Retail workers share some of the MOST “DISGUSTING” acts that shoppers do in store while shopping — “Please stop doing this”

It can't be denied that one of the most misinterpreted phrases of all time is the popular customer service saying "the customer is always right".

While the phrase is often used to encourage customer service workers to provide customers with the best service possible and give them what they want, this is not always the best course of action, especially when there are customers who are impossible to please.

In this case, it is necessary to stand up to a customer in order to protect the company's interests.

Keeping that in mind, a Woolworths staff member has taken to social media to call on shoppers to avoid placing unwanted random items on the wrong shelves in the supermarket store.

Taking the plea on Reddit, the employee — who claimed to be working as replenishment personnel — shared a “disgusting” act that one shopper did in store, emphasising that the deed has made the staff member's job more difficult.

“Please stop doing this,” the worker wrote.

“I work in replenishment at Woolies, it is disgusting.”

So, what exactly did the shopper do that infuriated the supermarket employee?


A customer left a 2L bottle of orange juice on a shelf in the baby supplies aisle. Credit: Reddit.

As it turned out, one customer left a 2L bottle of orange juice amongst a pile of baby wipes on one of the shelves in the baby supplies aisle.

The Reddit user said that customers should do the right thing and place the item back to its original shelf or at least in the aisle where it belongs.

The post has prompted a number of frustrated retail workers to share their own experiences with a similar encounter.

One user recalled: “I worked at a supermarket and one time there was this foul smell in the snacks aisle.”

“Took me 10 minutes of searching, but eventually I found a wrapped fish from the deli shoved on top of the chips.

“Some d***head obviously couldn’t be bothered walking back to the deli and saying they didn’t want it anymore and left it to rot instead. Love that.”

Another shared: “Worked at Coles while I was at uni. Found both a used nappy and a used pregnancy test on shelves. Both big nopes on a supermarket wage.”

A third wrote: “Worst find I had working nights was a mostly eaten whole roast chicken."

“Imagine walking around a supermarket eating a whole god damn chicken and then stuffing its carcass into a shelf of instant noodles. Class.”

Another added: “I did replenish for several years at Bunnings. I have faced up my fair share of half-eaten snags dumped on shelves.”


Woolworths encouraged shoppers to be respectful while shopping. Credit: AAP.

Elsewhere in the thread, other shoppers said that they witnessed these "disgraceful" acts in their local stores themselves.

One comment read: “I saw this the other day in ALDI, some s***stain left a whole tray of prawns in with the random weekly special items. F***ing PRAWNS.”

“I saw a litre of milk sitting on the shelf in my local Woolies, in the chip aisle or somewhere,” one person quipped.

“Went to grab it to put it back - it was room temperature ... I feel for you.”

A Woolworths spokesperson has reached out to comment on the issue, expressing their encouragement to the customers to be respectful while shopping.

The spokesperson said: “As a fresh food retailer, we have high standards for cleanliness and hygiene across our stores and are disappointed by all reports of littering.”

“Our stores are cleaned by professional cleaners daily and our team members conduct spot checks across the store several times a day."

“The vast majority of customers do the right thing and are respectful of our stores."

“As our team members work hard to serve our customers and replenish stock, we ask that customers be mindful of their impact and take any rubbish with them.”

It is understood that Woolworths employees are equipped with cleaning kits for spot cleaning in any case that it is necessary.

What are your thoughts on this? Share them with us in the comments below!
I'm not sure if it's because people are thoughtless, lazy, rushed, stressed or just non caring but I often see goods left in the wrong places. If it's something that belongs close to something I'm going to buy I'll take it with me and put it back in the right place. I do this as having worked in retail I understand the frustration of employees in finding half their stock littered liberally throughout the store.:(
I had 11 years of this type of behaviour. I find it completely lazy and selfish. The only thing I hoped these customers would at least do is put fridge items in a fridge. There are lots of fridges around so they dont have to walk too far. Loss of stock results in higher grocery prices across the board to cover this loss. It was an endless task by overworked checkout staff to return stock to its correct place. Half eaten food also bothered me. I am now retired but still grind my teeth when doing my shopping and see this behaviour everywhere.
Retail workers share some of the MOST “DISGUSTING” acts that shoppers do in store while shopping — “Please stop doing this”

It can't be denied that one of the most misinterpreted phrases of all time is the popular customer service saying "the customer is always right".

While the phrase is often used to encourage customer service workers to provide customers with the best service possible and give them what they want, this is not always the best course of action, especially when there are customers who are impossible to please.

