Royal author shares surprising insight behind Prince Harry and Princess Catherine's relationship

The British Royal Family has always been a source of fascination, with their lives playing out like a real-life soap opera.

The latest revelation to rock the monarchy involves Prince Harry and his sister-in-law, Catherine ‘Kate’ Middleton, Princess of Wales.

A veteran royal expert has recently shed light on the complex dynamics within the couples in the family, suggesting that Prince Harry may have harboured feelings for Kate.

Ingrid Seward, a longtime Editor of Majesty magazine and a renowned Royal Commentator, has made a startling claim in a recent interview.

‘Maybe Harry was a little in love with Kate,’ she said.

Ingrid Seward claimed Prince Harry might have been ‘a little in love’ with Kate Middleton. Image source: 10TV - WBNS/ Facebook

Before you jump to conclusions, Ms Seward clarified that she didn't mean Harry was physically attracted to Kate. Instead, she suggested that Harry, who had always longed for a sister, found a sisterly figure in Kate.

'Remember when it was just the three of them? He always longed for a sister, he told Diana that. Psychologically, I think he just adored her and he was always there, at Kensington Palace, in their fridge, you know, “What’s for supper?”' she explained.

Commenting on that suggestion, another Royal Commentator, Daniela Elser, said: ‘She has a point. For a long time there, Kate seemed to fulfil a specific and needed role in Harry’s hurly-burly life and inner world.’

‘Harry had finally acquired a warm, emotionally literate maternal figure willing to dish out hugs and large helpings of shepherd’s pies,’ she added.

However, Ms Elser stated that the dynamic was bound to change when Harry started building his family.

In 2016, Prince Harry met Meghan Markle, and the course of royal history took an unexpected turn. The couple's whirlwind romance and subsequent marriage changed the dynamics within the royal family.

Ms Seward also suggested that Meghan might have been envious of Kate's position within the royal family.

'I think that Meghan must have been incredibly envious and then jealous of Kate,' she said.

‘I heard Meghan actually thought she was going to be a princess and live in Windsor Castle. Instead, there’s William and Kate with this beautiful house while they are stuck in Nottingham Cottage, which Harry used to call “my hovel”,’ Ms Seward added.

This comes after Ms Elser speculated that there is an anticipation and perhaps a necessity for Kate to return to her royal duties as soon as she is able. You can read more about that here.

The Princess of Wales is currently recovering from abdominal surgery at home and has not been seen in public since Christmas Day as of writing.

Meanwhile, King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer and is receiving treatment that has postponed his public duties.

Key Takeaways
  • A well-known royal expert suggested Prince Harry may have had a sisterly adoration for Kate Middleton, reflecting his longing for a female sibling.
  • The expert, Ingrid Seward, commented on the dynamic between Kate, William, and Harry before Meghan Markle entered the scene, implying that Harry enjoyed the familial and warm environment created by Kate.
  • Ms Seward also claimed hearing that Meghan Markle could have been jealous of Kate, which might have contributed to tensions within the royal family.

