Renaming obesity won’t fix weight stigma overnight. Here’s what we really need to do

The stigma that surrounds people living in larger bodies is pervasive and deeply affects the people it’s directed at. It’s been described as one of the last acceptable forms of discrimination.

Some researchers think the term “obesity” itself is part of the problem, and are calling for a name change to reduce stigma. They’re proposing “adipose-based chronic disease” instead.

We study the stigma that surrounds obesity – around the time of pregnancy, among health professionals and health students, and in public health more widely. Here’s what’s really needed to reduce weight stigma.

Weight stigma is common​

Up to 42% of adults living in larger bodies experience weight stigma. This is when others have negative beliefs, attitudes, assumptions and judgements towards them, unfairly viewing them as lazy, and lacking in willpower or self-discipline.

People in larger bodies experience discrimination in many areas, including in the workplace, intimate and family relationships, education, health care and the media.

Weight stigma is associated with harms including increased cortisol levels (the main stress hormone in the body), negative body image, increased weight gain, and poor mental health. It leads to decreased uptake of, and quality of, health care.

Weight stigma may even pose a greater threat to someone’s health than increasing body size.

Should we rename obesity?​

Calls to remove or rename health conditions or identifications to reduce stigma are not new. For example, in the 1950s homosexuality was classed as a “sociopathic personality disturbance”. Following many years of protests and activism, the term and condition were removed from the globally recognised classification of mental health disorders.

In recent weeks, European researchers have renamed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease “metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease”. This occurred after up to 66% of health-care professionals surveyed felt the terms “non-alcoholic” and “fatty” to be stigmatising.

Perhaps it is finally time to follow suit and rename obesity. But is “adiposity-based chronic disease” the answer?

A new name needs to go beyond BMI​

There are two common ways people view obesity.

First, most people use the term for people with a body-mass index (BMI) of 30kg/m² or above. Most, if not all, public health organisations also use BMI to categorise obesity and make assumptions about health.

However, BMI alone is not enough to accurately summarise someone’s health. It does not account for muscle mass and does not provide information about the distribution of body weight or adipose tissue (body fat). A high BMI can occur withoutbiological indicators of poor health.

Second, obesity is sometimes used to describe the condition of excess weight when mainly accompanied by metabolic abnormalities.

To simplify, this reflects how the body has adapted to the environment in a way that makes it more susceptible to health risks, with excess weight a by-product of this.

Renaming obesity “adiposity-based chronic disease” acknowledges the chronic metabolic dysfunction associated with what we currently term obesity. It also avoids labelling people purely on body size.

Is obesity a disease anyway?​

“Adiposity-based chronic disease” is an acknowledgement of a disease state. Yet there is still no universal consensus on whether obesity is a disease. Nor is there clear agreement on the definition of “disease”.

People who take a biological-dysfunction approach to disease argue dysfunction occurs when physiological or psychological systems don’t do what they’re supposed to.

By this definition, obesity may not be classified as a disease until after harm from the additional weight occurs. That’s because the excess weight itself may not initially be harmful.

Even if we do categorise obesity as a disease, there may still be value in renaming it.

Renaming obesity may improve public understanding that while obesity is often associated with an increase in BMI, the increased BMI itself is not the disease. This change could move the focus from obesity and body size, to a more nuanced understanding and discussion of the biological, environmental, and lifestyle factors associated with it.

Workshopping alternatives​

Before deciding to rename obesity, we need discussions between obesity and stigma experts, health-care professionals, members of the public, and crucially, people living with obesity.

Such discussions can ensure robust evidence informs any future decisions, and proposed new terms are not also stigmatising.


People living with obesity need to have a say in any future terms for it. AllGo - An App For Plus Size People/Unsplash

What else can we do?​

Even then, renaming obesity may not be enough to reduce the stigma.

Our constant exposure to the socially-defined and acceptable idealisation of smaller bodies (the “thin ideal”) and the pervasiveness of weight stigma means this stigma is deeply ingrained at a societal level.