In this case, it is necessary to stand up to a customer in order to protect the company's interests.

Keeping that in mind, a Woolworths staff member has taken to social media to call on shoppers to avoid placing unwanted random items on the wrong shelves in the supermarket store.

Taking the plea on Reddit, the employee — who claimed to be working as replenishment personnel — shared a “disgusting” act that one shopper did in store, emphasising that the deed has made the staff member's job more difficult.

“Please stop doing this,” the worker wrote.

“I work in replenishment at Woolies, it is disgusting.”

So, what exactly did the shopper do that infuriated the supermarket employee?


A customer left a 2L bottle of orange juice on a shelf in the baby supplies aisle. Credit: Reddit.

As it turned out, one customer left a 2L bottle of orange juice amongst a pile of baby wipes on one of the shelves in the baby supplies aisle.

The Reddit user said that customers should do the right thing and place the item back to its original shelf or at least in the aisle where it belongs.

The post has prompted a number of frustrated retail workers to share their own experiences with a similar encounter.

One user recalled: “I worked at a supermarket and one time there was this foul smell in the snacks aisle.”

“Took me 10 minutes of searching, but eventually I found a wrapped fish from the deli shoved on top of the chips.

“Some d***head obviously couldn’t be bothered walking back to the deli and saying they didn’t want it anymore and left it to rot instead. Love that.”

Another shared: “Worked at Coles while I was at uni. Found both a used nappy and a used pregnancy test on shelves. Both big nopes on a supermarket wage.”

A third wrote: “Worst find I had working nights was a mostly eaten whole roast chicken."

“Imagine walking around a supermarket eating a whole god damn chicken and then stuffing its carcass into a shelf of instant noodles. Class.”

Another added: “I did replenish for several years at Bunnings. I have faced up my fair share of half-eaten snags dumped on shelves.”


Woolworths encouraged shoppers to be respectful while shopping. Credit: AAP.

Elsewhere in the thread, other shoppers said that they witnessed these "disgraceful" acts in their local stores themselves.

One comment read: “I saw this the other day in ALDI, some s***stain left a whole tray of prawns in with the random weekly special items. F***ing PRAWNS.”

“I saw a litre of milk sitting on the shelf in my local Woolies, in the chip aisle or somewhere,” one person quipped.

“Went to grab it to put it back - it was room temperature ... I feel for you.”

A Woolworths spokesperson has reached out to comment on the issue, expressing their encouragement to the customers to be respectful while shopping.

The spokesperson said: “As a fresh food retailer, we have high standards for cleanliness and hygiene across our stores and are disappointed by all reports of littering.”

“Our stores are cleaned by professional cleaners daily and our team members conduct spot checks across the store several times a day."

“The vast majority of customers do the right thing and are respectful of our stores."

“As our team members work hard to serve our customers and replenish stock, we ask that customers be mindful of their impact and take any rubbish with them.”

It is understood that Woolworths employees are equipped with cleaning kits for spot cleaning in any case that it is necessary.

What are your thoughts on this? Share them with us in the comments below!
Hate to think what their houses are like.
I've found deli food item, pre packed meat, cheese, milk, cream left on general shelves, at room temperature. These are food to be stored at cold temperature.
People are so,so lazy, selfish, uncaring, no civic conscience. Shame on them.
Frustration to staff, disrespectful to stocking staff whose work is hard enough as it is, and cost to consumers when the losses are factored in by the supermarkets
Grown ups be good example to children, teach our young ones to be good responsible citizens.
Duty and responsibility are not old fashion lessons to be passed on!
I've found deli food item, pre packed meat, cheese, milk, cream left on general shelves, at room temperature. These are food to be stored at cold temperature.
People are so,so lazy, selfish, uncaring, no civic conscience. Shame on them.
Frustration to staff, disrespectful to stocking staff whose work is hard enough as it is, and cost to consumers when the losses are factored in by the supermarkets
Grown ups be good example to children, teach our young ones to be good responsible citizens.
Duty and responsibility are not old fashion lessons to be passed on!
Some parents give their children food to keep them quiet while shopping, such as those tube yoghurts, and throw the packets away before checkout. I have seen children take lollies and eat without a word from their parent. This behaviour is not going away any time soon.
I have also seen a very small number of parents make their child say sorry for behaving like this. There may be a little bit of hope in a small few.
Do people not realise when a chilled item is found out of place that it has to be destroyed. l Have found disposable nappies, used tissues and empty food packets during my years working in supermarkets.
I was in my regular Woolies store.I picked up some small goods at the deli & notices a woman get a chicken off the'. hot stand'.Being an oldie I take my time.When I got down to the freezer &laundry sections.The carcass bones were being shoved in behind toilet rolls.I did report it & got a set of shrugged shoulders,'What can we do ,was told,nothing".But on the same token a few checkouts operating & not standing about talking about the good weekend ,may give customers more incentive to lift their game.Some though you never will.
How could anyone lower themselves to be so thoughtless and in some cases downright filthy. Do they not realise they are paying for this as staff need to to spent extra time clearing and cleaning up. Who do they think pays for this?? definitely not the supermarkets, these costs go to YOU. It seems that some of us do not care for our fellowman, its all about me.
I also notice products just dumped on the wrong shelves. Recently, in Coles, I found a Pizza dumped with the Paper Towels. It had reached room temperature. I told a Coles employee about it.
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I also notice products just dumped on the wrong shelves. Recently, in Coles, I found a Pizza dumped with the Paper Towels. It had reached room temperature. I told a Coles employee about it.
My husband reported some meat being left on one of the shelves, the young lady he spoke to told him to find someone from the meat department. Naturally we thought, if she doesn’t care why should we.
Retail workers share some of the MOST “DISGUSTING” acts that shoppers do in store while shopping — “Please stop doing this”

