10 pet dog patients suffering from naturally occurring brain tumors whose owners approved of their participation, as they had no other treatment options, as well as results from preclinical mouse models. The breakthrough now will be tested in a Phase 1 pediatric clinical trial for brain cancer.

Reported May 1 in the journal Cell, the discovery represents a potential new way to recruit the immune system to fight notoriously treatment-resistant cancers using an iteration of mRNA technology and lipid nanoparticles, similar to COVID-19 vaccines, but with two key differences: useFlorida, of a patient’s own tumor cells to create a personalized vaccine, and a newly engineered complex delivery mechanism within the vaccine.

New Delivery System and Rapid Immune Response​

“Instead of us injecting single particles, we’re injecting clusters of particles that are wrapping around each other like onions, like a bag full of onions,” said senior author Elias Sayour, M.D., Ph.D., a UF Health pediatric oncologist who pioneered the new vaccine, which like other immunotherapies attempts to “educate” the immune system that a tumor is foreign. “And the reason we’ve done that in the context of cancer is these clusters alert the immune system in a much more profound way than single particles would.” '

The full article is available from SCTech Daily, today, a free e-zine well worth subscribibing to so as to see what is happening in science. Of course, anti-vaxxers will have their field day saying how it will turn us into robots , or something. This cutting edge science will no doubt be applicable to other cancers in the next 4-5 years.
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I did not tell anyone when I got Cancer. Somehow it got out, so I always replied that I was coping. I found it easier to say that than to go into all of the details and then hear their stories of friends and family or a particular Doctor who helped or did not. Sometimes it is easier to keep these things within family walls and not have to re-hash details over and over again to satisfy curiosity.
I pray that Catherine and everyone else in the same boat recover quickly. My 2nd husband was diagnosed with cancer in his gall bladder, and a few weeks later it spread to his liver. It took 2 months to kill him. the doctor said chemo. wouldn't have done anything for him.
So sorry you lost your husband to cancer . There is still a lot of research to be done before it will be treated completely .
That’s why research is so important , a lot of people think it is wasting money .Take care.
I pray that Catherine and everyone else in the same boat recover quickly. My 2nd husband was diagnosed with cancer in his gall bladder, and a few weeks later it spread to his liver. It took 2 months to kill him. the doctor said chemo. wouldn't have done anything for him.
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Thanks for your kind thoughts, he was 77 and was painting under the eaves, I could see he was sick so managed to make him go to the doctor, I said later that he knew something was wrong and he said he wanted to finish the painting. We had been together for years so we married before he died. 12 days. The last meal I made him was bananas and custard on the Saturday morning and he died the following Saturday. He was in a coma when I saw him earlier that day, my son and d-in-law were with me. Simon tapped him on the shoulder and said "see you, mate" and he put his hand up to shake hands. A couple of hours later he was gone.
They are no longer referred to as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. While they still hold those titles they are now the Prince and Princess of Wales. Please try to get these things correct. Also there have been no public appearances by them both. The Princess was forced to make a video even though she was obviously very unwell because trolls and conspiracy theorists had made claims that she was dead just because no pictures of her had been seen in eight weeks. She should never have been forced into this position. She has cancer. She is undergoing chemotherapy and that will probably be for six months. She will then need to recover. All this must happen before she can return to royal duties which the entire royal family are aware of and agree with. It is only nosey people and people like this woman who keep making posts when it is unlikely that she has seen the Princess. The best thing that the world can do for this poor woman is to leave her and her family alone. Stop making posts about possibilities. Those of us who know about medicine know that they will be going through hell. That’s what it‘s like in such circumstances. Now leave her alone to be treated and recover. It is unlikely that she will return before the end of the year. Those of you who believe in Our Lord please pray for her and the family that she may recover and that they come out of this whole.
Cancer is a scourge, everyone knows someone who has it or died from it. My husband succumbed and a few friends , so to all those who are fighting the battle . Be strong my prayers are with you
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In a first-ever human clinical trial of four adult patients, an mRNA cancer vaccine created at the University of Florida rapidly reprogrammed the immune system to target glioblastoma, the deadliest and most aggressive form of brain tumor.

The results mirror those in 10 pet dog patients suffering from naturally occurring brain tumors whose owners approved of their participation, as they had no other treatment options, as well as results from preclinical mouse models. The breakthrough now will be tested in a Phase 1 pediatric clinical trial for brain cancer.

Reported May 1 in the journal Cell, the discovery represents a potential new way to recruit the immune system to fight notoriously treatment-resistant cancers using an iteration of mRNA technology and lipid nanoparticles, similar to COVID-19 vaccines, but with two key differences: useFlorida, of a patient’s own tumor cells to create a personalized vaccine, and a newly engineered complex delivery mechanism within the vaccine.

