Hey there, Riddle Masters! Yesterday's riddle was quite a head-scratcher, eh?
Now, let's reveal the answer—drum roll, please!
A huge shout-out to our members who got it correct:
Bazza boy, ChrisUren, Helen171, Frog1958, JulesPalm, katdragon2010, Nana Zorak, Rowiee, Heywoodjablome, Jancgr, Geoff01, HelenJo, erina, Highjackers, burlighs, steve.bryce, Ricci, BillyB, pbattershill, Heather T2, Hirst1, Drew62, Mikev, Rose-Marie, KellyHollander, Margaret 9, Mrtnst, Hazel John Gibson, Charlotte59, Victor Jackson, Milliemaree, Bob Patterson, Janelles, Robyn M for Mary, Buzzy, Virgoros, Jasmine, Barb28, KenBruce, chezna, IJH, Cathy 61, JollyDragon, CharlesAH, SandyM, John R, Nanajane, simongirl, beryl allen, maddiem, Sandygwalk, cblayney, Jillnic, rowanf, Maureen S, Viellarde, FozzieFozz, Doug one, Glennbee, Stevie Zee, Janet Blythman, Suemalloo, Gil, HelenFJenkins
Thank you so much for participating! We'll see you on the next one! <3