It can't be denied that one of the most misinterpreted phrases of all time is the popular customer service saying "the customer is always right".

While the phrase is often used to encourage customer service workers to provide customers with the best service possible and give them what they want, this is not always the best course of action, especially when there are customers who are impossible to please.

In this case, it is necessary to stand up to a customer in order to protect the company's interests.

Keeping that in mind, a Woolworths staff member has taken to social media to call on shoppers to avoid placing unwanted random items on the wrong shelves in the supermarket store.

Taking the plea on Reddit, the employee — who claimed to be working as replenishment personnel — shared a “disgusting” act that one shopper did in store, emphasising that the deed has made the staff member's job more difficult.

“Please stop doing this,” the worker wrote.

“I work in replenishment at Woolies, it is disgusting.”

So, what exactly did the shopper do that infuriated the supermarket employee?


A customer left a 2L bottle of orange juice on a shelf in the baby supplies aisle. Credit: Reddit.

As it turned out, one customer left a 2L bottle of orange juice amongst a pile of baby wipes on one of the shelves in the baby supplies aisle.

The Reddit user said that customers should do the right thing and place the item back to its original shelf or at least in the aisle where it belongs.

The post has prompted a number of frustrated retail workers to share their own experiences with a similar encounter.

One user recalled: “I worked at a supermarket and one time there was this foul smell in the snacks aisle.”

“Took me 10 minutes of searching, but eventually I found a wrapped fish from the deli shoved on top of the chips.

“Some d***head obviously couldn’t be bothered walking back to the deli and saying they didn’t want it anymore and left it to rot instead. Love that.”

Another shared: “Worked at Coles while I was at uni. Found both a used nappy and a used pregnancy test on shelves. Both big nopes on a supermarket wage.”

A third wrote: “Worst find I had working nights was a mostly eaten whole roast chicken."

“Imagine walking around a supermarket eating a whole god damn chicken and then stuffing its carcass into a shelf of instant noodles. Class.”

Another added: “I did replenish for several years at Bunnings. I have faced up my fair share of half-eaten snags dumped on shelves.”


Woolworths encouraged shoppers to be respectful while shopping. Credit: AAP.

Elsewhere in the thread, other shoppers said that they witnessed these "disgraceful" acts in their local stores themselves.

One comment read: “I saw this the other day in ALDI, some s***stain left a whole tray of prawns in with the random weekly special items. F***ing PRAWNS.”

“I saw a litre of milk sitting on the shelf in my local Woolies, in the chip aisle or somewhere,” one person quipped.

“Went to grab it to put it back - it was room temperature ... I feel for you.”

A Woolworths spokesperson has reached out to comment on the issue, expressing their encouragement to the customers to be respectful while shopping.

The spokesperson said: “As a fresh food retailer, we have high standards for cleanliness and hygiene across our stores and are disappointed by all reports of littering.”

“Our stores are cleaned by professional cleaners daily and our team members conduct spot checks across the store several times a day."

“The vast majority of customers do the right thing and are respectful of our stores."

