Hey, Riddle Masters! Are you ready for the reveal?
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A huge shout-out to the wonderful members who got their answers correct:
Littleboy8, firefox, Thr fonz, marb, aoostie, Kitti21, Hirst1, Gerlinde Turchin, MCF, woodperson, Glennbee, OldBells, Paul1951, Mark K, Cathy 61, Veronica, rosslindley, Janelles, Jules57, Estonvale, Simone Gouge, JollyDragon, CharlesAH, Helen171, Suemalloo, homckelvin, Laurie53, Rose-Marie, Cathy B, Glenmos, Fisherman2320, KarenD, MarieT, Ray Black, Teresay, Linda51, Gil, chezna, Virgoros, Doug one, Nana Zorak, Rowiee, molle, Hunter's Haven, mitzi1460, cberk, Vickers, Big Buzz, Victor Jackson, nan of many, Blossom29, Mrtnst, DuckyD, Dizzy, GrannyJen, leslie_may, BJM, catsclaws, Hazel John Gibson, bigsister, Jac53, Jan Palmer, tbucket0564, Livin’thedream, JTeyssier, Luckyus, Senior72, Daibhin, DaddyRon, Southmelbswans, rest1953, DasherD, KenBruce, steve.bryce, Carolyn T, rowanf, Pam White, KennyB, thomas, Sheriella, mitchell55, LorLes, PepeLePew, Miss Chris, Macdee, Maureen S, Bullwinkle, maxtyson, FozzieFozz, SeniorSnoopy
Thanks for participating! We'll see you on the next one