New Delivery System and Rapid Immune Response​

“Instead of us injecting single particles, we’re injecting clusters of particles that are wrapping around each other like onions, like a bag full of onions,” said senior author Elias Sayour, M.D., Ph.D., a UF Health pediatric oncologist who pioneered the new vaccine, which like other immunotherapies attempts to “educate” the immune system that a tumor is foreign. “And the reason we’ve done that in the context of cancer is these clusters alert the immune system in a much more profound way than single particles would.” '

The full article is available from SCTech Daily, today, a free e-zine well worth subscribibing to so as to see what is happening in science. Of course, anti-vaxxers will have their field day saying how it will turn us into robots , or something. This cutting edge science will no doubt be applicable to other cancers in the next 4-5 years.
A bit of a PS. I have been told on good authority that immunotherapy has already cleared a medical doctor's glioblastoma, a cancer that kills in about 6 months. No doubt that work will have produced a reviewed publication somewhere and can be searched for if the appropriate keywords are plugged into Google. Immunotherapy is a new approach to dealing with cancer and has the potential to make obsolete chemotherapy some time in the future; waiting for toe-nails to grow back is a bit tedious. So far 6 months and still looking tatty.
Sorry the Princess of Wales if going through cancer treatment, but come on.. they will have the best of everything, the best doctors, the best available medication, the best of car. they won’t have to worry about the financial burden on their family, while she under goes treatment.., so many more people in the world going through exactly the same, but without their privledge..
Cancer dose not recognize how much money one has!!
I can personally relate to your experience, once the chemotherapy and or radiation treatments have ended it is easy to feel that you have been set adrift, the routine of the seemingly endless hospital visits for the treatment, as much as you want it to end, when it does you start to wonder "What next" and where do I go now, who can I ask for help from even though asking for help; for me personally, that has always been very difficult. My currant cancer diagnosis is completely different to the first one which was 2 years ago, the 2nd cancer is not related to the first and this latest one is considered to be not curable, in other words it is terminal. because of this I now have a team of people caring for me, so many in fact that I have difficulty keeping track of them and remembering which medical team they belong too everyone is just so caring and supportive of me that I sometimes feel guilty about all the time and resources being given so freely to me. Once I admitted to myself that I needed help and someone to talk with about how I felt, it became easier to accept that I probably have limited time left to me now. There is now always someone to talk to, whether it be a personal friend, family member or a nurse. Being able to discuss my feelings with people who understand makes everything so much easier. I am currently considered to be in remmission as the last treatment was succesful in removing the initial tumour, however there will be more, where they will appear is the surprise waiting for me and the Oncologists, I guess knowing I have a surprise waiting for me is something to look forward too at least !!
I am so sorry to hear this, Gaena. I am at a loss for words.
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A bit of a PS. I have been told on good authority that immunotherapy has already cleared a medical doctor's glioblastoma, a cancer that kills in about 6 months. No doubt that work will have produced a reviewed publication somewhere and can be searched for if the appropriate keywords are plugged into Google. Immunotherapy is a new approach to dealing with cancer and has the potential to make obsolete chemotherapy some time in the future; waiting for toe-nails to grow back is a bit tedious. So far 6 months and still looking tatty.
And a bit more. Seems easy to find out about immunotherapy via Google; a good deal of stuff online. It looks like it is somewhat involved in using it to target assorted cancers, so we'll have to wait and see for a while yet.
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do the writers of these articles sit in on the P & P and know everything? NO, THEY BLOODY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING APART FROM GARBAGE.
I was not offered Immunotherapy as part of my treatment for cancer despite being told that a lot of cancer sufferers had been given a course that had worked on reducing the cancer cells in the body, when I asked my oncologist why I was not given that option I was told that it was only given to people who had a certain protein in their blood, I am not sure which one but I do not have that protein so the immunotherapy treatment would not have done more than the chemotherapy I was already being given, there is very good evidence that Immunotherapy does work but unfortunately not on everyone.
My mother was on a trial of Immunotherapy (Keytruda) for her lung cancer 6 yrs ago. She didn't have secondary cancer. It does work, however not without side effects. She acquired type 1 diabetes as a side effect. She recently passed away due to the cancer returning, yet I must say she did have quality of life for the last 6 yrs after completely the Immunotherapy. This is due to the Immunotherapy working for many years after ceasing.
My cousin's husband had Immunotheraphy for secondary melanoma. It has worked for him. He developed a milder form of diabetes which only requires one needle daily because it didn't kill off his pancreas. He had other side effects with it as well. One side effect was severe inflammation of the body. From my perspective, Immunotherapy seems to prolong quality of life, without being a cure for the people I know.
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My mother was on a trial of Immunotherapy (Keytruda) for her lung cancer 6 yrs ago. She didn't have secondary cancer. It does work, however not without side effects. She acquired type 1 diabetes as a side effect. She recently passed away due to the cancer returning, yet I must say she did have quality of life for the last 6 yrs after completely the Immunotherapy. This is due to the Immunotherapy working for many years after ceasing.
My cousin's husband had Immunotheraphy for secondary melanoma. It has worked for him. He developed a milder form of diabetes which only requires one needle daily because it didn't kill off his pancreas. He had other side effects with it as well. One side effect was severe inflammation of the body. From my perspective, Immunotherapy seems to prolong quality of life, without being a cure for the people I know.
Thanks you Penny 4 and Gaena. Let's hope that treatment improves with further scientific investigations.
My mother was on a trial of Immunotherapy (Keytruda) for her lung cancer 6 yrs ago. She didn't have secondary cancer. It does work, however not without side effects. She acquired type 1 diabetes as a side effect. She recently passed away due to the cancer returning, yet I must say she did have quality of life for the last 6 yrs after completely the Immunotherapy. This is due to the Immunotherapy working for many years after ceasing.
My cousin's husband had Immunotheraphy for secondary melanoma. It has worked for him. He developed a milder form of diabetes which only requires one needle daily because it didn't kill off his pancreas. He had other side effects with it as well. One side effect was severe inflammation of the body. From my perspective, Immunotherapy seems to prolong quality of life, without being a cure for the people I know.
So sorry for the loss of your mother.
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