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Riddle Masters 13.05.2022
Hello Riddle Masters! 
I’ve got your third and final riddle of the week. This one is a bit of a toughie but a very clever one. A big thanks to member @Rene for sharing this with us.
I drive men mad
For love of me,
Easily beaten,
Never free.
Oooh, have a good, long, hard think about this one and if you think you know the answer, post it in the comments below
As always, our ‘spoiler’ button will automatically hide yours and others’ answers. To reveal those answers, simply click the ‘spoiler button’.
But of course, we recommend that you try cracking it first and try not to cheat, eh?
Good luck and happy riddle-ing!

I’ve got your third and final riddle of the week. This one is a bit of a toughie but a very clever one. A big thanks to member @Rene for sharing this with us.
I drive men mad
For love of me,
Easily beaten,
Never free.
Oooh, have a good, long, hard think about this one and if you think you know the answer, post it in the comments below
As always, our ‘spoiler’ button will automatically hide yours and others’ answers. To reveal those answers, simply click the ‘spoiler button’.
But of course, we recommend that you try cracking it first and try not to cheat, eh?

Good luck and happy riddle-ing!