What are your thoughts on these claims, members? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
I think Prince Harry has always chosen to live and do things his own way, whether he was pleased to have a sister figure which technically she is his sister in law, sadly is no more and he is lost that connection now. Prince Harry has chosen to abandon his royal family and now lives in America with his wife and two children. However let us not forget as a young man he was very much like his uncle Andrew in regards to always being the playboy, happy go lucky young man that didn't like to follow the rules and do things his own way regardless of how many times he was asked not to. There were many incidences where he was in the limelight however not all of those times were for his charity work.
I think Prince Harry has always chosen to live and do things his own way, whether he was pleased to have a sister figure which technically she is his sister in law, sadly is no more and he is lost that connection now. Prince Harry has chosen to abandon his royal family and now lives in America with his wife and two children. However let us not forget as a young man he was very much like his uncle Andrew in regards to always being the playboy, happy go lucky young man that didn't like to follow the rules and do things his own way regardless of how many times he was asked not to. There were many incidences where he was in the limelight however not all of those times were for his charity work.
Typical bloody Pom. Read your history. This mob is rotten to the core, has been for centuries, interbred and Harry isn't the first one they've forced out of the country. These people are hypocrits who made Harry's life hell along with Diana's because his hair was red. Remember that what Andrew is accused of WAS NEVER PROVEN. He paid out a greedy woman who know what the royals would do with what she claimed. Lizzie destroyed Margaret's and Diana's lives, She stopped Margaret from marrying Group Captain Peter Townsend and allowed her son to screw another man's wife. They kept sending Charlie to Australia because he was an embarrassment because he only spoke to trees and flowers, not people. Here's one you won't like...Phillip didn't want to marry Lizzie, he was actually engaged to a specialist doctor's daughter who lived in Abbotsford in Sydney. I don't say things without knowing facts. Lizzie said before she died that Camilla would never be Queen and what did Dickhead do, HE MADE HER QUEEN. The only ones who fought for England in recent times were Andrew and Harry and while everyone wore their not earned uniforms at the funeral, Andrew and Harry were banned. What a very sick joke. I wouldn't even want them for next door neighbours.
Typical bloody Pom. Read your history. This mob is rotten to the core, has been for centuries, interbred and Harry isn't the first one they've forced out of the country. These people are hypocrits who made Harry's life hell along with Diana's because his hair was red. Remember that what Andrew is accused of WAS NEVER PROVEN. He paid out a greedy woman who know what the royals would do with what she claimed. Lizzie destroyed Margaret's and Diana's lives, She stopped Margaret from marrying Group Captain Peter Townsend and allowed her son to screw another man's wife. They kept sending Charlie to Australia because he was an embarrassment because he only spoke to trees and flowers, not people. Here's one you won't like...Phillip didn't want to marry Lizzie, he was actually engaged to a specialist doctor's daughter who lived in Abbotsford in Sydney. I don't say things without knowing facts. Lizzie said before she died that Camilla would never be Queen and what did Dickhead do, HE MADE HER QUEEN. The only ones who fought for England in recent times were Andrew and Harry and while everyone wore their not earned uniforms at the funeral, Andrew and Harry were banned. What a very sick joke. I wouldn't even want them for next door neighbours.
i bet it didn't,t last long with Kate. If you are fond of someone you would never print nasties about anyone in that family. Harry is the dumb ginger with the whinger. Unless you are inside with people and you here talk just shut the ,, up.
Typical bloody Pom. Read your history. This mob is rotten to the core, has been for centuries, interbred and Harry isn't the first one they've forced out of the country. These people are hypocrits who made Harry's life hell along with Diana's because his hair was red. Remember that what Andrew is accused of WAS NEVER PROVEN. He paid out a greedy woman who know what the royals would do with what she claimed. Lizzie destroyed Margaret's and Diana's lives, She stopped Margaret from marrying Group Captain Peter Townsend and allowed her son to screw another man's wife. They kept sending Charlie to Australia because he was an embarrassment because he only spoke to trees and flowers, not people. Here's one you won't like...Phillip didn't want to marry Lizzie, he was actually engaged to a specialist doctor's daughter who lived in Abbotsford in Sydney. I don't say things without knowing facts. Lizzie said before she died that Camilla would never be Queen and what did Dickhead do, HE MADE HER QUEEN. The only ones who fought for England in recent times were Andrew and Harry and while everyone wore their not earned uniforms at the funeral, Andrew and Harry were banned. What a very sick joke. I wouldn't even want them for next door neighbours.
do not worry about that, they would not lower themselves to be a neighbour.
Typical bloody Pom. Read your history. This mob is rotten to the core, has been for centuries, interbred and Harry isn't the first one they've forced out of the country. These people are hypocrits who made Harry's life hell along with Diana's because his hair was red. Remember that what Andrew is accused of WAS NEVER PROVEN. He paid out a greedy woman who know what the royals would do with what she claimed. Lizzie destroyed Margaret's and Diana's lives, She stopped Margaret from marrying Group Captain Peter Townsend and allowed her son to screw another man's wife. They kept sending Charlie to Australia because he was an embarrassment because he only spoke to trees and flowers, not people. Here's one you won't like...Phillip didn't want to marry Lizzie, he was actually engaged to a specialist doctor's daughter who lived in Abbotsford in Sydney. I don't say things without knowing facts. Lizzie said before she died that Camilla would never be Queen and what did Dickhead do, HE MADE HER QUEEN. The only ones who fought for England in recent times were Andrew and Harry and while everyone wore their not earned uniforms at the funeral, Andrew and Harry were banned. What a very sick joke. I wouldn't even want them for next door neighbours.
Are you Australian by any chance personally I don't care for your tone or opinion. No one is asking you to be a royalist however don't preach to me about English history. I never mentioned Andrew regarding any accusations but he was a womaniser when he was younger and he was allowed to do what he wanted as was Harry. I loved Princess Diana but it wasn't all one sided. As for you knowing your history, King Charles did not make Queen Camilla, Queen. Queen Elizabeth changed the rules so that Camilla could become Queen like she changed the rules so that Princess Charlotte could become Queen if anything happened to her Father and brother so she wouldn't like Princess Anne be usurped because she is female.
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I think Prince Harry has always chosen to live and do things his own way, whether he was pleased to have a sister figure which technically she is his sister in law, sadly is no more and he is lost that connection now. Prince Harry has chosen to abandon his royal family and now lives in America with his wife and two children. However let us not forget as a young man he was very much like his uncle Andrew in regards to always being the playboy, happy go lucky young man that didn't like to follow the rules and do things his own way regardless of how many times he was asked not to. There were many incidences where he was in the limelight however not all of those times were for his charity work.
Harry has a lot more pride in himself unlike his brother Andrew !
Typical bloody Pom. Read your history. This mob is rotten to the core, has been for centuries, interbred and Harry isn't the first one they've forced out of the country. These people are hypocrits who made Harry's life hell along with Diana's because his hair was red. Remember that what Andrew is accused of WAS NEVER PROVEN. He paid out a greedy woman who know what the royals would do with what she claimed. Lizzie destroyed Margaret's and Diana's lives, She stopped Margaret from marrying Group Captain Peter Townsend and allowed her son to screw another man's wife. They kept sending Charlie to Australia because he was an embarrassment because he only spoke to trees and flowers, not people. Here's one you won't like...Phillip didn't want to marry Lizzie, he was actually engaged to a specialist doctor's daughter who lived in Abbotsford in Sydney. I don't say things without knowing facts. Lizzie said before she died that Camilla would never be Queen and what did Dickhead do, HE MADE HER QUEEN. The only ones who fought for England in recent times were Andrew and Harry and while everyone wore their not earned uniforms at the funeral, Andrew and Harry were banned. What a very sick joke. I wouldn't even want them for next door neighbours.
Honestly, I cannot agree or disagree with all of your comments as I am ignorant of the facts but, what I can agree with you is where the QUEEN stated before she died that Camilla would not be Queen but something like King's consort and I have never expected Charlie to go against his mother not long after she died with a dying wish and a clearly defined order.
On the other hand I am still 100% sceptical about Dianna's death in that car accident in France. Too much mistery and swept under the carpet affairs for my likings.
At least Kate is a way better sort than Gargoyle Markle! I wouldn't piss in Markle's ear if her brain was on fire.

