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Riddle Masters 15.04.2022
Goooood Morning Riddle Masters!
And Happy Good Friday to you all! I hope you're all ready for a lovely Easter long weekend. To kick start the long weekend we of course have our third and final riddle of the week thanks to member @rest1953...
Glittering points, that downward thrust, sparkling spears, that never rust. What am I?
Ooooooh we just love this riddle! It's such a good one, for your Good Friday
Unfortunately, because we will be enjoying a few too many Hot Cross Buns and sipping a bit too much coffee we won't be able to announce the Riddle Masters in tomorrow's newsletter, but don't fret! We will reveal the answer and we will give you all your well deserved shout out in next week's newsletter...
Good luck and Happy Riddle-ing!