Hello there, Riddle Masters!

Woooow, so many creative answers!
The answer we're looking for is...
but we've also accepted:
Congratulations to those who got it correct!

As promised, here's your shout-out:
CharlesAH, Shadazarr, tracymurry, aoostie, JulesPalm, Deejay11, Deborah Crompton, cberk, Colleen Lomas, sskhelawan, Jennymg, pbattershill, Nozmo, Alley962, Jancgr, Joybellaelizabeth, goatwhisperer, FozzieFozz, Luckyus, Lily, Big Buzz, Franno, Jannx55, Cheb, leslie_may, slymeat, Schigulski, Geoff01, Dicksen, steve.bryce, Franee, Jasmine, Aussiecris, Nana Zorak, simongirl, Jennylolo, Bazza boy, Mikev, MarieT, spalasskyeterriers, Grannypants, Janice Reilly, Sporteevee, Jron, Victor Jackson, Neumannsland, Helen171, Alan W, Stewart, chezna, Thr fonz, Viellarde, Ricci, Silvester48, catsclaws, BTL, Maicar, Suemalloo, Dougi427, Bob Patterson, Gfandj, richieben1, MaralynMuir, Gibo, Littleboy8, Richard12, JollyDragon, AllenP, VicRaws, dazza69, Rowiee, Rodney King, LesVG, Stokr, Carcum9, Kahlan28, nifty8753, Lizzy67, Kc1, Robbo3006, Paul1951, Gus, LesleyAnne, bedandy2006, Maggstar, Vikki, Virgoros, Ray Black, Beatlesfab4, molle, KenBruce, Gards, Rose-Marie, Gil, mitzi1460, Clancieblue, Dippy53, EllieN, Macarj, Veronica, Ginny Burke, Carolyn T, rowanf, Goosebob, Pam White, Morebartalk, reddog, dmhar311, KennyB, Hewy57, midgemills, Sharlz, Maiyon, KaraJenna, mitchell55, JEQ, thomas, Omaopa, MCF, Macdee, Mikeyboy2012, Kerrie62, mitchellowe, ShezzieD, PeeJay35, LMW1, SandyM, SandraD22, Megee, Mrtnst, Patricia Kay, Stevie Zee, Davo's Delirium, BeautifulMousey, sreidkjc, Maureen S, Hirst1, Sooty61, gabbymck, Sheriella, planesteam, mollyb1, Lawrence1945, Suziq12, Snug, Milliemaree, Mummanew, DawnBonn
Thank you so much for participating! See you on the next riddle!