The biggest challenge is finding her brain....
She has been a total disaster for Harry and his Royal family. She wanted the fame, the glory and to marry a prince and she got it all.
Can you envisage that marriage lasting for ever and again when she doesn't even acknowledge her father and sister.?? I CAN'T.
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Are you Australian by any chance personally I don't care for your tone or opinion. No one is asking you to be a royalist however don't preach to me about English history. I never mentioned Andrew regarding any accusations but he was a womaniser when he was younger and he was allowed to do what he wanted as was Harry. I loved Princess Diana but it wasn't all one sided. As for you knowing your history, King Charles did not make Queen Camilla, Queen. Queen Elizabeth changed the rules so that Camilla could become Queen like she changed the rules so that Princess Charlotte could become Queen if anything happened to her Father and brother so she wouldn't like Princess Anne be usurped because she is female.
get a life and while you're at it look at the predictions for the royal family by NOSTRADAMUS.
Are you Australian by any chance personally I don't care for your tone or opinion. No one is asking you to be a royalist however don't preach to me about English history. I never mentioned Andrew regarding any accusations but he was a womaniser when he was younger and he was allowed to do what he wanted as was Harry. I loved Princess Diana but it wasn't all one sided. As for you knowing your history, King Charles did not make Queen Camilla, Queen. Queen Elizabeth changed the rules so that Camilla could become Queen like she changed the rules so that Princess Charlotte could become Queen if anything happened to her Father and brother so she wouldn't like Princess Anne be usurped because she is female.
BLOODY THIN SKINNED POMS. They never accept the truth unless it's written by them.
Are you Australian by any chance personally I don't care for your tone or opinion. No one is asking you to be a royalist however don't preach to me about English history. I never mentioned Andrew regarding any accusations but he was a womaniser when he was younger and he was allowed to do what he wanted as was Harry. I loved Princess Diana but it wasn't all one sided. As for you knowing your history, King Charles did not make Queen Camilla, Queen. Queen Elizabeth changed the rules so that Camilla could become Queen like she changed the rules so that Princess Charlotte could become Queen if anything happened to her Father and brother so she wouldn't like Princess Anne be usurped because she is female.
For your reading:
While King Charles III may have been the centre of the royal coronation, it was also an important day for his wife, Camilla.

Formerly the Queen Consort, Camilla also went through ceremonial procedures similar to Charles, leaving Westminster Abbey with a new title.

So why did Camilla gain the title Queen, and why was Prince Philip never named king? Here's what you need to know.

Why is Camilla's title now Queen?​

Historically, the wives of sitting British monarchs have taken the title Queen.

Most recently, Queen Elizabeth II's mother, Queen Elizabeth, was married to King George VI.

However, for Camilla, there has been some controversy because she was not Charles's first wife.

She was granted the title the Queen Consort by the late Queen Elizabeth II in February last year during the Platinum Jubilee.

However, her title first appeared as Queen Camilla when the coronation invitations were sent out. )"

End of quotation. As such it appeasr to me that you might be wrong.

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