Perhaps true reductions in obesity stigma may only come from a societal shift – away from the focus of the “thin ideal” to one that acknowledges health and wellbeing can occur at a range of body sizes.

This article was first published on The Conversation, and was written by Ravisha Jayawickrama, PhD candidate, School of Population Health, Curtin University, Blake Lawrence, Lecturer, Curtin School of Population Health, Curtin University, Briony Hill, Deputy Head, Health and Social Care Unit and Senior Research Fellow, Monash University

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The stigma that surrounds people living in larger bodies is pervasive and deeply affects the people it’s directed at. It’s been described as one of the last acceptable forms of discrimination.

Some researchers think the term “obesity” itself is part of the problem, and are calling for a name change to reduce stigma. They’re proposing “adipose-based chronic disease” instead.

We study the stigma that surrounds obesity – around the time of pregnancy, among health professionals and health students, and in public health more widely. Here’s what’s really needed to reduce weight stigma.

Weight stigma is common​

Up to 42% of adults living in larger bodies experience weight stigma. This is when others have negative beliefs, attitudes, assumptions and judgements towards them, unfairly viewing them as lazy, and lacking in willpower or self-discipline.

People in larger bodies experience discrimination in many areas, including in the workplace, intimate and family relationships, education, health care and the media.

Weight stigma is associated with harms including increased cortisol levels (the main stress hormone in the body), negative body image, increased weight gain, and poor mental health. It leads to decreased uptake of, and quality of, health care.

Weight stigma may even pose a greater threat to someone’s health than increasing body size.

Should we rename obesity?​

Calls to remove or rename health conditions or identifications to reduce stigma are not new. For example, in the 1950s homosexuality was classed as a “sociopathic personality disturbance”. Following many years of protests and activism, the term and condition were removed from the globally recognised classification of mental health disorders.

In recent weeks, European researchers have renamed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease “metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease”. This occurred after up to 66% of health-care professionals surveyed felt the terms “non-alcoholic” and “fatty” to be stigmatising.

Perhaps it is finally time to follow suit and rename obesity. But is “adiposity-based chronic disease” the answer?

A new name needs to go beyond BMI​

There are two common ways people view obesity.

First, most people use the term for people with a body-mass index (BMI) of 30kg/m² or above. Most, if not all, public health organisations also use BMI to categorise obesity and make assumptions about health.

However, BMI alone is not enough to accurately summarise someone’s health. It does not account for muscle mass and does not provide information about the distribution of body weight or adipose tissue (body fat). A high BMI can occur withoutbiological indicators of poor health.

Second, obesity is sometimes used to describe the condition of excess weight when mainly accompanied by metabolic abnormalities.

To simplify, this reflects how the body has adapted to the environment in a way that makes it more susceptible to health risks, with excess weight a by-product of this.

Renaming obesity “adiposity-based chronic disease” acknowledges the chronic metabolic dysfunction associated with what we currently term obesity. It also avoids labelling people purely on body size.

Is obesity a disease anyway?​

“Adiposity-based chronic disease” is an acknowledgement of a disease state. Yet there is still no universal consensus on whether obesity is a disease. Nor is there clear agreement on the definition of “disease”.

People who take a biological-dysfunction approach to disease argue dysfunction occurs when physiological or psychological systems don’t do what they’re supposed to.

By this definition, obesity may not be classified as a disease until after harm from the additional weight occurs. That’s because the excess weight itself may not initially be harmful.

Even if we do categorise obesity as a disease, there may still be value in renaming it.

Renaming obesity may improve public understanding that while obesity is often associated with an increase in BMI, the increased BMI itself is not the disease. This change could move the focus from obesity and body size, to a more nuanced understanding and discussion of the biological, environmental, and lifestyle factors associated with it.