“As our team members work hard to serve our customers and replenish stock, we ask that customers be mindful of their impact and take any rubbish with them.”

It is understood that Woolworths employees are equipped with cleaning kits for spot cleaning in any case that it is necessary.

What are your thoughts on this? Share them with us in the comments below!
Several years ago, my husband and I had a ready meal for an easy Friday night tea. He had a beef meal and I had chicken. About 10pm, I started feeling really sick and the next 12 hours were horrible with diarrhoea and vomiting. I was in my late sixties and it took a week for me to get back to normal.

A friend said that she’s heard of this before, especially with chicken meals and she suggested that it was a meal that had been taken out of a trolley and just left on a shelf somewhere. A well meaning customer or a staff member has picked it up and put it back in the freezer. I recovered, but someone in poor health might not be so lucky.
I'm not sure if it's because people are thoughtless, lazy, rushed, stressed or just non caring but I often see goods left in the wrong places. If it's something that belongs close to something I'm going to buy I'll take it with me and put it back in the right place. I do this as having worked in retail I understand the frustration of employees in finding half their stock littered liberally throughout
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Retail workers share some of the MOST “DISGUSTING” acts that shoppers do in store while shopping — “Please stop doing this”

It can't be denied that one of the most misinterpreted phrases of all time is the popular customer service saying "the customer is always right".

While the phrase is often used to encourage customer service workers to provide customers with the best service possible and give them what they want, this is not always the best course of action, especially when there are customers who are impossible to please.

In this case, it is necessary to stand up to a customer in order to protect the company's interests.

Keeping that in mind, a Woolworths staff member has taken to social media to call on shoppers to avoid placing unwanted random items on the wrong shelves in the supermarket store.

Taking the plea on Reddit, the employee — who claimed to be working as replenishment personnel — shared a “disgusting” act that one shopper did in store, emphasising that the deed has made the staff member's job more difficult.

“Please stop doing this,” the worker wrote.

“I work in replenishment at Woolies, it is disgusting.”

So, what exactly did the shopper do that infuriated the supermarket employee?


A customer left a 2L bottle of orange juice on a shelf in the baby supplies aisle. Credit: Reddit.

As it turned out, one customer left a 2L bottle of orange juice amongst a pile of baby wipes on one of the shelves in the baby supplies aisle.

The Reddit user said that customers should do the right thing and place the item back to its original shelf or at least in the aisle where it belongs.

The post has prompted a number of frustrated retail workers to share their own experiences with a similar encounter.

One user recalled: “I worked at a supermarket and one time there was this foul smell in the snacks aisle.”

“Took me 10 minutes of searching, but eventually I found a wrapped fish from the deli shoved on top of the chips.

“Some d***head obviously couldn’t be bothered walking back to the deli and saying they didn’t want it anymore and left it to rot instead. Love that.”

Another shared: “Worked at Coles while I was at uni. Found both a used nappy and a used pregnancy test on shelves. Both big nopes on a supermarket wage.”

A third wrote: “Worst find I had working nights was a mostly eaten whole roast chicken."

“Imagine walking around a supermarket eating a whole god damn chicken and then stuffing its carcass into a shelf of instant noodles. Class.”

Another added: “I did replenish for several years at Bunnings. I have faced up my fair share of half-eaten snags dumped on shelves.”


Woolworths encouraged shoppers to be respectful while shopping. Credit: AAP.

Elsewhere in the thread, other shoppers said that they witnessed these "disgraceful" acts in their local stores themselves.

One comment read: “I saw this the other day in ALDI, some s***stain left a whole tray of prawns in with the random weekly special items. F***ing PRAWNS.”

“I saw a litre of milk sitting on the shelf in my local Woolies, in the chip aisle or somewhere,” one person quipped.

“Went to grab it to put it back - it was room temperature ... I feel for you.”

A Woolworths spokesperson has reached out to comment on the issue, expressing their encouragement to the customers to be respectful while shopping.

The spokesperson said: “As a fresh food retailer, we have high standards for cleanliness and hygiene across our stores and are disappointed by all reports of littering.”

“Our stores are cleaned by professional cleaners daily and our team members conduct spot checks across the store several times a day."

“The vast majority of customers do the right thing and are respectful of our stores."

“As our team members work hard to serve our customers and replenish stock, we ask that customers be mindful of their impact and take any rubbish with them.”

It is understood that Woolworths employees are equipped with cleaning kits for spot cleaning in any case that it is necessary.

