Hello there, Riddle Masters!

This one is a real head scratcher, eh? But a lot of you got it correct!
As promised, here's your shout-out:
Littleboy8, Ian D, bronco691, JulesPalm, Neil Fraser, Denotany, gentlejack, firefox, Dizzy, GabyP, Tervueren, Sheriella, Carol, ChrisUren, Kc1, Rita, Chrissyfs, ThereseHands, Stokr, steve.bryce, Tyler1!, Grandma Frog, Kitti21, Dazzasboats, Brassmonkey1938, glory, Stphnfntn, Victor Jackson, Frog1958, Debbie j, MargOS51, NoelleH, VanMary, Nancy46, SBJSMum, Jennymg, Jan A, CharlesAH, Snug, Margew, Janelles, LucieB, merinda sharp, duckiedoodle, Mikev, Heywoodjablome, Deb & Phill, woodperson, bigsister, reddog, Beatie, Richard12, Dohlesrocks, Otti, cchofstee49, Viellarde, dabangler, iedemas, nickname, Hazel John Gibson, Swizzle, tracymurry, Jancgr, Keithme, Caroline257, SandraD22, homckelvin, StarTrekker, Sonning, 56beeman, Bullwinkle, Ginny Burke, simongirl, JTeyssier, PhilipM, <Stephen>, spirit level, IJH, Bob Patterson, Highjackers, Carcum, aoostie, Linda51, Tigerlily57, Doug one, DuckyD, Heather R, pip18249, Mustang GT, JenH23, Rosi Gordon, Southmelbswans, JohnMongey, pbattershill, Ray Black, casperdcat, Cheb, Cjames56, Luciemcm, SonsofPlatinum, Senior72, John R, JEAK, jayjac, chezna, Geoff01, JollyDragon, Helen171, Marty G, Cathy 61, KenBruce, Terry, Furbaby, JoanFranklin, jrf4815, JudyPR, FozzieFozz, Vickers, Thr fonz, Judio, Blossom29, Arthur, Reaper123, DebStribley, Bobsalooking, Bob K, Disie, rowanf, SandyB, rest1953, Sue Cook, margaretritchie48@hotmail, midgemills, Mrtnst, EllieN, koonglo, Kerrie62, KennyB, Fisherman2320, DavidDouglas, Heather T2, BJM, maryfern33, mitchell55, AngelAriel, Morebartalk, Jennylolo, MCF, Hewy57, Da Freddo, thomas, GerryXYZ, Lynnne, Megee, Stevie Zee, Paul1951, Roh, MIZMAC, Luckyus, 2OldDucks, britemil, doglover, Macdee, Wyeth, Jersey Girl, Schigulski, Gil, Maureen S, Suemalloo, jmysalex, OldBells, Oitisme, Nevertiki, RoslynSDC
See you in the next one!