Workshopping alternatives​

Before deciding to rename obesity, we need discussions between obesity and stigma experts, health-care professionals, members of the public, and crucially, people living with obesity.

Such discussions can ensure robust evidence informs any future decisions, and proposed new terms are not also stigmatising.


People living with obesity need to have a say in any future terms for it. AllGo - An App For Plus Size People/Unsplash

What else can we do?​

Even then, renaming obesity may not be enough to reduce the stigma.

Our constant exposure to the socially-defined and acceptable idealisation of smaller bodies (the “thin ideal”) and the pervasiveness of weight stigma means this stigma is deeply ingrained at a societal level.

Perhaps true reductions in obesity stigma may only come from a societal shift – away from the focus of the “thin ideal” to one that acknowledges health and wellbeing can occur at a range of body sizes.

This article was first published on The Conversation, and was written by Ravisha Jayawickrama, PhD candidate, School of Population Health, Curtin University, Blake Lawrence, Lecturer, Curtin School of Population Health, Curtin University, Briony Hill, Deputy Head, Health and Social Care Unit and Senior Research Fellow, Monash University

But of course, a great explanation, and surely some terminology is offensive or upsetting, BUT at the end of the day, fat is fat ... is fat ... is fat, no matter, what you think, or what terminology you prefer - it's really time to grow up and accept that whatever we are, is whatever we are, and if that's unacceptable then stop all the negative whingeing and do something positive about it.
The stigma that surrounds people living in larger bodies is pervasive and deeply affects the people it’s directed at. It’s been described as one of the last acceptable forms of discrimination.

Some researchers think the term “obesity” itself is part of the problem, and are calling for a name change to reduce stigma. They’re proposing “adipose-based chronic disease” instead.

We study the stigma that surrounds obesity – around the time of pregnancy, among health professionals and health students, and in public health more widely. Here’s what’s really needed to reduce weight stigma.

Weight stigma is common​

Up to 42% of adults living in larger bodies experience weight stigma. This is when others have negative beliefs, attitudes, assumptions and judgements towards them, unfairly viewing them as lazy, and lacking in willpower or self-discipline.

People in larger bodies experience discrimination in many areas, including in the workplace, intimate and family relationships, education, health care and the media.

Weight stigma is associated with harms including increased cortisol levels (the main stress hormone in the body), negative body image, increased weight gain, and poor mental health. It leads to decreased uptake of, and quality of, health care.

Weight stigma may even pose a greater threat to someone’s health than increasing body size.

Should we rename obesity?​

Calls to remove or rename health conditions or identifications to reduce stigma are not new. For example, in the 1950s homosexuality was classed as a “sociopathic personality disturbance”. Following many years of protests and activism, the term and condition were removed from the globally recognised classification of mental health disorders.

In recent weeks, European researchers have renamed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease “metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease”. This occurred after up to 66% of health-care professionals surveyed felt the terms “non-alcoholic” and “fatty” to be stigmatising.

Perhaps it is finally time to follow suit and rename obesity. But is “adiposity-based chronic disease” the answer?

A new name needs to go beyond BMI​

There are two common ways people view obesity.

First, most people use the term for people with a body-mass index (BMI) of 30kg/m² or above. Most, if not all, public health organisations also use BMI to categorise obesity and make assumptions about health.

However, BMI alone is not enough to accurately summarise someone’s health. It does not account for muscle mass and does not provide information about the distribution of body weight or adipose tissue (body fat). A high BMI can occur withoutbiological indicators of poor health.

Second, obesity is sometimes used to describe the condition of excess weight when mainly accompanied by metabolic abnormalities.

To simplify, this reflects how the body has adapted to the environment in a way that makes it more susceptible to health risks, with excess weight a by-product of this.

Renaming obesity “adiposity-based chronic disease” acknowledges the chronic metabolic dysfunction associated with what we currently term obesity. It also avoids labelling people purely on body size.

