Hello hello Riddle Masters! Wow, so many of you got the answer correct!

As we promised, here's your well-deserved shout-out!
CharlesAH, Littleboy8, Mark K, BJM, Big Al, Blarney, Turdle, ramjet11, Phil_Byrne, Gil of Darlington, Frog1958, Sheriella, Leonie Johnston, Ray Black, Bullwinkle, tracymurry, jenrobb, MargieMac58, KellyHollander, Lanska, ChrisUren, Max 2, Glenmos, Alex319, JuliaD, Mustang GT, JoanFranklin, Suziq12, Jancgr, Flick’s Tiger, Jron, TrixieLovesTigers, Heywoodjablome, Kentsue, nire, Richard Menkens, Rhondi, Senior72, R1250RS, Hirst1, KarenD, marb, Rowiee, rabbit63, Magpie58, Beatie, R. Kloosterman, Gordon drake, Judio, Cass3215, pbattershill, chean1210, Inot54, Woodykiwi, glory, Itbrown, Nana Zorak, Larcol, Lusio, JTeyssier, Helen171, Snug, Reader, Startrekker58, Trevstime, Vikki, Dizzy, Johan van Zalen, gabbymck, kerrikennel, sandyp, Sanny, Harvey35, Linda51, craftannie, pcaman2003, Mazda52, Disie, Dorothy Kay, nifty8753, JenH23, Gerlinde Turchin, bronco691, DuckyD, Aggie, HelenJo, Jaxbat, DawnBonn, cberk, Sonning, blueevie, Nanna Tracey, JollyDragon, simongirl, rathompson, DasherD, GlynnA, Joymg, Victor Jackson, Topher, Jasmine, Dee18, leslie_may, hrlouis, Bob Patterson, Michael kenndy, Roh, Miss Chris, Picklehouse28, Mando, Shydee, Mrtnst, catsclaws, Annie Webster, PeakA, mary211, CathyO, Annewithane, Stphnfntn, Graham Rusty, Janell, Lizzylou, Agnes, Lorraine Rea, Tilbacroc, Cheb, KenBruce, goatwhisperer, steve.bryce, saundy, winner, Denise Valentine, Deborah Crompton, Jackib, Waynec, Chorister, Luckyus, Suemalloo, stevensvidakovic, Poppins, Gil, jaydee6033, SWS, Lochiedog, Chrissyfs, Sooz100100, Phyll, KenE, 2OldDucks, ladyhrh, M.Feast, NickyW, Janice McKay, Veronica, Carol, chezna, Cabcar, HelenFJenkins, JoyceMavis, Jennymg, Patz, Doug one, anne smith, mitchell55, Jay Jay, Sloopy, johno cpfc, Jennie, Nanajane, Ricci, Jillnic, HappyPam, Blossom29, Reet, Hewy57, IvyBoots, KaraJenna, casperdcat, Vass54, KennyB, Lynnyrose, margaretritchie48@hotmail, Maxiss, Mezzie25, WADuck, Kerrie62, pboxing52, Mikeyboy2012, Annie31, thomas, HelenPSmith, Garr, Macarj, CinaFlorence, Pam White, DaddyRon, Rosie2023!, GrayRP, lynstacker, Sandygwalk, Lynee1953, Motherof3, Crestwood96, Kathryn Kennedy, Barry Hutton, joedib, Macdee, Janne W, kaypaul, SandyM, MCF, marni, happyrosel6421, Aitchtee, Jo Piper3, 888PNR, Julia TH, Tina10456, Swan, Arnold1015, monksberry, Cathy 61, Snoopy46, Lee-Anne.Swanson, SeniorSnoopy, AllenP, Sugarcain, planesteam, Nanna Jools, Freeman27, Lily-Rose1, Wendy, tom.hunter, ironmask, Iggydi, midgemills, Gibo, rowanf, Nozmo, PepeLePew, Blackdck, Marybell
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See you in the next riddle!