What are your thoughts on this? Share them with us in the comments below!
People disgust me I’m embarrasses to be human sometimes
Yesterday at Costco I found a cooked chicken left on a pallet of chips.I reported it to a staff member and as it was still hot he took it back where it belonged
  • Wow
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I have often found completely unrelated items on shelves but the worst behaviour I've seen was in Coles recently. A young woman with four young children were walking through Coles ALL eating. As I watched her they worked their way through bottles of flavoured milk with cakes from the bakery. Chips and cans of soft drink. Then the woman went to the deli and asked for a large quantity of ham which was weighed, wrapped and handed to her. She proceeded to put the slices of ham onto bread rolls and hand to each of the children washed down with bottles of juice. All the empty wrappings were deposited on shelves all around the store. I was stunned at how much they had consumed. When I saw them head empty handed to an open aisle near a checkout I couldn't help myself and had to tell a nearby security officer. Fortunately I had it all on video on my phone because the young mother began by telling the security man she wasn't buying anything because she couldn't find the item she wanted. She was far from happy when I showed my video to the security officer. But fairs fair!
Retail workers share some of the MOST “DISGUSTING” acts that shoppers do in store while shopping — “Please stop doing this”

It can't be denied that one of the most misinterpreted phrases of all time is the popular customer service saying "the customer is always right".

While the phrase is often used to encourage customer service workers to provide customers with the best service possible and give them what they want, this is not always the best course of action, especially when there are customers who are impossible to please.

In this case, it is necessary to stand up to a customer in order to protect the company's interests.

Keeping that in mind, a Woolworths staff member has taken to social media to call on shoppers to avoid placing unwanted random items on the wrong shelves in the supermarket store.

Taking the plea on Reddit, the employee — who claimed to be working as replenishment personnel — shared a “disgusting” act that one shopper did in store, emphasising that the deed has made the staff member's job more difficult.

“Please stop doing this,” the worker wrote.

“I work in replenishment at Woolies, it is disgusting.”

So, what exactly did the shopper do that infuriated the supermarket employee?


A customer left a 2L bottle of orange juice on a shelf in the baby supplies aisle. Credit: Reddit.

As it turned out, one customer left a 2L bottle of orange juice amongst a pile of baby wipes on one of the shelves in the baby supplies aisle.

The Reddit user said that customers should do the right thing and place the item back to its original shelf or at least in the aisle where it belongs.

The post has prompted a number of frustrated retail workers to share their own experiences with a similar encounter.

One user recalled: “I worked at a supermarket and one time there was this foul smell in the snacks aisle.”

“Took me 10 minutes of searching, but eventually I found a wrapped fish from the deli shoved on top of the chips.

“Some d***head obviously couldn’t be bothered walking back to the deli and saying they didn’t want it anymore and left it to rot instead. Love that.”

Another shared: “Worked at Coles while I was at uni. Found both a used nappy and a used pregnancy test on shelves. Both big nopes on a supermarket wage.”

A third wrote: “Worst find I had working nights was a mostly eaten whole roast chicken."

“Imagine walking around a supermarket eating a whole god damn chicken and then stuffing its carcass into a shelf of instant noodles. Class.”

Another added: “I did replenish for several years at Bunnings. I have faced up my fair share of half-eaten snags dumped on shelves.”


Woolworths encouraged shoppers to be respectful while shopping. Credit: AAP.

Elsewhere in the thread, other shoppers said that they witnessed these "disgraceful" acts in their local stores themselves.

One comment read: “I saw this the other day in ALDI, some s***stain left a whole tray of prawns in with the random weekly special items. F***ing PRAWNS.”

“I saw a litre of milk sitting on the shelf in my local Woolies, in the chip aisle or somewhere,” one person quipped.

“Went to grab it to put it back - it was room temperature ... I feel for you.”

A Woolworths spokesperson has reached out to comment on the issue, expressing their encouragement to the customers to be respectful while shopping.

The spokesperson said: “As a fresh food retailer, we have high standards for cleanliness and hygiene across our stores and are disappointed by all reports of littering.”

“Our stores are cleaned by professional cleaners daily and our team members conduct spot checks across the store several times a day."

“The vast majority of customers do the right thing and are respectful of our stores."

“As our team members work hard to serve our customers and replenish stock, we ask that customers be mindful of their impact and take any rubbish with them.”

It is understood that Woolworths employees are equipped with cleaning kits for spot cleaning in any case that it is necessary.

What are your thoughts on this? Share them with us in the comments below!

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