Is obesity a disease anyway?​

“Adiposity-based chronic disease” is an acknowledgement of a disease state. Yet there is still no universal consensus on whether obesity is a disease. Nor is there clear agreement on the definition of “disease”.

People who take a biological-dysfunction approach to disease argue dysfunction occurs when physiological or psychological systems don’t do what they’re supposed to.

By this definition, obesity may not be classified as a disease until after harm from the additional weight occurs. That’s because the excess weight itself may not initially be harmful.

Even if we do categorise obesity as a disease, there may still be value in renaming it.

Renaming obesity may improve public understanding that while obesity is often associated with an increase in BMI, the increased BMI itself is not the disease. This change could move the focus from obesity and body size, to a more nuanced understanding and discussion of the biological, environmental, and lifestyle factors associated with it.

Workshopping alternatives​

Before deciding to rename obesity, we need discussions between obesity and stigma experts, health-care professionals, members of the public, and crucially, people living with obesity.

Such discussions can ensure robust evidence informs any future decisions, and proposed new terms are not also stigmatising.


People living with obesity need to have a say in any future terms for it. AllGo - An App For Plus Size People/Unsplash

What else can we do?​

Even then, renaming obesity may not be enough to reduce the stigma.

Our constant exposure to the socially-defined and acceptable idealisation of smaller bodies (the “thin ideal”) and the pervasiveness of weight stigma means this stigma is deeply ingrained at a societal level.

Perhaps true reductions in obesity stigma may only come from a societal shift – away from the focus of the “thin ideal” to one that acknowledges health and wellbeing can occur at a range of body sizes.

This article was first published on The Conversation, and was written by Ravisha Jayawickrama, PhD candidate, School of Population Health, Curtin University, Blake Lawrence, Lecturer, Curtin School of Population Health, Curtin University, Briony Hill, Deputy Head, Health and Social Care Unit and Senior Research Fellow, Monash University

Sorry obesity isn't a disease it is a result of disease. The only type of obesity that can't be really well treated by changing your diet is Lipoedema. This is a slightly different type of fat, mostly affects women and if not controlled can lead to cancer. All other body fat is due to what we put in our mouth. Too much sugar and starch and junk, highly processed foods. People have. been conditioned to eat all day every day and ignore what they eat and so they end up obese. BMI is rubbish a friend of ours nearly died due to being put on an exercise program that supposedly suited his BMI. If you really want to know how fat/obese you are (even if you are skinny on the outside you can be fat on the inside) is to get a DEXA scan. And a CAC scan to see how sick your heart is
First 2 comments prove the biased stigma.
Simplistic in belief.
There are many factors that come into play for people who are larger than society dictates. Stick insects are not a norm either.
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First 2 comments prove the biased stigma.
Simplistic in belief.
There are many factors that come into play for people who are larger than society dictates. Stick insects are not a norm either.
I am not slim. When i was a teen, i found the only way I could achieve what was supposed to be my ideal BMI was to eat only 1 meal a day. It nearly ended in disaster, both physically and mentally. I now have a doctor who takes in the whole picture and is satisfied that I am in good health and coping emotionally.
On the other side of the coin, I have a close acquaintance who has damaged her body beyond repair because of her obsession with maintaining greyhound weight. She became a gym junkie and lived on the barest of nutrition for many years. Suddenly her feet gave way and she cannot walk without special shoes. Turned out the lack of any fat in the body, along with harsh exercise routines resulted in a breakdown of weight supporting tissue and muscles in the body. Her feet stopped supporting her. It is beyond repair. No more 4am gym visits.
What is the ideal? There is none. We are all different.
The word obesity is usually frowned upon by many. Also, the word anorexic is tut tut, poor thing. They are both words that bring stigmas upon people who are dealing with stuff many people will not understand.
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But of course, a great explanation, and surely some terminology is offensive or upsetting, BUT at the end of the day, fat is fat ... is fat ... is fat, no matter, what you think, or what terminology you prefer - it's really time to grow up and accept that whatever we are, is whatever we are, and if that's unacceptable then stop all the negative whingeing and do something positive about it.

