Hello hello, Riddle Masters!

I knew you would get this one, easy peasy!
As promised, we have a shout-out for those who got this one correct!
Littleboy8, BeautifulMousey, Big Al, JulesPalm, firefox, Kerrie62, maxtyson, pippylongstocking, Veronica, Jancgr, KellyHollander, Sheriella, duckiedoodle, Linda51, pbattershill, Snug, Ray Black, Helen171, Hirst1, MCF, Chrissyfs, Annewithane, AllenP, aoostie, Geoff01, BJM, Sherill L., Paul1951, Rose-Marie, Rowiee, FozzieFozz, steve.bryce, Victor Jackson, General John, cberk, Glenmos, Larry04, tracymurry, John R, tbucket0564, Fisherman2320, chezna, Gerlinde Turchin, echrisdave, molle, DuckyD, MariCarm2024, pourme, Kaybee, KenBruce, rowanf, Maggie1935, CharlesAH, Nana Zorak, veejayes, jmarshall72, Lily, Hewy57, rest1953, Senior72, WADuck, Mezzie25, catsclaws, KennyB, Carolyn T, HelenFB, Suemalloo, Kc1, LorLes, Glennbee, homckelvin, JollyDragon, Morebartalk, Laurie53, Del, thomas, JoanFranklin, Tootie, Davo's Delirium, Pam White, NickyW, Sue0408, Steve Huisman, johno cpfc, Thr fonz, Hazel John Gibson, Macdee, janjancorc, midgemills, Sooty61, Luckyus, mitchell55, saundy, Mummanew, gabbymck, Blackdck, SandyM, Gibo, Dizz
Don't forget to check tomorrow's newsletter for the official answer

Until the next riddle!