Hey, you smart bunch! I'm impressed. There were some very creative answers for yesterday's riddle, and some very close ones too! But the correct answer is...
Congratulations to the following members who got it correct: CharlesAH, Mark K, Dee18, Margaret 9, Qwuilty, Shazpurple, morning, Bob’s Buddy, Shane Murray, ChrisUren, Beauty28, Gazman, Snug, JollyDragon, Ray Black, tracymurry, coruzzim, Hirst1, Rowiee, ninaisnina, Jimmykw54, marb, nire, Jennylolo, Singomate, Beatie, Sheriella, Cathy 61, BJM, chean1210, pbattershill, Phil_Byrne, MCF, Veronica, KarenD, Blackdck, KellyHollander, reddog, Helen171, AllenP, TrixieLovesTigers, Chrissyfs, SiggyC, catsclaws, Kentsue, Annie Webster, Stokr, HopSkipJump, Suziq12, Gerlinde Turchin, Max 2, DuckyD, RFG, DawnBonn, Janell, RealityCheck, GrannyJen, Suemalloo, Frog1958, Nana Zorak, Mezzie25, NickyW, Thr fonz, Joymg, Sonning, Lizzylou, Swizzle, LeahI, Ricci, JulesPalm, Jo Piper3, chezna, Wenderatta, PeakA, Dizzy, Buzzy, JuliaD, STORM, Carolyn T, shell15, Mrtnst, Glennbee, Miss Chris, juliebuzz, Pam White, Luckyus, Mike Nimmo, Linda51, Hewy57, Gil, Jancgr, Blossom29, Jennymg, doglover, mitchell55, ladyhrh, Reaper123, Mina vriesekolk, mary211, Roh, firefox, Annewithane, Muduk59, Bullwinkle, Kevy, casperdcat, Aitchtee, Sandygwalk, KennyB, ozbev, Dave5290, Tilbacroc, Terry, thomas, Freeman27, Macdee, Suzyq977, SandyM, planesteam, Lowey, Magpie58, Cheb, ann_little, Macarj, joedib, ozjp, & Barry Hutton.
Until next time, Riddle Masters!