I could not have said it better if I tried…absolutely agree!! This is my opinion, an I am allowed to have one….
  • Like
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I am not slim. When i was a teen, i found the only way I could achieve what was supposed to be my ideal BMI was to eat only 1 meal a day. It nearly ended in disaster, both physically and mentally. I now have a doctor who takes in the whole picture and is satisfied that I am in good health and coping emotionally.
On the other side of the coin, I have a close acquaintance who has damaged her body beyond repair because of her obsession with maintaining greyhound weight. She became a gym junkie and lived on the barest of nutrition for many years. Suddenly her feet gave way and she cannot walk without special shoes. Turned out the lack of any fat in the body, along with harsh exercise routines resulted in a breakdown of weight supporting tissue and muscles in the body. Her feet stopped supporting her. It is beyond repair. No more 4am gym visits.
What is the ideal? There is none. We are all different.
The word obesity is usually frowned upon by many. Also, the word anorexic is tut tut, poor thing. They are both words that bring stigmas upon people who are dealing with stuff many people will not understand.
Well said. Thankyou!
The stigma that surrounds people living in larger bodies is pervasive and deeply affects the people it’s directed at. It’s been described as one of the last acceptable forms of discrimination.

Some researchers think the term “obesity” itself is part of the problem, and are calling for a name change to reduce stigma. They’re proposing “adipose-based chronic disease” instead.

We study the stigma that surrounds obesity – around the time of pregnancy, among health professionals and health students, and in public health more widely. Here’s what’s really needed to reduce weight stigma.

Weight stigma is common​

Up to 42% of adults living in larger bodies experience weight stigma. This is when others have negative beliefs, attitudes, assumptions and judgements towards them, unfairly viewing them as lazy, and lacking in willpower or self-discipline.

People in larger bodies experience discrimination in many areas, including in the workplace, intimate and family relationships, education, health care and the media.

Weight stigma is associated with harms including increased cortisol levels (the main stress hormone in the body), negative body image, increased weight gain, and poor mental health. It leads to decreased uptake of, and quality of, health care.

Weight stigma may even pose a greater threat to someone’s health than increasing body size.

Should we rename obesity?​

Calls to remove or rename health conditions or identifications to reduce stigma are not new. For example, in the 1950s homosexuality was classed as a “sociopathic personality disturbance”. Following many years of protests and activism, the term and condition were removed from the globally recognised classification of mental health disorders.

In recent weeks, European researchers have renamed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease “metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease”. This occurred after up to 66% of health-care professionals surveyed felt the terms “non-alcoholic” and “fatty” to be stigmatising.

Perhaps it is finally time to follow suit and rename obesity. But is “adiposity-based chronic disease” the answer?

A new name needs to go beyond BMI​

There are two common ways people view obesity.

First, most people use the term for people with a body-mass index (BMI) of 30kg/m² or above. Most, if not all, public health organisations also use BMI to categorise obesity and make assumptions about health.

However, BMI alone is not enough to accurately summarise someone’s health. It does not account for muscle mass and does not provide information about the distribution of body weight or adipose tissue (body fat). A high BMI can occur withoutbiological indicators of poor health.

Second, obesity is sometimes used to describe the condition of excess weight when mainly accompanied by metabolic abnormalities.

To simplify, this reflects how the body has adapted to the environment in a way that makes it more susceptible to health risks, with excess weight a by-product of this.

Renaming obesity “adiposity-based chronic disease” acknowledges the chronic metabolic dysfunction associated with what we currently term obesity. It also avoids labelling people purely on body size.

Is obesity a disease anyway?​

“Adiposity-based chronic disease” is an acknowledgement of a disease state. Yet there is still no universal consensus on whether obesity is a disease. Nor is there clear agreement on the definition of “disease”.

People who take a biological-dysfunction approach to disease argue dysfunction occurs when physiological or psychological systems don’t do what they’re supposed to.

By this definition, obesity may not be classified as a disease until after harm from the additional weight occurs. That’s because the excess weight itself may not initially be harmful.

Even if we do categorise obesity as a disease, there may still be value in renaming it.

Renaming obesity may improve public understanding that while obesity is often associated with an increase in BMI, the increased BMI itself is not the disease. This change could move the focus from obesity and body size, to a more nuanced understanding and discussion of the biological, environmental, and lifestyle factors associated with it.

Workshopping alternatives​

Before deciding to rename obesity, we need discussions between obesity and stigma experts, health-care professionals, members of the public, and crucially, people living with obesity.

Such discussions can ensure robust evidence informs any future decisions, and proposed new terms are not also stigmatising.


People living with obesity need to have a say in any future terms for it. AllGo - An App For Plus Size People/Unsplash

What else can we do?​

Even then, renaming obesity may not be enough to reduce the stigma.

Our constant exposure to the socially-defined and acceptable idealisation of smaller bodies (the “thin ideal”) and the pervasiveness of weight stigma means this stigma is deeply ingrained at a societal level.

Perhaps true reductions in obesity stigma may only come from a societal shift – away from the focus of the “thin ideal” to one that acknowledges health and wellbeing can occur at a range of body sizes.

This article was first published on The Conversation, and was written by Ravisha Jayawickrama, PhD candidate, School of Population Health, Curtin University, Blake Lawrence, Lecturer, Curtin School of Population Health, Curtin University, Briony Hill, Deputy Head, Health and Social Care Unit and Senior Research Fellow, Monash University

Here we go again obesity can be from a disease, genetics,not always to do with food totally this generation don't get off their devices, couch,bed,etc and the food we consume has sugar, preservatives and all these numbers in it not like year's ago and laziness take away was a treat and not often consumed now all these fast foods available I'm carrying a bit extra weight that's me and my choice not a bullshit dietitian come know everything so get off your high horse 😉
The stigma that surrounds people living in larger bodies is pervasive and deeply affects the people it’s directed at. It’s been described as one of the last acceptable forms of discrimination.

Some researchers think the term “obesity” itself is part of the problem, and are calling for a name change to reduce stigma. They’re proposing “adipose-based chronic disease” instead.

We study the stigma that surrounds obesity – around the time of pregnancy, among health professionals and health students, and in public health more widely. Here’s what’s really needed to reduce weight stigma.

Weight stigma is common​

Up to 42% of adults living in larger bodies experience weight stigma. This is when others have negative beliefs, attitudes, assumptions and judgements towards them, unfairly viewing them as lazy, and lacking in willpower or self-discipline.

People in larger bodies experience discrimination in many areas, including in the workplace, intimate and family relationships, education, health care and the media.

Weight stigma is associated with harms including increased cortisol levels (the main stress hormone in the body), negative body image, increased weight gain, and poor mental health. It leads to decreased uptake of, and quality of, health care.

Weight stigma may even pose a greater threat to someone’s health than increasing body size.

Should we rename obesity?​

Calls to remove or rename health conditions or identifications to reduce stigma are not new. For example, in the 1950s homosexuality was classed as a “sociopathic personality disturbance”. Following many years of protests and activism, the term and condition were removed from the globally recognised classification of mental health disorders.

In recent weeks, European researchers have renamed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease “metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease”. This occurred after up to 66% of health-care professionals surveyed felt the terms “non-alcoholic” and “fatty” to be stigmatising.

Perhaps it is finally time to follow suit and rename obesity. But is “adiposity-based chronic disease” the answer?

A new name needs to go beyond BMI​

There are two common ways people view obesity.

First, most people use the term for people with a body-mass index (BMI) of 30kg/m² or above. Most, if not all, public health organisations also use BMI to categorise obesity and make assumptions about health.

However, BMI alone is not enough to accurately summarise someone’s health. It does not account for muscle mass and does not provide information about the distribution of body weight or adipose tissue (body fat). A high BMI can occur withoutbiological indicators of poor health.

Second, obesity is sometimes used to describe the condition of excess weight when mainly accompanied by metabolic abnormalities.

To simplify, this reflects how the body has adapted to the environment in a way that makes it more susceptible to health risks, with excess weight a by-product of this.

Renaming obesity “adiposity-based chronic disease” acknowledges the chronic metabolic dysfunction associated with what we currently term obesity. It also avoids labelling people purely on body size.

Is obesity a disease anyway?​

“Adiposity-based chronic disease” is an acknowledgement of a disease state. Yet there is still no universal consensus on whether obesity is a disease. Nor is there clear agreement on the definition of “disease”.

People who take a biological-dysfunction approach to disease argue dysfunction occurs when physiological or psychological systems don’t do what they’re supposed to.

By this definition, obesity may not be classified as a disease until after harm from the additional weight occurs. That’s because the excess weight itself may not initially be harmful.

Even if we do categorise obesity as a disease, there may still be value in renaming it.

Renaming obesity may improve public understanding that while obesity is often associated with an increase in BMI, the increased BMI itself is not the disease. This change could move the focus from obesity and body size, to a more nuanced understanding and discussion of the biological, environmental, and lifestyle factors associated with it.

Workshopping alternatives​

Before deciding to rename obesity, we need discussions between obesity and stigma experts, health-care professionals, members of the public, and crucially, people living with obesity.

Such discussions can ensure robust evidence informs any future decisions, and proposed new terms are not also stigmatising.


People living with obesity need to have a say in any future terms for it. AllGo - An App For Plus Size People/Unsplash

What else can we do?​

Even then, renaming obesity may not be enough to reduce the stigma.

Our constant exposure to the socially-defined and acceptable idealisation of smaller bodies (the “thin ideal”) and the pervasiveness of weight stigma means this stigma is deeply ingrained at a societal level.

Perhaps true reductions in obesity stigma may only come from a societal shift – away from the focus of the “thin ideal” to one that acknowledges health and wellbeing can occur at a range of body sizes.

This article was first published on The Conversation, and was written by Ravisha Jayawickrama, PhD candidate, School of Population Health, Curtin University, Blake Lawrence, Lecturer, Curtin School of Population Health, Curtin University, Briony Hill, Deputy Head, Health and Social Care Unit and Senior Research Fellow, Monash University

“Adipose-based chronic disease” ( So Fat Bastard is out then )
Why change the name -Obese- or worse Morbid Obese is used world wide , why would the name be changed or even Fat , every one understand what it means and you don’t get slimmer by renaming the situation.
The stigma that surrounds people living in larger bodies is pervasive and deeply affects the people it’s directed at. It’s been described as one of the last acceptable forms of discrimination.

Some researchers think the term “obesity” itself is part of the problem, and are calling for a name change to reduce stigma. They’re proposing “adipose-based chronic disease” instead.

We study the stigma that surrounds obesity – around the time of pregnancy, among health professionals and health students, and in public health more widely. Here’s what’s really needed to reduce weight stigma.

Weight stigma is common​

Up to 42% of adults living in larger bodies experience weight stigma. This is when others have negative beliefs, attitudes, assumptions and judgements towards them, unfairly viewing them as lazy, and lacking in willpower or self-discipline.

People in larger bodies experience discrimination in many areas, including in the workplace, intimate and family relationships, education, health care and the media.

Weight stigma is associated with harms including increased cortisol levels (the main stress hormone in the body), negative body image, increased weight gain, and poor mental health. It leads to decreased uptake of, and quality of, health care.

Weight stigma may even pose a greater threat to someone’s health than increasing body size.

Should we rename obesity?​

Calls to remove or rename health conditions or identifications to reduce stigma are not new. For example, in the 1950s homosexuality was classed as a “sociopathic personality disturbance”. Following many years of protests and activism, the term and condition were removed from the globally recognised classification of mental health disorders.

In recent weeks, European researchers have renamed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease “metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease”. This occurred after up to 66% of health-care professionals surveyed felt the terms “non-alcoholic” and “fatty” to be stigmatising.

Perhaps it is finally time to follow suit and rename obesity. But is “adiposity-based chronic disease” the answer?

A new name needs to go beyond BMI​

There are two common ways people view obesity.

First, most people use the term for people with a body-mass index (BMI) of 30kg/m² or above. Most, if not all, public health organisations also use BMI to categorise obesity and make assumptions about health.

However, BMI alone is not enough to accurately summarise someone’s health. It does not account for muscle mass and does not provide information about the distribution of body weight or adipose tissue (body fat). A high BMI can occur withoutbiological indicators of poor health.

Second, obesity is sometimes used to describe the condition of excess weight when mainly accompanied by metabolic abnormalities.

To simplify, this reflects how the body has adapted to the environment in a way that makes it more susceptible to health risks, with excess weight a by-product of this.

Renaming obesity “adiposity-based chronic disease” acknowledges the chronic metabolic dysfunction associated with what we currently term obesity. It also avoids labelling people purely on body size.

Is obesity a disease anyway?​

“Adiposity-based chronic disease” is an acknowledgement of a disease state. Yet there is still no universal consensus on whether obesity is a disease. Nor is there clear agreement on the definition of “disease”.

People who take a biological-dysfunction approach to disease argue dysfunction occurs when physiological or psychological systems don’t do what they’re supposed to.

By this definition, obesity may not be classified as a disease until after harm from the additional weight occurs. That’s because the excess weight itself may not initially be harmful.

Even if we do categorise obesity as a disease, there may still be value in renaming it.

Renaming obesity may improve public understanding that while obesity is often associated with an increase in BMI, the increased BMI itself is not the disease. This change could move the focus from obesity and body size, to a more nuanced understanding and discussion of the biological, environmental, and lifestyle factors associated with it.

Workshopping alternatives​

Before deciding to rename obesity, we need discussions between obesity and stigma experts, health-care professionals, members of the public, and crucially, people living with obesity.

Such discussions can ensure robust evidence informs any future decisions, and proposed new terms are not also stigmatising.


People living with obesity need to have a say in any future terms for it. AllGo - An App For Plus Size People/Unsplash

What else can we do?​

Even then, renaming obesity may not be enough to reduce the stigma.

Our constant exposure to the socially-defined and acceptable idealisation of smaller bodies (the “thin ideal”) and the pervasiveness of weight stigma means this stigma is deeply ingrained at a societal level.

Perhaps true reductions in obesity stigma may only come from a societal shift – away from the focus of the “thin ideal” to one that acknowledges health and wellbeing can occur at a range of body sizes.

This article was first published on The Conversation, and was written by Ravisha Jayawickrama, PhD candidate, School of Population Health, Curtin University, Blake Lawrence, Lecturer, Curtin School of Population Health, Curtin University, Briony Hill, Deputy Head, Health and Social Care Unit and Senior Research Fellow, Monash University

Another attempt of changing the abnormal into normal by changing the language used.
And I suppose short people should now be labelled ' height challenged'. We know what these words mean and they are not meant to be insulting so changing the words doesnt change the condition.
Adi whatsi whosit?? Hey I'm obese - fat - whatever - OK? I can handle the normal labels but at least give me a label I can remember and pronounce!
So am I.

I was skinny for the first 40 something years and then I gradually got bigger.
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how about changing to FAT cause in 95% cases that is what it is....If you can come up with a nicer word for it then it may comfort those fatties to endure or even encourage them to get even fatter,...words won't change anything and will only make those fat folk more comfortable and lessen the urge to think about their weight...kinda make it easier to live with

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